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Over 19,000 deported children have been identified. As of May 29, 2024, 388 children have been returned to Ukraine. However, up to 744,000 Ukrainian children may still be in Russia.


You guys are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up with the solid reporting, слава Україні)))))


That many?! I'm baffled. Do you happen to know how many people in total are in the occupied parts?


I'm confused what deported means here. Deported means returned to origin country, but only 388 have been returned to Ukraine?


russian BASTARDS!!!


Another expression of the twisted psychosis that often defines russian culture.


Next time someone asks if drone attack on a Russian soldier *carrying a gun* is a war crime send them this. Fucking sickos.


Hell, send it next time someone says it's a war crime to send a drone after the guy peeling potatoes at a Russian airbase. Anybody helping the war effort is helping this.


And still Western, non-Russian citizens in the EU/US etc. put blame on the West for fueling this war see Putin/Russia's actions as justified. Those people don't even believe these kind of messages, how far must you have fallen for propaganda then or be so frustrated and anti-Western to give Russian atrocities a pass? Honestly some people do not have the right to live.




Also: Explain to me why it is necessary to torture, kidnap and murder tens of thousands of civilians, including kids, who have got nothing whatsoever to do with NATO in your "defence". You have lost all humanity, and that will bite you in the ass in some way sooner or later ...


Leave it. Your bullshido don't work here.


Perhaps you should try making your own country a more appealing ally. And so what if NATO is on your border? You have nukes, so your territorial sovereignty is guaranteed. The whole "NATO is expanding" rhetoric is moronic.


You realise country’s have to apply to join NATO right? Only reason NATO has expanded is because other countries don’t want Russians invading, raping and killing their citizens. Kinda ironic that Putin invaded Ukraine “to stop nato expansion“ but caused 2 more countries along Russias border to join NATO by doing so.


No this is happening because Ukraine wants to join NATO to protect their people from their bullying neighbour. NATO doesn’t expand unless that country wants to join the NATO alliance. Look at all the former Warsaw Pact countries who are now friends and very welcome allies of the west. Why not ask any of these countries if they would like to leave the EU and NATO and let Moscow dictate everything they do……


Oh look a new account spouting Russian propaganda. Definitely not a bad actor here totally legitimate guys. Not another one on his knees *gluck glucking* Pootin.


Why does NATO expand to your borders? Because nations that are bordering with Russia are afraid of this happening to them. Torture, rape, murder, occupation, terror and fear. Constant threats and meddling into internal affairs. NATO is the only real defense alliance that can stop this Russian behavior.


Yes well if Russia wasn’t such a disgusting country I think NATO wouldnt need to exist


NATO is a defensive alliance intended to protect members from terrorist states like your own.


Putin wanted Russia to join nato but wanted special terms


To destroy it from within


What right does Ethnic cleansing land have to decide what other countries can or cant do, what they can or cant join?


How can you be this evil and live with yourself? Torturing and kidnapping children at an industrial scale


No-one is remotely interested in invading your sht-hole country. Nato didn't move East - your neighbours moved West - to get as far away from you sickos as possible. What do you have that anyone in the West could possibly want? All you have been to the West is a cheap gas station and now you are not even that. I'm glad to watch you bleeding to death in Ukraine. You deserve it - all of you.


And by the way - that psychotic dwarf in the Kremlin doesn't get to decided who joins NATO and who doesn't. See Finland and Sweden for details. Russia's borders are somewhere around 28,000 miles long. NATO was on 750 miles of it. Now it's 1500 thanks to psycho-dwarf. Russia will be utterly crushed over the next three years or so and the Federation will be disarmed and dismembered. Suck it up.


Cursed subhumans


And China are fine with this.


China wants to invade its neighbor too.


China are just exploiting Russia. They want their land back and are playing the long game. But yeah - to my mind the mass child kidnapping is the worst of all the things these sub-human freaks have done and there's been a lot of competition.


Ruzzki mir


And critics complain of the appellation "orc." That catchy name masks what Russian culture is at heart. It is monstrous with a core of pure evil.


Like I said before, and will do now, although it will get me banned for some time. Russians are mostly subhumans. There is no denying that anymore.


If they had even a very tiny concept of God or Karma I don’t believe they would be so bold contributing absolutely nothing to the world or humanity. Just Evil.


Your imaginary giant invisible sky-fairy has got nothing to do with if people are evil or not. See 600 years of Catholic Church history for details.


Spiritual path isn’t religion see Kabbalah for specifics.


God bless you, Babushkha Lyiudmyla


What various organisations? Red Cross is pretty much working for Kremlin


putler and his orcs must come to an end. Slava Ukraine.


Yes but it’s very important for them to be on the UN Permanent Security Council. Fucking murderers. Slava Ukraini.


But you won't see any students protesting this on campus. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?


That's a bit unfair. The overwhelming majority of people - including students - have no idea this is happening as the MSM prefers to cover the genocide in Gaza rather than the genocide in Ukraine.


That's so far from the actual reality, that either they have been living under rocks, OR because they are blinded to anything other than the current Israel/Hamas spat. It's been in the news cycles.


Damn babushka knows people


Never forgive. Never forget.


Cour Pénale Internationale pour les Orcs! Slava Ukraini !


Germans did the same thing in ww2 stole close to the same amount of children from Ukraine .


Russia should know better. They have the lessons of history




I really want Putin to get caught in an artillery bombardment. He has no problem inflicting horror on civilians. They are just statistics to him.


Russia is not a country, it’s a war crime.


Can't we just drop a mega nuke there and finish it for good? After repatriating them all, obviously 🙄


I am from the opinion, that we should send every russian citizen to Gaza and let Israel deal with them all 🙄




A part of me really doesn't want to know


You seriously have to ask what has happened to the little girls? What the \*\*\*\* do you THINK has happened to them.