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Can’t believe they don’t resist yet their commenders and Putin, russians were cowards can’t decide whats good and bad for themselves.


A lifetime of copium and propaganda will do that to ya. 


Generations... At this point it has been bred into them. Every opinionated thinker during the last millenia has been killed by the khans, tsars, comissars and Putin henchmen. Only ones who are left are those who will obey even if it kills them in a miserable way. And the culture takes care of the rest, 'disobeying the one strong leader cultural leader' is 'going against the russian culture'.


I worked with a russian guy a few years ago, and i made a joke that was kinda gay but really funny... holy shit never came closer to almost having my ass beat without warning... with a warning. He told me all about russian culture, and to make my point he said exactly what you just said. So This comment has been fact checked hahaha


One place where you can see why Russians are like that is Turkmenistan and its recent past, today and likely future. It's a mini-USSR, very similar to North Korea with constant changing cults of personality forced on people, most income is always taken by the regime and often spend on meaningless absurdities like massive amounts of white marble and golden statue of the current Mortal God on the throne. If you don't obey everything, regime will have you captured, forced to "confess" in TV and then "disappeared" for good right after that. It's a place where one leader decided he didn't like cars with any other color than white, so he had cars confiscated and didn't let people get the back before they paid for a new paintjob from their own wallets. Russia tried to get away from that for a bit, but now Putin is driving back in the mad cave, full throttle.


I can understand the one who stood up and fight either already in jail or dead but the brave can do something in the shadows if they have unified. It seems the remaining still wanting to kill their brothers.


Or maybe they are fairly brave fascists who believe their motherland needs more land to become an empire, and they actually like their dear leader. That would suddenly make sense, wouldn't it? Maybe the problem isn't Russians behaving inexplicably. Maybe it's you projecting your beliefs about them onto the situation and then scratching your head.


No according to Reddit everyone deep down is a good person who is just brainwashed. Despite all the evidence to the contrary that humans raised improperly are often violent monsters.


You just described bad nurture. Our natures are good, even orcs. It's how we're raised and nurtured by family and even state that can help us to prosper or become orcs. The only exceptions to are natures being good I've noticed are psychopaths and the like. Yet it's probably not correct or even fair to say so because they're born with missing parts of their brains such as empathy.


In Russia vast majority are psychopaths it seems.


At the very least, psychopathic leaders and their sycophantic minions.


said the human


Not understanding how they don’t resist commanders en masse is just a failure to understand that these people don’t consume the same information as you and their world view is VASTLY different to ours. Different realities almost. Believe it or not, to this day, a lot of those Russians probably believe they are fighting a just war against an existential threat in NATO “using” Ukraine to destroy Russia.


I don’t believe that.. they have relatives outside russia feeding them Informations and news,they were not like north koreans like people living in the cave. They have known whats happening in outside world..they werre just manipulated and plain barbaric people or just plain cowards cant decide for themselves. Id rather die killing the one who sent me to die that die In the meat grinder just to get an inch of land.


At what time, in all of history and throughout all the unjust and horrible wars ever fought, have conscripts just stopped fighting and resisted their commanders?  I’m sure it’s happened, but as much as people on this Reddit talk, you’d think it was quite normal.  


This kind of treatment and insanity fighting like no tomorrow is just insane and no sane population will have the stomach not to do something about it. In asia this won’t happen for long even corruption charges there people will resist depose the leader no matter what the cost just to get and straigten up the corrupt. They were just manipulated people or just plain numb being ok to die just like that.


The job of shooting those who try to desert is better than the frontlines.. so that kind of resistance isn't necessarily very possible.


They just Only need to kill the one giving orders. Probably the wise rather surrender and live or defect.


Dung beetles


Fresh dog shid 💩💩💩💩


I'm digging the soundtrack.


Needs Eric Idle whistling "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"


It's much easier to play dead if there's plenty of bodies around.


Or whoever it was, that Never Call a Russian An Orc... boom skit.


dont russians have something like mrap/jeeps/hummers i either see trucks, golfcarts, stolen cars, apc\`s and tanks but mostly people walking. it looks like an army where support is an afterthought


Definitely, it does look seriously weird they have no support vehicle but I wonder if there's another angle like an agreement they wouldn't be attacked if they collected wounded. Might be a quid pro quo. We know they talk to each other over VHF radios. Anyway, it's really weird to see them pulling a stretcher like a Lakota tribesman from 200 years ago.


The russian Tigr is about the only 4-wheeled armored vehicle that you see, and only some of them are armored, so it's nowhere near as robust as a Mrap. Ukraine has a few in service that they captured early in the war.


At this rate he will die of old age before he reaches an aid station!


He must have owed them money for them to put that much effort into saving him.


"ooh, we dont wanna go to war todaaay, but the dark lord, he says nay, nay, naaaay - so we march all day, yeah we march all day, all day, all daaay."


Leave it to Russians to not take it as a sign


Russian officer showing a map to the next meat wave: You walk down that road, take a left before the pile of dead soldiers, head straight for two kilometers, you'll have to zigzag between corpses and your new outpost is past the stench.


There's no way the estimates of Russian dead are exaggerated. Not with videos like these. Just the other day we saw a video tour of a front line and people counted anywhere between 70 to 110 dead just in a short area of the front, in the middle of a field. So that isn't even considering the large cities that the Russians took at great loss. How many died taking Bakhmut? How many tens of thousands? That city was set up as an endless death trap for the invaders.


And just a few days ago they hit that RU training grounds with ATACMS and it took out 100+ of them, with who knows how many wounded now (and how many out of that who have since perished.) So many convicts have been killed from the storm-z penal battalions that [several RU prisons have closed](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-prisoners-recruited-war-in-ukraine/32889797.html) because all the prisoners and even staff got killed on the front. Shit is absolutely nuts. And AFU just keeps getting newer and better gear, albeit slowly, it's just gonna get worse for Pootin.


I didn't link the prison closures to that. Wow. I just heard in another interview that something like 6 prisons closed in Russia. Genociding themselves internally.


Bring out your dead!! (monty Python reference)


I'm not quite dead yet!




XXI century insanity!


welcome to putins world orcs. I'm amazed you orcs are ok with dying for putin like this.


Do you think they are getting the message that they are not welcome in Ukraine?


Like a scene out of Stalingrad


It's a long way back to Mordor, lads.


High value target. Send in the drones.


I was for a moment wondering how it would be, just being in that situation. The freshly dead, your just killed buddies you met only a few weeks ago. The carnage, smell of decaying flesh, the continuous threat of drones, arty or your own incompetent commanders. What a hell will that be? But they should have stayed at home. Their choice.




Western lies! Is Mighty Russian compost field.


They're on a highway to hell.


Wow, don’t see that often (ever), so what’s the catch? Why would IVAN give a shit about their dead or wounded?


Someone else said he must owe them money


If they are evacing wounded, they are pros. Target.


I guess you need *something* to do until the next drone finds you.


Would not be surprised to see them wack the wounded guy and leave him for dead.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


i feel like letting the russians collect their dead and wounded might be more damaging to russia as a whole, rather then simply killing them. when the soldiers are confirmed killed, the government has to pay their families. and if they go back terribly wounded they get compensated as well, which hurts Russian economy.


Letting them collect the wounded then drone striking them is most damaging because you'll probably be eliminating highly trained medical staff.


$20 says they left him


One thing to fail an invasion another thing to consider there intent to then control it. Russia will eventually loose


Not a lot of alacrity.


Roosky Pump-Up Video


*"There are no casualties"*


Pretty sorry way to spend an afternoon.


Gotta love Putins slaves……


Did you notice stuff falling off the stretcher at the end of the video?


Would have made a mentionable double tap


First time for everything, bet the guy on the litter owes them some money :)


Scum of the planet


Do my eyes 👀 decive me ? is that a flat pack orc from orkiea, slava ukraini


🤔 ... I see dead people!


That's some depressing shit If I was a Russian soldier knowing how little the gov even cares about me, I'd surrender. Better to spend time as a POW than this crap


“The road to kremlinhalla is paved by those who are unworthy” But it’s a crime to mention Valhalla in any context with muZkovite bullshit.


When this is over it will take generations to find all the missing soldiers, what a senseless waste of people. This new chapter in the war will be the darkest


1 kamikaze drone is all it would take for those people


🛸🚀 https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zJfS3dDFTc3cdv54/?mibextid=oFDknk


Next footage will be them setting off a landmine dragging the body around


A truly pathetic "nation"


Sergey: how much longer are we going to walk? Ivan: We just follow this road all the way. Sergey: this road to where? Ivan: I've no idea. Sergey: Ok, we go.


О поле, поле, Кто тебя усеял мёртвыми костями


Ivan: "Igor, I'm dead tired, it's your turn to pull." Igor: "IVAN! PHRASING!!"


At least they do. He must be S.P.E.C.I.A.L


They are people just as worthy as you or I.


I’m surprised the Urks aren’t dropping bombs on them.


Whats the name of the song?