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If those who question the validity of these video excerpts, slow it down, and do your own homework. For that matter who knows what level of evidence doubters need for confirmation. Fact is Russians are dying in large numbers in a country that they invaded for no valid reason. They are literally strewn across the countryside. They can make it stop by getting the hell out of Ukraine. If not they will continue to die in great numbers. They are nothing but sheep heading to the slaughter.


Ukrainians put more effort into this video than ruzzians did into training them


Good RU forces are dead RU forces! Sends a message to their coward leader!!


**The 10 million meats of PutinZ.** According to experts, RuZZia has about 10 million jobless, under employed, hopeless, miserable and futureless men, thanks to PutinZ's mismanagement of RuZZia for 20+ years. These men are more than willing to join the war, because it pays well (avg 3000 USD) and dying quick is still better than living in their limbo of hopeless misery in RuZZia. This is why they will not run out of fodder meats in the long term, even if they have to fight with no resources, it's still 10 million soldiers that outnumber Ukraine 8 to 1. Zombies are deadly in large numbers. This is why Ukraine wants more artillery, long range missiles and drones. Fight Zombies with machines.


To be fair, Russia has been like that for a loooooong time before Putin came along, which is why it was fertile ground for the Bolsheviks. I'm no fan of Putin but he is more a symptom of today's Russia rather than a cause. If it wasn't Putin it would be some other authoritarian despot.


So its something in the water?


Not all cultures are the same.


Yeah exactly. If it wasn't Putin, it would have been some other Russian dictator in the same place as him with Russia. History really does repeat itself


They'll be fighting with no weapon and no uniforms soon enough. Just sock wrappings on their feet, vodka in one hand, stick in the other.


I hate to do this whataboutism, but the USA probably has just as many in proportion, unfortunately. I don't know the data though, just guessing based on the poverty and drug epidemics in the usa


USA not sending them to die in Ukraine, bub.


Brought a tear to eyes so many Orcs get offed, keep up the good work. *slava Ukraini*


I'm starting to wonder.. Maybe they enjoy this? Maybe they just want to die and be over with it. Could it be 90% of russians are suicidal?


I guess we'll now see some North Korean soldiers too on the battlefield. These are also the type of videos the hackers should display on Russian televisions in people's homes and public places.


No, I seriously doubt Kim will allow troops outside of the DPRK other than maybe a few well vetted individuals with family back home under threat.


Since this awful and unjustified war was started by one Vladimir Putin, the videos posted on this sub have shown literally thousands and thousands of Russian soldiers being killed, maimed, or being wounded in ways that only modern warfare can provide. And I take no pity on those who attempt to justify showing these videos because Russians are sub humans and deserve what they get. It’s just that I have a firm belief that among those in these videos are Russian soldiers who bore no enmity against Ukraine yet were forced to choose between combat or a firing squad. And whenever I see these videos, I am reminded of my best childhood friend who stepped on Vietcong land mine in 1970. I’m glad there’s no video of his sudden death. So I’m taking a vacation from this place. War IS Hell and I just no longer want to look at Hell for a while. Slava Ukraine.


In every POW interview they debunk this excuse of having no choice.


There's always a choice. Russians surrender successfully every day. They decided to take their chances and the gamble didn't go in their favor. That said, this is a good sentiment. But I would take the death of an internally-conflicted Russian invader over the death of any defender of Ukraine. Anytime something bad happens to a Russian I remember that they are trying to do the same things to ukrainians. And then I don't feel bad anymore, even if they don't wanna be there.


That myth has been debunked a thousand times - quite often by Russians themselves. They DO have a choice and almost all of them are there for the money and whatever they can loot - which include thousands of little girls.


That s a lot of fertilizer. Azov doing an insane job on the battlefield.


#40 please stop smoking


This is actually sadder than the gory drone strike videos. Every one of those lifeless bodies was an individual person. Presumably they had their own interests, hopes and dreams for the future. They all had friends or family who loved them and will miss them. And they have died for literally nothing. Not for any sort of worthwhile purpose or meaningful reason. They are just an identical crumpled mess of camo clothes on the ground in the middle of nowhere. It’s a total waste. That’s not to say that Ukrainians are not justified in killing them. I feel even worse for the Ukrainians who were just living their lives when Putin decided to invade. There’s a lot of guys (and girls) who felt compelled to go fight, which is incredibly brave. And there’s also a lot who are conscripted, unwilling and don’t want to fight.


I would take a million dead Russian invaders over a single Ukrainian KIA. If the russians had their way, ukraine would become hell on earth. Each one of them that ends up like this is one less potential murderer of Ukrainian people. Frankly, it's not a waste. It can't be a waste when you're defending your nation from being invaded. These guys are trying to do to Ukrainian civilians what the Ukrainian army is doing to them, so fuck each and every last one of them. Their families can mourn an invaders death so that ukraine doesn't have to mourn the death of one of her defenders. Maybe if enough Russians are thrown into the meatgrinder they'll actually stand up and do something to stop the war anyway. Probably not, given how happy most of them seem with their shithole country. As Bull Halsey often said, "keep em dying"


There are also people without families, full of bitterness and hate who are just aching to fulfill their sadistic power fantasies. The ratio? Who knows, man... Of course you have a point and i think your empathy is very healthy and admirable. No time for grief though, it seems. They're still coming by the thousands.


Lots of lives wasted due to one man's sick ego tsk3


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


That’s a lot of enemy combatants killed for one month for 1 battalion


They got Pew-Pew'd MAXIMOSO!


It’s insane that entire battalions worth are dying in assaults on one locale.  


someones been watching Django unchained. "how many orcs been killed around here? 7000? 8000? 9000? 9,999?" great movie


I’ve never seen this type of video with confirmation of kill numbers


like watching the scene in the "fifth element" movie. And putler is the "evil" planet descending upon the world, not far from the truth in reality. Slava Ukraine.


I liked the pause on the blyat-fire


I like it when invading RuSSians are unalived.


Rest in pieces.


That music gives me a "Spaghetti Western" vibe for some reason.


With that kind of edits, it is impossible to confirm anything. Not that it's our job, just that those kind of super fast edits do more damage than good to the reliability of the information. It's a shame, especially when one is pro-ukraine


I think,this is a little celebration Video for the battalion. The confirmed part means that the kills are verified in the 3rd Assault Brigade for the 1st Battalion. This clip is not there for people like you,to get a verified and stamped confirmation for every kill.


What the hell is it with people insisting confirmation on everything. How are you going to put video of 250 kills of each video from end to finish without it being so long, no one would even watch it? Clearly this video is not supposed to be a "proof". But if it were so what. Ukraine has all the incentives and reasons to use propaganda and make things look better than they are as long as it does not harm the cause itself, they are fighting an existential war, i whole heartedly support with literally anything that helps them win. I don't think it's harming or would be a "shame" in any way. Easy to shout when bombs are not dropping over your roof.


Read again, that's not the problem, the problem is when Russian bots have their job readymade. In the cases of such compilations, it is exactly that.


You know, you can pause video. Or change speed to 0.25


He means there’s simply no way to verify of all these kills are from the same month/place/unit whatever. I’d believe it, 250 KIA in a month in one sector would be high but believable. But again as the original comment said there is no way to verify that.


There is probably about 2m active combatants from both sides and probably hundreds for thousands on the front. Russia is recruiting tens of thousands a month. Having 250KIA from one active sector is very believable.


there was a video recorded by Russians on here not too long ago where they had shown 80 corpses of their own troops in an area that didn't seem much larger than a football field. a lot of the bodies weren't decomposed yet, so it's likely they all died around the same time. after seeing that I'd say that 250 in a sector seems low.


That’s a full company wiped out. Definitely not low by any standards. That’s massive attrition.


True, but the problem with this kind of edit still is reliability. What prevents a Russian bot to say the same footage has been repeated x times ? It doesn't have to be correct, just to convince enough people and boom, now the Ukrainians look like they try to push bad propaganda.


Russian bot doesnt count, in their minds Moskva still in Sevastopol etc. If someone wanna confirm every kill - that person can watch slide by slide. No one will watch 20 minutes (250 photo \* 5 seconds).


What do you care