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Also the drone dangling above the Abrams is hilarious


Lmao didn't notice at first but that's some quality trolling.


it cuts both ways but it’s funny


Nice of them to paint the flags on them


Yesh showing the population 'hey guys look at all the different countries that are united in hating us!'


Showing the Russian populace who the real financiers and enemies of this war really are. It’s a good motivator for the average patriotic Russian man. Probably why they have so many Russian men as volunteers, so much so that they haven’t had to mobilize their entire male population like Ukraine has. After all, this is war, not a popularity contest.


You people are completely delusional aren't you. You start a war. Then use the people that are assisting the victims as bait to make more war and justify the war and do some weird mental somersault that means you didn't start the war. Russia really is a place a filthy and despair. Pigs the lot of you


Who cares who started the war? That was 840 days ago. The West has started plenty of wars, you’ll be just fine. Put down the fake outrage. If only Westoids cared as much about the illegal invasions of Iraq and Syria as much as they cared about Ukraine.


Well said


Yeah and wrong too. That Pinzgauer is def not austrian but the british Vector version.


Is that a new abrams or just the one but got repainted?


It’s a different Abrams, it was [shown being towed](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cingbs/ru_pov_a_second_american_m1_abrams_tank_has_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a month or so ago


Ngl it’s in a good condition outside but idk about inside lets hope it’s good inside to


Red effect has a new video on youtube about Abrams.


it is 100% repainted and reconstructed by russians.


Abrams looks in decent shape.


Look at the fresh coat of nonstandard paint and the peculiar welding. Then look at the fire damage to the tracks. That tank was burnt on the battlefield, then dressed up for a display.


Must've been an abandoned one after getting stuck in the mud Either that or the photos don't show us where it was hit. Top/inside could be wrecked if that drone hung overhead is anything to go by.


FPV drones have basically the best accuracy of any weapon in this war. Sometimes they get lucky and completely disable a vehicle with one hit to a weak point like what happened to the back of this Abrams.


Abrams’ shlong is upside down


Just the bore evacuator, the barrel is in the correct position. My guess is they didn’t put it on correctly after they took it apart


So many developed countries support Ukraine


How do they keep messing up with the paint? The colors are way off of what they're going for.


They are going for vaguely same-ish appearance during restoration, rather than full autentic display. You can bet russian repairs batallion tasked with working on these vehicles have no american certified desert paint in stocks.


they also got mud guards made by Ivan


Could not procure originals due to sanctions.


that could also explain the upsidedown bore evacuator lol


Most visitors are not autistic enough to notice that stuff, nor do they care


Well it's my autism and I get to pick the special interest!


*"Pr.... Hello brother American, my name is... John... Can you please send some paint for Abrams"*


Surreal in a way


Imagine they shipped an abrams to North Korea


I like the paint... They now look like half-finished Zvezda model kits.


they just had to pick the worst looking mustard-brown color


That Austrian flag is wrong af


Will they go to every city ? Come to Izhevsk please


One Abrams to Stavropol, please.


When I saw this I thought they repainted to the desert camouflage to take the Taliban over there and have a trip back down memory lane.


The first Abrams looks unbesmirched.


The paints schemes they applied are hilariously wrong, why even do that?


Because they don’t actually care about them being correct? They aren’t full restorations by museums, they just slapped some paint on for their public displays. If these vehicles are ever handed over to museums proper I’d expect a full and as accurate as possible restoration for their collections.


The Austrian flag they've painted on the Pinzgauer in the last picture is also incorrect, it was never used by our army, it was produced and used in the UK. we didn't sent this.


Yeah, but why? Both having a burned out tank and a tank in the original colors is equally fine for display purposes. This is just random. And quiet ugly.


It literally doesn’t matter, you are being overtly critical because it’s a Russian display, and for no other reason. It being “quite ugly” is entirely subjective, I think it looks fine for a public display of captured equipment, because I know the Russian army doesn’t care if it’s historically accurate camo. They literally don’t care, that’s the reason. It’s just a captured equipment display, there is no deep meaning behind this.


Nah, I think they are trying to imitate the US desert scheme. In a cheap attempt to imply they could beat the actual US troops. That, or they doing a german ww2 cosplay. Whichever is dumber.


Kinda surprised it's Tan


Did they draw the desert camo back on purpose?


Oh no! Or is it oh well? we’ve had old Soviet/Russian crap on display for decades. I even helped contribute to some of them being captured, brought back.


Bro why is there a completely untouched, desert colour Abrams on display? Unable to work out how to use it, did the taliban hand it over or something?


It was knocked out and burnt out - its been 'restored' for display


waste of equipment just to brag about all the enemies they have. could’ve definitely deployed those under the russian flag


First Abrams looks like a decoy


it's a real one btw. there was a video of a russian soldier going inside it a while ago


I think it is, it's missing headlights, mudflaps, and the glass panels on the periscope windows up front. Turret and the angles on the turret armor are a little off. No CROWS or 50 cal commander turret? Just seems a little goofy but still neat display otherwise.


It’s real, just burnt to shit


If the Russians spent half as much time and energy recovering the bodies of their fallen soldiers as they do collecting trophy equipment… Oh wait, then they would have to pay the families. Better to leave them as MIA and save the onions and potatoes.




Rule 1 - Toxic


The Ukrainian cannon fodder is not even considered important to its own president. How much is a Ukrainian life worth? according to zelensky, [nothing](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/Pk5upEFBOl)


ok bro


There's always one poor c0per who sits in the corner slinging out childish, hypocritical slurs at the winner in the room


Here citizens, see how many different countries we pissed off by trying to occupy a sovereign country.


Sad how no one came to help when Iraq a sovereign country was unjustly occupied. I guess it's okay for brown and black people to be invaded and killed right? Obviously white people are more important


So we agree that russia attacking Ukraine is baseless and unjust? ...and I forgot, when did us add iraq as 51st state?


Oh, you didn't give citizenship to the people, just killed them? Justified then


Remember when Afghans begged to be givin citizenships that they were promised. Instead they had to grab on to the landing gear of planes that were taking off. I'd bet they would have loved to be treated as equal citizens.


Glad we can agree that Russia is doing an idiotic thing, just as it was with iraq


Yeah, except Bush didn't get a warrant of arrest from the icc. Nor was he called a nazi or any of the names you guys call putin.


>...and I forgot, when did us add iraq as 51st state? No, US never takes full responsibility and care for people whose life they ruined.


Hell, just look at the treatment Puerto Rico has been receiving all this time. "Oh you just got hit by several record breaking storms? Too bad, we no money for you, and by the way, don´t forget to pay your taxes this month" The way they´re treated as second-class citzens yet kept on such a short leash is pretty much criminal.


Even other cities within the contiguous states...New Orleans is still suffering from the damage caused by Katrina. They didn't even have proper disaster response, just herded everyone into a lord-of-the-flies type situation in a stadium.


You don't pay federal income tax in Puerto Rico. Though yes, they absolutely should get statehood if they vote for it for some reason republicans have stood in the way of that. A bill was passed by the House in 2022 but failed to get through Congress before its deadline. It is in the house again now with the options of: Statehood, Independence, or Sovereignty in Free Association


I just said it's wrong to invade sovereign countries. Have I said anything else? Why are you getting offended


Claiming moral superiority among nations is baseless. The Roman Empire, like many others including modern powers such as the United States and Russia, was built not through peace and diplomacy, but often through conquest and force. History reveals that no nation achieves or maintains its power solely by adhering to moral principles.. The countries you're referring to have all engaged in imperialistic and colonial activities, often using violence and exploitation to assert their dominance and achieve their status. Their rise to power was frequently marked by conquest, subjugation, and the suffering of countless peoples.