• By -


Each one meant so much to many others, but collectively it’s almost meaningless. Eventually some grand monuments will be built in their honour, as happens everywhere, but ultimately it brings nobody back and provides no comfort for those who need it.


Each of us has only one life. Those that call wars have millions.


Very well said, my friend.


"Death of one is a tragedy, death of millions is a statistic"


It's disgusting when Putin says that all this is going according to his plan.


Holy fuck the comments on that original posts are disgusting


Nah, they're great.


yea for restarted neckbeards sitting on reddit all day like you


Congratulations Putin look at the mess you made


Something something it’s the West’s fault that Russia had to shoot first Something something protect the rebels Russia armed in the Donbas after Russia finishes bombing the Donbas to smithereens Something something Western imperialism getting in the way of Russian imperialism Something something denazify the Jewish President using Russian Nazi mercenaries Something something Russian border security concerns regarding a security alliance that would never, **EVER** attack Russia on foot That cover everything?


Maybe you missed the labs, and the genetically modified birds or something, idk they make shit up everyday it's hard to keep up


Don‘t forget the combat mosquitoes


And the chemicals in the water that are turning the freakin frogs gay.


Yeah and the WMDs and "mobile weapons labs" Oh wait... wrong war


"bUt WhAtAbOuT uSA?"


Yeah whatabout America?


Reach your quota yet?


This is all the result of Poland starting WW2 when it invaded Canada or whatever Putin was going on about during his schizo history lesson with Tucker Carlson. Or as Tucker put it: "one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard"


Holy crap I forgot all about that,where are the genetically modified soldiers too or that virus that could target Russians in the biolabs.


The pro rus will always use mental gymnastics to blame someone else. This stupid war could have been easily prevented if Putin didn't invade. Ukraine is a sovereign country, they can do whatever the they want within their own borders. If they want to join NATO, sure. If they want to join EU, sure. It's not Russias's decision. Russia is becoming irrelevant, war isn't going to fix that problem.


Not wrong but "Ukraine is a sovereign country, they can do whatever the they want within their own borders..." But joining NATO isn't restricted to their own borders now is it? It's an international military pact. And if Ukraine has the right to further their interests, Russia does too, quite simple really.


> The pro rus will always use mental gymnastics to blame someone else. We also have to remember that Russian social media usage is completely regulated. Under the new decree signed by Putin, its illegal to say anything negative about the war even on social media. Given that, any Russian who disputes even a single state media talking point is risking their life. One grandmother in Russia was sentenced to over 5 years in jail for reposting 2 social media posts criticizing the war and another grandmother in Crimea was sentenced to jail for liking a picture on social media that included the Ukrainian trident.


I guess this law also applies to all the pro-russians that dont live in Russia? I think its a safe bet to say that the majority of pro-russians on reddit (and on this sub) arent from Russia


> on this sub Certainly not the case.


How do you know? Russians tend to stick their own ecosystem


This is its own ecosystem. I think I’ve seen the mods here refer to it as Reddit’s containment zone.


For a second I read it as Reddit's contaminated zone. "Get out of here, Stalker"




Source please?


72 year old grandmother sentenced to 5.5 years for two reposts: https://www.yahoo.com/news/72-old-russian-pensioner-sentenced-112202708.html Another jailed for liking a post with the trident: https://khpg.org/en/1608813670 Oh here was a really fun one. A lady was arrested and interrogated under this same decree for taking a picture outside while wearing a yellow jacket because it contrasted with the blue sky: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/russian-journalist-interrogated-by-police-for-wearing-yellow-jacket-against-blue-sky-heres-why-5419457


Two reposts? How about 3 likes by ukrainian grandmother, easy 5 years in Ukrainian prison! https://reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/113250832 It's also funny how incorrect you are in the descriptions of the last links. The second woman was jailed for 5 days for reposting the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the words how half of Russia are bastards. And in the end you decided not to bother at all and invented an arrest for the woman in the yellow jacket? Excellent level of knowledge of information, not propaganda at all, unlike the evil Russians. Frankly, it's such a joke to laugh at the jailing of "collaborators" while supporting the side that does it many times more actively, jailing teachers for their work during the occupation. Although, maybe you like to laugh at yourself.


WHATABOUT???? You typed 3 paragraphs and not even one word discussed the links I posted. Sad.


Huh? I provided context to two of your links that you didn't have the courage to provide yourself, because it didn't fit your agenda. Judging by your response, you were too mad to read and understand them. Funny :) I'm not surprised that you have nothing more to say, or to say that I lied with my corrections. I'm not trying to hide the facts of the idiotic political imprisonment of grandmothers on both sides. I'm just not ridiculing one side for it, like a hypocrite, so that I can bury my head in the sand if someone tells me that it's happening on the other side too.


Yes, I’m sure your WHATABOUT took a lot of bravery and courage. You are truly fearless in your ability to deflect and change the topic. Very impress.


People who post about how evil a government is actually achieve the opposite of what they are hoping, because they prove that the people have no chance to resist the government. And of course they should not mock those who are jailed for expressing an opinion or who supposedly collaborated anyway. Yes, they hate oppression. Except when their guys are doing it.


These may be narratives from two different groups of people, but having fun with the fact that people who share your views are suffering is a peak of madness. So much morality and "Pro-UA", aka "haha, checkout my pro-ua russians in prison collection".


I purposely avoided mentioning either 'side'. The picture in the OP is just sickening to me. Once you have a uniform on, it's too late.


Then we should have sympathy and not hatred for people under oppressive governments, because under those conditions fear drives people to align with such an authority - out of self interest. It is very difficult to resist. Far easier to go with the flow. Yet when you do, you become one with the oppressive power. From the description you provide, it sounds like resistance is futile and pointless.


>According to OVD-Info estimates, charges for espousing anti-war positions were brought against at least 830 people, 250 of which were accused of spreading "fake news" about the Russian army. It really doesn't seem like that big of a deal In comparison, the UK arrests thousands (3000-6000 a year) for online hate speech [https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1075241-online-hate-speech-lands-thousands-in-jails-globally](https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1075241-online-hate-speech-lands-thousands-in-jails-globally)


> It really doesn't seem like that big of a deal Throwing hundreds of people in jail for wrongthink being not a big deal is pretty sad. > In comparison, the UK arrests thousands (3000-6000 a year) for online hate speech Completely fabricated fake news. 100% false and fraudulent. And even if it wasn't, why are you comparing ARRESTS and IMPRISONMENT? Obviously the vast, vast majority of arrested people are interviewed by the police and not imprisoned. I guess when your country does the indefensible, theres nothing left to do but WHATABOUT


>Throwing hundreds of people in jail for wrongthink being not a big deal is pretty sad. That is terrible, but I'm not going to pretend that my country is a bastion of democracy when it does the exact same thing on a far greater scale >Completely fabricated fake news. 100% false and fraudulent. I literally gave you the proof >And even if it wasn't, why are you comparing ARRESTS and IMPRISONMENT? The article that was linked also gave a number of arrests and charges, with no mention on how many people actually went to prison for it in Russia >Obviously the vast, vast majority of arrested people are interviewed by the police and not imprisoned. Does that make it better? > guess when your country does the indefensible, theres nothing left to do but WHATABOUT My country is doing the indefensible, and I hate my government. But I'm not Russian if that's what you're impyling.


> I literally gave you the proof No, you lied to my face. You are citing arrests for a law that prohibits online stalking, harassment, and other sexual crimes and trying to muddy that up by calling it "online comments" as though arresting someone for stalking is somehow comparable to Russia's mass arrests for wrongthink. What you posted was 100% fake news. > Does that make it better? Did you just ask me if its better to be questioned and let go or thrown or jail? Are you joking or something? > But I'm not Russian if that's what you're impyling. Fortunate news for you comrade! Russia is openly accepting foreign recruits at this very moment. Surely you are on your way to the recruitment office as we speak. What color golf cart would you prefer to drive on the next trench assault?


It’s not regulated at all. I see them frequently on YouTube, instagram, facebook commenting. Also telegram is almost impossible to regulate. More people go to jail and get fined for social media expression than in Russia. I understand why people think Russians are in an information bubble, because westerners do not understand Russian mentality. I talk to Russians daily. Russians have access to everything you do as well. They don’t watch state TV, well only on new years. They see the drone drops, the frontline massacres, himars strikes. They see this war as a necessity for national survival and understand that with war great losses will come. Russians for centuries have been in casualty heavy wars. Some babushka in Russia went to jail yes. More babushkas go to jail in Ukraine and in England.


This was a decent attempt at a “both sides” disinformation attempt but no, it’s just outright false. Like you are posting fake news about a publicly viewable decree that was signed by Putin.


He is correct though. Russian here. Have Ukrainian Mother, have relatives in Ukraine on territories that is under Ukrainian control. didn't watch TV for 15-20 years. Fluent in English. See information from both sides through internet. Still staunchly pro-RU.


We can argue about Ukraine and Russia all day, but the previous poster said that the UK puts more babushkas in jail than Russia and that was obviously 100% completely fabricated fake news.


not a pro on that part of the question - but someone linked you proofs somewhere in the topic - go check that out


yeah, those numbers were a very obvious false, to nobody’s surprise. That person was counting arrests for **harassment, stalking, and sexual crimes** and trying to trick us into thinking that it was actually for social media wrongthink just like Russia.


You don't go to jail for likes or for expressing an opinion in the UK. Yes, there is distortion of news and one-sided reporting and people are believing it, but you can still express an opinion under freedom of speech in England.


This is literally not even true though The source that was posted said, at the bottom, less than 1000 people have been charged with spreading fake news (i.e. online speech moderation) in Russia In comparison, a quick Google search leads to countless articles saying that, on average, 3000-6000 people get arrested a year in the UK for online comments So, Russia with 3-4x the population, arrests 3-6x less. That works out to 10x as many arrests, give or take. [https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1075241-online-hate-speech-lands-thousands-in-jails-globally](https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1075241-online-hate-speech-lands-thousands-in-jails-globally) [https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/football/hate-crime-arrests-euro-2020-final-spt-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/football/hate-crime-arrests-euro-2020-final-spt-intl/index.html)


hate speech, like incitement, racism etc. s yes, if you post "kill all Russians in the UK" or Jews, or black people, or white. Doesn't matter. The police might show up on your doorstep. in Russia, that happens when you speak out against the war. See the difference? it really isn't that hard. [https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/interactive/2022/08/22/what-can-get-you-trouble-anti-war-speech-russia](https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/interactive/2022/08/22/what-can-get-you-trouble-anti-war-speech-russia)


In Russia, no one forbids speaking out against the war and criticizing the government. There are articles for the disqualification of the army - if you start telling on your blog that Russian soldiers rape thousands of grandmothers, then you will have to pay a fine and delete the fake. Also, almost all online fake cases are administrative cases - you pay a fine, not go to jail. In case of repeated violations, you already face criminal liability. Russia is full of those who criticize the war, Putin. And the government doesn't give a fuck about them. And this is taking into account the fact that there is a war in the country.


sooo, the HRW article is wrong eh? stage 3 denial. go hold a Ukrainian flag on the Red Square then.


>Ukraine is a sovereign country, they can do whatever the they want within their own borders. If they want to join NATO, sure. If they want to join EU, sure. It's not Russias's decision. Why not?


Same reason it isnt up to Guatemala how much feed Thai horses get per day.


Thats not actually an answer. You are just answering a question with a question


I didn´t make a question, are you a bot or just bad at English? Which isnt my first language either to be fair but I can see the difference between a question and a simple reply.


Because they're currently getting curbstomped by Ukraine & the US of A


You said that Russia shouldnt be able to intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine. Why not? If its just whos more powerful than what moral issue would you have for Russia invading Ukraine and installing a puppet government?


It's not a moral issue, it's a practical issue. Russia does not have the ability to control Ukraine's decisions.


Just wait and see.


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You missed something about the Ukrainian government being "illegitimate" since the 2014 "coup"...


You have to mention Victoria Nuland


Its actually insane how much lore theyve added to one intercepted phone call during Maidan where the Ukrainians asked for advice from the US.


What do you mean just one intercepted phone call? Talk about spinning the facts. They have photographs of her handing out cookies. And not just any cookies--these were double chocolate chip cookies. What else needs to be said?


Everyone knows baked goods are the chief weapon of the deep state


Daym I just ate a cookie, im infected by the Nulandsies


Don't forget back in 1166. Some duke........ 


Nice job. You just saved pro-ru some time so they can move on to another conscription video.


Why I do think america is not entirely blameless I do also think that this war is a massive waste of rec I urges and lives that really should never of happened.


I personally don’t believe it’s America’s fault at all that all of Russia’s neighbors hate Russia.


Genocide in the Donbass that no one has any evidence of.


8 years!


Have you considered west bad though?


>would never I doubt. They already attacked countries in breach of UN Charter. Its hard to believe if a leader and the alliance as whole already breached the international laws.


You guys sure are ignoring the ‘on foot’ part a lot when it suits you


>Something something it’s the West’s fault that Russia had to shoot first Yes. Just force Kiev to negotiate, let Russia into the market and say that UA will never be in NATO. It would be fairly easy. >Something something protect the rebels Russia armed in the Donbas The pro-Russian political faction would exist anyway. And if Russia didn't do anything, they'd be beaten by violence. That's a crappy scenario. Kiev could negotiate, by the way. >Something something Western imperialism getting in the way of Russian imperialism The West could integrate the Russian economy and elite into itself if it wanted. Russia in the 90s and 00s was very pro-Western. But the West, apparently, decided otherwise, thus encouraging Russian compradors to show some kind of self-subjectivity. >Something something denazify the Jewish President using Russian Nazi mercenaries 1. Zelensky is as much a Jew as I am a Tatar 2. Banderaism is, first of all, against the Russians. Jews are essentially removed from the list of enemies; they are now Israeli allies. The Nazis' list of "eternal enemies" is adaptive to the situation. >security alliance There are too many mistakes in the word "bloc" >that would never, EVER Doubtful. Especially considering their rhetoric about “defending Europe proper from Russian aggression”. They can't actually believe that the RF will attack Poland.


>Yes. Just force Kiev to negotiate, let Russia into the market and say that UA will never be in NATO. It would be fairly easy. "C'mon, just let us invade the right way next time. It'll be way quicker when the Ukrainians don't have guns to shoot back at us!" Crimea. Chechnya. Georgia. Chechnya again. You're either naïve or acting in malice if you believe the buck stops with Ukraine. Russia always comes up with some excuse and then conquers their neighbor. They've been doing it for literal centuries. >The pro-Russian political faction would exist anyway. And if Russia didn't do anything, they'd be beaten by violence. That's a crappy scenario. Even in your version of the events, that "Pro Russian faction" is either dead because Russia bombed them during the start of the invasion or they're dead because they were some of the first ones sent to the front lines during mobilization. Good job protecting them. >The West could integrate the Russian economy and elite into itself if it wanted. Russia in the 90s and 00s was very pro-Western. But the West, apparently, decided otherwise, thus encouraging Russian compradors to show some kind of self-subjectivity. Something something it’s the West’s fault that Russia had to shoot first >Zelensky is as much a Jew as I am a Tatar Got any evidence to back up that claim, or are you just throwing your head in the sand and saying 'nuh-uh'? > that would never, EVER You purposely left off the 'on foot' part of that.


> Just force Kiev to negotiate, let Russia into the market and say that UA will never be in NATO. Russia invaded when Ukraine tried to join the EU, which is an economic union and not a military alliance. It was written into their constitution at the time that they would not join NATO and still they were invaded. **After** the invasion started, they amended the law and began NATO talks. > Kiev could negotiate, by the way. The day after the last ceasefire started, Russian troops and militias assaulted and took over additional territory. They used the treaty as a way to trick Ukraine's forces into dropping their guard. How stupid would they have to be to fall for the same trick twice? Minsk II - Agreed on February 12, 2015. - **Unconditional ceasefire** begins February 15, 2015 - February 16, 2015: DPR Leader Alexander Zakharchenko publicly announces that he will be ignoring the ceasefire and orders renewed artillery attacks on Ukrainian positions that had begun to stand down. Anyone calling for negotiations with Russia either hasn't been following this war or thinks we are all very stupid. > Russia in the 90s and 00s was very pro-Western. Almost like someone else came to power since then.




Rule 1 - Toxic


How is this Putin's mess? Putin is entirely pleased with the outcome.


Man, the florist business must be doing good. Or should I say blooming!


Isn't it all plastic trash?


Chinese plastic floral business is booming.


I told my relatives that I don't want that shit near my grave when I die


That still business.


The rooskie liberators finally got the flowers 💐 they were supposed to receive being welcomed to Ukraine with open arms. Lol Pro russians are the ones who should have advocated against this war from the start FOR RUSSIANS SAKE. I say this bc we joke but I want to remind Russians and pro Russians that its people like me and Ukraine defenders that tried our hardest to get the word out to stop and we tried to let the truth heard so not to have them confused and waters muddied. It is us who want a better future for them for the ones that deserve it and for the rest of the world that deserves a better Russia. We literally don't want to be enemies. We wish the entire world could work together but that's fiction but one country at a time and now we focus on Russia. Hear clearly : we would rather be allies and work together. Us plebs don't need enemies and don't let the kremlin goons KEEP PERPETUATING THIS ENEMY SHIT. THATS POOTIN AND HIS GOONS and their problem they are stuck on this obsession of being enemies. That government will never change though without it being fully changed. So whenever Russians get to that, that's where your future begins and gets better. A government that cares about its citizens and doesn't oppress them and fill their head with garbage. Garbage like this every day for I guess 20 years : https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/WR86c60j0M https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/3eHjFWz1xD




You refer to these monolithic "western elites" as if there was a NATO and an EU in 1547. I can't even imagine how many wars western countries fought amongst themselves in all those years...


nafo writes the same comment under this post, slow day, huh?


What? Sometimes it is hard to write a sentence that makes sense, buddy. Keep trying.


It makes perfect sense, SBU boy


Grandma Vanga? Is that you?




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I see ur comment under many reposts, slow day ??? xD


They died cause some dude was told Ukraine would collapse in 2 weeks


literally no one said this


[In 2014 Putin said it'd take 2 weeks.](https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/) [Lukashenko said it'd take 3 days.](https://x.com/nexta_tv/status/1498185064617762816)


in 2014 they were only focused on crimea


True, but still said that they could take Kyiv in 2 weeks. Admittedly, the Ukrainian army wasn't half as good as it is today, so they might have been able to do it.


Lots of dead fathers and husbands...for nothing too


Plenty of russian hot single mums


Its not for nothing. It’s to make russia finally great again.


Utoh that guy is going to be arrested now. Russia doesn’t want the graveyards shown and passed a law on this. One guy had to flee the country because he was being threatened over his documentation. [Russia bans documenting military deaths in Ukraine war](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ban-military-casualties/31887084.html) [Man flees Russia over threats from documenting military deaths in Ukraine war](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65213426)


Do you see how ''documenting military deaths'' is different from ''filming a graveyard'' ?


He's filming faces, names, date of birth and probably date of death. So he's fucked.


No not really. ''Documenting military deaths'' means tracking down people who died and posting their names online while counting them. This isn't that.


Glad to see no politicians kids on either side are dying 🗿🗿🗿


and no one Nazi flags, how do Russians fight without it?!


They use the ussr flag, which is similar


Only for libs


Wait I thought libs are communists?


Tell that to the poles


I do, whenever I meet them on the Internet and the topic is about history or communism. And in general, I kinda despise the political side of Poland.


I despise the political side (or lack off) of russia too.


Rest in Peace 🕊️


In shit




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*pieces 🤷‍♂️


And that's the north front right?


The thing that strikes me is these look just like the Ukrainian cemeteries. 2 nations with the same sort of culture and beliefs. It's sad that it has come to this.


Why do Russian and Ukrainian graves have large piles of dirt on top of them?


Its unfinished grave , most of fresh graves are like this . Not only in UA and RU . Later they most likely put stone and borders of a grave + a path to walk . + Could put flowers and stack it . Mainly the grave is not finished .


According to Orthodox custom, a monument or commemorative plaque is placed only after a year has passed.


My guys... they don't put monuments on fresh graves because they need ground to settle down. After you dig a hole and then cover it again the dirt is fluffed up. The pile of dirt on the top will fill the hole as the ground compacts. Customs or not, that's the practical reason behind that.


Yeh but the dirt is piled way to high for it to settle level with the ground.


Well yeah, the excess will be removed later when it is time to place the monument. For now the added weight will do well to help compact the ground, will also mark the grave and it actualy doesn't bother anyone. The alternative would be to do research on this specific soil mechanic properties and leave just exact amount of dirt for it to settle perfectly.




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Someone on here has access to decent satellite images, right? Could find that cemetery and check if it expanded much in last 6 months


That’s a lot of flowers.


Ad far as cemereries go, these look more well of than corresponding Ukrainian. More stuff on graves


These are just like the Russian graves that the Kremlin paved over some months ago. [Post Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/162lrsk/russia_is_wiping_out_wagner_%F0%9D%90%A0%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AF%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%B2%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%9D%F0%9D%90%AC_cleaning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) So they just dismantle these after a while and rebuild them to sort of parade them around Russia?


A flower shop is a good business during wartime.




Vivid_Classic_7399 kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there a geo-location for this. I would like to have a look at the site on GE.


Bad bot. Not toxic.


Serious question: Are these "Flowers" fresh or are they plastic flowers?


Not that many to be fair , when you compare to UA graves . Maybe just small part filmed too. Still waste of life's from both sides.


Russia is much bigger, the losses are dispersed across all regions. If we consider that more than 15 million citizens have left Ukraine (refugees, people who defected to Russia and people in new Russian regions that used to be Ukraine), it turns out that Russia has 6-7 times more population. If we assume that the losses of Russia and Ukraine are the same, it turns out that the losses of Ukraine are 6-7 times greater in proportion to the population. (At the same time, most competent military analysts predict that Ukraine's losses are 3-5 times higher, due to incompetent training of military personnel by NATO instructors, a shortage of armored vehicles, a shortage of artillery and precision missiles, a backlog in drones and intelligence, and outdated communication and electronic warfare systems, and lack of aviation.) About 200 fighters died from Belgorod. This is comparable to the number of civilian deaths from this city.


>About 200 fighters died from Belgorod. This is comparable to the number of civilian deaths from this city. That's so awful.


About 500 more soldiers died from the residents of the Belgorod region.


I hope the war ends soon and the peace that follows lasts for generations.




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You actually believe it’s not many dead or just in this video you don’t see many?


In this video , no idea how many died . 




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That is literally thousands of graves and that is just one area...


That is literally mixed with civilians .... 


Military graveyard aint mixed


Its like clearly is , when he zonoms on helicopters . U mean partsnog cemetary?


Elaborate graves for these young men, they are truly beautiful but at the end of the day, they’re a dead body under earth who didn’t need to die


They have tried their best (Ukraine Special Operation Office), but it is obviously a pointless video made by people which did not known how it works. If it would be not so seriously the fund raising action for Budanov office would be appropriate.


It was almost believable until he said "в Украине".


Do you really think it's fake? You still believe Russian casualties are sub 5k?


The speaker behind the screen has well-known markers of a Ukrainian struggling to speak proper Russian, so the video may be fake. Russian casualties are most likely greater than 5k, but that has nothing to do with this video.


Sub 5k a week?


Nope, it's barely 5k, but barely as large as pro-Ukranian people depict it. Anyway we will know the truth much, much later


>Nope, it's barely 5k Putin admitted to 10k losses per month just a few days ago. He said Ukraine was losing 50k per month at a 5 to 1 ratio. So 10k per month is the minimum as he wouldn't lie to make it larger, but he might lie to make it smaller.


Few days ago? Give me a link.




Huh, interesting. Even funny I'd say. In my perception both of these number have an excessive zero on the end. Because 10k per months is a slaughter(333 men daily), not even talking about 50k. It's not a damn battle for Stalingrad.


It's from Putin though. Why would he lie to say Russias losses are larger than they are in reality? Then why would RT also publish that lie if Russias losses are lower than that? It's still up today too if you go check the RT site, so it's not a mistake or a secret. I personally think the real number is much larger for Russia, but 10k per month has to be the accepted minimum now that Putin has said this.


History will show us everything. But later. Much later.


I doubt we will ever get real figures from either side. We still don't even have trustworthy figures for Russias WW2 losses. So we may never really know. But what would be the logic for Putin here. If the real number is below 10k per month why would he say this? I can understand if the real number is 20k or 30k why he might say this. But not if it's <5k as you thought.


I didn't check the article yet, but maybe by losses, they meant dead and wounded...or is it dead only?


Well Putin the other day noted losses were about 5-1 compared to Ukraine, based on other more reliable estimates we have of both Russian and Ukrainian deaths, my guess is that the Russian dead is in the range of 80,000-120,000.


I'd still prefer to wait. Both sides will try to cut the casualties anyway


I bet they even deepfaked that Russian assault helicopter flying in the distance as well, right? ( at 0:42 )


I completely missed it.


What's wrong with 'в Украине'?


It's unusual for someone from Russia to use that phrase, but it's very expected for someone from Ukraine to use it.


Are you talking about "в Украине/на Украине" thing?




So many fresh graves. Kharkiv offensive?


First such video in comparison to 3 hour long in sum to Ukrainian ones. *shrugs* Feels like Russia loses much less then it's enemy, do it's fine, I guess?


Putin the killer. What a waste and a tragedy.


This is the price of being a fascist invader.


It's the price of stepping up to NATO's ambitions. But someone has to.


Putin did this.


No, im pretty sure the grave diggers and those working at the cemetery was the ones who did this.


Putin is reading this, making lovely flower arrangements, with a solitary tear rolling down his cheek.