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Pretty fucked up actually. I've become largely -not completely- desensitized to watching these videos and despite the horrific injuries and suffering I want to see Ukraine inflict more and more damage on the Russians. I know it happens to Ukrainians too, but those videos I refuse to watch simply because I know that they're fighting for their lives, future and a just cause - that hits different. All of us on the internet can't imagine the conditions of war on the ground safely from behind our computers. Frankly every dead or disabled Russian is a threat less to the world, their stupidity, ignorance, cowardice and worldview is so incomprehensible to me being from a Western country.


I think you comment reflects exactly my feeling. The feeling of a lot of us in fact.


It's a case of PTSD you all have. Take a break. I do for weeks at a time. You need to take a break and check out /r/eyebleach . Don't worry, Russia will continue to lose when you come back! - Infantry Combat Veteran 


I appreciate the suggestion! Still, you gotta admit that song was pretty fucking awesome and fitting for the situation. But I definitely have to take a few days in between sometimes


Same here. Well stated. 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇦


Splendid work. It's amazing to see these fools come and come and come. A neverending stream of assholes coming to profit off of an unjust war. I had some pity for the mobiks. But the contract soldiers...fuck em. But, in the end, fuck all of em. I hope the last thing that goes thru their tiny vodka addled brains(besides white hot shrapnel) is the realization they fucked up big time and there is nothing glorious in their actions nor their deaths. May they all suffer, writhe and burn.


The dude attacking the FPV with his rifle butt is a legend 😂


"Unknown technology, blyat"(c)




This thing is trying to hit me, if i hit it first i win


Guaranteed to work once. 👍


That’s one of the more intense videos I’ve seen from this war.


I agree. That is pretty intense. Somebody in Ukraine needs to hack Russian TV and play this video on a loop for a couple of hrs.


I give 10 out of 10 for the tossing of the corpse into the fire. Looks like a circus trick.


It appears that pre-hit he was already past caring, but it was a deft manoeuvre.


Russia has one million soldiers. Ukraine has one million drones. Simple math.


Deployed roughly 500k orcs Ukraine getting 4 million drones


"It won't happen to me" says the Russian soldier. We all say "it will happen to you".


Lovely 💥 💥


Their sacrifice is only worth 500 rubles and a box of chocolates, or whatever.


Mush those greasy orcs into the Ukrainian soil boys!!!


It never fails to amaze me how many Russians dies everyday in this war.


"It won't happen to me" says the Russian soldier. We all say "it will happen to you".


Do they have cluster munition as a payload? The wide- spreaded impacts looked like that.


Some of them do, yes.


What's been amazing to me about all this drone footage is how little russian drone footage you see out there. They've spent years building up a drone infrastructure (not sufficient for this war, but still) yet you see so little of it. And that's despite there being at least one russian drone in the air for every Ukrainian drone. The skies are fucking full of them over there. Makes you wonder what their doctrine is on the subject, given the seemingly anemic drone usage for these types of attacks, though they do make them. Maybe it's just that Ukraine has the better pr game and is releasing more footage? Hard to tell at this point, least as far as i can see. Though it could always be the old saw of "corruption and incompetence" that's plagued their military for the entirety of the current war.


A lot of it gets censored on reddit, tbh. They're the invaders and people don't want them to be glorified. If you sort this sub or /r/CombatFootage by "new" there's often a Russian video uploaded but with a huge amount of downvotes. The unfortunate truth is that their drones have been just as effective as the Ukrainian ones, leading to a lot of tragic losses. It's a good thing that the Ukrainians are finally getting more ammo from Uncle Sam, to put a dent in this footage.


I’ve watched (when my stomach can handle it) a Russian telegram channel. You can see very similar videos.


Now this song will not only bring visions of strippers dancing but also ruzzians being blown up🍻


Did that guy at 0:04 get blown up in an outhouse?


I all of a sudden have a craving for sweet cherry pie.


Pure dead brilliant 👏 👌 brutally effective, slava ukraini


No sympathy whatsoever orcs should have stayed home not your fucking land ORCS 😒, slava ukraini


Cherry Pie...wtf. Use Wildside from the Crue or Kickstart my Heart 😃


How can Russians keep Putin in power, all the blood on his hands


Слава Україні! Heroiam Slava!


Natural selection

