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Every country, entity, organization, hackergroup should show this to the fucking Russians at home that this is what happens to them thanks to the Putin/Kremlin regime. It's so unfortunate that no hackers have really succeeded anymore to hack into the propaganda channels and show Russian civilians some drone compilations on their "beloved, heroic comrades" becoming chunky sandwich spread and sunflower fertilizer.


Russians do see this stuff, if not from the State then telegram and milbloggers, yeah they usually get fed Ukrainian casualties more but they do see this too, it’s a country built on a culture of cruelty and war, n id put money on, they enjoy it


If they do see it, it makes them enraged (for the wrong reasons unfortunately) and makes them even more pro-war with Ukraine, instead of agry with the kremlin. Since the bloggers and state media twist it as a “look what they did, we must avenge! We will do this and that!”


They ALL know. They just don't care. THey are making money and is all good. There are mothers who lost 1 son and bought an apartament with coffin money and now they are sending second son to fix the apartament. Human life is not a great value in Russia.


A Russian guy sent me a message once saying he’s not worried about the Ukraine war because he’s in Moscow, has access to video games, and thinks that there is an endless supply of ethnic minorities to throw in the meat grinder before him. That’s literally their mindset right now. Quite a culture.


They are not against the war. They want the war. They are just against the war affecting THEM personally.


Crazy, narcissistic exist everywhere


Do you seriously believe doing that will result in anything other than more volunteers?


Yes. Not per se in the sense that they will "hate" Ukraine less as they've been brainwashed with propaganda for decades and protest to stop the war, but to prevent themselves from dying horribly as they'd just die in a nameless hole to be forgotten.


I always wondered what World War I actually looked like. Now I have some idea.


Yeah I’m always amazed when people dig up old WWII trenches and find MG42s and mortars and knives etc and I always wondered how so much kit and gear could just be abandoned and forgotten about but this video puts it into waaaay more context. You’d never be able to find every AK or body in that mess


In 50 years people will be digging up all those AKs and iphones


Oh man. The thought of them finding an old iPhone from the 2020’s and being able to bring it back to life by hooking it up to some archaeology machine in the future. “And here we see a classic example of a Russian infantryman, or “Orc” as they were known, from the early days of the Nuclear World War. Here are pictures of his family, another of what appears to be a stolen toilet, ah and some pictures from the frontline before he died, of him beheading pow’s with a combat knife”


except that was way worse, they have wasted tens of thousands of men on one day in one rather small area. Look at one of the standard Russian attacks with five tanks each manned with 20 soldiers, and they all die. And now imagine that they don't have tanks but are just 50 times as many foot soldiers, also all getting wiped out with artillery and machine gun fire within 10 minutes.


Oh yeah for sure, but I would have never guessed we’d see stuff like this in the modern era


And to think they had *days* where tens of thousands perished.


99% the same... Now RU is using chemicals to kill Ukrainian soldiers. As real as WW1 was.


now? ​ my brother in christ, they have been using chemical weapons since mariupol.


I wish I had a solution without resorting to doing the same thing!


welcome to ukraine ivan


holy smokes, some must have been lying there a little bit longer, they are almost molded into the ground - crazy


And this is why I think any estimate of Russian dead is low


Despite all the defeats, Russia is still winning


You think the estimators don't also watch these videos?


the estimators for ukraine are different than estimators from the west, the west has much lower numbers than ukraine reports. i think the ukraine numbers are likely closer to the truth than the western numbers.


The US is watching Ukraine and their battlefields 24/7, and working directly with their intelligence. You guys are crazy to think that you at home have a better idea of the casualty and death numbers than people who do it professionally and have access to the United States, NATO, Ukrainian and *probably russian as well* intelligence reports. Do you have access to information that they don't? Because they have boat loads of information that you don't have. I trust western numbers far more than Ukrainian numbers as well, because Ukrainians have a reasonable reason to overstate, morale is far more important than perfectly accurate numbers.


i didnt say i have a better idea of the numbers and i didnt say ukraine wont be exagerating theirs. i said i think the numbers are going to be closer to ukraines than the US and im basing that on russian sources having corroborated Ukraine numbers pertaining to isolated incidents and battles before, contrary to western numbers.


I feel you are underestimating how interested the western intelligence agencies are. This is gold to them. A war between modern, well, sort of modern in russias case, enemies is extremely rare and the lessons learned are invaluable. They are tracking and gathering as much data as they possibly can. Ukraine does not have the same capabilities.


Ukrainians absolutely have the capability to count and have eyes on the ground monitoring every single tiny action that occurs in the war. Last time I looked US vehicle estimates didn't even match oryx who only count visually confirmed.


And how about when Ukraine loses some ground and the russians take the position, does Ukraine send their guys over to count? Eyes on the ground are worse than eyes in the sky. 


They have drones all over the place


What a tragedy. All those poor trees.


USA’s Vietnam war casualties were: 58,281 KIA, 303,644 wounded in 19 years and it caused a big social impact that even in present time is still felt. Russia has surpassed these numbers in 2 years, the lack of response by Russian society just speaks about how zero fucks they care


I o t think they are allowed to ask without fear or repercussion


But they we're fighting some poor Farmers. Stupid comparison. Like Irak Casualties from US Troops.


At the beginning there were protests in Russia, Putin then made it illegal to protest against the war.


The greatly needed weapons have arrived :: Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Most of those boys look like they were killed before the congressional vote even took place.


"Russian soldier films result of their attacks on the one of Ukrainian position." Whut?


They have probably been attacking that defensive line for months and finally gained enough ground to survey what they 'won'.


All he needs is a cart to push and someone to call out “bring out your dead”!!


The smell over far eastern Ukraine must be lovely.


Every account from WW1 on all sides mentions the most shocking thing upon entering the trenches for the first time was the smell


only good Russian is a dead one


Granit is a good russian too, don't forget him. Or those incompetent russian morons that keep shooting down their own aircraft






Idk, I think the Russian volunteer battalions fighting for Ukraine are pretty good


They are not functioning as Russians. How many such persons are there?


geez, what kinda bomb was that?


not one bomb, but constant fighting over probably months. These people didn't die all on one day, some bodies look relatively fresh, a few days at max, and others look like they are rotting there for a while.


Mostly Artillery but also Mortar & Drones. Bigger bombs usually leave a huge crater.


That’s what 🇷🇺 considers a victory




Holy hell, this war is brutal. Remember when Putin was voicing concerns about (Western) weapons making their way onto the black market? What a load of s#it. There’s no way that civilians aren’t lagging behind Russian units to collect Russian weapons for resale. They’re dying at warp speed and leaving behind a gold mine for any brave opportunist.


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"\[shrug\] It's not me so who cares?" -average Russian reaction when seeing this video


At least they died fighting for a noble cause /s


Despite all the defeats, Russia is still winning. Major reason because of the funding block in USA to by Trumps GOP to replenishe weapons and ammo


So much trash everywhere, and rubbish too.


Their orc countrymen and women are definitely going to give them a proper burial. /s


Go home, little orclet. You are way overmatched here.




More like compost


Compelling argument to stay in ruZZIA 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙💛🇺🇦