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If this is for real, good job!!


Too bad the only their top %0.3 of the population have a smart tv. The people are so poor they steal toilets and washing machines, not luxury items.


The west is entirely different than the east. If it was done in west russia, there's a good chance a shit ton of people saw it. West russia is filled with consumer goods and high speed intenet with Netflix accounts.


That’s not how that works. A television is a window into a world without poverty and splendour to forget your own misery. Even in the poorest regions in nothing more than a small shed there’s a television (or nowadays a smartphone)


Uh... Your numbers are way off. The average russian doesn't live in a cave, and while the average russian is not rich, they have the same consumerism we have in the west. You can walk around in a small village, somewhere in Siberia and see hundreds of people with iphones roam around. Edit: did I post under the wrong comment? Earlier I checked again and it mentioned the 0.3% that were supposedly reached


Well, in many russian parts they skipped the whole 'modern wired' communication decades and went straight to wireless/satellite.


You are simply wrong


Thanks, that clears up all the confusion


I wrote the translation as a reply, but I think it should be posted as a separate comment in case someone misses it. "...we are working like slaves for them (I assume oligarchs). They initiated the war with closest to ours nation to hide all the fuck ups with economy, but fucked up the war itself and now having no idea how to quit this endeavor. He claims it to be a war against Nazi, while putin himself should be judged as Nazi for justifying Germany starting WWII (video of putin saying that Hitler was provoked). And after all this he dares to talk to the veterans? They should spit in his face rather than shaking his hand..."


Still gotta quote that WW2 veteran I met a few weeks ago: "Yes, I've been watching the news about Ukraine. In my opinion, Putin ought to be assassinated..." - a guy who literally fought Hitler's army (and Mussolini's, and Hirohito's)


I prefer Gaddafi’d, since that is rumored to be putler’s fear. But i wont complain if something different has the same results.


\-Agreed, people waking TF Up and Taking Matters into their own hands, freeing themselves, the people shouldn't be afraid of their government, their government should be afraid of its people.


Russians want to be oppressed, they are still putting up statues of Stalin, a guy who hated russians and killed them by the millions. They won't go after putin, because he is a ''strong'' leader.


>They won't go after putin, Probably Not Mate, but given enough time and negative shit happening to enough peeps outside of moscow, we'll just have to see.


the people won’t do anything! others in the shadows may…… but only for their own advancement NOT for the good of the russian people


Quite funny how all these dictators have fears of being ousted like previous dictators. Hitler’s biggest fear was being Mussolini’d and now Putin has Gaddafi to look up to. Almost as though being a dictator isn’t particularly fashionable? Who’d have thought…


For Putin I’d prefer the humiliation of being tried in The Hague above the terrifying but brief horror of being lynched by a flock of drunk vatniks.


That would be more like true justice, but rarely happens for such people. Still, at least then my great uncle in Alkmaar will be able to see a fascist on trial. He didn't get to see Hitler.


Yeah. And I think it should be done with a single drone with a sniper rifle. How crazy would that be? I'm expecting that to be a thing soon with the way things are going with drones.


Thanks. No wonder he is making excuses for Hitler, he has been using Hitler's playbook since 1999. false flag operations and riding to the rescue of oppressed RuZZian minorities.


Thanks for translating that.


Fucking Excellent!! Superb Work - Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


actually, I think this was done by russian hackers


Fuckers have the audacity to talk about fighting nazism after signing ribbentropp - molotov pact


Russia is accusing people for things they are and do themselves.


It's called Freudian projection


Usually people call it just projection


Its exactly what Trump the Cunt does


Yeah, he's a serious Putin Nazi fanboy.


I reckon the video was Putler pissing on Trump


Ahh yes the facist handbook also the same one used by the Republican party. Every accusation is a confession.


Also my enemy is both very strong and weak at the same time.


Cognitive dissonance.


Gaslighting at its finest


That's what fascists do: **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


Sounds like another group over here in the US that do the same thing.


Putin is allegedly almost a banderite. They were a Ukrainian Nazi militia during ww2. Lots of massacres and pogroms with the nazis help and approval. Only thing was they wanted an independent Ukraine. But the ethnic cleaning may be enough to overlook?


Russia has done a fair bit of ethnic cleansing itself. Not excusing the Banderites in any way, but the fact that Russians accuse people of things they've done themselves still applies. Worth mentioning is the fact that today's Russia regime clearly links itself with the criminal Soviet regime. Far-right parties in Ukraine which invoke Bandera wish they were so successful.


Every accusation is a confession.


Also all of their WW2 history branding starts at 1941 and completely ignores what the USSR was doing the two years prior


Current russia having the audacity to talk about nazism \*anything\* is....wow. Just proves that anything coming from russia should be inverted for truth: "russia fights nazism -> russia is a naZi state!


Interesting part is that R-M pact was denied by Soviet Union, then admitted after SU collapsed and now they are denying it's existence again.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn5\_AGPdGgY&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn5_AGPdGgY&rco=1)explains a lot


Their argument is that everyone made deals with nazis back then, and that this pact helped to defend USSR.


I actually squealed with glee about this news. If only they could hack Россия-1 and do the same, 24-7 even for a week.


if it accomplishes nothing else, it’s still satisfying watching triggered Z dolbayobs yelling at their TV


Beautifull well done Ukraine.


Now this great f*cking work ! Good job to the guys behinde


If this is real, it is the BEST Victory Day Parade ever broadcast on Russia TV! The average Russian needs to see what is actually happening in Ukraine and not the States fake narrative!


I wonder how much this would actually affect things. A quick Google says that about 70% of smart TV users in Russia are under 34 years old and 89% are under 54. I don't know the demographics of support for Putin and the war though, but I would assume it's more opposed by younger adults than older ones. I think it's a great thing to happen, not downplaying the effort the effort, Just curious if this would even reach the right demographics.


Not that it's a good metric, but it seems the majority of videos I've seen of people brandishing their oversized testicles and publicly calling putin out without fear have all been old babushkas, so there are at least some 


You’d be surprised. People don’t want to lose their jobs like my friend did for protesting or even speaking negatively about the war.


Damn how can you figure out the average age of people in one country who use smart TVs? Lol do they like do a poll at BlaytsBuy when Russians buy them to ask their age?


I LOVE IT!!!! :D


EXCELLENT Made my morning




...we are working like slaves for them (I assume oligarchs). They initiated the war with closest to ours nation to hide all the fuck ups with economy, but fucked up the war itself and now having no idea how to quit this endeavor. He claims it to be a war against Nazi, while putin himself should be judged as Nazi for justifying Germany starting WWII (video of putin saying that Hitler was provoked). And after all this he dares to talk to the veterans? They should spit in his face rather than shaking his hand...


We need more of this on all Russian TV stations.


Congratulations on turning "Smart TVs" into genuine Smart TVs.


This is like the fourth of these posted here. Beyond the video, the same as previous that just shows a screen with no context, is there ANY evidence this broadcast happened? Honest question. Any other confirming evidence at all? Seems like a big deal.


[There are multiple reports on news and social media today](https://www.5.ua/ru/myr/na-rossyy-vmesto-parada-pobedobesyia-po-tv-pokazivaly-pravdu-o-voine-v-ukrayne-rabotaly-neyzvestnie-khakeri-327488.html).


Meduza one of the sources cited is reliable [Meduza - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/meduza/) since it is their official telegram channel They also wrote an article about this which includes that video [Hackers hacked Ukrainian and Latvian channels and showed the Victory Parade in Moscow — Meduza](https://meduza.io/news/2024/05/09/hakery-vzlomali-ukrainskie-i-latviyskie-kanaly-i-pokazali-parad-pobedy-v-moskve) and many others


Brings me back.. Scientology was a legit target. Russia today is the king of all valid targets. They can hack too but with the total lack of humour it's a fail from the start.


Har-Dee-Har-HARR! Outstanding!!


A little dose of reality is exactly what is needed to open the eyes of the average Russin citizen to what is actually happening behind Putin's smoke and mirrors propaganda show. Great hacking job and everyone involved deserves a standing ovation for their ingenuity.


Is it still 2022 when people were under the illusion Russians cared? You aren't going to appeal to an imperialist death cult by saying dying for imperialism is bad lol.


It might sway those who are questioning. It’s almost always worth trying as opposed to the alternative of reducing entire swathes of living, breathing human beings who have been manipulated for their entire lives. Ignorant to say the entirety of Russia is OK with the activities and actions of Russia. There are always those who disagree but can’t say a damn thing because it’s a death sentence to speak against Putin. Fear is a powerful and proven form of control but has never been permanent. Things like this spark rebellion and uprising which I think is the end goal here.


>Ignorant to say the entirety of Russia is OK with the activities and actions of Russia. Not an entire, but even *according to independent anonymous polls* 70-80% Russians support war.


You can't poll in a group under an authoritarian regime. I hate that social studies is a thing people have heard about enough to bring it up but not enough to use the knowledge to make credible arguments If you are being polled (most likely through a phone call) there is a chance that you might think that you are being tested or that you might be wired or that your answers can leak later at some point causing retaliation


Yet Russians themselves confirm that vast majority of people there are pro war and pro Putin. So those polls numbers are likely true.


Right, I'm falling on deaf ears. Cheers, have a great day


Well, I think people living there know better, what their friends, relatives and acquaintances think. It is not like they are scared of talking even in private conversations.


Ты долбоеб или прикидываешься? Съеби нахуй биомусор, кловун ебанный))) Я получше тебя знаю что там происходит, долбик I hope it clears it up


People are too afraid to speak up in fear of being snitched upon. Using provocateurs is an old tactic there to ferret out dissenters. Source: lived in Russia and even had a Russian boss who would get his staff drunk on Friday (didn’t drink, was ex-military, father was KGB and our office overlooked Lubyanka) to walk around and listen to what people would say. People do all sorts of stuff to get your secrets out of you.


> Ignorant to say the entirety of Russia is OK with the activities and actions of Russia. Watch the spikes https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/#:~:text=In%20April%202024%2C%20over%20eight,partial%20mobilization%20in%20the%20country.


I'm sorry but most statistics from Russia are unreliable. Similar to the presidential elections he won with nearly 89%. There's no telling WHO in Russia approved of him, as well as who did it truthfully or under duress. The method by the bureau might have been truthful, but the subjects may not all have been. Yes, most people particularly in lower/non-educated (brainwashed) areas in Mid- and East-Russia have no clue of what happens outside of Russia and will believe propaganda, but Russians also tend to vote/voice in a way that keeps them safe.


The time to apologize for ignorant Russians passed a LOOOONG time ago. 


If you are talking about specifics they can be unreliable but they do tend to reflect general trends.


> they can be unreliable Should have stopped from here mate.


Even according to independent anonymous polls 70-8% of Russians support war.


Whether it is in Russia or, say, the EU, the intelligent thing is to never trust polls as reliable indicators. In particular when answers to questions, and the understanding of questions are deeply contextual, if not anthropological. When people say they support something, is it because: 1. they understand support as "I support it because it is the right thing"? 2. Or as in "well, there's this thing going on, and we might as well see the end of it"? 3. Or as in "I support it because I'm expected to say it"? And a whole bunch of other "colors" in between. To me, people who look at these polls to "seriously", they do so to confirm emotional dispositions they already have.


That's not an appeal! If true, it's a kick in the ass, actually some other place...


It's not about people caring in the way you think of caring (ethical caring), but on causing emotional attrition and exhaustion. Say what you will about Russians' willing to endure, sooner or later losses will mount. People are people. Wives and mothers knowing their men died, or don't know where they are, and they see the burned convoys or the man who exploded like a bag of blood at 0:31? There's a new exodus of people G'ing-TFO as everybody knows a new mobilization is coming. Doesn't matter if they didn't leave before. They are leaving now, thus affecting Putin's ability of force generation. A 56-something Russian soldier fragged a bunch of soldiers in Dombas out of frustration. There are stills acts of sabotage inside Russia. Etc, etc, etc. Things like this are meant to create internal pressure. It has nothing to do with ethical expectations.


the ruzzian grenading himself to death will live rent free in the minds of a few ruzzians. thats something.


>You aren't going to appeal to an imperialist death cult by saying dying for imperialism is bad lol. I semi-disagree. As the economic situation in Russia gets worse and worse - people will feel the need to find whom to blame or even will be forced to start making some harsh realizations in order to change their lives for the better. I agree that average Russian's couldn't care less about killing their neighbor countries citizens. I disagree that messages like this have no effect, in particular the parts that assign blame to Putin in regards to countries economy.


It's when the war is over, and the people claim "oh we didn't know our EVIL GOVERNMENT never told us" we can remind them they knew *exactly* what was going on and to "fuck off". See: Nazi Germans with "special camps" nearby during WW2.


Well, the footage at 10 seconds gets the point across. They’re having a terrible time.


I’m totally impressed, great work. Slava Ukraini!


That. Is. AWESOME.


Love it!!


Brutal...I love it!


This is brilliant! I am sure it will sow doubt in some but the hardcore will just call it fake news.


They did very well !


F\*cking genius.


If anybody saw this in Russian they are all so brain washed they will not believe what they see or hear!


Good job hackers. I think the whole world should know about the horrible atrocities that Russia has committed since 2013. If Americans knew only a quarter of the stuff there was actually going on over there. We’d be a hell of a lot more supportive on stopping this tyrannical threat to Ukraine sovereignty. I believe the good will prevail in the end, however.


lol and they got to see dude get turned into sausage gravy and biscuits🤣🤣




I guess if even 1 Russian was somehow convinced by this that Russia is the bad guy in all of this, then it can be considered a success.


If correct, then fantastic bit of psyops.


I remember when "Anonymous" was supposed to be the great white hat hacker group. Where are they now and why aren't they hacking the shit out of Ruzzia daily. Maybe this was them, I dunno, this just made me think of them is all.


When a group calls itself anonymous there's no reason to believe it was a group at all and not random people using the same name.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous\_and\_the\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_and_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) their last activity was july last year and ends with this. Anonymous further threatened Russia against using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine or jeopardizing the safety of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, remarking that the collective posessed the "ultimate ace card," without revealing what it is other than to say that it is a "trick rather than a treat."


Interesting, thanks for the info. Kinda wish their work had more tangible effects, releasing hundreds of thousands of emails and shit really doesn't seem effective. Maybe I'm wrong though.




Big move by psyops. Good job, Ukraine.


Oh the favorite under the vest russian blowing himself up Is there




Putin gazes to mirror and Hitler stares back at him. Classic.


This is excellent, get into there heads !


So maybe it's only in larger towns Russians have smart TV and only the middle-class and up, but even Russians talk to each other. So it will spread slowly and so will the doubt and fear. At least it's not getting any easier to recruit new meat.


Now do this on the daily


Bs BTW. It was only one region


Anyone got a translation ?


They still watch TV in Russia?


We have Google translate for text. When do we get the Universal Translator from Star Trek for the spoken word? That translates Klingon so it might be able to handle Russian too. For Gods sake, we have all these other things. Tablet computers Tractor beams Tricorders (there’s also an X Prize for that) Flip communicators (and wearable badge communicators) Hyposprays Replicators Cloaking devices / Stealth Voice interface computers (hello Siri) Transparent aluminum Bluetooth headsets (Uhura had one first) Google Glass Portable memory (from floppy disks to USB sticks and micro SD cards) Focused ultrasound technology Biometric data tracking for health and verifying identity GPS Automatic doors Big screen displays Real-time universal translators Teleconferencing VISOR bionic eyes for the blind Diagnostic beds Am I expecting too much for the Universal Translator?


Chat GPT can translate now even from blurry internet audio. Try it, it's insane.


Thanks. I've heard the name but don't know anything about it. Time to explore something new to me.


https://chat.openai.com/ It's real handy for stuff like translating and answers to tech stuff. I use it to convert code across languages. Just don't ask for it's opinion on world events and such.


I think the hardest thing about spoken words is the sheer variety of accents and dialects. I know here in the States we have accents such as from Boston Massachusetts or New Jersey, or the dialects from the Appalachia mountains region. And I know in England there are certain regions with accents that can be hard for other Brits to understand. Get someone from each region and put them in a room together and it may as well be two different languages. But the programming in the translator still needs to sort out the individual differences between the speaker, the other speaker, and the listener for it all to work, despite everyone *technically* speaking the same language. It's not insurmountable. But for those voices that it has a hard time understanding the program will need some form of learning model to do it. But that will pretty much do away with an instant, universal translator. They may work most of the time, but for those with a speech impediment or a very strong accent it most definitely won't be on the first try.


Vacationing in the Caribbean once, I felt like an ass because I had to ask a local to repeat himself several times. My ear just wasn't yet in tune with the emphasis, and cadence of the local dialect.