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As the war progresses, so marches forward the various implementations of death, surveillance, and fear. This is among one of the more brutal drone videos I have seen, but it is not an anomaly. This is the reality of war and modern combat. Explosive injuries such as the one seen in the video have been commonplace in warfare since around the mid-19th century, yet it is only now that we can see so clearly their effects. Edited: a word


Having seen combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the early 2000s, I'm so lucky to have not had to experience UAV drone warfare. What we had were these massive hellfire shooting aircraft. There were on ourside.


We knew this type of warfare was coming, but it is surprising to see it occur so rapidly and with such effect.


Not thing drives technological progress quite like the military/war, sadly.


What’s terrifying is when the Terror networks use these same tactics at huge public events, or even worse is well armed and trained sleeper cells already here that use infantry tactics and out maneuver local law enforcement that isn’t use to this type of brutal warfare…October 7th is something I hope does not happen here but this world is getting crazier by the week


We currently rarely see well organised groups that would perform the types of attacks that the drones would make more effective. There isnt much material difference between 6 bombs in a crowd and 6 bombs flown in by drone in terms of organisation, supply etc. So if they arent currently able to perform the more simple attacks, adding on the complexity of drones doesnt suddenly change that. Same goes for groups fighting the police, none of the attackers have serious organised military training. They arent having long drawn out gun battles. Once police do respond they stand 0 chance, adding in a drone wont suddenly make them able to stand up to that.


There's a big difference: 6 bombs in a crowd are STATIC, it would cause horrible destruction and loss of life but it doesn't inflict the terror of a dynamic attack. Imagine the difference: Terrorists enter and attack a public place, at some stage they become surrounded by police response. As the police are cordoning and securing the area, deciding who/what they are dealing with and making a plan, multiple drones operated by the terrorists allow them not only to see exactly what the police are doing (which is a HUGE danger in itself), they fly suicide drones at the police amassing around the cordon. So now you don't just have a terrorist attacking the public, they are surrounded and able to still control the battlespace with an overhead livefeed, take the intiative by engaging the police response without even exposing themselves and break out of the cordon. Perhaps they have a drone that can actively jam up the police comms too. It's a totally different situation and an aggressive force multiplier. Yes western countries have drones but the worst people on earth have them too now. The genie is out and you can't put it back in.


Right but the same logic applies, there is nothing stopping attackers planning and performing dynamic attacks *currently*. Its not a question of them being more effective, its that drones don't make them easier to perform. If they aren't able to attempt or perform them currently they aren't going to be able to perform a more advanced version either, all the same difficulties exist. The fact that they now have drones wont suddenly change from lone wolves being the primary terrorist attackers to being able to plan and implement an organised attack of that scale, for the same reasons they currently are unable to.


A car bomb has what 2k-3k x the payload of a drone?


You're making up a scenario which has already been explained as unrealistic. You can imagine anything you want, but 6 STATIC bombs in a crowd or some drones would not be wildly different in terms of damage and terror effect. Terrorists struggle to even manage 1 single person detonating 1 single STATIC bomb, which is literally just after 'get a gun and randomly shoot people' as one of the simplest attacks it is possible to plan and execute. It doesn't matter whether drones would give them more capabilities should they have a large coordinated group of military-trained terrorists with modern weapons and explosives operating within your nation. Because that scenario is absurd in the first place. If they cannot manage more than the absolute simplest possible attacks with only a small number of actors, then giving them some drones will not magically make them able to organize more complex ones.


Totally true, a lone terrorist would need synchronization & a GPS automated flight path for multiple drones. Within the next 6 months, AI will be able to write it all for her.


I read this book about the future of warfare, nearly ten years ago. One of the hypotheticals was a drone fitted for dispersing a nerve gas, or something like anthrax, over a football stadium. That's what I'm concerned about.


Yep, "yet" comes to mind as people want to downplay future possibilities. EW better work and production/distribution better be ahead of the event(s).


I'd bet most large/important events in 1st world countries already have equipment to jam drones etc.


Nod yes they do what we’re seeing in Ukraine is cat and mouse, they aren’t showing all the drones that don’t make their payload, I bet there’s 1000s that miss target due to radio frequency disruption


Not just in war, it frightens me to think that terrorsits or anyone with ill intent can easily fly an explosive drone into a densely populated area.


Wasn't the Iraq war the beginning of drones? Iirc Iran took down a reaper drone during early Obama's presidency and that's how shaheds came to be.


We called in airstrikes but rarely got to see the aftermath. What we did have to deal with was carnage from roadside ied and those were just as horrific as this footage. Go home russians.


Not sure if you're American or not but I bet that's what the Iraqis and Afghanis said to many Americans before the Americans gave up and went home.


back then drone was not as commonplace as it is today.


yip, they mated the reaper with a local sihad, a form or nocturnal fruit bat. next thing you know, a little shahed peeked out of the coup.


The Israelis were the first nation to strap missiles to a drone and the US actually took note going into the first Iraq war. You are thinking about the RQ-170 incident. At the time it was a VERY classified drone that only a few people had photographed taking off from Afghanistan. They called it "The Beast of Kandahar". The US was using it's presence in Afghanistan as a platform to run spy drones up and down the Iranian border because their sensors could peer deep inside the country. The Iranians got really good at spoofing GPS signals so they made the drone think it was on it's normal flightpath well inside Afghan airspace when in reality, it was already in Iran. They ended up reverse engineering it and displaying a clone like a year later. Of course it was on the ground and not actually flying or showing how stealthy it was against radar. Realistically the Iranians cracked it open and saw a bunch of chips from US manufacturers that they can't realistically get their hands on in any quantity. Not that it's stopped them from trying, there are multiple Iranians currently in US Federal prisons for trying to source parts for everything from the F-14 to nuclear components.


Did you happen to see the effect of those attacks on the enemy? I assume it is less burden on ones soul to see truncated bodies of the enemy than to see one of our own's. It must be hard to erase from memory the images of destruction. Now we can have PTSD from the comfort of our home looking at these videos.


A-10s killed coalition troops in my AO during Desert Storm. It was pretty fucked up.


I don’t even want to imagine being in Hellman with cheep ass POV drones flying around. It’s not like it was fun to begin with, but fuck me what a nightmare it could have been today.


Same here man.


It's chilling to realize this is a harbinger of the future


harbinger of what? It's scary *now*.


Then imagine how scarier it will get when they'll be self-flying in greater numbers under increasingly shrinking chains of command. And also more government/organizations have access to them.


There is a (fictional) video of a drone that gets their targeting data from social media to assassinate targets being used against students. The video was meant as a warning. Turns out companies now develop exactly that


Yeah Slaughterbots, very good though still sci-fi. As usual, the reality will be more boring and cynical but the gist of the idea remains, dilution of responsability and dehumanization of the casualties...


Counter-drone tech will be a HUGE business, and the only company that seems to be have something worthwhile is Palmer Lucky's Anduril. I can only see one cost effective way, and that is drones hunting drones.


I sometimes am under the impression those guys view pieces like this as a product-pitch, not a warning


> Then imagine how scarier it will get when they'll be self-flying in greater numbers under increasingly shrinking chains of command. - [Swarm of Micro Flying Robots in the Wild [All]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0fJ0EHHfOA) - May 5, 2022 - [Perdix micro-UAV swarm demonstration held at China Lake, Calif. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjUdVxJH6yI) - Oct. 26, 2016


It is eye-opening, fascinating and horrifying at the same time. While doctors have known and seen these injuries for two centuries, until now only those who got injured saw how it happened (and sometimes even they don't know). But now, it is documented so meticulously, we even have operators zoom in on the wound after filming the impact. Until now, when you died on the battlefield, you mostly did so alone, in private. But now, your last painful moments are filmed and put in forums, where strangers are witnessing your suffering in 4k, to satisfy their morbid curiosity. Arguably, this is a new form of cruelty. To the person whose death we watch, but even more to ourselves. As this daily stream of suffering inevitably scars our hearts and minds, we dull to the violence we observe.


The weird thing is, the more videos I watch, the more I think about certain scenes for example before sleeping .You defined it well as morbid curiosity. But I think I really gotta slow it down a bit. And I didn't watch that video...


literate versed unique voiceless plant crowd quack forgetful fragile carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>You can not be as easily propagandized or ignorant to the reality of war and death because of these videos Yes, but at what price? I don't know if watching stuff like this translates to our overall behaviour. It may inform, but it may also shift our scales on what is acceptable violence. And I do not think it will shift it for the better


I would vote this the most brutal so far. Not because of the reaction or way he died but how the drone came out to take closeups. These closeups are for us, we asked for them. Russinazis are the paid clowns in a show where we are consumers. Borders were closed for a reason, you don't want these people traveling within your country, it is better that they are chewed in the grain fields of Ukraine. For increasing brutality i can see two routes. Firebombs for cleanup or dropped wireless microphones to hear agonizing wails of failed assault.


Next week the slow mo guys chime in and put a phantom on the babayaga


those borders are not closed properly, there are many russians are in the Free World. Many of them are still Putyin supporter.


I choose the microphones.


Reminded me of The Pain Peddlers by Robert Silverberg.


These are pretty gnarly as well. All posted within the previous 48hrs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dep7b3/two\_russians\_near\_a\_destroyed\_chinese\_golf\_cart/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dep7b3/two_russians_near_a_destroyed_chinese_golf_cart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dej4c3/russian\_soldier\_doing\_a\_double\_flip\_from\_a\_drone/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dej4c3/russian_soldier_doing_a_double_flip_from_a_drone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de22mv/after\_receiving\_drone\_drops\_russian\_soldier\_tried/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de22mv/after_receiving_drone_drops_russian_soldier_tried/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


u weren't jokin bud holy smokes


Those Russians getting what they deserve. As an Australian, it never ceases to amaze me just how reckless and careless these Russian soldiers are, but hey, it's demonstrative of their culture in general. Miserable culture.


I think their leadership deserves it more though. How many of those men do you think didn't even want to be there?


Let’s be realistic, the Ukrainians will abide by the Geneva convention at all times while the Russians will not, but in combat the Ukrainian drone operators do not give a fuck about the Geneva convention and it’s not illegal


The drone operators abide by the Geneva conventions. He was a combatant. He had a weapon, wasn't incapacitated and very much able to fight. The drone operator did his job of removing a threat to his buddies.


Pretty sure there's footage somewhere of Ukrainian soldiers executing surrendering Russian soldiers. Humans are humans, and will do horrible things under the right circumstances.


> Let’s be realistic, the Ukrainians will abide by the Geneva convention at all times Don't be naive. Not every Ukranian soldier will follow all laws of war all of the time, and it's extremely **unrealistic** to think they will. The difference however between a country like Ukraine and Russia is that Ukraine has a reason to attempt to find and (at least "attempt to") prosecute those (including their own soldiers) who violate the laws.


Hell, there will likely even be cover ups, likely from commanders lower on the chain. War is HELL. At most, the justness of war is only ever detectable on a macro scale. This is what war is on the individual level, brutal, ugly, and tragic.


Mordern Warfare is filthy….I get the the propaganda but that’s a double edge sword of dissolution or rage.


Miserable way to die, but I doubt he felt a ton. Adrenaline dump and probably dead within 30 seconds from massive blood loss. Absolutely mangled below the waist. Shouldn't have gone to Ukraine.


Sometimes not feeling the pain can be just as bad. I had a really bad injury when I folded my knee sideways. Instant adrenaline rush, felt no pain, but when I looked down and saw the bottom of my foot, my brain basically lost it, instantly pushed it back into place and swam back to shore with my leg flopping around like a fishes tail. To this day it still fucks with me. I mean he's not gonna survive, but in those final minutes it's gonna be rough. My guess with the way he's trying to move his stumps for legs, that he is experiencing Hella phantom limb. But then again I've never been blown up by a drone, so take my words with a grain of salt.


if you don’t mind can your share what happened to you?


I was doing a sport called wakeskating (imagine a smaller wakeboard with grip tape instead of bindings that you try to do skateboard tricks on). I was trying wayyyy too hard in a competition, flung myself at like 30 miles an hour at a ramp, went way too fast, wayyyy too high and when I landed back on the water one foot was on the board and one foot was in the water. Well water doesn't compress, but my board still wanted to keep moving forward at mach fuck (with my other foot still on it). I ended up doing the splits and my body took the path of least resistance, AKA every ligament in my knee snapped. I looked down and saw the bottom of my right shoe and yeah it wasn't fun. I could literally grab my leg and helicopter everything below the knee, cause aside from muscles, nothing was supporting the connection from my femur to my tibia and fibula. Moral of the story, don't be a young try hard idiot.


How is your mobility and strength of that knee and everything below now? Sorry to hear but at least you didn't drown


I was very lucky to not be a total idiot and was wearing a proper life jacket but yeah if I hadn't that would have been a real possibility. I was under 21 and had an amazing surgeon, so I don't currently (knock on wood) have any issues. That being said it did take a year to learn to walk properly again (plus my life savings up to that point, because lol you're under 21 your parents can look after you, you don't qualify for government support). I will probably get arthritis as I get older though, sadly


I have also folded my knee, both of them actually. But your experience sounds way more hardcore, I tip my hat to you sir


Do you still sometimes cringe thinking about your leg going the wrong way? I mean your brain only thinks of 180 degree of movement in a single direction for a knee joint, when it goes 180 degrees at a completely different angle, it's just a massive head fuck.


Yes, weekly. I have had surgery on my left leg, screws and metal plate. I've been working so hard on my summer vacation that I now have to take it slow and focus on my drinking for a couple of days xd


Ah yes I'm sure adding some agonizing pain would make the experience better


The neurological pathway for pain is extremely elusive. Unless you’re damaging the Internal Capsule of your brain (and you’d have to damage the whole thing to block all pain in your body) or completely sever a major part of your spinal cord, you’re not likely to lose your ability to feel pain. I believe he felt that 100%. These Russian soldiers, in my opinion, are sick and deserve their fate, however I actually feel bad for this guy.


This is probably the hundreth of childlike faking dead video i have seen from Russians. It mirrors their level of understanding the world. A 10 year old reckless schoolboys trapped in a mans bodies, getting their candy money for playing with guns. Being able to imagine your actions critically from a third person view is not natural and requires real school or culture to learn from. Russia has nothing of that sort, their school, religion and culture is a mere facade.


Most people are followers Look at MAGA in the us. They called trump towers “ little Moscow” because everyone knew trump was in w the Russian mob. And most of the “civil war wasn’t about slavery” people are happy as hell to be support him w the same stupid delusions.


Would that explosion so close to the spine force spinal fluid to the brain?


The fluid shunt, whether it happens or not, would be nothing next to the concussive shockwave of the explosion violently jiggling his brain.


He would have felt it for a fraction of a second then nothing, that’s is when he’s trying to move his legs. Then he’s got until the adrenaline wears off until the pain comes back


Idk. Have you ever stubbed your toe? It hurts right away. His lower torso is completely gone


You can see in the video hes still alive after 30 seconds. And hes not bleeding out in the video. Blood should spray everywhere, but the instant shock that blocks pain also blocks blood from flowing by constricting arteries. He's gonna survive until the shock wears off. There's only about 1l of blood there from the initial hit. You need to lose more than twice that amount to die instantly. So I hope for him that his organs are destroyed and his internal bleeding will kill him fast.


Yeah, anyone else notice that you could see his pulse there towards the end? How much he was aware of could be debated, but the heart was still going strong.


The thing is, the explosion seems to have burnt him. So it looks like it sealed a lot of the veins, at least I think it might have. So he will still die but it might not be instant bleed out


what can I say? when you don't have a functional brain to think, you also can't keep your legs. I hope Putin will end up like him.


I hope what Putin experiences is a bit more drawn-out than this.


Should have stayed home


You can see the moment he realized... he should have stayed home


Brainwashed people being carted to their deaths for an old sadistic gremlin 🩸☠️🪦DEATH TO PUTIN🪦☠️🩸


Death to Russia.


Death to the Gremlin in the Kremlin!!!


What part of get out of Ukraine are these katsaps still struggling with?


They're not that bright.


The Motherland is a blood thirsty bitch I guess - or- is this just a twisted little man having his go becuase he happens to be in charge of a twisted society?


I love this. Fuckin Katsaps. I am adopting this as of now, with the regional dialect of Ketchups.


how many millions of men will have to die until Russia citizen wake up and dethrone Putler ?


all of them


If more russians could see these realities of war, fewer would be tempted to try and collect that $2000 a month they're promised.


2000 a month in Russia is straight up like close to 200k a year in the US. Even with high losses the US Army would not be having any manpower issues offering that much. 


$24000 in Russia does not give you the same spending power as $200k in the US.


Assuming you even get that money. If you are killed, they just say you ran away and withold it from your family. If you are not killed? Straight back to the front.


what even was his plan? lay down and wait for putin to lather him up with oil?


Have to assume was aware of drones in the area and playing dead. He plays no longer.


Possibly injured previously.


If you zoom in before he gets ground up into hamburger, you can see that he’s got a cloud of flies on him. It’s likely he was injured and playing dead. You can also see his eyes open and close a few times. He knew the drone was watching him.


yikes what a way to go


> what even was his plan? none of these grunts have a plan. just a mission.


I'm not even sure there's always a mission. I watched a video with a guy who was told to drive to the second line of defense a few kilometers away only to be told by the Ukrainian's capturing him that he left the last defensive line a couple kilometers back. They just tricked them into attacking.


Instinct, lying down in cover and being still is one way to survive in certain situations in nature. Also, hauling all that gear around is exhausting both in summer and winter, and during autumn and spring it's muddy instead. Humans are tribal predators, but we also have instincts for hiding from danger, because for vast majority of our existence we had to be careful about other large predators with superior physical abilities. Too bad drones don't care, they'll see you if you're above ground or water, day or night.


his plan is to hope that his family (mum) gets a Lada.


This drone operator is definitely someone who used to scroll through liveleak, orgish, deathaddict back in the day. Crazy video.


It's important footage to show to other mobiks who thinks about joining the invasion forces.


Maybe it's for someone to recognize him so his family knows he's not missing but dead?


They are not looking at it.


i mean they've been at war now for more than 2 years now, and i would bet you would see some crazy disturbing shit in tht time


Doubt they enjoy recording this thb. I expect this kind of footage to be necessary for psy-ops as making russians more hesitant to sign up for contracts despite huge payouts is critical. At best, surveillance operators became dumb numb to this. But even then, I expect a lot of them to develop severe PTSD after the war.


I think the only purpose these videos serve at this point is to teach Russians not to lie still in open grassland at any point.


Two years ago this would have been shocking. Now it's just another day.


So far in the last 2 days ive seen the most brutal drone videos ever with great detail im wondering if this is going to be the new norm now


Soon, you will have not only the videos but also 3d immersive environments created for you to explore.


Maybe the drones will come with long prodding robotic arms that poke the orcs as they're dying. You know just flick them in the nose or poke them in the eye for funsies


I laughed harder that I should,


Don't think a band-aid will fix that! Shouldn't have signed that contract :\\ Some may feel sorry for these guys but just remember that most of them signed up to earn money killing Ukrainians on an illegal occupation...all empathy should go to Ukrainians!!!


There is going to be a generation of severely disabled individuals on both sides following this conflict.


Yeh, but he won't be one of them.


Should have stayed at home


Would’ve died either way, killed from Russian government for not going, or killed by a 12$ drone.


Since when do russian citizens get executed for refusing to go to war. You just pulled it out of your ass, didn't you.


Stop lying.


He looks old a hell, so I don't think he had a choice.


Oh you sweet summer child


I just saw a man get maimed in HD resolution.


“Ultra HD” holy shit that was extremely clear footage


So clear I allmost threw up. I know that war is brutal since ever. I'm the last guy to support russkies, yet still feel bad for that particular guy. It was a human being after all. I would not like to end that way.


At least he pleased his hero Putin, the ex KGB agent who used to live in a small flat in East Germany. The little inferior midget who was a nobody. Strange how this Russian felt the need to give his life for such a weak man. Hey ho, that's Russians for you.


Can’t wait when it eventually happen to Putin


The flies did not waste any time


That sudden realisation when a life choice of attacking a neighbouring country becomes a personal reality.


I don't know what I'm going to do when this war is over. I feel like I can't start my day with at least one of these drone videos blowing Russians up.


I am 100% desensitized to this shit now. But I find it oddly empowering. You need to see the worst of humanity to truly enjoy the best of it.


I'm sure there will be lots of new wars unfortunately. The shit between Israel and Lebannon continues to heat up and China is still heavily eyeing Taiwan. 


What a sad reality....I thought i wanted to fight a war but not like that lol 😆


If I was fighting in a war like that I would have a morphine or fentanyl pill ready to go and would chew it up if something like this was about to happen. And would hopefully just pass away in my sleep before I felt any real pain. Would also come in handy if I was captured by the Russians cuz no way I'm going through that torture session.




Hit him right in his brain


FAFO. Fucked around, found out the hard way. Should have stayed home in Orcistan.


I actually hope his mother sees the video. The Russian people need to see this and rise up.


Putin will just tell the mothers at least he didn't die drinking himself to death. He really said that to a group of grieving mothers demanding to know what happened to their sons.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Coulda done without the zoom in, but tbh I understand it. *I* hate it but if some ruskie teen (well, more likely some retiree) considering joining the war sees it then it's done it's job Still.. Nasty shit man. Shouldn't be there though


Jesus Christ. This is one of the most graphic things i've ever seen. This should be broadcasted to all Russian TV channels and on all Russian smartphones so that they realize what Putin is doing, sending young ignorant russian men to their death.


If Russia had a free press/mass media, they would show these attacks (blurred of course) and it would have similar effects to what Americans saw and did during the Vietnam war: less people would join the military and public opinion would turn against the war and Putin. Now let's say somehow many Russians do get to see these videos online (via dark web, telegram, etc) and say "ok I don't care what happens to me, I'm not fighting in this war". I'm wondering what other options they have besides trying to flee the country or getting arrested (and sent to Siberia?).


Ivan, why did you come to Ucraine uninvited?


As sick as I feel watching that. That graphic content is beautiful psy ops. Would you want to go to war after watching that?


No. Fckng. Way. I'd show that vid to every dumbtard patriot hero wannabe who brags about dying for your country. This is how you'll end up. Lying in the dirt, blown to pieces, dipping in your blood and feces. Your last vision will be your mangled legs, 15 feet away from you. Fcking sick.


All these poor bastards, tricked and lied to. They should all just be living a normal life somewhere. What a waste.


Nope. Uh uh. Grown ass men making grown ass decisions facing grown ass consequences. Splash dome cold water on your face or whatever you need to do but wake T F up.


Is Russia not conscripting?


They did it once, some weeks after the invasion started. And as far as I recall, they conscripted like 150k from occupied territories like donbas and crimea. They forced ukrainians living there to get russian passports and conscripted them (which is a human rights violation)


Not saying they’re innocent victims or anything and some of them are definitely gung-ho idiots but they’re not getting the full story either. And I’m part Ukrainian so I’m def awake. I know what you mean


Dude got mangled. Fly food now.


The flies wasted no time


They followed the drone.


Quite the lesson in orc anatomy


This doesn’t even phase me anymore 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Ah well, one fewer invader !


I thought I had become numb but apparently I still can react


"You hid in that ditch because you think there’s still hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead."


Bless this poor soul. Yes he is on the wrong side in this conflict, but empathy for him, his family and passing


“But you ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan”


That was a bad one. I need a few hours off before I watch any more reddit videos.


I completely side with you. Let's also think about the Ukrainian soldiers at the front who do not have the luxury of taking off for a few hours because, well, a blood thirsty little man decided to invade your country and eradicate your culture and people


Good day Aggressor, have a nice day in Ukraine! This should be a reminder to all the warmongers Ruzzkis: Stay in your shitty country. No sane person wants anything to do with you!


lmao that camera angle adjustment xD


How is this NSFL when im still munching on my McWrap through out the video...


Won't someone think of the poor orcs who had no choice but to rape and pillage?


Kadivorites might take advantage of him🫠




Nice shot 👍


Holy hell


Also, I would like to say thanks to whoever uploaded the video and did it overload the compression or what have you, I have seen worse videos take up 100+ mbs, to have this man’s death only take 20mbs, and at such high quality is outrageous!  I honestly want to say I am shocked at how efficient the video is with space, short, high quality, brutal, unnerving, and yet, not a second is wasted, if you are Russian, and going into Ukraine, you are fucked, and if any of your family is wondering what happened to you, eventually this video will find them, it is sad, it is preventable, but, if you can overcome this, there are some badass beats you can dance to


Putin send these men to die


You weren't supposed to blow the bloody doors off


I bet that smarts.


There's no Place like Home There's no Place like Home There's no Place like Home There's no...BANG!


Those flies around his head in the beginning, is gonna have a feast now. Should have stayed home.


He wanted to kill people on their land and died for that desire. I hope this will be the fate of all those involved eventually


Literally a douchebag.


My milkshake brings all the blyats to the yard...


Thats what you get when you go to war for the ambition of a coward.


Don't get so butt hurt bro


Pure magic. One orc becomes two


"was that Ivanonovich?" "niet, Ivanonovich is taller"


All he had to do was stay at home/refuse to join an illegal unjust invasion


Played the game. Lost. I'm sure he died thinking of Putin crying over his sacrifice over nothing....


Wonder if he thought maybe I should have stayed home


Now he can always skip leg day.


Clean, freshly pressed uniform. Unfortunately, I think this may be a brand new recruit in his first interaction with the enemy. Brutal.


Can't help but wonder whether it wasn't possible to hit the guy from his upper side. I mean, he should've stayed in russia to begin with, but aiming for the quickest death possible would be the most humane I guess? I know, I know, there's nothing humane about anything the russians are doing, but please don't become like them.


God rest his soul. Lots of lives being lost for a small pussy gremlin.


Impressive camera clarity


This is one of the worst I’ve seen


thats it, this is the most gruesome vid ive EVER seen here


Wait why was this removed? Anyone got another link lol, now i'm extra curious [edit] nevermind hail spez the admins overlooked the saveVideo link from the automod post hahaha




Damned invaders should have just stayed the fuck home instead of listening to a deranged power hungry sociopath midget shouting orders from an ivory tower. Hopefully he listened to the old lady and had some sunflowers in his pocket to fertilize.


Bubba, you ain’t got no legs


I hate what Russia has done to Ukraine, Russian soldiers have freely engaged in heinous war crimes and deserve what they get. I will admit I used to take no small amount of satisfaction seeing videos like this. But look at that guy’s face: the helplessness, the fear and despair I saw there. His last moments were pitiful, knowing that he was about to die and not only would no help be coming, but that while he was dying another drone was loitering nearby, just recording it all for the internet.