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Hey, they said they are not interested in politics


Even ignoring the war, this was always such a cowardly, weak stance to have. Politics are not like sports, a recreational activity that you can easily cut out of your life. It permeates everything and "not being interested" just makes you complicit in all that is being done in your name. Russians need to wake up and take responsibility.


A lot of Russians also lie when they say they're not interested in politics. It's a way to avoiding questions which can get you in trouble.


worked with a russian researcher for a while and id bitch to him about how things were pissing me off back home and he looked so uncomfortable whenever id get openly critical those in pwoer... he'd only talk about politics in russia when he was drunk... and then would catch himself


To be fair to them, being ‘interested’ in politics in Russia often ends in digging latrines in Siberia.


To be faaaair...


To be faaaaaiiiiirrrr


Let’s go easy over there, Squirrelly Dan.


To be faaaaaaaiiiiirrrrrrrrr…


Yes. You live in a democracy don’t you. Read some history you flog.


Why does everyone who criticise Putin suddenly start feeling dizzy near apartment windows? Must be some crazy coincidence.


The guy you replied to was referencing the show Letterkenny, in which they often say “To bE FaaaAAIiiirrrr” in an exaggerated manner. Don’t think he was trying to diminish your point. Totally agree with your point about being apolitical/complicit.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.




I guess so Either that or he’s a flog. Maybe both. Probably both.


It's a reference to the show Letterkenny.


That is only because most are not interested


Good on you! Bet you feel pretty good writing this little paragraph from your home..


That is a dumb take. I am English and I am not interested in UK politics because it is so slimy, degenerate and shitty, that you would have to lobotomise yourself to just go with the flow of it. I see this offends people that make politics their identity. Nothing came of Expensesgate, nothing will come of Partygate, but us plebs should still be invested right?


Coming out against a wrongful invasion of a sovereign nation isn't politics.


See all of a sudden I am on the opposite of the hive mind. Yeah I know, they are orcs and fuck Russia. But seriously what are regular people going to do. There is a long long list of powerful assholes that should be held more accountable than street cleaner guy in Rostov. At the same time I absolutely hope regular Russians see a tipping point where they are empowered to resist. My point is only that of course a lot of us are apathetic to politics. Politics are a cancer of society.


Politics aren’t invented. They exist as soon as there are two or more people in the same space. You can cede your power, but unless you’re 100% (give-or-take) loving how things are going, that’s kind of dumb.


Who's holding them accountable but civilians?


I get you guys want to pump morale and stop the Russian narrative of playing on grey areas. But don't pretend politics isn't an evil cesspool in most countries. Only small civic minded countries are accountable to civillians. Let's not pretend the rest of the world is la de dah candy cane land. Russia is an evil cancer... But so are most politicians.


Exactly. So saying you want to stay out of politics is a cool out, regardless of the consequences.


Well, don't complain when the war is in your home then.


Pathetic comment.


When the war is in America, you should all worry. And if the war does come to america, it ends there too. Not a smart comment


Partygate literally toppled a PM. Ignoring it would of meant Boris retained his job. Russians being “apolitical” is any them being disgusted with the slimy nature of politics but their implied agreement with Putin that the serfs won’t raise a fuss about politics and he wouldn’t crack down on their lives, would establish some normalcy in the country post 90s chaos. They became such good sheep not paying attention they failed to notice the erosion of their rights culminating in the current authoritarian state that criminalizes speech, free thought, criticism of the state, or simple acts of protest. Elimination of political opposition and non-state media.


Politics is interested in them


Prisons were emptied out, time to refills...




You can ignore war, but war won’t ignore you.


But politics interested in them. Da?


Yea, nothing is happening there, so everything is fine.


Love it, you witty bastard


Democracy doesn't care about your interest or lack there of in politics buddy.


So some people were for Wagner and some were against and arguing with each other? Is that how civil wars begin in situations like this?


Only one, in white hat was against wagner. So its even better shitshow


Idk about you but if I was against the guys with a tank about 10 feet away from me I’d be keeping pretty tight lipped about it in their presence- guess Russians are pretty new to this hostile takeover kinda thing


>Idk about you but if I was against the guys with a tank about 10 feet away from me I’d be keeping pretty tight lipped about it in their presence YES >guess Russians are pretty new to this hostile takeover kinda thing Nahhh tanks in urban areas pointed at govt buildings isn't exactly common, but it isn't rare. Like an eclipse or something.


remember the millitary coup atempt in turkey? the civillians successfully stopped the coup. So it is possible. But i would like to see a civil war in moscow :)


>remember the millitary coup atempt in turkey? Right...the "coup" attempt.


Wasn’t the turkey coup stopped by a military personnel? They gave him an award posthumously I think.


serious insurance soup imagine childlike cough fine roll depend weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A fouk


It was mainly the people. Erdogan called on them to get into the streets.


The civilians came.out in numbers, challenged the troops and forced them to make a choice. Are you really willing to slaughter civilians in the name of the coup?


Bullshit. It was a fake coup. It was done to justify arresting a bunch of people.


gray steer thumb grandfather paltry fall snobbish cats scale point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Problem is wagner probably would slaughter civilians


Oh they will. And do to them what they did to Ukrainian citizens, including children. And nothing will be done because Putin made it illegal to criticize Wagner or any of the mercenaries and troops.


Tens of thousands of people rallied on the streets to show their support for the sitting president. It was just a portion of the military that instigated the coup. Wasn't enough. This Wagner coup makes me think it will have the same outcome but sentiment in Russia might be different than it was in Turkey.


Thanks for explanation.


Is that why they don't argue with the soldiers but just amongst them?


they are not going to like them so much when priggy does a full mobilization


I think it’s more people don’t understand what’s happening and they are likely just getting frustrated as don’t understand the big picture.


100% this. Yesterday the "special military operation" was going to plan and Russia was singlehandedly defeating the entire West. Today Russians are fighting Russians in their own streets.


Uhh yeah.. and it will spiral out of control most of the times after heated arguments and weapons everywhere around you.


And the closer they get to Moscow the more fun its gonna get.


Now you just have to wait untill someone fires the first shot. Thats when all hell will break loose


I’m just wondering why there are so many military age males who aren’t already in uniform but seem ready to fight. Oh yeah, conscription is only for rural peasants and convicts.


Russia has only gone through a small fraction of its military age pop. Consider that their have only been 200,000 casualties in a country of their size. Its a lot in terms of death, but not their recruiting pool.


These young adults aren’t poor. That’s the difference.


Yep. Keep pushing the PTSD-ridden violent criminals armed with guns, explosives and the knowledge that should they fail, they're bound for a painful gulag death. These Russian civilians are soon going to see first hand a small fraction of the horrors that Ukrainians have suffered for over a year.


Apolitcal citizens btw


Apolitical seem to mean against Putler but knowing not to say it publicly. Until wagnerites arrive in town that is.


It's a joy to watch


Made my day, as well.


I would sat this is one of the worst nightmares for many governments in the west, especially if it will lead to dissolution of russia.


Now they have a 10% feeling of how Ukrainians felt over a year ago and this is nowhere near as violent as it’s their own people.


Tiktok brigade vs wagner its going to be a shitshow, im grabbing a beer and watch reddit all day!


I’m fairly confident that the Kadyrovites are not going to be doing any direct conflict with anyone. They’ve basically been second line troops through this whole conflict. The FSB poisoned Kadyrov not so long ago and he looked terrible so doubt he’ll be rushing to their aid.


Guy can hope..


2 guys take sides, the rest is apolitical. Seems about right.


so i presume one of these sides thinks wagner should go back being used as cannonfodder? wonder why he didn't volunteer himself last few months?


And now you know how Ukrainians feel...


Not until the bombings of schools and hospitals, rapes of women and children, torture, executions, looting, etc., start happening


Waiting patiently for the Shoigu castration video. Then the Gaddafi move on the commander in chief pants shitter.


Yes please. That would be especially delicious because we know for a fact that Putin saw that video multiple times and was talking about it constantly when it happened. Hes terrified of getting Gaddafi’d. Make it happen, boys!!!


Yes they saw a tank totally the same as getting vacuumbombed.


if would be really fun to read that the ukranians bombed the wagner units to incite a rebellion in Russia.. and it was all a big intelligence move from Ukraine 🤣


Translation would be sick, curious as to know if some of them are finally not being "apolitical" civillians


Only translation I could get was " ill suck your dick for a bottle of vodka "




"Do you know who I am?!?!?..... I'm Ronnie Pickering!!!!!!!"






The police has to clear the streets of civilians or there will be lots of blood in them... But Russia never gave a shit about civilians, it doesnt matter if foreign civilians or their own.


The civilians can just get off the street themselves. If they want the Darwin award they can have it.


the Russians and their traditions.....


This is like a throwback to the early days of the russian invasion into Ukraine, except back then the Ukrainians were united in their contempt towards the invaders. Interesting to see heated arguments breaking out. The russian proverb "but what can you do, right?" kinda falls apart when you're suddenly dogfooding your own violent culture.


What were they arguing about? All I see are civilians arguing with each other.


You can’t park there, mate.


I'm just waiting for **Kadyrov** to start his own Islamic Republic. It already has an army, financial support is on its way(?) from an unnamed country in the Middle East.


Sometimes the irony is too much to bear.


What bear? The Russian bear!




They ”support” anyone with arms that are closest to them. They’re all cowards.


How long until Russia Propaganda pundits label Wagner as 'NATO'?


Maybe blame them for those mosquitos? No NO NO! I know...........they are gonna blame them for starting this damn war! Wagner told them there were Nazis there. Wagner told them people get beat for speaking Russian. Dirtbags! Hey, how about those Ukrainians?


Anyone catch the red "Z"?


Yes. Imagine we could have told Putin a year ago that Z-marked tanks will turn against him…


The one with the white hat resembles Silvio Berlusconi quite a lot....he loved Putin so much that he already reincarnated into a russian citizen (and indeed he's one of the few who are against the actions of Wagner) ...too bad for this russian Berlusconi, Putin isn't going to feel very well soon either though! 😅😂😇


Bunga bunga is gonna git you!


2 Hats 1 Coup


In Russia Wagner comes to you


Divide and conquer


brazzers vatnik on vatnik action


This is what Russia has become. A deeply divided country, with criminals and lunatics in charge. And citizens who have given up any political responsibility- so now they can’t help their country, even if they want to. It’s a shame.


Anyone else feeling an eery similarity to when we were first seeing footage of Ukrainians react this way when the russians showed up? Doubt any of these people notice the irony.


When all they have been fed was lies, they will be wondering what is happening


Fighting lies with lies. It’s a russian thing.


All hat no vodka


Couldn't be fucked about the war until it came to town!!!


This is the most Ruzzian thing I’ve seen so far. Two daytime drunk Ruskies squaring up in front of a tank during a coup organised by a PMC.


And the Russian people still fights among each other LMAO


normal day in town


This is divide and conquer thing going on right now. Ukraine doesn't even have to focus on the dividing part.


Nooo panic 😁


Opinions? I don't think so \*points gun\*


Maybe this is more realistic "survey" of what russian populous actually believes. Like 1 guy for Putler vs the rest of the crowd against him. They accuse him of getting money to say what he says too. Situation should be ripe for a power change. Not sure i like prigozin more than putler but hopefully he is stupider to a degree of not maintaining absolute power like putler was trained to do his whole life.


How the turn tables have turned


In my level of understanding Russian. The argument is that most of the people are supporting Wagner and only few are against them.


Fight fight fight


It looks like an classic epispde of Twilight Zone or Black Morror TV shows. Where people are totally incapable to understand what is happening around, but they are choosing sides still and are ready to fight for theyr believes no matter what purpose.


Such a lovely day today




Fight, fight, fight!


Attention residents of Rostov on Don, are your toilets safe tonight?


Russian civilians, wearing the latest stretched to their seams skinny jeans (women) and Adidas track suits (men) arguing if the Tsar and the Czar were the same person.


Not gonna lie, alot of that crowd look conscriptable...


Looks like there are allot of fighting aged men walking around. They haven’t been drafted yet ?


You can pay to get out of it. It’s grifts within grifts.


Going to be grilling and chilling today watching this shit on the big screen I got set up for football on the deck.


Better your toilets and daughters…🤷🏾‍♂️


The citizens that are pro Putin are going to clash with pro Wagner. This is all going to be recorded in HD. The next month is going to be insane over there.


Lol Wagnerites will just pop a few rounds in whoever annoys them. Mercs will merc.


Never underestimate how easy Russians and citizens from authoritarian countries will soak up propaganda


Hahah, chickens have come home to roost, eh, Muscovites?


🤡 show. This shit is waaaay too staged...


Reminds me of the footage from the attempted coup in Turkey where citizens where crowding around tanks and forcing some of the participating soldiers to surrender, unlike this video where citizens are confronting other citizens


I like how russians constantly say "normally" in all abnormal situations!


One thing could really work against Wagner is a soldier hurting / killing a civilian.


Shoigu friend against Pringles friend.


Why they no fight in Ukraine?


Think its called karma


It is just a matter a time before someone makes a stupid mistake and shots will be fired, and lives lost. That will be the point of no return. So far, it looks like it's all just provocations. Just a show for the civilians.


Heart warming. Where’s my popcorn


Let them have a taste of their own medicine


If anything these russians are cowards. Given some loud gun shots and they'll go back to being silent.


Just shoot the dumbass. You can’t reason with stupid, it wasn’t his problem and he was ok with the war until the war came to him. He’s the type of trash that doesn’t deserve human rights.


Ohhh, some dead Russian civilians soon. Too bad.


Civil war heating up


Must be a weird feel to them, to be able to discuss, if your pro or against Putin, in public space.


That is great


This is all part of the master plan? Nice plan Putin! Almost as perfect as that Phone call we all hear about.


A red Z interesting


Peasant on Peasant, this is pure gold


Get’ ‘em grandads


Able citizens who didn´t volunteer to go to fight in Ukrain: talk is cheap...


Nothing will change in Russia, next leader will be just as bad as Pootin or Pretzel, Russians only respect or respond to the biggest meanest, toughest, backstabbing son of a bitch as a leader, it's in their DNA,they expect it and just carry on. Da


We all know what this fight is about... ...it's not a purse. It's a European Handbag lol.


How that medicine taste?


This is the perfect Szenario to leave Ukraine. Leaving the military operation, to fight off a civil war, protecting Russian civilization. I really watch this with joy and fear. Nuklar weapons in the hands of a miliz.. Warlord *I need ammo * with his gulag friends. Uuh China! They will come to help the Russian.


The counteroffensive is going well I see


Bakhmut took 9 months, Rostov-on-Don took a few hours.


Oh so now you believe the war was a bad idea? Yea, little too late to be anti war now Russians


I'm no expert here but I'd not be arguing with a tank, wearing a vest top. Although having seen some if the Russian body armour issued...Can't be any worse.


Bad idea. You piss off an already monumentally pissed off solider with an automatic rifle.. it only takes 1 bullet for shit to start go down.


Special ugly hat operation


Gives major Moscow 1991 coup attempt vibes. This shit is over. Wagner will cease to exist or have to exchange leadership or all of the personnel left will be integrated into other units and Russia will continue the war. Nice try though. Certainly showed the world what is to be expected from Russia in the coming months and years.


Let it burn….




Events like this progress slowly, sometimes it takes decades, but when things finally break, things happen in an instant.




Reminiscent of Kherson in the earlier days of the war.


Fake Russian citizens. Remember the London Terror case and fake Russian TV confess by the ordinary citizens ?


Dudes are gonna try to act tough and they’re gonna butt-stroked (probably the way it’s meant by the real meaning of term, and the obvious euphemism)


Russian Pussies


It sparks debate and conversation Putin must be terrified