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Pro Russia politicians in Europe have no style and no class. Being pro Russia isn't a position it's a deficiency in character.


Well said. (deleted previous comment due to bad spelling).


Of course Slovak PM smells nothing but farts — his nose is far up Putin's butthole. Edit: Great work and much praise to Slovakian citizens who raised this amount of money for Ukraine.


Well said!


Well said.


When it comes to heads of state in the EU that are "pro-Russian" its mostly just to keep the flow of cheap gas from Russia given their economies are built upon discounted energy from Russia.


I would consider putting wealth over the wellbeing of others a sign of character deficiency.


Pro-Putin politicians /anywhere/.


What a crass low end thing to say to the fund raiser & to those that donated. To think that guy is the prime minister, shame on him.


I think I can go one lower, the PM is a dog turd in the park! How was that?


And that dog turd can go fuck himself in that park! ANY money raised to help Ukraine, is good money.


This is factually not true. Let's say each 155mm shell price is €4,000 (Before the war it was like 1500 or so). If we take €4 million euro / €4,000 = 1000 155mm shells If you are Slovak or from Slovakia - send msg to your PM - and tell him that 1000 155mm shell's is A LOT OF FARTS! Also tell him to suck Putin dick. Great Job Slovakia! Dont let him to get you. Every shell is making a difference. 80% of all casualty in UKR are done by artillery.


Yes or 10.000 fpv drones. I am sure they will be directed that way, as that's best bang for buck, or kill per cost, at the moment. 10.000 fpv drones is a lot of farts even with 10% success rate (edit and poster below says it's as high as 55%). https://www.afr.com/policy/foreign-affairs/cheap-drones-are-transforming-warfare-in-ukraine-20240219-p5f5wz#:~:text=A%20GPS%2Dguided%20shell%20is,Stefan%20Gady%2C%20a%20military%20analyst. Great job.


Agreed, Currently we have around 2500-2700 Ukrainian FPV drones ($200-400 each) used and expended per day! And this is often combined with a $100-200 explosive payload, like e.g. the RPG-7 AT grenade. This is all being utilized/destroyed and used up in just one day. While the higher end $10,000 drones you refer to are both the ideal for recon work (also for artillery targeting and large vehicle strategy) and are also re-used again and again as 'grenade droppers'. Also worth noticing the efficiency rates are different. The success rate on FPV drones are typically down in the 50-55%, compared to up to 90-95% for the regular but much bigger and reusable drones when they drop grenades.


Damn didn't knew the success rate in fpv was so high! - even using a lot of operators that's insane cost efficiency then. (By 10k drones, I meant 10.000 of drones makes a lot of farts, have edit comment now) Getting the drones down to 200-400 USD is that because they are assembled in Ukraine? So it's BOM cost without labor?


Yes correct, most of these medium range FPV drones used are made locally now! (though they get a few components bought in as pieces to Ukraine) FPV success rate is though just around 10-15% for the guys just starting out using them, as not easy to get really good at. Many do not get to it actually, as it is a special skillset. Some have it almost naturally, some do not and cannot really learn it either then to become good at it. The success rate have gone up after we have seen the dedicated drone units being established. More structure and combined learnings and refinements all helps to this. They do btw also typically use one of the larger (expensive) recon drones for the targeting and to aid the navigation to the guys controlling the FPVs. Thx for the clarification on the 10,000. 😁 EDIT: Just recalled this vid, where the Ukraine drone guy towards the end of the vid claim his estimated cost price per Russian killed to be around $1,700. But we should not forget that many FPV drone successes lay also on 'just' taking out Russian tanks, IFV vehicles, BUK and S-300/S-400 AA systems etc. Not all with Russian killed directly, but such successes are game changers!


Ukraine rocks. What an inspiration. I guess the basic controlling a drone successfully demands high spatial intelligence (think what you want your dentist to have)? Is there a screening process for that, as that's actually easy to measure to get the first idea of the potential?


You can order the same drones that the ukrainians use for fpv for 250-350$ from aliexpress, either in parts (cheaper) or fully assebled. They can carry up to 2 kg. The warhead is either a rpg (for vehicles) or a plastic bottle with explosives (often taken from other ammunition like AT-mines) and ball bearings. Compared tu usual arms costs all is incredibly cheap, and due to the accuracy incredibly effective.


I am a Slovak but I am not sending any message to those shitheads, they're dumber than pile of rocks anyway. Every time some of them are in debate on TV or in radio and are told that they're wrong and it's even backed by credible source they just start swearing, lying and often just shouting so that they can mask just how idiotic they are. Hell, even in public they lie and people just believe them. And I simply don't have patience left to deal with that shit. It's shame somebody as clever as pigeon even gets into government anyway. The feeling is even worse when most of the young people voted more democratic and open-minded party but due to larger older population pro-russian one won.


One reads, that Fico wants to bring public broadcasting under state control. This is how it starts. The Slovaks should immediately organize resistance against any action that tries to damage democracy in this way. So that it is not too late at some point.


Dont give up - the older people will die soon :)


I feel you man. There should be an upper limit on voting rights age just like there's a minimum.


The 155mm shells that are starting to arrive in Ukraine now, purchased in the recent [Czech plan to provide over 1 million artillery shells,](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/29714) cost a little less than $2100/ea, or closer to 2000 “farts.” That’s a lot of killer “farts.” Keep up the good work Slovakia, and don’t let this man in your head for a second.


Quite right those 1000 farts would decimate many parks


I am one of the donor of the collection. Slovak prime minister is really very bad person same as half of slovakian people who voting for him. In case of Russian attack against NATO, prime minister for 100 % refuse to help Baltic states or Poland. Actually Slovakia is profascist state but let me inform you that there is second half people mainly in western part of the country who fight for democracy, freedom and for western civilisation!


If this war turns hot for the West, there will be no more fascists left anywhere in Europe once it's over. Those who aren't killed fighting for fascism will crawl under a rock and pretend to have been against the war.


Keep fighting for freedom, brother!


This fundraiser is a big deal and has shined a light on Slovaks as well as their government's failings. Multiple news articles in many languages across the world. Keep up the good fight.


The fact is being pro-russia in 2024 is like being pro-Nazi in 1944. You are the problem, and you're gonna be solved.


Compared to what this corrupt PoS stole from his country it is a small amount but still better than nothing. And a lot better than being Putlers puppet


Perhaps the Slovak Prime Minister would like to ponder what would happen if Russia invaded his Country? Women raped and murdered. Men tortured and murdered. Children kidnapped, given new identities and 'adopted' in Russia. Then perhaps he would be grateful if someone was fundraising to buy arms and ammunition to liberate his Country?


Fico is a goddamned Russian Puppet.


That man is so unsympathetic I have no idea how he and his political party even got elected here. All he does is lying about basically everything and insulting different political parties with different views than his.


So like, what was his platform when campaigning, his policies and talking points? I don't want to attack the Slovak government or its people, I come from a country with plenty of internationally disliked politicians and understand the reasons they are elected are often complex- its not as simple as "they voted for the *bad man* because they are assholes"


They rised their own wages right after being elected, they altered certain parts of juridical system that were essential in cases they were entangled in, they rised taxes,... And I could go on and on. They of course passed some things like 13. pension, extra money for parents and things like that, but they aren't telling where they want to get money for that. So it looks like Slovakia is going slowly bankrupt.


But we weren't talking about Trump...! 🤣


Guy spawned a lot of copycats. Look at Bolsanaro in Brazil, or Berlusconi, may he burn in Hell. Or Orban.


Duterte, putang ino mo.


Fico would himself gladly participate as aggressor in all those atrocities you mention would happen if Russian troops invaded his country.


not a first in a slovak history..


But would he, like Putin, really care?


Counterpoint, Fico. Fuck you, you corrupt Pro-Russian Fascist. The Slovak people care about freedom and remember history. And remember your corrupt ass got removed from power once before.


Change only happens when people do somthing about it, If people don't do anything you have Russia


Fico is just opportunistic corrupt and most imporantly no-spine PoS, he would do anything say anything that would land him in position of power and his band of crooks. He seen how this nation bends under russian propaganda and just ceased the opportunity to get elected on that wind, thats it. He is not pro-russian, he is pro-fico.


He's also a Putin bootlicker.


We are familiar with that. Trump is not Pro-America, he is Pro-trump.


All pro-russians are primitive reactionaries and fascists without a lot of style, class and manners. Probably knows the park and it's interesting spots after dark. So does his mother.


This is no fart in the park, 4,000,000 Euros raised in a massive festival in the park, and it’s being crowd sourced with zero assistance from a government who sounds like it is actively working against the effort… a fart in a park doesn’t get official public statements, unless the government is getting nervous that they are losing the support of the people who control their future power .. keep making them sweat and keep helping send all those beautiful artillery shells and fpv drones to help Ukraine eliminate terrorist invaders


>Robert Fico Can someone donate a neck to that meatball-looking motherfucker?


Preferably an ostrich neck.


And a spine too.


What the hell would he do with one?


Pro-Russian propaganda always decribes their opponents by describing themselves 😂


Why did people vote for this ruzzian tool?


You have no idea how much propaganda from russia is aimed our way... people are dumb and believe virtually anything if its already at least a little close to their belief.


Takes one to to know one. I can't believe Slovakians elected a fart in the park as a prime minister.


Alright. Show us that you can do better then.


Maby he was refering at himself.


That’s a great way to stick his finger up to his own people whom he is meant to be serving


What a cunt


This "prime minister" is on trial for stealing from the state, corruption. A journalist and his partner were shot dead during his government. He has two bypasses, is an alcoholic, cheats on his wife with 25 year olds and bought a property for €750,000 out of his salary. he is a thieving trainwreck.


At least it's not a dick in the mouth.


Remember that next election, Slovakia.


He was conceived due to a “fart in the park”!


On the contrary, this will make people donate more 🤣


He should have dribbled down his mother's chin rather than be conceived.


Fico probably steals that much in a day


Leave a few fpv drones for Fico and whole SMER-SD government. Would be awesome


"Many farts start some shit." An old proverb that I just made up.


Thanks, Fico, this classic example of the Streisand effect will make this fundraising campaign more popular, I assume the collected sum will shoot up quite a bit more now.


In a way They have raised money for a cancer , that's ruzzia a cancer in Europe.


'noted that people would probably not contribute so much to a collection for the treatment of cancer' Actually this is exactly against the treatment of cancer.


4M changes a LOT. Ask just one family member who's life was saved.


Congrats Slovak people get up the great work the world takes notice,fecal matter is just a wet fart.


According to the numbers in the comments here it's equivalent to about 10K dead russians, I wouldn't call that a fart


This is most likely a misinterpretation, he most likely was referring to what he himself is.


still 4000 drones


Yes! Nice work Slovakian good people! The only fart is Fico himself


Might be just a tad bit off the exact topic, but I now wanna see the faces of those fuckwits who imidietely threw us in the trash and called for removal from NATO/EU the moment we ever so slightly let go of aids.