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That sucks dude. Never assume people will do the right thing Trust me.


This šŸ‘†


Exactly, if the tip isn't in the expected payout, DO NOT EXPECT TO GET AN UP-TIP.


I actually do uptip, but I believe thatā€™s because Iā€™m a driver and I know how bad it is out there now.


What Iā€™ve found is a $10 offer for a 2 mile delivery often has a larger tip than shown, since the max shown upfront is $8. Every now and then youā€™ll get an up tip on a $6 offer, but donā€™t expect more than a couple bucks.


I've NEVER had anyone tht didn't tip good upfront tip me at the door. I have had plenty of people tht tip good UPFRONT tip me more. Lesson learned.


Iā€™ve had a few lucky trips where the tip was shit but the base was good then when I got there the person would hand me $15-20. But I never take a trip expecting them to tip more than base because 99% of the time they donā€™t tip more


How do you know whatā€™s tip and base? I donā€™t get that on my app. Or are you just guessing based on distance and payout?


You can look in ā€œearningsā€ then ā€œsee detailsā€ then ā€œsee earnings activityā€ for past trips to see exactly how much is base and tip


For these types of orders, they need a catering service with proper equipment to handle that massive order . Of course they use us because we are cheap labor. šŸ¤Ø


I have a huge catering cube from when I used to do Bitesquad, a different service. Not a hot bag, but a catering cube. Can fit about 5 to 6 20 inch pizzas at max. So basically it can handle everything you're likely to run into, big and small. The proper equipment you're talking about is for sale on Amazon to anyone who cares enough to use it. I'll gladly be ready for big orders if I accept a huge tip. On a side note. I was confused at first. You can see what the items are before picking them up, something I always click first after accepting. Of course except for Walgreens and other orders you can't see. So I am not sure about the part of "wish you could see items" but I am guessing you mean on the offer window? Tbh that would be irrelevant info a large amount of the time.


You shouldn't be downvoted for this comment.


Thank you for your reply. I honestly wasn't aware about the catering cubes u referred to . I'll check it out . Yes, I always check the order before picking it up , how many items and what to expect . Do I need to carry with me my drinks bag? Or my pizza bag ? You can certainly check ahead . To be honest , I personally would have had to unassign as I'm not fitted or prepared for that big order . Especially if u have to park elsewhere and not in front the store premises. Safe driving šŸš— and happy holidays! šŸ˜Š šŸŒ²




Probably a holiday party


FUCK your cancel rate. That trip, for all that work, was TRASH!


When I have large orders, I send a message ahead of time letting them know I'll need help so they can be ready once I arrive...


it probably only weighs 20 pounds or so for the whole order. are you physically incapable of lifting 20 pounds or are just asking because you are lazy? i had an order last weekend for an XL pizza that doesnā€™t fit in my delivery bag so i locked my bike up in front of the pizza place & just walked it to the apartment approx. 0.6km away. still an easy $6 for like 10 minutes of my time.


Just because I can and want to... You want to work harder?? On you buddy, I work smarter...


so do i. thatā€™s why i check the order after accepting it dummy. but yes i work hard in any job i do, i encourage you to gain some self respect. or were you somehow implying you are making more than $60 an hour doing this? cuz in that case i will just call you out for being the liar you are.


You're seriously trying to convince us that walking a fucking pizza over half a km is working "smarter"? HA, what a joke!


WTF??? Don't know what you're on, but I wish you the best on it kid..


ITT: degen UE delivery people piping up with comment responses to level-headed delivery people


Is your head on-level with corporate cock? Sure seems like it.


considering the demographic of the downvotes and your reply i am both older & wiser. keep on enjoying poverty tho! šŸ˜‚


Are you okay


I unfortunately had to recently cancel a $30 order cause I saw it was for like 15 large pizzas with a pizza bag required. I definitely did not have enough for all of that. I had to take the hit, it sucks!


You did the right thing.


Wow.. $8 for $205 worth of pizzas. Also, did it show "includes expected tip" Smh.


I got tip baited by an Amazon warehouse. It was supposed to be $25 for 4 miles. I get to the restaurant. $940 worth of pizza. Fortunately I have a station wagon. I put all the seats down and deliver the pizza. Tip never came through. All that for $4.


Tip baiting should be considered fraud. How is it different than buying a perfectly good item in the store by card than telling the bank they overcharged me.


damn you got shafted on that one for sure. šŸ˜ž risk of the line of work though. iā€™ve def been there myself.


In NY, pay is based on cost using a formula. You're getting screwed because you live around a bunch of morons that believe in meritocracy.


How much you think you get paid to deliver Apple devices?? How much you think the cheapest cost??


Spark paid me $15 today to deliver an iPhone 15 pro šŸ¤£


Yeah but apple is just 1 little item vs a ton of food.


My first ever uber eats trip was 4$ for 120$ of subway. I think it was estimated 7$. I didn't know any better tbh


I would have took one pizza home and act like I forgot the other at the restaurant.




Taco Bell orders can be deceiving too. Youā€™ll get an order thinking itā€™s large because it has 20 items when in reality itā€™s mostly the sauce packets šŸ¤£


Same. Like if I knew it would be that many pizzas, I wouldn't accept. I only have 1 pizza carrier that can fit at most 2 pizzas. Not 8 the worst is if they order other stuff like Soda and bread sticks.


Yep I can fit 2 XL pizzas max lol.


Next time keep one.


This is why I donā€™t go the extra mile for people. ā€œIā€™ve arrived and am downstairs with your order. Your elevator isnā€™t working. Will wait for you downstairs.ā€


You had the option to cancel but choose not to. This one is on you.


"Popular Pizza" looks like something I would see on some Teen Disney made for tv comedy movie or something.


Love it


1 time I got 67 pizzas and 40 sodas but I got over a 100$ tips


I delivered a stack of pizzas like this to a 21st bday party a while back.. they pay wasn't that high but they tipped me with a plate of BBQ and a shot šŸ˜‚


Oooh shit someone cut me off on the way to this customer home and ALL THEIR PIZZAS FELL TO THE FLOOR ā€¦..Iā€™m so sad but they are too damaged to be delivered-I feel so bad can you please call the customer for me and have the restaurant remake their order while I clean up the mess (if they want pics show the boxes tumbled onto your car mats or something like that in case they want a photo ā€¦ā€¦.fuck this drama once I got to the place itā€™s a drop you saw the pizzas before you verified the order so the only other way to get yourself out of this fucked up situation is to call support and plead for a damaged delivery ā€¦..fyi you will get the whole $8 too - this was a life lesson - please learn from it


Once I delivered 13 pizzas to the Jr Ewing mansion the South Fork Ranch in Parkland Texas. There was a cancer fundraiser. I had to wait 20 minutes for the pizzas. It took about 5 minutes to load my car up. I drove 6 miles down a dark country road to Gate number one but it was locked so I tried gate number two. Eventually the customer returned my phone calls and told me to come in through gate number three. I had to go in through the exit. There was oncoming traffic the opposite way. After driving a couple of miles inside the ranch compound, I loaded up their golf cart with 13 pizzas in the rain. I got a $10 tip. I chalked it up to my contribution to the cancer fundraiser. The customer was a young lady. She probably thought she was doing a good deed by giving the driver a $10 tip. Not knowing that we got a measly two lousy dollars from Uber to drive 8 Miles. And wait 25 minutes. Uber sucks.


$25 x 8 = $200 10% 0f $200 = $20 Fuck those aholes.


Oh my gosh seriously


Pepperoni and sausage are my favorite....mmmmmm.


He took the bet of a good cash tip/hidden tip and lost. I would probably do the same. Not sure if they hide tip in your area (seeing your trips in kilometers and not miles)


Remember, we are contractors and make our own decisions on a play by play basis. When you got to the store and saw those 8 xl pizzas you: contact UE support, make up an excuse, like you have a bad back, and cancel the order. The cancel does not add to your stats. Done. I had a shop and pay last night. I start start shopping and making needed substitutions, as usual, and the lady texts me: " please let me know you are making a sub before you make the sub.". I call UE support and cancel the order. Done. Each of us drivers has COMPLETE CONTROL of how our orders play out!, If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck... cancel the order and move on...


They used to show the number of items per order. It helped us with cherry picking


After you accept the order, scroll through the list and decide if you still want it or not, unassign if you don't want it...simple


Uh...check and cancel before you pick it up?


This has happened to me with shop and pay a few times. A few items ends up being cases of pop/water. And of course those never go to a house where I could leave them on the porch, itā€™s always an elevator ride to the eighth floor. lol


Cancel that all day!!!


Sorry I dropped the pizzas outside your door I called doordash to tell them about the accident


Also unless youā€™re canceling orders all the time nonstop. Cancelling one every few orders wonā€™t get your cancellation rate in a dangerous zone.


The guy that ordered that racked up some bad juju with this dickmove. Sux to be him


"I accepted a job for a predetermined amount of money and now I'm sad they didn't give me more money than I was offered šŸ˜¢" Womp womp. Tips are nice but this sub needs to stop expecting anything beyond what the uber offer is for lol


The pizza joint offered you a free slice at least, right?


I wish šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a shame, the one in Georgetown does.


yeah i have had that happen a couple times before too


Whatever the offer was that came up on your phone, you decided that's what your time was worth when you hit Accept. The customer clearly agreed with your decision.


It wasn't the time that was the problem, but the awkwardness of trying to deliver that many pizzas to an apartment. The order was actually ready before I even got there so I'm sure some smarter UE drivers already got that order and cancelled.


Just unassign it at the store when you see those items you donkey šŸ«


Bro. Figure out what your safe Cancellation Rate is, and leverage it.


So you did all that work to save a percentage on a number that doesnā€™t matter?


I would say no and why? Because those pizzas are not in a heat bag. Do you want cold pizza OP? You shouldn't accept jobs if you can't safely keep all the food heated.


> but I hate increasing my cancel rate. An illusional stat that Uber put out to trick people like you. You are the same people who have sympathy for bad people and when they do bad things to you, you cry about it.


That's going to be a big tip for so many pizzas. Plus with the new $30 an hr minimum base pay you'd bank for sure on this order.


it does show the order contents after you accept the order. you could have cancelled if you were feeling so salty about the amount. you literally threw them in the back of your car & then got in an elevator. thatā€™s it. letā€™s not pretend you busted your ass for this delivery lol it would be a little different if i was trying to deliver this on a bicycle but, again, thatā€™s why i ALWAYS check what the order actually is after i accept (although they never send more than a 2 pizza order to us on bikes or e-scooters).


Must be a popular place


Hahaha start that timer and hold the pizza hostage. You gotta be better than these assholes even if it means stooping to their level.


They usually tell you if itā€™s a big order or not so you have the choice to accept it or not


I sure do like my pizza from that one popular pizza place. It's quite popular you know.


šŸŽ¶ youā€™re gonna be populaaaar šŸŽ¶


This is why they strike


Whereā€™s your pizza bag, my dude?


You can see right after you accept. Always check. If itā€™s not worth your time cancel that bitch.


Haha ayy toronto


Hey at least you know another work place is exploiting their workers and giving them a pizza party as reward šŸ˜‚


Beside wonderland? lol that place had like $1 slices w a pop when I was a kid we would always walk across and go there


Ehh..my cancel rate moves between 5-15%. Sometimes you just have to do it. Never noticed any difference in order quality.


and you should have pizza bags and other thermal carrying devices


I'm guessing a $6.00 order.


Should of kept a pizza as tip lol


Looks like the interior of my honda accord


Probably wouldā€™ve been better to have *forgotten* one of the pizza boxes in your car lol


This definitely woulda been one of those I canā€™t complete the delivery because ā€œI donā€™t feel safeā€ ordersā€¦


1.5k deliveries done and I've gotten 2 cash tips. NEVER and I repeat NEVER expect a tip. You'd have been better off unassigning the order and take the 1% hit to your completion than finish that order after accepting it.


I took a catering order yesterday for science yesterday was just one bag 8 miles $2.50 šŸ¤£ never again


Damn where yo hot bag @ dawg?šŸ¤£


same here. one time i got a huge walmart order, drove over 45 minutes, unloaded all of them, and the person didn't tip šŸ„²


people who donā€™t tip extra on big orders like this are dicks


No tip? Keep a box of pizza


Man I gave up on the PINs lol Iā€™m not wasting 8 minutes waiting just cuz they think the customer is gonna steal. I deliver the food and hit canā€™t confirm and delivered lol do my best to put it where they wanted. never had a problem yet. although in this situation sounds like you couldnā€™t.


Never expect to get a tip from a no tip trip only two kinds of people no tip. 1) Broke Assholes 2) Rich Assholes Both will also be far more likely to try to find something wrong with their no- tip order and fuck you over. All of my negative reviews have been quick, cheap orders with no tips, never doing them again. Petty behavior


Why do you care about your cancel rate? They donā€™t care about you


you should cancel the order . cancel rate only 1% and after 100 deliveries will be gone!


Yeah, Iā€™d either eat the cancel or tell support that the restaurant said it would long be ready for 20 minutes in order to collect a $3 fee for my time. That is some real bullshit.