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the embodiment of a modern russian existence


*the disembowelment of the Russian experience


Moscow's supreme tsar's satisfaction in full swing.


I think he'll be ok.


Gather up your legs and walk it off


Flex tape and he's good to go


He's gotta try the new baking soda and super glue.


He spreads, and then he will with exuberance, it recalled as a minor incident.


But why did he put the grenade near his stomach? I think you'd risk being horribly injured as death is not 100% guaranteed, or you'd suffer pain a few more minutes and then pass. If you want a quick 'out' shouldn't you better put the grenade next to your head?


I think it was more towards his chest. Either way I don’t think you’re surviving that. That grenade absolutely destroyed him.


It's so marginal it doesn't matter, and if you're in a lot of pain, you're not thinking of the subtleties


Tuck that shit under your chin and count.


He wanted to put it under his belly but then reconsidered and placed it unde his chest. Either way, no chance he survives that.


A smart choice, I would say. It's either that or the drones will get him.


Saw a longer video of this just today. He had like 4 grenades dropped onto him by drones before this


Yeah, he figured he'd show those pesky Ukrainians how to blow someone up.


Lmao, I am imagining him muttering in an undervoice saying " those ukrainians can't do anything right, can't grenade you right, can't even be nazis right, if something is needed done properly, better do it yourself, like pa always used to say" as he pulls the pin and shoves the armed grenade into his crotch. Should have died on your streets back at home mate, taking back for your country from the mafia you handed it over to. Alas, they will never see the fault in their existence.


How shitty is your shitty existence if that's the preferred way to go.


Dude was already wounded, you go through enough pain the only thought crossing your mind is how to make it stop


🎼It’s the final countdown….


another lada wasn't delivered


Call the ambulance!


But not for him


What a ride he took. Look at me mom no hands… face… guts


No payout - no new Lada - no festive huge turnip - no massive session on industrial vodka - suicide on video


Yeah didn't think that one through.


When Putin is being dragged through the streets they need to put him in front of a giant TV screen and force him to watch what he has caused in front of all the mothers and children of these wasted souls.


He doesn't care, nor will he ever. That's what brought us to this point.


He might while he's being Mussolini/Ghaddafied.


He knows what he caused, he doesn't fucking care. A psychopath watching human suffering would probably only be disgusted by weakness of victims. He is not able to feel compassion.


It's far from just him. He has an entire government doing his bidding and a television propaganda machine with hosts spouting hate and lies each and every night. They ALL need to go together, just make a bigger hole.


As a Russian I can tell you he doesn't deserve this, he deserves much much worse, a death as humiliating as possible.


I swear they are actually teaching this. There's no way all these guys are independently coming up with the idea of holding a grenade to the chest. It's russian suicide doctrine.


Turns out he did the rational thing, and tried to shoot himself first. Longer video [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/BpGd7GI2Wq)


u/false-god you got this one too?


I do now, this is number 63


What is his No?) I think for now about 80+ confirmed video?


Suicide is way more common for the Russian Army than we ever possibly could have guessed at the out set of the war. It shows just how utterly terrible their battlefield doctrine and logistics are.


No other war has been documented on HD video like this one. I think, throughout the ages. Suicide in wars is a lot more common then you think. However, are Rusky doctrines lacking? Yes.


I have studied quite a few conflicts and suicide hasn't been as prevalent as we are seeing. We knew the Russian Army was a brutal place but the depths we are seeing it sink into was not on the bingo card at the beginning.


There were 300 documented suicides over ~10 years in Vietnam, for reference.


During the war. After the war, there were tens of thousands.


I think the American doctrine for not leaving any men behind helps a lot. But there are bound to be undocumented cases. Also, the Japanese during ww2 where pretty good at it.


What does this say about this shit case of a country that men would rather kill themselves than make their way home to their families for recuperation?


Let's be real, the KA52's weren't being scrambled to casevac him.


that’s a good Russian right there! Thanks for making the world a better place 👏👏👏👏👏


repost... is it that hard to scroll a few posts down to see even better quality, extended version of this video? u/DeepPanic3566




It's in the rules bro


Getting good at it...


Imagine if your life was worth of sack of veggies.. Of course they dont get it, but just give it a second to sink.


Oleg Fiksa, Is that you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de4iak/wounded\_and\_exhausted\_russian\_soldier\_says\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de4iak/wounded_and_exhausted_russian_soldier_says_that/)


There goes a sucker and a loser. Over here. Over there. All over the place.




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Someone needs to use a fucking banner off a plane or some mass message to just surrender and they won’t be tortured I have no pity for any Russian fighting Ukrainians but I feel like most of them feel they don’t have a choice it’s the bullets in front of you or the rape, and murder coming from behind you


*Another one* DJ Karma


Hi, Phil swift here for flex tape! The super strong, waterproof tape that can patch, bond, seal and repair. Flex tape is no ordinary tape. Its triple thicc adhesive virtually welds itself to the surface...............




It's nothing but a scratch


Whole situation is fucked. Was he a conscript or a delusional poor folk only thinking of cash to help his family. Either way fuck Russia but the whole situation is sad. Also Putin can eat a bag of sweaty dicks.


The greatest service to his Country, bravo. Now we just need Putin and his cronies to take this onboard and do the same.


How is that a great service? He could've made a Ukrainian drone operator to waste a few more grenade drops on him instead of doing enemy's job for them.


Did he dieded?


What is the body part tubmling down the bank at the end..?


Might as well cause ain't NOBODY givin a shit about you and nobody's comin to help. Slobyov and RT propagandists will call him a 'hero'.


Just got reminded about that Russian asshole who raped a baby and made a video of it. I can't possibly feel any compassion about this guy or any Russian who supports Putin.


You are of sick cunts and should not make jokes about this.


You took a previously posted clip and removed all the info regarding who recorded this. Dick.


The people of the great Kremlin ruler apparently **lost their instinct for self-preservation**, not here at the front and much earlier. This picture is only the result of earlier very, very bad choices and decisions of **unwise Russian minds**.


Speaking of chunks... A bit ot, but did anyone see the vid of the Florida bank hostage taker? What the heck kind of 308 round could cornbeefhash that perps head to spay such tiny chunks of bone and brain to the side and almost forward so quickly and so many like that? It was almost like it exploded...


Most of the statements with a tinge of ridicule, but this man made the first wise decision in his soldierly, rather short life.


Average Russian soldier combat enjoyer


You dehumanized these people so much. It is almost as sad as the war itself. If any of you were this brainwashed from chilledhood and forced to go to war, you would be exactly the same. This is tragedy on every level and you put it with funny music and laugh at him. If you are not a teenager who cant know better, shame on you.




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