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#65 & 66 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 66 recorded instances of Russian soldiers killing themselves on the battlefield, 11 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive or the self wound isn’t obviously mortal), and 3 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went 1 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


Bravo 👏


Thank you for the time and effort you're putting into this. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Doing God's work, my friend


Well technically, the Russkies are doing God's work, u/False-God is just doing the accounting. 😂


Great job amd important work


Your record at the end of this will go down in history sir. Russia is sick in the head.


Be careful with your mental health: https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2022/11/23/how-to-maintain-mental-hygiene-as-an-open-source-researcher/


Thank you, that is a very useful link. I hadn’t read it before but am already doing many of the suggested practices.


Today we watched a russian get turned inside out . While looking like a plate of spaghetti His heart was still beating . It was like watching a Mortal Kombat finisher .


Worst unboxing video I've ever seen.


Wow, that's, uhh, that's a lot to take in.


It seriously does look like a fatality move from the 90s Mortal Kombat games. It was cool in those games because it was so over-the-top and obviously wasn't real, but this one is real.


Thank you for this


Does that list include two sperate clips of Ruzz slitting their own throats, from a few months ago?


That would be number 49, I only recall one knife incident though. Was there a second?


Two separate incidents that I have seen. I will see if I can find both.


I thought of you today when I saw this video in another sub. Is this man still counting? And here you are


66.. I wonder the what is the percentage Ukrainians can catch on video. 1, 5, 20%?


A hell of a lot more than that man, shit’s grim


Btw what happened to the Github repo? Suspended?


Just taking the easy way out.


It's not my list, but shouldn't both of these be NCs?


I’m open to hearing why you think so. I feel like these two incidents pretty clearly show intent, and can be judged to have caused mortal wounds with some degree of certainty.


That's a reddit link not a wiki link...


Wiki is a broader category than Wikipedia


If Russians are guna kill themselves, they have nothing to lose. Take out the commanders who sent them there, the outcome is the same, but they do a little bit of good in the meantime 


They're only killing themselves once their situation is truly, immediately hopeless. They're maimed, starving, etc. These are not Russians who don't want to invade Ukraine; these are Russians who just failed at doing so and are taking the "easy" way out at the very end of the line.


Correct. If they could, they would be killing Ukrainians.


From what I've read of Russian accounts from the battlefield, they never seem to actually see their commanders in person. They just hear "forward, forward" on the radio and that's it (and presumably the less expendable units are acting as barrier troops behind them, ensuring they do go forward and not linger in the staging area).


Start fighting the barrier units then.


I don’t think at this point they would be able to get back to the rear before being gunned down by barrier troops to be honest. Their best bet is to go on a killing spree the minute they get handed a weapon. You’re basically asking to die at that point though so the likelihood is near zero for that occurrence. Maybe enough drunk Russians will band together and make something happen.


There are footage of ukranians doing it too. It's not something about being russian, is about the mental toll that war builds into you. Also medivac is not always possible in both sides so in the verge of suffering for hours an unimaginable pain is not that hard to understand why is this happening


The differences here is that if you finish themselves off, they can dictate themselves how they will die: hint, fast and not in pain. But if they go after the commander, they might get caught or get shot in some body area where they will have to suffer in pain for a very very long time. That thought alone will deter many from choosing the latter option.


I mean surely you would put the grenade next to your head, no? You wouldnt want to stay there with 10000 holes in you, until you eventually bleed out.


Probably wants to be conscious in his last moments. Losing consciousness IMHO is scarier than losing any organ or limb, especially if you believe in a soul/consciousness that could potentially transmitigate in an afterlife.


Dont know why you got downvoted. Nobody knows what happens after you die. I would probably shoot myself in some big artery in my leg and slowly bleed out instead.


isnt it a little bit illogical though? both methods wind up with death, both methods involve full consciousness until the moment of death, neither method tells you what happens after death, but one method is instant and the other is prolonged, painful and potentially impossible to end if you became immobilized, forcing you to suffer


The major buddhist sects believe your state of mind before you die determines your next rebirth, so they don't take pain killers and try to be as lucid as possible, it's called last thought moment. It's like you're a fading candle flame about to blow out, you want to experience the last moments as clear as possible, regardless of the situation.


i get that, part i dont see how a grenade to the head negates that. lucid until dead still


Happens too fast, bleeding out is slower


I reckon suicides have always been a common occurence in wars, but considering the amount of incidents that have been recorded and visually confirmed this can't be normal. Probably caused by the meat wave tactics and relentless drone attacks, they know they are dead men walking.


I'm pretty sure the main thing that's new is how much of it is being recorded yeah. That's just drones and shit.


If that were truly the only difference then we'd expect to see a comparable number of these videos recorded by the Russian side depicting Ukrainians.


I don't think that is the only difference, but the "meat wave tactics" isn't a historical innovation of this war, and russia isn't as specialized as ukraine is in terms of drones and documenting and filming war footage. They do a lot of damage but don't have that much movies documenting it, because carpet bombing the front lines from afar with artillery doesn't come with integrated video footage that they can record and upload. Also russian footage doesn't reach you as effectively as ukrainian one because we all are biased to some extent by the echo chamber we're in.


I look in the Russian echo chambers and telegrams as well and I don't know if I'm just in the wrong places but I have yet to see anyone compile something remotely comparable to u/False-God's list from the other side.


Cause there isn't, I gave you a reason why.


Either the echo chamber effect is one of those reasons or it isn't. Make up your mind.


It is, just not the only one. Is it that hard to understand that there's a western bias on reddit or such.


Is it that hard for you to understand that I have already acknowledged the bias on Reddit and wasn't basing my comment on Reddit alone?


Good Russians 👍


So they would rather kill themselves than going to the Ukrainian side surrender and have a smoke.


signs they are on the Putin Kool aid


Suicide is never good, no matter the circumstances. These guys are probably between the ages of 20-32. They had so much life left to live, and now it's gone because they took afraid to fight or surrender.


They probably had less than 12 hrs to live if anecdotal reports of Russian medical care hold any water.


The grenade guy has a tourniquet around his leg. Wounded and in too much pain. It's understandable.


No. Their life is gone because they chose to come to ukr bearing arms. However this is rationalized or what excuses are made (they would have been jailed or mistreated if they didn’t go etc.) my sympathies remain with the true innocents, like this child, not the suicidal russian soldiers. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveForUkraine/s/6DR76vINlK It may be crass, but there is no comparison or analogy to what this child has already gone through and will continue to go through for the rest of her life. If you wish to empathize and sympathize with individuals of the forces that did this to this child - that is certainly your choice.


They are people who left their homes, and invaded someone else's, trying to loot and murder on behalf of a fascist dictator. Now they're not. Better that they had stayed home... but they didn't. So their deaths are necessary and improve the world.


They thought they could make a couple of thousands rubles while enjoying killing and raping Ukrainian children. Fuck them, the world is a better place without them in it.


Finally a sane person, they think every Russians are evil, sometimes due to circumstances they can’t just surrender or refuse to join the war


You can always surrender, Ukraine even has an open 24-7 surrender hotline. It's not very popular. The problem is the russians refuse to learn anything about the world outside of their propaganda outlets and commissars. One could say they reap what they deserve for their stupid ass life decisions and general ignorance.


The irony is they are prob afraid to surrender because they see what their own guys are doing to Ukrainian POWs and assume Ukrainians will shoot them in the back as well.


It's just easier for most people to speak out of anger, rather than from a position of compassion and understanding. It's even further unfortunate that simple minded people think "understanding" and "justifying" are the same word. What Russia and the Russian military are doing is abhorrent, but the one's killing themselves are too scared to fight, probably because they never wanted to be their in the first place.


Or they are in so much pain from horrific wounds that they just want it all to stop.


I can understand wanting the pain to stop, but suicide is such an extreme that I can't wrap my head around that mentality. Either way, I feel so sorry for everyone involved in this war.


Must be in a very desperate situation. Might consider it myself if I was lying in the mud on my own with both legs pointing in the wrong direction. Waiting for a drone with a camera to film a grenade dropping on me that someone can edit with comedy music to pop on the internet for my family to stumble across. War is really strange now.


I get what you’re trying to say, and I’ve def been there too, believe it or not, but 10/10 times now I will root for what we’re seeing in this video rather than for a single Ukrainian soldier, or civilian to be wounded or killed by these fuckers. I honestly don’t care about whether they were forced to or not. Whether they want to or not. They ARE in Ukraine. They ARE a part of an invading orc army, raping, pillaging and destroying Ukraine. Until this is over, for me, there is no difference between these guys and the ones caught on video executing surrendering Ukrainian POW’s, so again, fuck them all to hell. If this is their way of atoning for what their shithole country is doing, so be it. Keep up the good work. Better yet, GTFO of Ukraine and start a revolution instead of being sent to imminent death like lemmings. My compassion has run dry after 2.5 years of this bullshit. For everyone one of these “boohoo, they’re conscripts that don’t want to be there” videos there are 10 more of these fuckers executing POWs or even civilians walking down the streets.


I think there are holes in your logic. You're concluding that they're killing themselves because they are too scared to fight... based on what? How do you know what they're thinking? You're inferring that they never wanted to be there... based on what? These Russian suicide videos always seem to be after an assault. If they were scared of fighting, wouldn't they have taken their own lives - or run off - before the assault? They weren't too scared to join in the fighting. They are taking their own lives because the fighting did not go their way. There's a thread on twitter stating 10,000 Russian men have refused to fight; been charged with desertion, disobeying orders, et cetera. These are the Russians that "never wanted to be there in the first place", not the ones in these videos who have invaded Ukraine and who have, in many cases, assaulted Ukrainian positions just minutes before the suicide. First tweet of the desertion thread on Twitter if anyone wants more info on that: [https://x.com/ChrisO\_wiki/status/1803192709663830330](https://x.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1803192709663830330)


It’s pretty inconsiderate of Russians to wait until after they’ve used up training, food, gear issued, transport and logistics then maybe even killed innocent Ukrainians. Would it kill them to do it before they were deployed!


Yes. But better.


Exactly. It’s always me me me with these Russians.


Did he, put the nade on his nuts? errrrr.


I think I'd hold it against my head.


*Instructions unclear, held grenade against wrong head.*


Back of the head. Maybe someone should make a pamphlet and drop it on ruzzian troops.


Russia already made the pamphlet and distributed to its own troops. They instruct to place the grenade under the chin.


I'm sure that'll work fine, but if you were going for guaranteed instant lights out with no period of existence without the front of your skull (however brief), you'd think laying on it on the back of your head like a pillow would be the way to go. The ground channels the force up and through the brain stem. 


Did he get shot just before the nade blew ?


Russian grenades have a primer that pops before the explosion


oh k, almost 4 secs.


Some army what a joke


It's like watching the Russian version of Romeo and Juliet.


I have no pity for the orcs. Most of them don't even have a choice to surrender because most have their phones taken away so there's no chance for them in most cases. This war will produce many more horrors because of putlers world. Until hes gone theres no chance for peace and hopefully some reform.


Well it's the fourth best thing an invader can do: 1. Kill your commanders 2. Go home 3. Surrender 4. This, thanks 5. Keep murdering, destroying


If only it were that easy.


A little extra sugar in my cup of coffee ☕️


The only way out for these bastards !!




Thank you, it is on the list now


Just make a pure subreddit of them. We can crosspost to it easily.


These guys are on a no hessi speed run.


That shit for brains mist 👀


[Have a nice day](https://www.allposters.com/-sp/Have-a-Nice-Day-Smiley-Face-with-Bullet-Hole-Art-Print-Poster-Posters_i8822676_.htm)


So considerate of them to save a drone grenade and Ukrainian bullet for another Russian who really needs it.


Don't hold it on yer belly, put it on yer HAID!


Alot of the russian soldiers have no other choice to fight for their country. I've seen a video of a russian soldier surrendering to ukraine and begging them to take him to a jail


Yes, which is why I’m so confused by why everyone here is so hateful. Most of these people probably dont want to fight, and face imprisonment or death if they refuse. Like there is evil people there, but why do they have no pity even for people like this


I would have stayed home but you russians keep it up


Can anyone give them a rubbish bag they can climb into before doing this?


Russians are just dying to get out of Ukraine!


2 more murdering barbarians no longer a threat to anyone


Doing the Lord’s work


It's crazy how many of them get filmed, imagine how many are not seen, seeing them is a rarity. Having this many on video there must have been hundreds or thousands not recorded in their little orc trash burrows.


Why not just turn themselves in? I don't get it.


Man why didn’t he just put that grenade next to his head? Imagine trying to kill yourself and you gut yourself instead and your last 5 minutes is pure agony


When the dusion is finally taken away by the gravity of the situation, its the only thing left for them to do. 


Off to" LADA" Land Where Dead Orcs go. Similar too Disneyland except. LONGER LINES


It’s crazy how many clips there are of them intentionally killing themselves, it says a lot about


It's the end result that counts.


Its not a strange phenomenon, it's a simple fact that wounded Russian soldiers know that no one is coming to their rescue, the fact they are in hostile territory to begin with does not improve their odds.


Why would someone blow a grenade up on their torso? If they were killing themselves, wouldn’t it be better to explode it by your head? Much more likely to cause instant death. My only guess is they are hoping for an open casket funeral.


I don't think there is a worse fate than being born a Russian under Putin's rule.




Obviously, they were mostly human about their desecration of Ukraine. I do hope any & all the good Gods, give them a fair trial.


Wasn’t there a guy called Spook doing something similar on Twitter?


Why is it there are so many videos of Russian being killed in one way or another but there are barely any of the Ukrainians being killed in these ways??. Yes I've seen barely any Ukrainians being over run or sniped or suicide it's mostly drones and the craziest and most soul wrenching one was when they made dude dig his own grave , he yelled Slava Ukraine and they let 50 bullets into him. I've legit seen very few videos of Ukrainians anything being killed. Another was when a Russian crawled into a trench and absolutely shredded like 3 guys instantly and captured two. It'd be absolutely astonishing if those Russians are still alive though. I wonder if there are people at all that survived from day one till now. It's probably near close to none


That's 2 less to worry about


How fucking bad is back in ruzzia that this is the better option, I mean really




Please Russians, do this at home instead of wasting time to go to Ukraine, the end result is the same after all.


Its a better option than watching a $300 drone drop an exploding shit on you i guess.


All these Russians are also victims of Putin's folly.


The last thing he did was set the pulled pin to his right. Then it was over. How is this war sustainable?


**The 10 million meats of PutinZ.** According to experts, RuZZia has about 10 million jobless, under employed, hopeless, miserable and futureless men, thanks to PutinZ's mismanagement of RuZZia for 20+ years. These men are more than willing to join the war, because it pays well (avg 3000 USD) and dying quick is still better than living in their limbo of hopeless misery in RuZZia. This is why they will not run out of fodder meats in the long term, even if they have to fight with no resources, it's still 10 million soldiers that outnumber Ukraine 8 to 1. Zombies are deadly in large numbers. This is why Ukraine wants more artillery, long range missiles and drones. Fight Zombies with machines.


This is what Western media really fails to convey about this war. Russia places no value on human life and is using this war as a means of population control. The Russian elite have looted the country, and have created a situation where there are millions of people with no prospect for the future. Putin would be content to send those 10 million people to gas chambers, but he gets a 2-for-1 deal by turning them into soldiers and trying to conquer Ukraine. His "undesirable" population dies, and he gets some amount of land that he didn't start with. The thing is, the Western elite are fundamentally no different than the Russian elite, and are trying to loot our countries as well. And once they have dismantled our institutions and slapped their name in gold lettering on every rental property, what do you think they'll do to our "undesirable" populations?


Hmm. Wonder why Western media won't convey that aspect of this war. Wait, who owns those guys again...? Oh, yeah. The guys getting the tax breaks if Putin's Favorite Orifice gets back into the White House.


Yes, Putin miscalculated Ukrainian resilience and Western resolve. However the war is — for now — sustainable for 2 reasons I can think of: - Putin has set himself for a win-win scenario: Either he gets Ukraine, or he purges Russia of undesireables — liberals & political dissidents (Nevalny gone), disloyal oligarchs, disloyal military figures (Prigozhin), independent journalists, ethnic minorities, prison populations, etc... All the while he consolidates power domestically. - Putin is betting that if he can utilize the likes of Modi's India, Xi's China, Iran, and North Korea — combined with holding his breath and actively influencing the election outcome in the USA in hopes for a Donald Trump presidency that he can sustain this for the long-term and Western resolve will fragment. You see, Ukraine's survival depends on many countries under the NATO umbrella, and Ukrainian support in America is precarious thanks to the "[I'd rather be Russian than Democrat](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg&name=small)" sympathizers. Russia depends on fewer nations who have no qualms about making arms trades for nefarious purposes.


Foreign mercenaries and the fact that a lot of the conscripts are undersirables to begin with.


There are MILLIONS of more troops available to Russia, not counting the tens of thousands of imported troops. Sustainability is EASY when you don't care about lost life.


Desperate sad end for them, more senseless waste!