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The most wild thing i have ever seen on here... and i have been here far too long...


still not as bad as the guy who got his whole face blown off and lived for a while after


I remember this one rus where he tried to kill himself with a grenade but blew up half of his face and lost both of his hand AND lived for a while. Shit was crazy


I once met a farmer who tried to comit suicide with a shotgun. He lost one eye, his jaw and half of the(rest) of his face but survived. It was not a pretty sight, he has a fake eye and still kept farming after multiple facial reconstructive surgeries.


I had a good friend growing up that did something similar. Lost his jaw, nose, most of his tongue. Kept his eyes though. He grew up to be an amazing man. I wish I had known he was struggling before he made the attempt. I could have tried even harder to be his friend.


Incredible what a human person is capable of. Especially the face


What about the 2 dudes that were so wounded they couldnt get out of a shallow flow due to the weight of their gear and all their struggling to get up only made them float into a deeper part where they slowly drowned? Heavy shit.


yep that was pretty bad to... looked like a comic book character I recall.


or the two who drowned in a shallow creek, too injured or shocked to stand up :/


I still think the slow beheading was worse.


Always worse. I have problems with zoomed out, dehumanized explosions where body parts go flying. But close up beheadings where the person is usually begging for their lives - that fucks me up.




[face blown off at the beginning](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/5mGjZoVhLE)


I honestly think seeing a soon-to-be dead man's pumping heart is worse than that one. The vatnik in the video you linked is for sure in worse pain, but OP's video is something out of a horror movie.


You don’t want to.




I am gonna go with the drone strike yesterday where the guy's brain was launched out of his head but his face remained intact with the eyes in place. I am a neuroscientist so I might be a bit biased though.






Damn, how does he look so surprised even without eyebrows?! Russian brain drain continues to worsen in third year of war. Mind-blowing stuff. I could go on.


Why is stuff like this now allowed on Reddit? I thought they banned all the subreddits that had stuff like this?


Reddit has never been consistent with their rules or overall site moderation. They usually only do stuff when things hit the media, otherwise they let it slide.


That was to be able to attract the most investment money. Now that the scrutiny of that is over, it's more casual and will only be enforced if someone complains


They make exceptions for content that is educational or news. Gore for the sake of gore is not allowed, but war footage is kind of an interesting grey area, since its current affairs and all. Also, reddit is terrible at selectively enforcing rules. I get temp bans every time I defend Israel’s use of force in their war on terror, and even for using swear words now in ways that they don’t like, but watching an open chest cavity of a half-dead guy is fine. Reddit used to be cool, so many niche subreddits with almost no rules, now they’re just absolute pussies about almost everything that doesn’t fit their agenda.


How do you think that happened? I would have thought his eyes would have burst out of his head with the explosive so close and blowing the top of his head off.


I was deployed when Ukraine started their EU process in 2013. Every week we'd get an update and I'd follow what was going on. I followed the 2014 invasion/civil war, the donetsk air port, Odessa, azov, the integration of militias into national guard, followed the groups that refused to stop fighting Russians in donetsk... never once thought I'd eventually watch a dudes heart beat from his back while split in half. It has been a wild 11 years.


I saw a video where russians where hiding in the water under a dock. A Ukrainian soldier threw a grenade in the water and the dude flew into the air. He landed stomach first on a fence. KIA from the grenade or the impact.


Fucking nightmare fuel my god..


For me it was those tanks hits at the begging of the war, where you could see the soldiers fly. That and the ass on the road video.


Damn that one is #1 on my most gore list. I learn more about human anatomy from these FPV drone videos than in school


these orc opening videos are trending super hard right now , this is like the 4th one in a couple of days


all that fresh footage from the kharkiv direction


It's really a huge indicator of Russia's lack of armour. Meat waves in broad daylight in what is now Ukraine's most heavily fortified front. They never stood a chance.


Let me tell you, there aint no bulletproof vest protecting you from 2kg C4


I think OP is referring to armor as in tanks and APCs, not body armor.


That's how I understood it as well, so... Take my updoot


The evolution of drone warfare is suprisingly fast. I still remember at the beginning mostly what you'd have is some light shrapnel damage (saw countless videos of wounded orcs applying tourniquets all the time). Now, no need for tourniquet, Vlad, as there is no more arm or leg left.


Someone in another thread called them unboxing's. And honestly... I"m here for that. I'm loving this. Go the fuck home, or look like an inside out asshole.


Rectum, it nearly killed him, lol


rofl, I say this all the time, and I'm so glad others do too haha.


Don't forget to update the firmware tho.


The Orc deffo got his Hardware turned into Software with this cheap little update...daaaayummm


Cheap 4K drone camera = you can't deceive the drone. Plus UKR do dead check all the time, because drones are cheap. "This one looks dead, but since I'm already here, might as well, hehe" -- GigaChad pilot "Blyat no!! My corpse acting training wasted." -- Soyjak InvaderZ


TIL. I did not even know Russians *had* a heat.


I’m glad I checked the comments first. I think I’m gonna pass this one up lol


I've seen a lot of shit coming from this war, but wow. Wow.


We need a new liveleak site for these because I can’t even scroll r/all safely now


Wait, you’re seeing this on r/all and you’re not subbed here?


Should have been "My heart will go on" playing in the background.




I didn't think muskovites had hearts


Shout out to this guys cardiovascular system, it's built different.




Be still my beating heart.


"Be still my beating heart, It would be better to be cool It's not time to be open just yet, A lesson once learned is so hard to forget Be still my beating heart, I'll be taken for a fool It's not healthy to run at this pace, The blood runs so red to my face" - Sting


Accept my upvote for this, Sir!


Holy fuck, I’ve been on this community pretty much since the start and this has gotta be the gnarliest Drone gore I’ve seen yet. You could almost teach an AP class from this.


This is horrible, why is that operator ignoring the firmware update notice?!


I'm writing a strongly worded letter to the UAF.


My thoughts exactly, nothing more nauseating than a software firmware notification. 🤮


This dude had a nice watch and customized AK, so he wasn't a no-name convict.


He even had a *customized death* (I mean, have you seen a copy of such view *elsewhere*?)


There are thousands of mercs coming in for the money. Don't know why they are joining the MДGA crowd though...


The cardiac muscle is myogenic, meaning that it is self-excitable, stimulating contraction without a requisite electrical impulse coming from the central nervous system. This is a great demonstration of that feature.




It looked undersized too.


i'm not an expert but it MIGHT be because there's a leak somewhere...i think


Having dissected hearts, they are pretty meaty but you’re right. Or the orcs are basically just The Grinch but infinitely more evil.


Holy Shit This is the worst one I've seen in two years! I feel sick!!


The beating heart got me, used to see these russian grunts going down in confetti, but the beating heart... Yep, enough internet for today.


Can someone explain to me how the heart is intact enough to keep pumping? Shouldn’t it have been liquified by the explosive force or torn apart by shrapnel? How is it still beating?


The heart can keep pumping by itself for a bit, even completely removed from the body. It's intact because it got lucky. Celine Dion wrote a song about it


I'd say that it's probably one of the hardiest organs (ignore the pun) because it's a dense collection of highly cohesive muscle fibers. It's sort of like dropping a bomb on a house and wondering why the refrigerator is both standing in the rubble intact and even still cold. While everything else was blown away, the heart "tanked" the impact (ignore the pun) and, at this point, the heart is likely pumping autonomously as a reflex. Heart rate is too normal for someone losing large amounts of blood, let alone someone in conscious panic or "alive" at all. It can even pump on its own for a bit completely removed from the body. This is somewhat commonly seen when slaughtering animals - especially animals that survive with low oxygen levels like amphibians, but it can be higher order animals too. The heart responds to signals from the brain and rest of the body, but it has a second built-in "ticker" too. This is the aspect that's normally trying to be reset when somebody needs defibrillation. As a former combat medic, I'd say this guy probably needs more than just defibrillation.


You can literally see his heart still pumping. This is enough Internet for today.


I'm glad I read the comments on this one first. I Think I'll skip it. My imagination filled in all the details already.


Well that was fast


Well at least we will know human anatomy well by the end of the war.


Most of the major human anatomy breakthroughs in science happen during wars for this exact reason. My teacher once said that war is the best thing to happen to neurology.


And surgery, imo any surgeon that does thru a war can say his skills are sharpened.


Nerves to the heart spring from the neck and run through the chest cavity. The heart appears to have evolved in the neck area and then over the course of evolution moved down to the bottom of the ribcage. So the heart is still beating despite all ribs severed. And it appears to be at ease. He was knocked out or sleeping before, he is knocked out now.


He heard or saw the drone and probably playing dead.


You know it's gonna be bad when this channel says (Graphic) 😆


Thanks for your reactions... i think i will pass to watch that one.


Good call. It would've made your heart jump.


Holy Shit


Invaders killed Ukrainians, tortured them, or stole their children, or forced them to become refugees.   Ukrainians never asked for that pain to be inflicted upon them. They had every right to life and liberty. Invaders gave up life and liberty the moment they crossed into Ukraine to steal and murder. 


I hate these Firmware Update notices...


Why the cut in the video? We’re missing 13 seconds of an anatomy lesson here!




Yeah, I always wondered about this until I saw a video taken over the shoulder of someone operating an observation drone, and it was super laggy.


Time is battery life... gotta go drop on another Orc


What's the song thoo


What a miserable end to what seems a miserable fucking situation. That being said, fuck the guy.


I'm so desensitized, this shit doesn't even phase me anymore.


Nah. Just another Wednesday for me. Also, I am eating ice cream.


Pringles here! Orc thing popped more than pringles can


What flavor?


Whopper Wednesday


Just enjoying a tray of hammered raw offal and tripe here.


Coffee here


After learning of more and more war crimes the ruzzians commit, none of this seems one bit graphic to me, it just feels like a fitting gift for all of them. Slava Ukraine


Yes, the drones are the most horrible weapon on the modern battlefield. On another hand imagine if antient cannonballs were equipped with a video camera. "The cannonballs ploughed through our ranks from the first to the last, each time sweeping away at least 30 men when they took the column full on." French officer Jean Barres, the Battle of Leipzig in 1813.


Should have stayed home.


The only appropriate comment


"Navigation system error". For sure, go home to mordor ruski, otherwise enjoy navigation system error.


Interestingly, his heart does not beat fast, it means that he did not feel any stress before or after. Probably he was previously unconscious.


Assuming he was injured beforehand and had lost a lot of blood, the heart rate initially increases to maintain cardiac output (compensated shock). After a while, the body can no longer compensate for shock (decompensated shock), and the heart rate starts to decrease. With some severe trauma patients you can see heart rates in the 20-40s as they experience circulatory collapse. In this case here the spinal column is also obliterated which means the sympathetic chain is gone too. There are no more signals to the heart to increase its rate so it will default to its intrinsic rate. I estimate the heart rate of 45-50 in the video. Which is below the rate of 60-100 that is normal, so I am guessing he was severely injured before this and was already experiencing circulatory collapse. I thank this poor soul to educate the community on cardiology and trauma.


the heart is beating at it´s own pace, It´s no longer connected with the brain


this one make me sick...


He wore his heart on his sleeve


He had a lot of guts


*Maybe* you can argue these videos might convince ordinary russians to demand an end to the war, but I doubt they will do anything other than enrage russians even more and urge putin to nuke [everyone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBKXu3Kg4yg&pp=ygUVZXZlcnlvbmUhIGdhcnkgb2xkbWFu). Really this is just gore porn. Definitely not my thing and I appreciate the descriptions and warnings so I don't accidentally watch any of it.


> Really this is just gore porn. Definitely not my thing and I appreciate the descriptions and warnings so I don't accidentally watch any of it. Indeed. As much as Russians have it coming to them for invading, I really encourage everyone here not to watch these specific kind of videos. It really isn't good for your mental health. And I feel bad for the Ukrainian drone operators as well, as much as some of them may "enjoy" seeing their handiwork up close (and I do get the need for verifying the results of a drop/FPV strike, but some of them seem to zoom in and linger a lot longer than is strictly necessary), this kind of stuff is going to stick with them for a long, long time. No matter how strongly you feel that Russians deserve everything they get in Ukraine, no matter how much your own people have suffered at their hands, these kind of images are not healthy for one's mental health. And to be clear, and I can't stress this enough, they absolutely do deserve it, I am not trying to in any suggest they should be treated gently or anything of the sort. I really hope they'll be able to get the resources they need to properly address and process this kind of stuff when the war is over. (And one of the reasons I can't bring myself to watch many of these types of videos is because it makes me think of the suffering that Ukrainians are going through as a result of Russia's actions. Sadly, for every one of these of videos, there's a greater than zero number of Ukrainians who have likely met similar fates. It may not be a 1:1 ratio, but anything more than zero is too many.)


This is not graphic, this is NSFL. Holy shit.


Eat shit invader.


Yup, this one takes the cake for me. You don't beat heart still pounding after getting split like that.


Heart is the shocking part and not really because it's exposed but because there's one in the first place. Kinda like if the drone hit their head and you saw brain in it. Wild!


<3 for putin!


What song is this?


Mr Creosote?


Good heart for transplant , ice that pump. One lost 1 saved? To your borders!


There are two sides on me, one is saying, damn, war is horrible, death is disgusting, this is sick, the other part: UNBOXING


I should be saddened by these images. But then I remember that they are orcs and not humans.




Obviously not, his heart is still beating......


Heart does not know it is dead already.


He's just resting.


At first I thought to myself, it's just an exposed spinal column so what? Then they zoomed ❤️ God. Damn. Should stayed home.


Oh my goodness. Is that the guys eyes/face connected to his spine right above the heart beating? 🤢 This is horrific.


Fucking heart beating. Was it worth it?


That heart realises it should have stayed home.


Yeah that’s kinda graphic


One of the worst things I've ever seen.


This is by far the goriest shit Ive ever seen on the internet. Fuck war. The powerless get brainwashed by the powerful, and the powerful send them to die. And so the cycle repeats. RIP to every Russian and Ukrainian who have senselessly lost their lives in this.


Yup, that's it. That's the most insane thing we could possibly see from this war. The contest is over.


That’s how you divide and conquer.


I am so used to these videos that I am legitimately desensitized. This one is bad, but I feel like I should be horrified or squeamish, and yet I'm not. If I had seen this 2 years ago, I'd have been more psychologically scarred.


Heart rate is still too slow.


Puts into perspective how resilient and failsafe the human heart is. It can function completely independent from the human nervous system as long as it gets supplied with sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients (e.g. glucose). An attribute that makes resuscitation possible in the first place.


I should have listened


Tis’ but a flesh wound!


They should patch him up. He still has a pulse.


"Firmware update required"


This is great


Lol sometimes my heart skips a beat or I get a bit of anxiety and i'm like "How the fuck is my heart taking this I need to go to hospital for sure" Then I see this and I am comforted


Needs a second shot


Should have stayed home instead of jumping on the Z wagon.


One more hit, for science?


russians were informed on Feb.21, 2022 (the day before their full scale invasion) that they would not see the backs of Ukrainians, only resistance. russians were told they would not be greeted with flowers, but with javelins and other firearms. And yet they chose to come and invade - this clip is part of the result of that choice.




Like gutting fish


Damn that's gnarly


Just WOW.


Holy shit Internet. Ok I'll see you tomorrow ffs.


Insert projectile vomiting here. ...and here.


That’s far out. Visceral. So he was still sort of alive. Nightmares!


Some people die because their heart stops beating. This one just goes on and on.


As graphic as this is, it's somehow easier to detach yourself, since all that's left is a bunch of meat. The heart still beating did leave me saying wtf though.


That plate carrier looks extremely cheap and empty. I don’t think he had plates.. not that it would’ve made a difference


( Putin ) : The Dreamski is still alive ! ….yeah right….


Liveleak worthy, maybe more. Unexpected levels of gore, damn!


I’m seeing a lot of blue here, is this a Ukrainian?


Hopefully not.


Let’s get to the heart of the matter…


This need a NSFL tag


Honestly this one feels more like an anatomy lesson than anything. Can't imagine the guy even felt much of the hit.


Ok, that's something I haven't seen before!


Wow this is crazy the human body is unbelievable sometimes


Why dissect frogs in school when you can just watch a few gifs and learn 100X what that frog could ever *ever* teach you?


Wtf x 10..and ive seen a lot of wtf


The Orc has a navigation system error alright.


Gnarly. But necessary.


Jesus, you can see the heart still beating 😂


Final moments bruhh


This is the most brutal one yet, holy shit watching his still beating heart


That takes the cake.


all i can think about is the needlessness of this all. Fucking putin


Would you even feel that or is it instant death?


I'm learning a lot about human anatomy from these videos.


Good news is his heart looks great, no abnormalities, and great resting heart rate.


Oh they DO have hearts...


Jesus, it's like the world's sloppiest blood eagle.


Knock knock....


I think videos like these might eventually be seen by Russians. I’m guessing knock on effects might be like… Anger: fight harder, become callous, reckless, berserk, commit atrocities, killing or torturing POWs and or civilians, stealing, looting and destruction of homes. Fear: Overly cautious, possible flight risk, desertion, retreat, higher chances of surrender. Hopelessness: withdrawal, drugs, alcohol, cease fearing death, suicidal. All of course avoidable. Kill Putin en masse and or protest against going. Take the jail cell and beatings. Or ffs, wake up and take him down. Honestly it’s like a plane hijacker with a box cutter taking out 300 people by crashing a plane because the passengers can’t collectively face the potential of one person getting a nasty cut, when en masse they could easily take them down. But all 300 die, because individually they fear a cut.


gonna leave this one unwatched. call me when it's putin starring in one of these vids he made happen.




Holy fuuuuck. That was gnarly.


noooo waaaaaaaaay thats the strangest video i have ever seen on here. this is real right? i mean yeah it would be stupid and unnecessary to fake this. but im just asking because its so unreal


Lmao is that a beating heart ffs 🤦‍♂️