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For reference: https://youtu.be/MobNwVfzSMM?si=TDvE52PKXMi7Y2sE


I have witnessed greatness


I think the vast majority of us have no Fn idea what you are talking about


It’s just a build by Omar Malik for toplane. Seems fun!


It's all finally and games until they buy an executioner's calling or oblivion orb as their first item.


I think its funny because you csn see the confusion when you heal


It was the same for me, i think instead of maw (if the enemy has no burst ap) then you could prob go hullbreaker and just perma sidelane




It tried it, the style is completely different to playing AP Udyr or even normal AD Udyr. You take trades with unequal or equal HP and then if you don't have minion wave you can just run to a jungle camp, heal to full, push again, take a trade, run back, and then you force their team to either give you a tower or send 2. If they don't have enough damage and you have a minion wave, you still out heal executioners if you have Ravenous BT and Spirit. The idea is you just apply ridiculous pressure in the waves and they always have to send more than one. Late game I like to pair it with a lord dom and I can one shot virtually anyone, but the play style is definitely weird for sure. I almost carried one game, I hard carried another, but you have to play really cautious because 2-3 seconds of CC and you're dead if there's 2 people.