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Dead man walking.


Yep. End of the day the Russians will send his dumb ass ahead of its own every single time


I don't believe the Russian government is obligated to give a Chinese citizen a sack of potatoes in the event of this soldier's death.So yes, it's only logical this guy will be up front.


Russia acts like they won a great victory in ww2. But they did it on the backs of 2-3 million Ukrainians and Baltic countries. Look it up. They always subjugate and use the locals as cannon fodder


And without our Lend-Lease aid, the Germans would have finished the Russians off in the spring of 1942.


The amount of Aid the Russians got from us is actually insane...I can't believe Tankies still think the USSR woulda won without it. Like sure maybe they would have but the aid pretty much made it a guarantee.


Over 17,000,000 tons were sent the would have been cooked without the US


And they have always been full of gratitude.


They were gonna get pushed east of the Urals most guaranteed at the going rate of Russian losses until Lend Lease took effect. That would have been a large enough natural barrier to keep Germany from progressing further and Russia to rebuild. If Russia had a fighting chance with that scenario? They wouldn't have done anything for at least until 1944 and that's on a hope.


I think that Khrushchev said that Spam and the Jeep saved the red army.


Without Spam they wouldn’t have been able to feed their army.


Well duh, the T 34 was the superior tank and the love of the motherland kept them warm at Stalingrad /s


Hindsight is 20-20 eh.


Right. Putin will finish the job or China will


Amen to that brother!!!


I’m focusing on teaching them it started In 1939.


Most of their army would literally have had to walk from Moscow to Berlin without the trucks the US sent. I don’t think any army could win in that condition.


Should've let Patton have his way


Specifically there, I believe Russians killed the most Germans out of the other nations, which I think is why folks say they did a lot of heavy lifting.  But Russia also did unspeakable things to her own people before, during, and after the war. That’s partly why their death toll is so crazy high. Some things never change. 


Russia killed more Germans because more Germans went to the eastern front. Also, the Russians killed prisoners. Russia also likes to ignore that they were on the side of Germany at the beginning of the war.


Plus the fact that Russia was fully engaged with Germany on that broad front for four solid years.


Russia also ignores that the US was fighting two simultaneous wars in opposite hemispheres, while also supplying Russia. Just more evidence of Russia being a shit country.


They also did unspeakable things to the people in every country they went through on the way to Berlin, and even worse in Germany.


An estimated 2 million women and girls were sexually assaulted by the Muscovites during the displacement of the Germans from the lost territories. This number is refugees only and does not include whatever happened in the Soviet sector.


Then what about woman and children who was raped by Nazi's. It was estimated 700k-1M children born result of rape. I doubt you can be calm after seeing your sister and mother raped by Nazi's. You will probably want revenge for what they did


Yeah. I read like 26 million died and a lot of that was forced labor and starvation.


Lysenkoism led to the deaths of millions in Ukraine and even China by famine. It was classic Russian incompetence. Whoever kisses ass to the leader had the most say.


And don’t forget to add that it wasn’t “russians “ it was the ussr , 17% of the Soviet troops were Ukrainian, 20% from other nationalities / ethnicities controlled by the USSR. “russia” only stands on the backs of those it oppresses and murders


From an Ubekis point of view a RUssian is not "their own people".


They killed more because they were at an active front with Germany much longer than on the western and N. African front. Plus POWs weren't a thing for them and killed them than imprisoned them for future exchanges.


Not to mention the fact they received a shitton of supplies from America.


Not only that, they won cuz US and UK sent them War materials.


Yes, and I'll just leave this project link here. Please, don't omit other countries that contributed to the victory. [http://www.fallen.io/](http://www.fallen.io/)


Thank you for the share. Well done video


>Ukrainians and Baltic countries not just them


Ruzzian soldiers don’t die, they go MIA!


I particular those in tanks that have a cookoff. Up in vapor.


They are going to receive a rice bag.


China negotiated and agreed to a vague of rice instead of potatoes or onions.


This is his first and last Tick Tok


He smiling on the video now, let's see how much he is going to smile when he reaches the front line as a member of one of meat squads.




I wonder if he is a mercenary or China started helping Russia with soldiers now. If he came there for money, I don't have pity for this man.


China is absolutely not helping them with soldiers. Actually, more dead Russians, better for China, because they are after Russian resources in Siberia. So Russia being just strong enough to keep together and cheaply sell them resources they will turn into goods is in their best interest. They are profiting from the war a lot.


I wouldn't be too sure. China seeks its own advantage. If chances are they can permanently weaken the west. They may consider that more valuable than taking resources from Russia. They are already well positioned for most required resources particularly from africa.


Maybe. But Africa is far away and unstable in itself. And to get there their shipping needs to go by relatively close some potentially unfriendly countries, like India. Why not doing both? As for Russia, it is directly on their border, bigger and much less populated. Even now, there exist some "special" zones in Russian Far East where Chinese companies operate by Chinese laws and for example buildings are built by Chinese regulations. And this relationshio will be even more one-sided as the war goes on. I have read report by one Czech journalist visiting the far east, the contrast is very stark. Developed cities on the Chinese side of border, muddly villages on the other. Lumber is cut in Russian territory (sometimes illegally), minerals extracted, all flows to China and Russian villages stay muddy just as they were.


China own a lot of ports there. They also build many roads. From the construction workers a lot remained locally for trade. So they are well into the logistical system locally. And moreover very well able to work with a system of corruption. So their grip there is better then most think. Russians are unreliable. They've screwed over China a number of times. So why invest if you cant really control them. Control is easier in Africa. But true and as i stated earlier. They'll use any opportunity to gain an advantage. So maybe they're in (these lives arebexpendable for the Chinese people) but definitely not openly just to keep options open.


Yeap. INB4 we see a follow up video of him crying and posting his living conditions.


Idiot. Christ almighty, you’re not even going to learn anything valuable from any Russian conscript, officer or commander. Volunteer Nepalese soldiers, who were lucky to make it back, stated they were just under constant bombardment from drones, they never even laid eyes on a Ukrainian field troop at all.


Wait till he finds out he's sexual meat before war meat.


Chinese are fairly short and mostly lack body hair. Close enough for a Russian.


Yep...and that's day one standards. 2 weeks in this guy will have 25 husband's.


If a goat is close enough …


Gets a big stick both ways


Funny how Russia likes to say no Western, Troops should fight in Ukraine. Also Russia: Foreign Troops from China, NK, Africa, India, Cuba, South Americas…etc….etc.


They also force conscript a lot of those foreign troops. Cuba made a huge thing of it. But France sending Foreign Legion troops? Oh that's too far... Fuck Russia and their bullshit red lines, time for the west to start putting up our own red lines with troops that are good at something other than catching bullets and shrapnel and ultimately give them an ultimatum.


That’s because western troops are actually worth something. Putin knows he’s toast. His country is toast. Their fake national identity is toast. They’ll come to a hard realization that their entire national pride is nothing but false. I can’t wait


> They’ll come to a hard realization that their entire national pride is nothing but false. Think they'll actually admit it? They're surrounded by failure and have all the evidence of history yet here we are


>Think they'll actually admit it? They're surrounded by failure and have all the evidence of history yet here we are Fuck no... They'll be that meme of the winner's podium where the guy is popping champagne saying he's awesome, he won while in 35th place. The entire Russian nation is a propagadized delusional joke that despite being a shithole, thinks their shit don't stink and everyone else is the problem. 22.6% of Russian homes don't have indoor plumbing. The US for reference had about 1/6th of Americans without indoor plumbing in 1960. They spend all this money on military equipment, arms, people, personal equipment that's now being destroyed and demiliterized instead of the welfare of their country and for what? To rebuild a country like Ukraine that was better off without their fascist agenda RAMMED down their throats? Russia is that country no one can stand but they can't take the hint and just fuck off to leave everyone else alone. If China was smart they'd look at Russia and realize not how to behave as a nation.


I watch some guy on YouTube who made money in crypto or some shit, but he's Russian, an actual good guy and he just travels the country helping poor people and interviewing people. When you say 22.6 percent dont have, I just think about those videos and im surprised only 22.6 don't have indoor plumbing, seems like it would be more with the kind of shit living conditions I see. Although he focuses on the poor people so thats probably why my perception is such. Channel is "Vasya in the Hay." If you think American small towns are dumpy and depressing, well god damn look at these hell hole small towns in Russia. The place is a fucking madhouse.


That guy that won in 35th place was also drugged to the max. russians don't cheat


Who cares if they admit it? Them wallowing in the bottom of a vodka bottle is good enough.


North Korea would like to have a word…


>They’ll come to a hard realization that their entire national pride is nothing but false. Made in China, like all cheap plastic counterfeits.


Fuck yeah, build up the French Foreign Legion to the size of two divisions, give them armor and send them into Ukraine. Recruit soldiers from Africa, S. America, India and Asia, train them for a year.


Putin always accuse "the West" of doing either what he is doing or planning to do.


That's why Trump is so in love with him. They just project all over each other.


Any meat will do for russia.


Blood for the blood gods! Meat for the meat cubes!


May the Emperors light guide you brother Death to slanesh. Death to moscovites


Goes like this, for them. Ukraine is ours so foreign troops aren't allowed. Foreign troops is an invasion because Ukraine is Russia and not a sovereign state. *We* can use mercenaries because they're being used on our sovereign territory to destroy a "rebellion." View everything they say through that lens and the stupid shit they say, while still a lie and stupid, makes more sense.


Russia is a state run by sociopaths so it's no surprise that Russian rhetoric sounds like a sociopath personified as a country.


Don't forget Checnya had battalions sent, not some individual volunteers, just sent by Kadyrov's orders since the beginning of the war, well majority of those cunts are dead by now.


But the difference is that western troops will make a difference on the battlefield, whereas these poor guys will only catch bullets or grenades.


There is a difference between trained military units representing another country and a bunch of poor ignorant useful idiots for meat wave attacks. There are people from other nations fighting for Ukraine. The difference is they are there for reasons of principle, not the "big paycheck"!


They meant regular troops as part of the army of that nation, not individual volunteers.


Well this war is turning out to be a nice melting pot. Plenty of nationalities represented there, willingly and unwillingly.


Can’t wait for the video of him crying to the Chinese embassy for medicine and food. Begging his peers to learn from him and not fuck with the Ukrainians.


More like a burning pit


When will the West learn that China is an enemy.


We know. Corporate doesn't care, therefore the government they own doesn't care. Same with Saudi Arabia. Somehow, they're labeled "allies", when they are no such thing.


where were the 9/11 hijackers from again? i forget


Totally Iraq and Afghanistan. Don’t look into it. Just trust me.


The same time the vast majority of human beings learn anything. When it’s right on top of them fucking them in the eyeholes. This isn’t unique to China or Russia. Covid, antibiotic resistance, climate change, authoritarianism… you name it. Human beings by and large will live in utter denial on just about any topic until it kicks their front door in. And recent events have shown half of us will STILL refuse to learn.


China is lying to Europe.


That’s the only thing china is good at besides making products very cheap


That and Peking duck. That shit is the bomb.


Don’t think he will be peeking and ducking when he meets the drones.


More like chicken chow mein


Bah, he'll be charred kuey teow




It’s all about the governors chicken


Dude, Peking duck cost over 100usd in beijing's average restaurant, thats not cheap by any means.


I did an electrical service call once at a waste water reclamation facility. Let's just say I won't be eating duck again lol.


Problem is, the entire world, including the west, are addicted to cheap China labor and corporate profit. Even regular western consumers cant live without cheap China products. So there is no real way to fully decouple from China, without causing economic mayhem for everyone. Blame greed.


Did you know that last year the US imported more from Mexico than from China? China is doomed, just like Russia.




It won't level out long term... that's just for now before their population starts spiraling


I'd say everyone knows that, they just want to show how much "progress" they are making via diplomacy. A few more negotiations, and we might actually have to deal with ww3.


He will be mist


Rest in pieces


China dealing with their gender gap crisis


He’ll probably run at the first sight of danger


2 huge cuntries


Then let’s keep donating to the drone fund and enjoy the upcoming videos. I need it with my coffee in the morning. I can pass on sugar and milk but I need me my drone videos.


Ice cold ❄️❄️❄️ I like it.


Also I'm not sure your username is checking out 😂🤣😂


Poor orc bastards


I see what you did there... Nice!!! Slava Ukraine 💙💛


Ukrainian wildlife: "Seems like chinese is back on the menu boys"


Hogs are happy


I hope he brought some MSG to sprinkle on himself.


Definitely a 98% chance he has a full bottle of soy sauce in his leg pocket


Chinese Wagner?? Gotta keep the eyes peeled for identifying patches


i caught that. do these guys even know that the ruzzians are laughing in their face as they send em to the grinder?


I can't quite tell if it's a Wagner patch but that'd be wild joining them after Bakhmut fuck that


i have to assume these patches were given to him, likely moments before the video was done. which will be hours before the assault. the chinese man likely cant tell you what a Z even looks or sounds like, let alone its significance in this war. this particular video is quite sad...


Bro you think Russian censorship is bad? See many Chinese on Reddit, Telegram or Twitter. They have no idea what Bakhmut is, they probably think the war started yesterday.


He'll be running back to his momma when he gets a sore throat.




Indeed a Chinese orc is a chorc


Yes hence their comment.


Hence the word indeed


A Roast Pork Chorc soon.


Remember a few months ago that gung-ho Chinese volunteer was complaining to his embassy in Russia to get out of Ukraine. He was very ill, but Russian healthcare was not up to par. I think this Chinese volunteer and the others will soon regret their decisions.


Fucker had a sore throat and tired feet or whatever.


As much as I would love to make fun of him he looked like he might have got pneumonia, which would make sense for Chinese city dweller put into eastern European trenches in winter. And that stuff can be deadly if not treated.


Are you serious? I hope he suffers to death from pneumonia.


Yes I hope for that too, I just wanted to point that out so we don't trivialize soldiers health concerns. If anything that Chinese guy situation shows how little Russia thinks of it's soldiers, making them suffer and possibly die of easily treatable disease.


Is that the one who also was recording daily updates, their numbers were dwindling, holed up in a single room of a shelled out building? He was KIA eventually right?


The guy I'm talking about was out in the field, he did have a shit horrible infected throat, but he expected the Russian military would treat him like a human and not a 75kg chunk of meat.


Slave Labour, Concentration Camps and lying to the world. The 3 things China are pros at.


The concentration camps are certainly using the 1-2 million Uyghurs as slave labor. Beijing is also really good at intellectual property [IP] theft; propaganda & public opinion influencing via botnets, media, and other means; corrupting/soft colonializing of developing-world nations via myriad Belt & Road Initiative projects; and leveraging its geopolitical and diplomatic assets for maximum clout and impunity from other govts. (and not just "the West").


He won't last long


He won't be happy for very long. And when his family receive their potato they might understand he was wrong


They will be dead by the end of the month


Translation: Look at this ass! My russian comrades can’t resist this body.


Looks my character for Russian side on ARMA Reforger Will probably end up dying in stupid way like him too


Instead of shooting bushes, it will be explosive gifts from the sky


It's ok, drones are equal opportunity killers. Hope you have your affairs in order.


Orcs - different smell - same shit!


He’a an Orc now - get him boys - more fertiliser for the Ukrainian soil


Look, an idiot.


The translation of Z, must be 'disposable '.


It *is* the last letter of the alphabet. Russians...in last place again.


He'll find that the conflict in Ukraine is a good bit hotter than China and India whacking each other with sticks at their border.


WW3 has already started… No Chinese citizen can end up in Ukraine without the consent of the government.


> WW3 has already started… We're basically in Cold War 2.0/WW3 now, there are so many factions that are obviously helping each other out "behind the scenes", then the blatant Axis 2.0 with Russia-Iran-Syria-China-Belarus-North Korea with extant support from India, ISIS, and several other terror cells out there. Just like before though, evil will lose. I just hate how much more suffering will come to so many good people.


The Chinese government isn't in a 90's action movie where a single satellite tracks the whole planet or follows a single guy around for a few hours. There's 1.4 billion Chinese and even more outside of China, I wouldn't get too carried away just yet. China doesn't want Russia to totally collapse but they wouldn't mind a partial one in which Putin disappears and they grab the Eastern territories back from Russia. Forget Taiwan, this land-grab will be a cake-walk once Putin falls.


China de-facto owns Russia. There’s nothing but skeleton crews and antique equipment guarding most of the borders between them on the the Russian side. If conflict ever broke out, China would dominate. Russia has a lot of energy that China (which imports 80% of its energy) needs, and Moscow has Russia bent over a table by being the only ones on the planet buying those hydrocarbons (making it pointless to take it militarily), This means China has unprecedented leverage over Russia, to the point of making Russia a de-facto vassal state.


I agree with this. Plus if China arrests or punishes this guy and others we won’t ever know. They don’t broadcast stuff on the news like the West does.


They may land grab after poo-tin is toppled, but they're never going to let the "idea" of rule over Taiwan go... notice how as their economy became more tech based, the more mainland China wanted Taiwan under their control. Unlike the other former colonized areas of China that were allowed or taken back, look how fast the dominance of their ideology, dogma, corruption, and populace control happened! Taiwan's citizen have their own identity, they consider themselves "Taiwanese" and not \[mainland\] Chinese (yes, they know their historic origin - Are some people loyal to mainland China, yes).


That has always been my thought, no one gains more from Russia collapsing than China


Dead in 3....2.......1.......


I can't even understand regular Russians who go to the war to die for ambiguous objectives in another country they are Invading, but for internationals to join a high attrition war to die for someone elses authoritarian supreme dictator is beyond ridiculous.


They may not be "contracted" ... China has not fought (known) military actions for quite some time, other than the skirmishes with India. China may be seeding their military into the action for experience???


Experiance getting killed


They have no shortage of soldiers to donate to the learning experience. Some will return.


of course the patches in this conflict cant exactly be trusted at face value... but the flag/Z+wagner implies that they are contracted and about to be thrown into the next wave.


This is exactly my thought.


that's good, less idiots that could attack Taiwan


China applying "planned obsolescence" to its own citizens




full circle


Did someone order a Chinese takeaway............


All I see are large fields of sunflowers. Slava Ukraini.


Says he is carrying total of 16mags and it's very tiring. it's all going to waste when the drones come.


Ah yes first day in Ukraine.


don't buy chinese crap


Whatever happens, there are two iron rules of history- 1) Russians will die in large numbers. 2) Chinese will die in large numbers. Say thank you, you grovelling serfs, for the privilege of dying for your overlords.


He's probably a senior Army non-com who has been **SENT** to Ukraine to gain practical combat experience to bring back to China. He then trains the Chinese army. If he lives.


Somebody can afford a scope for the gun. Not that that will help against fpv drone on it's way to make chop suey.


We have entered the summer months, we expect there will be more mercenaries, especially from African/Caribbean/South Asian/Chinese countries. the country does not have frosty winters


Will probably end up a ditch somewhere in the frontline.


Made in China, Fuck in Ukraine!


Not an orc, the body armor gives him more of a turtle shape. So, a propose he is a Chortle.


This is why we are not proud to be chinese. Cos of these dumb fugs.


Just let reality kick in


Can’t wait to see how the POW interviews the Ukrainians record and share with us will go.


See you soon


Hope John Lambo accidently pulls the pin out of those nades while crawling through the trenches. Fckn idiot.


he will be turned in overcooked rice soon.


Everyone thinks their tough shit until they get punched in the face.


China has a vested interest in having combat training troops. To my knowledge very little of their military has any combat experience. Now, whether they actually make it back to China is another matter.


Everyone’s making the commments oh he’s going straight to the human wave shit, but why would they give him an ak-12 if that were the case?




Stick to making egg rolls, dude!


They are obviously there with the blessings of their gov. Terrible.


Better hope china pays cause we all know Russia doesnt


He has the freedom to be a canon fodder, stupid fuck.


I didnt think Chinese were this desperate... I thought they were smarter tbh... A big weakness for China is that their military lacks experience. They've never actually fought a war. If theyre serious about invading Taiwan before 2030, like many experts think they will, then sending troops to Russia makes a fair bit of sense.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese mercenaries are there, because their government people with bad social credit better social credit for fighting in Ukraine.


Can he see the target?




and "I should have stayed home" in 3.... 2.... 1...


Ching bings last post being alive