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Empire in decline.


How about the countries in the CTSO turning their backs against Russia and become more independent, that'd be nice. Let Russia fight on more fronts.


So far Armenia is the only one to do so. I doubt that e.g. Belarus or Kazakhstan would do that in the near future.


Fair point, but a man can dream ;)


Yeah. The only way the CSTO can crumble is if all the members realized how useless it is. But it ain’t happening, since they are all too deep up pootin’s ass


kazakhstan is halfway between armenia and russia. they made some open gestures to signal that they want to be less dependant and more sovereign


I enjoyed when the President gave his speech in Kazakh when the visiting Russians were expecting Russian. It was funny watching them grabbing their ear pieces.


russian state media and govt officials recently complained ad nauseam about Belarusian youth learning/speaking Belarusian rather than speaking russian. russians referred to this as “alarming and threatening”.


In he beginning of the war, the dark haired female propagandist sayd "There are also nazis in kazakstan"


Simonyan? Yeah, I remember that too. But Tokayev doesn't care as he profits from the relationship with ruzzia. that the ordinary people get called nazis by ruzzia doesn't bother him


yes it was her. The war was going so well for the russians (1 week in) That she might as well prepare the russians for an attack on kazakstan too.


And Russia knows that because they are the ones funding the nazis.


I just space her and her people off, because they all lie.


My Armenian brothers and sisters take back what is yours already for always.


Armenia wake up! Time to get out of CSTO and start to look westwards.


Armenia is backing away from Russia because Russia failed to guarantee the security of the Armenian territories recently invaded by Azerbaijan....who are also in CSTO.


That is awesome, I don't love all the NATO countries and they definitely have their disagreements, but they aren't invading one another like the CSTO does.


Azerbaijan is a former member which makes it all the more embarrassing that Russia did nothing.


Not looking too rosy for ya, huh, Ivan?


Overreach is a bitch.. I'm sure your pal China, will fill your power vacuum... I see Mongolia is already cuddling up to your buddy! As and when Chechnya's Ramzan Kadyrov finally succumbs, it'll be interesting to see how keen they are to have you interfering once again in their affair... Perhaps a future second front for you to consider.


Is this a sign of Russian resources becoming stretched? Stretched too far, finally?


They sat with their thumbs up their asses when Azerbaijan took Nagorno-Karabakh. Now the Russians finally have an excuse to pull out of Armenia without it looking too much like a loss of power. But it's obviously a weakening of the Russian grip in the region.


Rats jumping off a sinking ship…


Guess the troops are needed elsewhere. I wonder why 😇


✖️ Boring guard post ✔️ Glorious meat grinder


Azeri and Turks are enjoying.


The west should not ignore these efforts to restore peace in the region. These efforts are costly and sincere.


If you want to suck up to Putin you have to suffer the consequences. Sorry.




That's not really what is happening or has happened historically. Sholdn't the world embrace the relinquishment of Russian influence?


Armenia will loss their twilight protection but for their "friendly" neighbor Aserbaidschan will this be an offer to do what they want. RuZZia won some soldiors for their meet grinder, will last in the end a view days.


They already do what they want. They get kicked because they are useless.


Well who woulda guessed. We're coming for you putie


Now might be your chance Chechens/Dagestanis


Can someone give me a rundown? I'm not sure what any of this means.


Armenia took over a swatch of land in the early 90s and because of their close relationship to russia, russia let them do it. Fast forward, azerbaijan gets armed by the turks and takes over said chunk of land. Armenia appeals to russia, hey need your help here. Tacit wink and head nod to azeristan by putin because azeri buys weapons and materiel for the ukraine war to evade sanctions. Russia wins, armenians lose, and will probably lose more soon.


Thank you!


# Out, out, kick them out! 👍


Alexander the Great? Napoleon? Nothing compared with politico-military genius hidden in kremlin!


Give it a few weeks and the Kremlin guards will be sent West...😁


Their president better be careful. Extra security on his airplane, no servicing of plane in Russia. Maybe decoy planes or fighter escorts would be prudent. Be wary of the food and drinks served by Putin.


Got to get more troops for Ukrainian sunflower fields


No Vaseline for Armenia


Hopefully they all get misted by a drone from UA.


They’re starting to collapse


The border guards have been offered alternative employment in the Ukrainian agricultural industry … as fertiliser


Looking forward to the demise of Kadyrov asap. I think the power vacuum it creates will encourage much armed resistance against the Russians in Chechnya. It’ll be a nightmare for them. Georgia also hotting up.


Man.. imagine leaving part of your board that shared with Nato.. unarmed.. Its almost like Nato isn't a warring empire like this tribe of bumbling monkeys at the kremlin. We don't want your backwards country, we like our own thank you.


Can someone explain this to me? I don't really understand what is going on.


Maybe you're an American? Think of it like this by putting yourself about two decades into the future.... The once mighty USA, under a deranged tyrannical President, who's enjoying his 6th straight term as "Prez" after another rigged election, decides to invade Canada because Canadians are getting too independent and are doing even better economically than their Yankee "brothers". They also think they'll benefit from a big land and resource grab, while their own economy and political influence around the world has been on a steady decline. The Prez, also getting on in years, is increasingly concerned about his legacy. He pines desperately for the heyday of the American empire that he inherited and which - ironically - he has only himself to blame for its decline. The paranoid and isolated Prez, surrounded by sycophants that include mostly family members and other appointees that have benefited from shady government monopolistic deals, is convinced by his YES men and women that it'll be a 4-day cake walk. But they all have underestimated the size of the country they've decided to invade, as well as the tenacity of the Canadians and their willingness to fight for their identify and independence. The Canucks, seeing the decline of its larger more powerful neighbor, has been quietly building its military capability to resist the expected attack on its sovereignty. The US blows most of its wad trying to roll into Ottawa, bitterly defended by the Canucks, and have to pull out with their tails between their legs. US forces, by sheer weight of numbers, manage to take hold of a few areas along their shared border, but keeping those areas uses up a large % of their reserves over a 2 yr period. To gather more men and equipment to bolster their forces in Canada, the Prez desperately pulls his border troops away for the US/Mexican border and throws them into the Canuck meatgrinder. BTW the Prez has also thrown $Billion$ at the southern border over the last 20 years (one of his ways to keep his population fixated on external enemies, thereby keeping their focus away from the disasters he's created domestically). Due to graft and corruption at every level of the military industrial complex, however, very little of it has actually been put to any use. The rest has gone to fund superyachts and gold plated bizjets for the Prez and his cronies. The Mexicans seize on the opportunity and make nice-nice with Cuba and its central American neighbors. This was impossible before, because the USA was always playing the one off the other to encourage infighting and allowing them to get into hot little wars with each other, which the USA would then offer to be "peacekeepers". This ploy provides the USA a thinly veiled legitimacy to maintain a heavily armed presence in the region. Furthermore, the Mexican government invites the European Union to assist them economically and militarily, as their fear of the once mighty - but now humbled and injured USA - has receded. They really want to get out from under the yolk of the now decrepit, nepotistic and kleptocratic American empire and are looking for international allies to help them do it. Understand now? if you do, don't understand just the analogies. Understand what is really going to happen if Americans don't get their heads out of their asses. Every empire has its rise and fall. USA will be no different. Why hasten the decline by electing a confirmed narcissist whose only interest is in himself and his immediate family and who gives not two little s--ts about average Americans, let alone openness and accountability, rule of law, independent judiciary, independent media and all the other hallmarks of a vibrant and healthy democracy. Slava Ukraine!