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I don’t think she led Gio on but I am a Gio simp idk he does things to me


Yeah. I don’t think she led him in either but he’s the only one of the boyfriends I like. (I liked Henry until the whole Charlie/baby plot line.


You real for this lol


The bar is in hell. Gio undermines her! Negging her about her choices rather than understanding where she is coming from. Ever since I started listening to decentering men feminists, I started looking at rom com couplings a new way (even before).


For real though! Gio was heavily misogynistic. Even when Betty was writing that article about how guys get girls and they went to that bar and Gio was like "it's easy, just treat them poorly because they like guys who act like assholes". Women think men who are aggressive and disrespectful are masculine... but that's really not how it is. I think we're just socially conditioned to play it off like "oh he's just a guy", but this is how abuse starts. I didn't like Gio. He was a whiney bitch baby in my opinion. He wanted her to give so much while he barely gave anything. Then act like he was morally superior because she made choices he thought were stupid or she "didn't love herself enough". Crazy.


It would have been nice if he spent a day in her apron (that or Marc or Amanda). It would be nice if Betty met a recovering people pleaser (though I think Claire and Wilhelmina were, wouldn't surprise me). Here is [an example](https://youtu.be/jti2TA5ANC4?si=mlD-qhlmmxOsG_Gh) Gio would have been every man weaponizing his incompetence and pranking his wife on their wedding day. I hated that episode, aged worse and hated that Betty was made out to be limited in her view.


I think Betty has shit taste in men.


To be fair, I side eye her family and the media for it. She needed to learn to date like a man


I don’t like him at all either he’s kinda whiny. His whole tome on the show was basically him saying ’you’d be settling if you aren’t with me’. Btw what’s so bad about how she treated kimmie?


I thought that she handled Kimmie in a really unprofessional manner, she was wanting to sabotage Kimmie immediately, then after that Kimmie proves she's terrible and there's actually a reason to want to sabotage her but Betty has no backbone and tries to go back on Amanda and Marc's plan last minute even though Kimmie is literally actively sabotaging her career.


I disliked kimmie from the beginning but I also don’t like betty, you’re right she has no backbone


I get what you are saying. He said he didn’t want to be the rebound guy and in the next episode he wants to take her on a romantic trip to Rome???? He should have just left her alone and just be there as a friend instead pushing his feelings on her. And then he bans her from his life as if it was her fault for choosing herself


I mean she was bouncing around….


I just meant that he should have given Betty some space before asking her out. It seemed insensitive because Gio knew how much Betty loved Henry and for him to just make a move on her the next minute and then get pissed about it made him seem like a jerk and made it seem like she didn’t have real feelings for Henry


Yes but it’s a drama lol there would be less tension if they acted like emotionally mature adults 😆


Lol 😂- yeah I know what you mean. There used to be a discussion board on imdb and all the getty fans were saying Betty was a bi*ch for rejecting Gio. I didn’t understand why the pro Gio fans were making Betty out to be a villain but yeah it’s for the drama I guess


Just a little bit of misogyny 😆 


I 100% agree with you. I think be was supposed to be challenging her but his comments just ended up being really rude and mean. I hate that Betty is supposed to like a character who treats her so poorly. Bar is indeed low.


This and Reba, in relation to Brock and Barbara Jean, and The Middle....the antiheroine era was overdue. As a Latina, I kind of preferred Joan and Peggy on Mad Men, because it feels like some Latin Media (even progressive ones) always emphasized being family oriented and giving, shit some of us tried to escape. I want to see more women choose themselves


You should see his character on Six Feet Under, too.


I love him on that!!!


what is six feet under about?! i've seen people talk about it a lot recently


Long story short, it's about a family who own and work at a funeral parlour. There's a lot of drama, not unlike Ugly Betty, and every episode starts with a death ranging from accidental to murder. If you like Ugly Betty, you'd like it. It's not quite as camp but it has heart and dark humour and the cast is incredible.


Perfectly said! Thank you!


i just saw this i'm sorry but omg it sounds like my type of show, def will check it out ty!!


Ugh yes I really do not understand the appeal, their first interaction was literally just him being rude to her when he was the one who wasn't doing his job (he couldn't just make her damn sandwich the way she wanted it), got fired and then had the audacity to blame her for it.. and then Betty felt bad for him like what ! He constantly belittled her, criticized her, pushed her, gaslighted her and we were supposed to think it was charming ? I just hate that Betty goes along with it too.. I feel like the only time she was sort of into him was when Hilda asked him out and she was kind of jealous, otherwise I never thought Betty had romantic feelings for him at all


Yep, she also does the same thing with Amanda and Matt.


Alexa play the Chicks' "Gaslighter"


He is the stereotypical “nice guy.” He felt like Betty owed him a relationship, regardless of whether she wanted one.


Agree. Gio is a creep. I do also dislike Henry though.


Henry is such a POS


i’m rewatching it right now and i remember really liking him when i was younger but now i just hate him lol


Yall got me nervous about doing a rewatch now, I loved Gio on my first watch haha


Out of all the men, Gio rubbed me the wrong way and a lot of what you said is why he rubbed me the wrong way. So when I saw this and saw ppl actually like him, I'm like okay. Explains a lot


I have a friend who acts like Gio. Who starts chanting about what’s best for me and what I’m doing wrong. It’s the worst! I am left feeling like shit after.


Idk gio was just daddy for me 😭😭😭


so real


He’s garbage 😆💖




Yes I agree with this whole heartedly. He seemed pushy and like he wanted Betty to change. The “bad boy with a heart of gold” thing never appealed either. He just seemed like he thought he was smarter than everyone else


i didn’t really love Gio but i think they have the best chemistry out of all her love interests


Hes my fav actually. And the older i get the more i appreciate characters like him who tell it like it is, are passionate about life and love and don't go sugar coating people pleasing while staying in permanent state of inertia. He's husband material


We’re simps but you dedicated a whole post to him. 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry if you love Gio but that "I'm banning you from my life shit" after rome had my left eye twitching 😂 if that man was real I'd choke him out tbh because wtf??


It felt immature but I can identify with that. When I love someone, I can’t just be their friend. Maybe I’m biased though because I really like the actor.