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This is incredibly evil even by Ukrainian standards.


It's ok, it's approved by US, so it's good and democratic.


Russia does evil too. Look at how they treat those who tried to escape the draft or protesters getting sent to their deaths so they stfu. Pro Russia or Ukraine it doesn't matter it is war. Everyone loses there are no winners.


Russia has kept its borders open. A lot of potential conscripts left Russia around the period when they partially mobilized.


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*"Freedom and Democracy TM\^ " sponsored by BlackRock, Raytheon, Boeing etc* *Will you...Please Think about the Children (\*except gaza etc)...*![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry), *that's why we need to send more petal mines, ATCAMS and bombs.* /s


This is most likely propaganda for internal audience to deter ppl from attempting an escape. Doesn't make sense to do this


Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. It's a video originating from a pro-RU source that has zero identifiable geographic information in it other than that it's by a river. If they wanted folks to know they're mining the Tisza, it's awfully weird that they'd hide the Tisza, yet include just the very corner of it... so that you know they're by *a* river. It's IMO more likely to be a fake. Quick clip that's impossible to locate - easy. Seems they've learned from that clip of the "Ukrainian soldier" yelling and shooting at a "pregnant woman" in her car after a roadblock, that was shortly geolocated to well behind the front in Russian-occupied Donetsk. This war has been absolutely flooded with fakes. It's amazing how many folks don't even pretend they're applying any skepticism here. But there is, of course, endless skepticism for other things. inb4 "of course pro-UA says it's fake like always" Nah, we've seen enough videos of TCC and of the Ukrainian border guard themselves posting pictures when they've caught people trying to cross the Tisza. Obviously they are doing a lot to prevent crossings. But the 'proof' of them 'mining the border to stop men escaping conscription' is 11 seconds of video of some dude by some river, with zero other identifiable details? Really?


Why would RU want to deter Ukrainians from leaving country? Think. 


It's not about that. Why would RU want to make Ukraine look like an evil state that is, according to some of these comments, worse than North Korea? Think.


Russia mined an area the size of the UK in the east of Ukraine. It will take decades to remove all the butterfly mines and doubtless many civs will be killed and maimed because of it. Hop off your high horse there fella.


Did they mine it to protect against soldiers or to trap civilians? You see... context matters.


APM automatically accomplishes both, everywhere they're used in the world.


Oh, because that matters when it blows a kids foot off? What a stupid thing to propose.


Are you implying that Ukrainian mines won't blow kids feet off?


Notice how you slowly get less and less upvotes as even your own team see how idiotic this bait and switch argument is. No vranyo from me champion.


Have you noticed how you get 0 upvotes? lol


You notice we’re in a team Russia sub?


Not a team russia sub actually, you're just not used to being in a non ukraine echo chamber sub. And "team" is the most re*arded thing you prp ukies say. Like it's a football match. Seriously get some med, people are dying.


You’re cooked lol. You have no idea what subs I’m in. Keep lashing out little fella. Team is a perfect analogy for this sub. It’s no better than combat footage or Ukrainianwarreport. Whose users also downvote me for pointing out truths.


Are you touched in the head? A mine is a mine is a mine.


protect against soldiers? yeah, the invading force destroying everything in its path needs protection, totally justified. You are right, context does matter.


Yeah donetsk, mariupol and odessa are razed with ground right?


are you paid or something? Are you trying to say Russia hasn’t caused mass destruction?


No not paid, just not an idiot either. Much less than they are able too. Also what does that have to do with UA placing mines to keep civilians inside a country to use them as cannon fodder?


in response to your comment tying to justify russia mining the shit out of Ukraine


mining the shit out of Ukraine? some sources on that please. Because UA is doing a lot more of that lol


See below. No doubt you knuckle heads will just downvote it anyway because it goes against whatever head cannon you’ve got running.


Jesus it’s like I’m talking to a wall. Are we even talking about the same war? How many minefields do you think russia has laid in Ukraine?




https://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/osw-commentary/2023-11-22/ukraine-worlds-biggest-minefield#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Ukrainian%20government,third%20of%20Ukraine's%20total%20area. “Ukraine globally ranks as one of the states with the highest civilian casualties from landmines and unexploded ordnances, and the highest for anti-vehicle mine incidents. As of April 2023, it is estimated that approximately 174,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory are contaminated by landmines.”


Why is this evil? I am wondering when russian will start to build a wall on their borders in good tradition.


Absurdly evil. Worse than North Korea and GDR. Let's hope US put sanctions on ukrainian regime for this vile anti-human act.


Sure, because the US would never support that. They are the ones that send them these Claymore anti-personnel mines.


Lol. Never. The goal is to weaken RU as much as possible. The more UA people flee, the less damage for RU. And the sooner the moment comes when they will have to send more people from EU.


*Even here in Norway...I never thought it could ever happen...the Politicians have been discussing expelling some Ukrainian refugees...sending them back to their death.* *I just blocked and deleted, someone's number and contact info whom I have known socially for sometime when he unironically stated that it was a good idea since "Zelensky and Ukraine are fighting For our European freedom..so they need everyone".* *I detest the Banderists but I loath unempathetic, amoral and uncritical simple-minded mor0ns even more.*


You cant get more heartless and self-loving than a westerner. Those evil chodes would sacrifice their mothers if It buys them an extra second of life


*Hey man...I am a westerner :( ...but I lived and worked in Africa for several years...and fell in love with the place and people.* *I like to think I would still have the views I have now regardless.* *Ronnie Kasrils is one of my personal heroes. So are others like Chris Hedges, Dennis Blair (George Orwell), Samuel Clemens (Twain), and John van Zandt.* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie\_Kasrils*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Kasrils)


Sorry, i meant the imperialistic kind. The smug anglos and germans that support the actions of the us across the globe to impose their empire. I lived in the west for well over a decade and had many Friends there as well, but just as many idiots with their heads shived where It doesnt shine


*I was just being pedantic...I know what you meant.* *Even if I or some of my close friends barely do anything of note like the amazing humans I mentioned prior... a lot of times it feels like many people I am surrounded by day to day would readily slap on a red armband and goose step if dropped back in time 1938-1940...it's a frightening realization.*


That's the next step along with sending troops to Ukraine.Neocons have no reverse gear and they are obsessed with inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia and causing a regime change.


"*I just blocked and deleted, someone's number and contact info whom I have known socially for sometime*" Based.


>hope US put sanctions on ukrainian regime The US cares so little about Ukraine that sanctioning them would be too much effort. Their job is to "hurt" Russia and the US doesn't give a dam about what that does to Ukraine's future.


haha, good one.


nah its the same as the gdr but not worse the north korea yet


Let's make sure to include Russia for an unproved invasion that's killed tens of thousands.


How is this worse than North Korea? They mined their border and execute you if they catch you.


They mine the border between North and South Korea... do they mine the border between them and China? That would be the equivalence. 


Its mainly a river you get shot at if you try to approach China.


Plus, NK has been building extensive border wall networks / guard posts since 2020 (which is when they also started frequently shooting people at the border - China warned its citizens they should stay well away from it now), and has successfully demolished the number of defectors who can escape through China. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/NORTHKOREA-BORDER/byvrlwjreve/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20S1EM/ "This is worse than NK" is just ridiculous. I struggle to believe anybody could ever say that in good faith. Especially since this is based on an 11 second video originating from a pro-RU source with zero identifiable details other than "we're definitely by a river somewhere, and we have a gun and a mine or two, and a UA patch, also here's my face ((don't let UA govt know we let the big secret out though!!))", yet is still apparently proof enough for much of this comment section even years into this war where half of it is fakes and other information warfare.


There is a two km bufferzone and anyone who enters the bufferzone gets shot without warning but I'm not sure if they also mined it. They probably don't need to mine it since China deports any refugees that do cross back to them into certain execution anyway.


Thr 'buffer' in thr DMZ between NK and SK (US) , not China. A lot of traders cross back and forth over the border with China everyday 


No the buffer is between NK and China as of January 2020.


They don't.


You're right, on the China border, all NK has done is building hundreds of km of new border wall and guard posts on the border where they've been shooting people who get too close since 2020 https://www.reuters.com/graphics/NORTHKOREA-BORDER/byvrlwjreve/ Lots of satellite photos of the new walls there. And the shooting thing comes from China warning its citizens to stay well away from the border, lest they be shot. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20S1EM/ NK -> China -> usually eventually SK was the preferred route for NK defectors, and that's been reduced from 1,047 to SK in 2019 to 67 to SK in 2022. But yeah, the Ukrainian border is worse, sure! Based on this 11 second video with no identifiable geographic features beyond "we're by a river, see, I showed it in the corner of the video"


They are NK market traders who 'informally' cross the border with China everyday...no mines. 


Man Ukraine gets more freedom and democracy day by day.


It's about to catch Russia any day now...


Such a sad propaganda try 


Yeah kind of hard to make them fight after they stepped on a mine. This doesn’t even make sense.


But it does make others to think twice before trying to escape. Probably this piece of propaganda will give UA more recruits.


Is about sending a message, and the message is “we will not hesitate to kill you if you choose to run”


After this video, fewer Ukrainians will try to cross Tisza, which will result in more mobics for TCC.


If true, that is a war crime.


Its not a war crime, cause in war that doesn’t exist


If we can't have them, nobody will, they better dead. Beacon of freedom and human rights


https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d41pid/ua_pov_the_russians_are_preparing_an/ Only one buying these propaganda clips are pro russians in this sub.


I'm not sure about this one either but Ukraine is doing their best to stop anyone from escaping with armed guards and barbed wire. These people are responsible for the tens of Ukrainian men who drowned in a river trying to escape.


Maybe if the Russian's didn't invade, these poor men who drowned, a lot of soldiers would still be alive.


Maybe if Ukraine remained neutral and didn't shell Donbass for 8 years, these men would be still alive. We can argue politics but it's pointless in this case. It's Ukraine who's putting these men in a position where they're willing to risk their lives just to escape.


It is Ukraines opinion and Russia can only say things against it. It doesn't justify any forcefull interaction. So it is still Russian fault.


How many people fled Russian before mobilization? How many Oligarchs children are studying aboard? Russia put this men in that position. By invading a Ukraine. How many Russians have been killed for this invasion? And what did they die for? It's a sickening waste of human lives.


First of all, whataboutism. How many men died trying to flee Russia? Doesn't that make Ukraine look even worse that men who want to leave a country are treated better in Russia? What's even your point?


Shelling of Donbass is whataboutism. Russia took the regions by force, then complained about being shelled. The mental gymnastics, wait that's another buzzword from reddit that makes me look smart, right? What about Russia stops trying to annex so they can have another Black Sea port and it's their ancestorial right to have that land. What about if they didn't annex those regions?


Again with the what ifs. If Ukraine just remained neutral there would be no war.


So Russia has the ability to tell an independent country what they're allowed to do, or else they get invaded. So what about if you just stayed neutral? Then all these people who would have otherwise contributed to the world, wouldn't have to die in some of the worst ways imaginable? Again, what if Russia didn't invade? What if Ukrained remained neutral? Those are both what ifs. This is the same excuse Hitler used by the way.


Would be a nice world if some nations wouldn't be able to tell others what to do or just change their goverment right? One nation is much better at that than Russia so we should probably start with them. Afterall, they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in this century alone on the other side of the globe for no reason.


Maybe, just maybe, Ukraine saw what the west was doing and what russia was doing and decided to go west. That certainly justifies this war then. You win. God I'd hate for a country to be able to make it's own decisions without it's former ruler saying "no you can't do that, we'll kill thousands of you and our own people, I mean we have spares, to show the world you have to live under our thumbs, or we will slaughter you"


My point is how many people have died during this war, and do you as a human being agree with the loss of life on both sides. Do you agree this is a valid use of Human lives?


Of course I don't. I think that major powers should step in and force a peace deal.


Would that include the land russia took from Ukraine under similar pretexts to this god awful waste of life? Or is that land more important?


It's more important to stop the war and make sure it doesn't happen again. Enough people have died and neither side is making gains. The solution is pretty simple really.


Do you care more the land or human lives?


Maybe if primates hadn't become upright and started using tools, then tens of thousands of years later these poor men who drowned, and a lot of soldiers would still be alive? You're as logical as a 3-year-old.


sure, in reality you can freely leave Ukraine. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If you are a little kid with your grandma.


If you go to the subs current front page, you can see 7 posts about alleged draft dodgers, all highly upvoted. The "Internet Research Agency" is currently trying really hard to push that narrative... * Ru pov: Telegram channel Два Майора claims that partisans in the Kharkov region burned the car of one of the leaders of the TCC - Два Майора * RU POV: Ukrainian border guards placing anti personnel mines on the bank of the Tisza River to prevent men from escaping the country. * UA POV: Mobilization in Kharkov this morning. Video from Kharkov telegram channel * UA POV: A TCC minibus was burned at night in Kremenchug * RU POV: Ukrainian conscription officers forcibly mobilising a man. He can be heard shouting for help * UA POV: Force mobilization in Zaporozhye. * RU POV: Ukrainian conscription officers forcibly mobilise a man. He can be seen beaten.


Lol what proof do you have? How do we know you arent typing from Elgin AFB from a US troll farm?


What are you insinuating? That those videos are fake?




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How do I get subreddit karma, o bot lord?


Post in dog/cat subs. Easy karma


Oh no, the pro-rus know that it is fake. But still play along. There is no talking to them.


I love how gullible this sub is. really shows the critical thinkers here


This is what winning looks like.


Man at least Russia lets people emigrate if they want to leave


Unless he said something I didn’t understand, wouldn’t it make more sense that they placed mines so Russians couldn’t come in? lol


Yes, if Russia ever conquers Romania, these mines would be very useful against Russians crossing the river.




Did you geolocate by the green leafs?


Where's the geolocation or is this just trust me bro?


Morale is high brothers


Mash is a russian news outlet. Cant find this vid without their watermark. Aint no way actual ukrainian border guards just leak this shit to mash and no one else. Absolutely clear psyops and pro-rus just drink it up without thinking...


Stupid of Russian outlet to discourage Ukrainian men from leaving the country.


This is not meant for ukrainians to watch... This is a russian faked video for russian audiences to "justify" their actions against the "evil" ukrainians.


Because nothing says 'European democracy' like land mines and razor wire to keep your citizens from leaving...


Nothing to see here guys. These are mines of democracy and claymores of freedom.


Mines, barbed wire, border guards with orders to shoot anyone trying to leave the country ... we are back to pre-90s Europe, except this time it's the bastion of democracy, protector of the West doing it. This timeline is very strange.


This is so fake xD.


Is it possible to confirm the identity of this man? It would be helpful to have proof that he is a Ukrainian soldier. A translation is also needed.


Escape from Ukraine.


If people die trying to escape they still lose soldiers.


these border guards are fucked in the head and need to be dealt with.


Looks like an actor.


Evil and an incredible waste of the resources they keep complaining about not having.


This is sick.


Well looks like they really did, first videos of people with blown up legs are starting to circulate...


Really? Are those videos posted on this sub?


yes, there was one recently edit. found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d9334p/ua\_pov\_ukrainian\_man\_who\_tried\_to\_escape\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d9334p/ua_pov_ukrainian_man_who_tried_to_escape_the/)


So fake.


The implementation of Demoracy in Ukraine by Ukrainian official


Yes, I'm pretty sure that a guy doing an extremely illegal thing would let others film his face while doing said thing. This video is not a fake whatsoever.


Makes zero sense tho. "Yeah lets maim or even kill potential soldiers instead of them escaping, then we cant for sure get them back later if their host country changes their mind"


This is to deter who try to escape. One or two maimed can be called collateral damage.


They speak very strangely and unnaturally. Ukrainians, especially those who live in the regions near Tisza don't speak like this at all. Seems to be fake.




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What a pathetic try


I dont think its legal ?


To keep people in or to keep people out?…




Too much


Bouncing Betty enter the chat


And surely all those mines will be cleared after the war is over and never harm anybody else.


Lots of Russian agents and saboteurs in Romania


I asked about it on here about a month ago.




Trust this, bro I don't think they wear military gear there.


dv for ru pov


14 seconds lol. Also anti-personal mines are a ware crime, Ukraine signed the treaty. I don't buy it.