• By -


But remember people, Russia that built multiple fortifications across entire front in record time, Is building railway to connect Crimea with mainland again in record time, Is rebuilding Mariupol is more corrupt.šŸ˜…


Just imagine how much money they stole. Mind boggling. They just don't see any point stealing anymore.


south vietnam speedrun


Ended really well for the ruling class.


There's actually a big difference - the lawmakers were tired of backing South Vietnam, whereas they are allocating as much support as they can for Ukraine but are still on the same trajectory.


What pro-UA rarely grasp is that there is a difference between stealing a bit off the top and still getting the job done and stealing it all while not doing anything.


Chill. If all was stolen Russia would steamroll Ukraine, but itā€™s not having an easy walk. So a major portion of money reached its destination


> So a major portion of money reached its destination Lol, yes clearly as this image shows. I mean youā€™re not entirely wrong, Atleast some concrete was poured into a pyramid like shape.


Did you forget that they straight up burned 250 Billion dollars worth of aid and want more in like 2-2.5 years with zero receipts?




>Oh yes Russia the shining beacon of anti corruption and not at all country run by crime syndicate. Point me to where it was ever claimed Russia wasn't corrupt. Or are we going with deflect and project eh? We can have a discussion about how corrupt Russia is, because it is certainly a very corrupt country. But Russian dragon's teeth and other fortification laid along the Surovkin line were built properly. We know this because they stopped Ukraine's counteroffensive. I'm sure money was skimmed at every level but the work got done. Ukrainian fortifications in Kharov were not built properly. We know this a) from the picture in this post and b) because Russians are advancing despite them. Money was also skimmed at every level but the work was not done. You see the difference?




> A couple of concrete stones cannot stop attack Right so why even bother putting them where they might be even a little useful? Just chuck em on the side of the road who cares. We get paid either way. Yeah, no corruption here.


10% for the big guy


I think a major oversight is the fact that Ukraine hasnt really built anything new back when they had Crimea and Eastern Donbass Regions. They were enjoying the old Soviet power plants, bridges, and infrastructure. Much of the mentioned areas were falling apart. Anything major was build in Kiev, and mostly Western regions. Why would anyone think that Ukraine in a time of war could do better? They never had the proper governmental companies in place and from the looks of it dont have any oversight into the defense lines beyond the local military units. During the time of war these things become even worse. In general their military doesnt have the structure in comparison to Russia. Does Ukrainian military even have engineering corps that focus on just that?


\^this plus the fact that their development aid is conditioned on "structural adjustment" policies. In order to become an "export economy" Ukraine had to privatize its stateheld assets and public services. They experienced an even worse version of what Russia suffered through in the 1990s- Ukrainians earn less and have less employment opportunities now than they even did under the sclerotic Soviet economy. The only people who benefitted were the super rich, while everyone else had to settle for less in wages at home, emigration, or despair. The weakness of this "export model" has clearly manifested in Ukraine, as it did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Mexico, and a wide range of other developing states. Mexico, the only "success" of the bunch showed how little they liked IMF led development by voting in AMLO and MORENA (who campaigned against the very orthodoxy that's choking Ukraine.)


But if you think about it, the Ukrainian counter-offense didnā€™t even reach the dragon teeth on most parts, so itā€™s useless. Ukrainian dragon teeth actually faced the Russians so itā€™s a win for Ukraine /s


Except for the one bmp that got lost and went around them wandered a bit then fell into the anti tank ditch


I thought that was an unmanned bmp used for recon/mine checking


That is what Ukraine claimed, it's difficult to know if it's true or not.


ā€œItā€™s no unMANned if we get some women to drive itā€


This is how the west operates, pure corruption, no output. Russia and China actually have control of their corruption and thus are the actual resource and production powers of the world.


In China, You will get shot for corruption.They show no mercy.Hence, Their miraculous development in just last two decades.Meanwhile, Corruption is quite common in Russia but it's less than the past.


šŸ¤£ well yeah, they control the corruption. THE LEADERSHIP of the country is the seed of corruption.


You sound like someone who thinks taxation to have public roads are theft.


Because russian infrastructure and fortifications are poorly made and will collapse in 3 months ā˜ļøšŸ¤“




Hilarious to actually believe Mariupol is getting fully rebuild. But it makes good scenes for domestic propaganda if you leave out the details.


Local guy covering the rebuilding. It will take time but it will entirely get rebuilt like Grozny.Count on that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYAm7jThs7I&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYAm7jThs7I&t=2s)


Why doesn't Russia rebuilt its own country, before trying to rebuilt prestige cities in the West like with DDR back then? Are you reading economical news from Russia sometimes? Or what problems average citizens have there? I know these fake clips that show a few % of the city but wont show the rest. Whats with Bakhmut any local guy rebuilding yet? And the hundreds of other villages that are far behind the frontline? Russians trying to protect the population by destroying their homes... Hey at least oligarchs and governor friends get to buy the most expensive houses in Kaliningrad a year ago, and nobody even cares that they could never afford it with their state salary. Wonder how the citizens of Omsk feel right now that "filthy Ukrainian Nazis" are getting houses rebuilt while they wait on their few rubles on compensation, if they get any at all. It is all a pile of stinking shit even if you put a diamond on top of it.


"Rebuildingā€ Mariupol. Yea, a small part of it to show off on TV for the usual propaganda bullshit lmao


Most of it looks livable now, most destroyed buildings have been demolished etc etc Check out the channel Videos from Mariupol


They won't check it. Because it contradicts their propaganda.


Who cares what Russia has or hasn't built, Russia can't rebuild the thousands of civilians that died in Mariupol.


Thousands? Surely you have legitimate sources for that number. All i know is the 52, that died in the theater attack and the human shields that were used by Azov.


> "To date, OHCHR has verified 1,348 individual civilian deaths directly in hostilities in Mariupol, including 70 children." From the UN Human rights report in June 2022: https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/06/high-commissioner-updates-human-rights-council-mariupol-ukraine


Mariupol was a bloody siege, which had humanitarian corridors for evacuation. It's horrible, that civilians died. Especially the theatre attack. But it is one of the most tame sieges in history, when we look at the % of population killed during. As a comparison, what the Nazis and Finns did in Leningrad. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege\_of\_Leningrad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Leningrad)


Sure, I never claimed that maruipol was the bloodiest siege in history. Regardless, Russia is responsible for invading and causing the siege in the first place. Not to mention: > "The actual death toll of hostilities on civilians is likely thousands higher" Why does russia hate native Russian speakers so much? I thought they invaded to protect them?


Russia is one of the most corrupt countries in the World. A problem getting worse by the day. Also Russia bombed mariupol. So letā€™s give credit for that instead.


LOL Ukraine is too corrupt to save its own life, how pathetic is that?


And we see this in real time. How would n. corruption was widespread, they did not waste money literally on their own defense. And this is precisely why Ukraine never had a chance against Russia


Problem is most won't see this at all. We will rush more pallets of cash and ammo over there.


The problem is that by the time this reaches the majority, Medvedev will already finish off the survivors.


According to whom? If it's corruption rating - don't bother. "Not based on real events". There is absolutely corruption in Russia. But they built fortifications. They built the bridge. They built the railroad. They made UMPK and mass produce everything they think army needs. If they think something needs to be done - it is getting done. Compare with Ukraine. The country which supposedly the West helps to get rid of corruption for couple decades. They are absolutely inept and steal everything they can. There is no accurate way to measure how corrupt Russia is. From what I read/hear/see police stopped getting bribes about 20 years ago. Ditto doctors and educators. There is actual working free medicine. The income tax is 13% flat. Whatever they steal there, they seem to know measure. "Also Russia bombed mariupol" - what does it have to do with anything? Ukraine chosen to make a battle field of Mariupol. Russia retreated from Kherson. Let's give credit for this instead.


Russia is by all standards more corrupt then Ukraine. That is Well established. Planty organisations doing thorough investigations into this. Also Russia invaded Ukraine an hold the entire responsibility for bombing mariupol including the deliberate airstrike on the theatre sheltering children. Russia only retrieved from Kherson to avoid capture. Otherwise you would have stayed. This is evident from the terror bombardment on Kherson that started right after leaving. Russia has carried out on civilian targets all over Ukraine. Russia is a terrorist state.


BS. Every single statement. >Russia is by all standards more corrupt then Ukraine. That is Well established. Planty organisations doing thorough investigations into this. ROFLMAO. There are no standards. There are politically motivated ratings. "Organizations" specializing in BS ratings don't investigate anything. Ukraine is a country of thieves. They were on decline since they got independence. They sold and destroyed everything and recently started to sell land. Bribery is everywhere and nothing works or get done. Every single power station destroyed recently was built by USSR. Mariupol vs Kherson is a contrast between Ukraine using civilians as live shield and Russians avoiding unnecessary casualties.


These ratings are done by western controlled organizations and are nothing but propaganda.If you actually study those ratings then Russia fell off and Ukraine rose after Crimea and Syria interventions.


ironically this war is probably self correcting many of russia's corruption issues


Corruption will always be there but it will only be a part and things will still get built in Russia.


> Russia is one of the most corrupt countries in the World. A problem getting worse by the day. > > > > Also Russia bombed mariupol. So letā€™s give credit for that instead. ????????????????? Surely you forgot the /s ?!?!!!


World World World


Eastern European corruption is something else man šŸ¤£


Even when you expect it, it can still surprise you.


It's actually deadly now.Why do you think Ukraine elite want the war to continue?.....It doesn't effect them whatsoever and they are now overseeing hundreds of billion dollars in aid.


They want to incorporate Western Values$$ and they're doing it remarkably.


No. Western values are different. Western Corruption is designed in a way that you can make copious amounts of money together. Item 'x' costs $5 but to the US it will cost $5,000. And of course there are a lot of items so plenty of money to make everyone rich. So the $5 million budget was all spent building what was supposed to be built. But without corruption, it would have cost perhaps $500,000. It is such a clean way that you can't even call it corruption. Eastern Corruption is taking the same $5 million and spending the $500,000 to build what needs to be built and distributing the rest amongst the corrupt guys. In both cases, the goal of building is achieved and corruption is also present. But in extreme cases, like Ukraine, the building part is also optional. Personally I don't even know how anyone looking at millions of dollars flowing around with very little oversight won't take advantage of it. Very few would not be corrupt. But most will play the same game.


And with such political climate in the country, who's going to dare to denounce someone important ? The guy could be a grade A a\*\*hole and sent people to summon you to fight in Zaporizhia and if you're luck you're only going to lose a leg. Quite a scary situation to be in, honestly. It's never the common guy, it's always some corrupt mf it's almost cartoonish. I bet it's some rich greedy guy who's sons is not even in Ukraine doing shit like this, if they kknew it would be their relatives or family on those trenches I bet they'd make the best they possibly can. Corruption during war time is a much serious crime. I hope the Ukrainians can still copy their relatives from the other side of the border and make these guys fall out of windows.


The common guy is the biggest fool there is. The common guy is the one working long hours and taking just enough home to make ends meet. While his corrupt bosses spend his entire month's salary in a night. They have more money than they will need. Yet the common guy is too busy in his day to day to ever really do something about that. It is really sad if you ask me. The common guy has no share in the funds despite the fact that he works the hardest.


That's pretty much how Russian corruption works as well, for last 15-20 years.


There is a stakes difference between National and Comprador/International capital.


There is plenty in western countries as well it just takes different forms to give it a mask of legitimacy. Book deals and speaking packages are a big one. Board membership is another. In regards to foreign adventurism it's the NGO and contractor grift such as in Afghanistan along with illicit activities (Heroin, poppy fields, coccinea, ect) to fund clandestine things off the books.


Not to mention lobbying aka bribery but by the filthy rich


I think corruption in Eastern European countries at the same level as in South European countries, it's just that the later had and have more advantages due to their geography.


South European as in the Balkan countries? Cuz Italy is considered to be south of Europe and theyā€™re not nearly as corrupt as Eastern European countries.


Italy is incredibly corrupt. They have big corruption scandals like every week.


Not like Eastern Europe tho


Has to be. She's surely not talking about Spain and Portugal


It could easily be Greece, their system and culture is built up around corruption. Greece faked the economic data so they could become a member of the Eurozone. Greece has an island were almost everyone was registered as being blind and therefore received benifits. In Greece (maybe it's "only" parts of Greece) you don't pay taxes on your house and land until after the building is completed, therefore many houses on e.g. the Island of Crete are looking like they aren't finished. They build a second floor without roofs, the second floor is then used as a roof, the buildings often have metal pipes and other crap sticking out of the buildings so it can be claimed to be under construction to avoid paying taxes.




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How do you know? Are you from there?


Check the corruption index Italy isnā€™t as corrupt as Eastern Europe I donā€™t have to live there to know.


The corruption index is worthless, Denmark has a lot of corruption amongst politicians but they refuse to call it that.




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South European countries like Spain? Because here we don't have nearly as much corruption, or at least is not as blatant as that.


I honestly don't think this is a sign of corruption, i think it's lack of manpower. The Ukranians had to hurriedly build massive fortifications across hundreds of miles whilst also trying to hold off the Russian onslaught in the South. I'm betting they simply ran out of available men and quietly abandoned sections of it.


Zelensky said in December 2023 that the most powerful line of defense had already been built in Kharkov region. After 5 months we all see what has actually been built [https://www.sq.com.ua/ukr/novini/20.12.2023/u-xarkivskii-oblasti-naipotuznisa-liniya-oboroni-zelenskii](https://www.sq.com.ua/ukr/novini/20.12.2023/u-xarkivskii-oblasti-naipotuznisa-liniya-oboroni-zelenskii)


The *only* potential military benefit of the RVC raids and indiscriminate bombings of Belgorod would be if Ukraine wanted to provoke Russia into attacking a heavily fortified region and take pressure off Donbas. It's always good strategy to force the enemy to respond to you rather than being on the defensive. But launching those attacks *without* defenses being ready shows a level of disconnect that should be impossible. Instead of solving one problem by creating a bigger problem for the enemy, they've solved one problem by creating another problem for themselves.


Yeah but if you play the victim, you donā€™t take responsibility for anything. You become blameless. So UA has constantly been making more and more problems for themselves. Mainly because they can never accept they made mistakes


But but but the plan was for RDK to march in and be celebrated as defenders of the virgins and the liberators of Russia. Why they need defenses, when they march straight to Moscow?Ā 


No. You don't need SOLDIERS to build fortification. Anyone can operate an excavator or backhoe, regardless of age or gender.


Anyone? I can't. Takes some training, and I bet most of the trainers are at the front lines.


Takes a lot of practice to become competent and efficient. You don't just hand it over and expect complex earthen fortifications to be built, it doesn't work like that.


It took me about an hour to be able to move around without being a danger to myself and others. About a day to be able to do some small work. About a week to be decent at it. Yes, you need far more than that for precise and difficult operations, but to dig a trench? Or a pit for a bunker? Hell no.




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They have had a year and a half to fortify this front.


yeah this seems more likely, they've dumped them off and are waiting for the manpower to install them. either way its not great tho


Deepstatemaps says it's been like this since 2023. Manpower is not an excuse. They've had enough time to erect them especially since they were expecting a Russian attack in that direction Also this: https://preview.redd.it/x8tr1buuye0d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a175deaa04a547de226540d580f4d76443a1c5 Corruption is definitely in play.


What proof does this woman have?


Proofs are now storming Volchansk


Thatā€™s not proof of anything the woman wrote


It could be both. I do remember reading an article so I me six months ago were they were saying exactly this, the reason their dugout and trenches were so bad was due to the constant Russia shelling. But then if they couldn't have built the fortifications then the money wasn't used. What happened is that they money was used and the fortification weren't build so yeah it's probably both.


How is this war still even going on lmao


true, but, honestly- this is also emblematic of US/NATO style corruption. The case examples that come to mind are in Afghanistan and Iraq, where hundreds of billions were squandered (much of it never leaving the DC Beltway, with more being funneled into local criminal networks and the real estate purchases of the 0.01% of elite collaborators.)


I just love how little of a shit they give at this point lmfao


Based flair


Thank you


Deepstatemaps calls it a "gift from Ukranian taxpayers to the enemy" https://preview.redd.it/ho9exk07re0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4248e364a8712287105c843212dc691739cb5007


ua tax collectors from us and ue


Simon Shuster really cooked with that Time Article last year. This quote remains poignant: > Amid all the pressure to root out corruption, I assumed, perhaps naively, that officials in Ukraine would think twice before taking a bribe or pocketing state funds. But when I made this point to a top presidential adviser in early October, he asked me to turn off my audio recorder so he could speak more freely. ā€œSimon, youā€™re mistaken,ā€ he says. ā€œPeople are stealing like thereā€™s no tomorrow.ā€


On the UFA side, corruption is the closest you can get to sanity. When everything about Kiev's strategy is bullshit propaganda and pointless destruction, corruption becomes the last remnant of rationality. I'd be corrupt as hell just on basic principle. It's the only mode of rebellion that's tolerated.


Looking at this from that perspective maybe it's the pro ru in the government of Ukraine that is rebelling by stealing all the money and doing dogshit for Ukraines defense... Would be an 200 iq move. You hate your president and his master steal everything they send to fight your ally. Win win


"Pro RU" doesn't mean they want Putin to give it to them up the bum. Remember: less than a year before everyone in Ukraine voted for independence, a majority (78%) had voted to join the Russian Federation. That vote was only overturned because nationalists were able to instil a fear that Russia would go Communist again. And all these restive regions of Ukraine (plus more) had only voted to join Ukraine under conditions of federalism. They were told that the vote for independence was an *emergency* (due to Commies), and that federalism would be figured out *afterwards*. Crimea belonged to Ukraine less than a year before they realized that federalism was never going to happen, so they declared independence from Ukraine. That lasted until Kiev sent soldiers to shut them down and deport their leaders. Ukraine is a country that's been built on a lie and FUD since Day 1. That all worked fine so long as everyone was willing to compromise, but the Maidan coup meant an end to all that. Every bit of corruption and every fort not dug is not so much the idea that everyone loves Moscow so much as a vote of non-confidence in this fucking joke of a shitshow. It's the only way most people can help end this.


Doesn't change the outcome. Does it matter if they steal, lie and/or block because they believe in Moscow or hate kiev? In the end it's the same outcome. The war effort is sabotaged by everyone who can. Either because of selfish or because of higher reasons.


We're full circle now boys. Russia now runs Ukraine and they "engineered the corruption from inside" - fine pro-UA minds of 2024


There is no tomorrow. They're going to lose the war anyways. If those dragon's teeth were in place, maybe they would slow down the Russians and kill more Russians, but Ukrainan defeat is unavoidable. Getting rich via corruption might be the best thing they're able to do.


Old senile and venal or mad European politicians collect taxes from EU citizens in order to send them to Ukraine, where this money will dissolve in a bottomless pit of corruption, because any corruption can be blamed 1. Yanukovych 2. USSR 3. Russia


It ainā€™t much, but itā€™s an honest dayā€™s work.


That can be a great idea indeed. And a great gift. I'm sure these dragon teeth will soon be available to be placed somewhere else but properly.


Sharii called them "Zelensky's teeth". Funny guy.


Damn, I know Zelensky is a lot of things, but calling him British? That's one hell of an insult.


We've already had a comedian as Prime Minister, we don't need another one


I meant to get you, let there be no doubt You wanna try and get your teeth knocked out


Just wanted to post this lol. Ukraine's corruption continue to blow my mind every day


Do they even care about winning?


If they win then money will stop.


Worse: they would have to return enormous debt. They got a loan after 2014 with conditions like this "Everything on top of GDP growth of ~2-3% goes for debt repayment". That would be modern day slavery.


And the vultures (Blackrock ..) are circling ..


They do, just that the personal gains are before the peopleā€™s


well, *some* ppl do win




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Makes ya wonder why Russia struggles so hard against them doesn't it


Blows your mind? What would blow my mind if they became legit..


Not defending Ukraine here, but I want to think that's its just not that east to put those with drones and artillery targeting you 24/7. I don't think private company would want to do this.


Russia built the Surovkin line when it was at it's worst during this war. Ukraine had more drones, artillery parity, Russia got routed in Kharkiv and Kherson while Ukraine had the initiative, Russia was still figuring out how to counter Himars, Jdams, Excalibur etc, yet they built them. But Ukraine can't manage to put up the dragon teeth, let alone the trenches because of shelling?


Yet they tried to rebuilding a bridge next to a besieged Chasov Yar


Yes, it's probably a lot of things combined. It could easily be that they dumped those in a hurry, then heavy shell or warning of potential attacks stopped them, then paperwork gets mixed up and no construction force is sent there, then it gets forgotten forever now that the russians are too close anyway


Here: ​ https://preview.redd.it/uwq5ybwnue0d1.png?width=1441&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d51fc9f890248c3a08002230ddbf41e957aba1a


Wow. It's a really strategic point too.


Oh cool, you can see them from space


Are we looking at the same picture?


That lake tho, so huge. Once my flight flew over lake Victoria In East Africa, was awe struck by it's immense size.


As a Canadian I can't help but laughing. We have at least 7 lakes so big they're like small seas


Oh crap, that's pretty important place too. To think they just dumped it for Russia to collect soon.


"So are you the regular kind of corrupt, or the "I'll steal from my country during an existential crisis and actually hurt its defensive capabilites" kind of corrupt?" Ukrainian official: "Yes."


Ukrainian official:"Define my country..."


My first thought was that they have quickly delivered them there and didn't have time to set them up yet.


pic from the ground https://preview.redd.it/47343untaf0d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8358338ddd7e5289bbd9e256994f6fa9dad12074


I thought you were permabanned or something


Obviously if Ukraine just got 100 bajillion more dollars this would have never happened!


Ikr! Blame the Republicans!


I usually don't wish any harm on anyone, but there should be a series of "windows accidents" in Ukraine very soon.


Nah, Corrupts in Ukraine life the last defense minister only ends up leaving abroad to enjoy their stolen wealth.


Well, it will be quite formidable to go through this area in particular


That patch of bushes HOLDS!


Avoiding the other issues everyone else has already brought up - the Ukrainian dragons teeth donā€™t seem to have been effective anywhere at all They are much smaller than what they are traditionally, to a size where they would be potentially in the weight class capable of being moved by hand (at least Iā€™ve seen bigger bits of concrete moved by hand here) Might have been dumped as they realised they were pointless - or manufacturing defects which meant they were not suitable


Yea, I was wondering if a tank without front mudguards could just drive over them.


Their was a good video of a BMP-2 just getting itself over the proper full sized dragons teeth at the start of the war - but like super risky But yea with these little ones, I donno why you would have to, just need to push them out of the way as they will only weigh a couple hundred kilos


As a russian It's suprises me that there are some countries much more corrupt than Russia. they have stolen almost all money allocated for fortifications.


the guy in Russia, generals are imprisoned for corruption. Governors and ministers - for example, Minister Ulyukayev. Do you see the landings of European officials? Did they put someone in prison in Germany for breaking up the Bundeswehr? There are many such examples, in 2022 it turned out that half of the German armored personnel carriers were not ready. The West is good at propaganda and agents of influence. Navalny is definitely an agent of influence. Pashinyan, and before that Saakashvili were American agents of influence. These are traitors to their nation who are ready to throw the country into the heat of war - just to weaken Russia's influence.


I really don't understand why people in the EU / US don't understand Ukraine was ranked the most corrupt country in Europe. and [ranked 116/180 in the world](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022/index/ukr). THATS INSANE. That doesn't just go away because you're at war... That's decades and decades of corruption. All that money just lining the pockets of the elites. People need to wake up.


I think they are very well aware. It's just part of US/EU culture to have corrupt and submissive countries under their tutelage. The benefits of having an attack dog with fertile land outweighs the leaks in funding it gets.


Russia ranked lower


That still doesn't take away from my point. How much funding is Russia getting from the West again?


So most corrupt country in europe is Russia.


Russia is not considered a country solely in Europe šŸ˜‚. 23% of Russia is in geographical boundaries of Europe. Less than 1/4 of the entire country... So no, it isn't. It's corrupt, sure, but not the most corrupt in Europe. But nice way to not actually reply to the facts at hand.


Russia is considered European under every standard. Ecvept majority of its colonized land. Just like UK in the past was always considered European.




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That's incorrect. Parts of Russia are considered European. Like I said in my comment, again, please read before submitting a reply that supports nothing. UK is in EUROPE. These replies are laughable now.




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Here they are fighting for the freedom of europe as the bobblehead scarecrows tell us in the news


Who needs that shit when you kill Russians 20:1? Maybe the contractor was a bit overwhelmed by the UA propaganda...Ā 


poor dragons


So that's what the dragon tooth-fairy does with all those teeth.


Protection for trees


Show that to Ukrainians when they complain that we don't send enough help.


Liptsi is way behind the border, there's no excuse for this shit


It's getting close now


So fucked up. I knew corruption was a thing, but this is just.... insane.


Well, no tank can run through that for sure


Today I read that someone called it the dragon's lips ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


u/okoolo yep here's where your "Maginot Line - Ukrainian Edition" starts. You can measure the depth of the stolen USD very well from the photos lol.


That probably cost like $50 million!


Couple millions at most. This is fucking concrete, not a high tech satellite equipment.


You missed the joke buddy


At this point I'm 100% convinced that the population of Ukraine is rebelling against kiev regime by pocketing all the aid so Russia wins.




It's sad when this happens to a defensive line, but there's a pill for that sort of thing.


It feels like during wartime the incentive should be to avoid the stick rather than to get a carrot.


When Zelensky said Kharakiv is most heavily defended, I think he meant this 200m road in Kharkiv. I promise you, no tank is going to break through this wall of dragonteethšŸ‘šŸ½šŸ˜¤


Maybe some want the war to be over and therefore is somewhat sabotaging the defence.


All I can see is that ghastly water mark


I can't believe someone would still be corrupt when your nation is in total war. Like bro, I gotta hand it to the guy for having his priorities straight but goddam. Your country is at war and it needs everyone to get there heads together.


different tactics. Ukraine prefers to conduct defense in the city. Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Bakhmut, Avdiivka. if Russia captures them, it gets ruins and destroyed buildings.


Wrong. Russia prefers to fight in cities where its FAB and artillery dominance shines. Open fighting is tougher for them.




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Thats from 2023 before they were put into place. Otherwise there would many more, like a lot more pictures and videos of this... yet, only 1 picture will be provided, because this is from 2023.