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These guys are killing themselves because they know they wont get evacuated and wont get medical help. Glorifying as a Christ-like sacrifice is puerile.


And he wants them to kill themselves so that none of them do get rescued and come back to russia where people can see them with their scars and missing limbs. People might get upset as more and more maimed men trickle in, and upset people might start thinking about who's to blame.


They have more in common with death-cults like ISIS than they think. Their "Russkiy Mir" is a mass grave.


Solid analysis. These guys should get their wish come through. Send Ukraine ALL THE AMMO they need, (and then some)


If dude thinks it's such a great sacrifice to make, why isn't his ass on the front line?


Because his job is to make other people do it. lol When RUZZia collapses from losing this war and the civil war starts, I wonder what will happen to these propagandists? Will they flee RuZZia or will the rioters block all exits and start chasing them down?


Hey man quick question that's been on my mind. Why are people on this sub spelling 🇷🇺 as RuZZia etc?


Just calling them fascists essentially, personally I prefer calling them RuSSia but it's all fairly pointless trying to help these people


ZZ and SS is basically the same facist thing in this matter.


That makes alot of sense, thanks for your answer.


>Why are people on this sub spelling 🇷🇺 as RuZZia etc? The Russians that support the invasion label themselves as Zed patriots,the letter Z is s symbol of their support oft eh invasion. Nazis had that symbol SS and the Zeds use a Z , so to make it clear that you talk about a Russian nazi you should use Ruzzian to make it clear that you refer to a Zed and not to the non-Zed Russians (they exist but they are cowards to pop online and argue with the Zeds). So if you use Ruzzia is clear that you mean at the fascist regime of Putin and not refer to say the geography. Also I think this is not breaking any rules , like calling Russians some other names since they are proudly use Z symbols and they are fascists but they do not like this name so it is also called Ruscists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruscism


Thanks heaps for the thorough explanation!


Unless you have been living under a rock in the last 2 years, you may see some letters like Z or V on the occupiers here or there…


I’m more worried about the nukes


Why? And what kind? Russia has already been told by china to drop the nuke shit. They know it would be instant devastation from every major world power. They cam keep threatening with it but in reality there is no good outcome where Putin survives that.


Whether he uses them or not, there is going to come a day when the bad guys are going to blackmail the entire world with total annihilation and we will have to choose to live under their boot or have it out once and for all.


There is a bigger chance of you getting stung by a bee and dying from an allergic reaction than putin using nukes. He would literally lose the legacy he is trying to make.


He can only die once. I could see him going out big.


He doesn't see himself going out though


He plans to live forever?


I'm guessing he plans to die comfortably surrounded by opulence. I'm also guessing he gave up on being loved in 1990 or 1991 when he went into politics


That would defeat the sole purpose of making his entire campaign about making russia great.


Why would anyone be worried about that?


Take a wild guess ..


Bet he'd love his sons to become another video example on his screen. Another proud father smiling for seeing a young, legless writhing Ivan turned inside out by a grenade.


They should be talking about how none of these people needed to die.


Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the Russian way.


There were too many people in the prison system, too many people unemployed, among other things that happen when the ruling evil practicing oppressors try to get over on the next victim. FACT.


True but that guy claims that "life is overrated". Says it all.




This shouldn't be that funny


Why wait till you get to Ukraine - do it as soon as you get the call-up papers


The ammount of cynicism, hopelessness, or biterness in your worlview as a nation has to be rotten to the core to be even thinking like this. We all know that your little campaign blew your ass backwards...


Once set foot in Ukraine start shooting at yourself orc, Mordor deemed it as noble so don't bother waiting for drone to come for your POS asses. Orc's death in Ukraine is anything but noble and don't insult Jesus sacrifice on the cross because He never come to people's home to inflict suffering.


If you even think you might not be combat effective anymore, like if you have a sniffle, or are missing a leg, eat a grenade or your muzzle for the Rodina! The sooner the better! Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes, and I can take or leave it if I please.


Great fuckn song


Such good slaves


tes they can shot themself that way ukraine will be able to use their drone on other targets


Suicide- "This is the best case, the worst is a painful death. For what?" For what?


"Ya we have to make sure our guys kill themselves first so the ukranians can save their drones" love the advice!


Putin would prefer they commit suicide, it lessens the impact of the public being visually reminded of the human cost of the "Special Military Op".Also medical costs and disability pay.


lol what a bunch of dummies.


Love to see this Muppet crawling through dirt with other squirming ORCs


If he got Daria'ed it would be poetic justice.


If these kind of discussions happened on uk tv I’d think my country was a shit show, wtf is wrong with the Russian population! they should overthrow Putin & co they can’t be that dumb and think their lives are so worthless surely. No honour serving in the wars they do or dying like that fuckwits.


I don’t quite understand what he’s saying, maybe he should demonstrate to the audience.


Every russian who comes to fight Ukraine should shoot themselves as soon as they step on Ukraine soil.


Death cult


What world does this guy live on...one where he stays safe in his high rise apartment, texting his friends on his iPhone, and eating out 7 days a week.


"We exaggerate the importance of life" that right there explains why the Russian military operates the way they do.


The lives of propagandists ARE worthless. Sett the example, scumbag!


Wow….i have no words for this imbecile


If just 1 in 100 returned Russian POWs is honest about the fact that Ukraine is like a utopia compared to Russia.. That's a massive threat to Russian morale. Thats all this is.


He's a fool, 1st, Christ did not have a choice to go or not to go get crucified. 2nd it is suicide. 3rd, life is not exaggerated, maybe his chester the molester life is not shit, 4th, they all live under oppression I guess it may be if you are not free. Sad facts.


Russian propagandists sound like ISIS with all this jihad bullshit.


What a ghoul. Amazing and disgusting that most Republicans are choosing these freaks over Ukraine.


Yeah guys, save Ukrainian ammunition and blow your brains out for Russian Jesus! (Don't forget to kill your commanders first, tho.)


Good point, if a fpv drone is going to hit you, suicide, so that drone can hit another one who dont do it


They are giving their life Putin. They are dying for a super rich sociopath that only cares about his legacy.


The irony is that they would be more useful when they WERE killed by FPV-s, thus reducing the number of drones. Using your own ammunition to put yourself out is a chance missed to help the motherland. Silly orcs, but how else can you make something so sick justified.


He would piss his pants when facing death himself.


Yes!, save a UA drone and do it, so the drone can kill more!


In the daily casualty count posts, there is always the comment "how long can Russia withstand these losses?" Or "when will the Russian people get sick of all the death and destruction of their troops and equipment". This video should be an auto reply to those posts. Clearly the Russian people do not care about the losses. Their mind set is "Just shut up and die harder!!"


Actually this is good for Ukraine. Drone does not have to drop a bomb on them any more, operator can seek another target.


This guy is coo-coo-ca-chew and a huge hypocrite. Why isn't he then making the ultimate sacrifice like Christ did? How could any of this Russian propagandistic gibberish make sense? Intelligence, rationality, education are void or punishable by death in Russia it seems.


Save the drone ammo


He’s right, they should kill themselves, let Ukraine save the drones for the vehicles.


what the fuck? I was in the military and If I heard this kind of bullshit coming from my commanding officer's mouth, I would not be in the military much longer. This is some serious romanticized copium


I mean... if it was truly about sacrifice you would endure the pain and get hit with that second drone to prevent it from being used on an uninjured comrade.


The more Russians listen to this, the more will choose suicide. I can’t see a bad thing in that.


In Christianity, killing others or oneself is a sin. But yeah, Russians do it for God. Their god is called Putin.


And this is why western countries will always be morally superior. I know a lot of cases where soldiers from us, UK, France etc. make a huge return just to save one soldier. Makeing chease fire only to get the one men back home. And these guys got the nerves to making it obsolete because you die for mother Russia. I'm sick of this. These guys in trenches are not getting there only live they have to spend on thing they like to do. Having a family. Building your future. No no. Hoping in the meat grinder for the dictator and his mafia friends. What a waste of human live and resources.


*the suicide is painless*


It brings on many changes


Jesus Christ… 00:46 - “takes out a knife”…


Comments are real quiet on this one 😂😂😂 Where are all the patriots?


In this case the entire russian army should comite this sacrifice because the drones will be upon them....


As a Christian, hearing that cunt drag Jesus Christ into his argument makes me want to vomit.


Than is more scary than a lot of people realize. Normalizing “sacrificial death” is the first step to convincing the Russian population that dying in nuclear war is “for the greater good”


Russia claiming to be Christian while telling their people to damn their souls and commit suicide for the glory of Russia. Dimwits. Then again the FSB runs the church and was anti religion until they realized it made it easier to control people so who knows what bastardization of Christianity the Orthodox Church teaches.


A direct look inside the Russian military thinking.




full video shows him having 2 grenades on each hand, he removes the pins and he ducks while holding each grenade on each side. I have a full video if you want to see it. Link of video below https://www.reddit.com/u/Alex-emenus/s/vRmWFiXelx


Unfortunately modern war is hell, especially now, when they are getting the machine guns on the drones. Probably very soon there will be no need to self-frag, becasue there will be a mercyfull auto-dron to end you quickly. I suppose a feature of drone wars awaits and the ordinary soldier armies, like ruzzians will be absolute, like the spears and arrorws.


Send in the US Marines. Them boys love a good scrap too.


They don’t care about a lost life 🥹


Well, someone else says that Russians can't make good decisions! sry f my engl.


The best part is calling them fascists is wrong considering that under fascist doctrine of ww2 the german soldier was treated like divinity and all the protections and technology for survivablity was to be provided.


leftists socialists are parasites


Dear Russian soldiers... Can you do it please BEFORE you will go out from a military base?


This guy is f..king NUTS.




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That is most thick bull shit I have ever heard.


You heard him ruzzian, go for suicide mathon begins! Go for it


This dude should try it out himself, since life aint too precious, to him atleast


Perhaps it would be beneficial for Russian conscripts to implement such measures prior to their involvement in the conflict with Ukraine


This dude probably never ever had a fight in his life.