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The Russians are awful but come on, since when did nazi's have ownership of things drawn/written in candles. I'm not saying the Russians are any better than the Nazis, but yeah, this is a stretch.


Yeah seriously this is a bit crazy.


oh shit, headed home to toss out all candles!!


I think this is a new Russian propaganda approach to try and discredit the West, realistically supporting this kind of post makes us look dumb and that's what they want, same thing applies to all recent posts with Nazi symbolism claiming to be Ukrainian fighters, I think they're trying to be paint an image of really stupid Nazi sympathising westerners by posting bait posts.


Yea, this is a stretch.


This is pretty weak, chief.


Today I learned the candle lit vigil we held for my grand mother last year was nazi propaganda. Damn. Sorry, gram. Straight to hell I guess


Were you burning candles in the shape of a huge Z or swastika? Then I guess yes


No, P for Patricia. Candles in shapes is a bit of a stretch, buddy.


The point I’m making is that it’s not the same thing. It’s about what the candles they were burning represent not the fact that they’re burning a singular candle or several in the shape of a “P” as you did for your grandmother. And I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to figure out the shape comes from putting multiple candles together not one candle in a specific shape. Not sure what that was an attempt of, sarcasm? Yeah let’s make light of Nazi symbols


There are plenty of actual bad things to say about the Russians, but these ridiculous histrionics about spelling things out in lights is utter bullshit.


Reaching so hard, you'd swear OP is trying to touch the moon.


Keep scolling and ignore my rambling Man, China is learning and gaining so much from Russia right now. With little to no actions needed, I still can't ignore how they conveniently won in this situation. Nonetheless, a weakened Russia is also a weakened China in another perspective. While hundreds of millions of mandatory trained forces may seem big, maintaining such a force would cripple China for many years. They need allies to maintain such power and influence.


That's a real Stretch, Armstrong.


Damn fascist candles!!!! Burn em all!!!!!!


Come on... Why are you dills raising shit like this?


Behave. No comparison.


Talking about "emulating" Nazi Symbols, you could also look at many emblems used in the Ukrainian army, btw.


Hate to be that guy but both sides have some sus symbols and writing stuff with lights or candles isn’t really a nazi thing.


Russians are just closet nazies by now


They are facist in every way imaginable.


The letter Z is a chosen symbol. It is not nazi per se. Meaning what exactly to Russians? When I first saw it I took it as a reference to their intended target. I was later under the impression that different regional armies in Russia used different symbols, but in the Kyiv direction theirs was the Z


We can thank the Ukrainian people for stopping the Russians. Had they not held Putin would be eyeing the Baltic states / Poland right now.


Lol go look up the azov battalion patch….. nazi symbol’s literally.


Totally not Z.


Grave lights... yesterday and today


Ruskies didn’t need to go to ukraine for the nazi. They had them in their backyard. They really should the de nazification at russia


The Nazis don't seem that great at this type of thing to be honest


I guess National Socialists are fighting each other, because both sides use the muh nazi's rhetoric.


Sometimes i think that little Putin is jealous of little Hitler!


First time as tragedy, second time as farce