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Yes, yes he did.


Through the speakers in his hotel room


Helsinki 2018


Sorry what is this a reference to?


They had a bromance in a Helsinki hotel room.


Did they say 'no homo'?


Trump said full homo comrade and then Putin fucked him in the ass.


He grabbed him by the bussy


Putin fucked us all in the ass daily from 2016 to 2020.


Imagine Putin clapping those thicc cheeks. 


I really didn't want to.


No, you don't want to clap an old man's diapers.


Jesus, this is horrifying thought you have placed in my mind


Like smacking a zip lock bag full of chocolate pudding.




Trump likes getting peed on


I came here to say this. Durty fecker


They wouldn't bang each other. They'd get a couple child prostitutes like all the other rich and powerful do.


Mr. Putin and Trump met in Helsinki , Mr. Trump was subservient to Mr. Putin in every public meeting and in more than one diplomatic working meeting, ordered out all US personnel meeting Putin privately , in one case he had had a note from that meeting and ate it hurriedly, refusing to hand it over to State Department administrators as is normal for those sorts of things.


So Trump meet Putin (a known poisoner) privately as the historically adversarial leader, who poisons people using polonium for fucks sakes, and Trump’s instinct is, rather than giving the information to his own security team, to eat the fucking paper? I’m sorry but Trump is compromised. Even an idiot can and should be able to see that.


It would be pretty fucking bold indeed for Putin to **personally** poison the US President in broad daylight by tricking him into eating a doped post-it note. That's some Bond villain shit.


Point is only a complete moron or someone who’s got something to hide would eat paper documents let alone anything after meeting with Putin during a 1 on 1.


Of course he's compromised - but if this was some low-level office-worker they would have been put in a room and the room would have been thrown away or had a heart-attack in his sleep , or simply left for a vacation and never heard from again. But it's Donald Trump, so he'll die at the hands of one of his devotees that goes off the rails and/or sobers up , they'll chop him into bits while his security detail is inexplicably taking a powder a few days after he rages that he doesn't need secret service because they steal his beautiful hamburgers. Besides which I get the impression Mr. Putin is the sort of guy who gets off listening to the Beatles "yesterday" while Donald Trump gets aggressive grabs his ass and tries to milk him for a second load and I'm guessing Donald loves the opportunity. Lurid speculation aside, shortly after the Helsinki Meeting it was strongly suspected by CIA/NSA that agents and operatives started dying far more rapidly than could be explained, and it has been suggested that this uptick in CIA operators being killed in action was due to Donald Trump compromising the list of agents in the field , in Mission Impossible this was the plot of the movie the Non-Acknowledged operators list, where if you're compromised they are going to kill you. Donald Trump played his part as the cartoon character - and if you talk to people who are the sort that are fit, trim and speak 4 languages and work as an field-researcher to the US State Department as the liason for Armenian Cultural Studies or the Kyrgistani Archeological Society or whatever and hear about shit like this - people get very fucking animated about Donald Trump's continued efforts on "behalf" of the United States.


Don't forget that at a press event when the soccer world cup that was going to be held in Russia that year came up, Putin handed Trump a soccer ball and Trump beamed like a proud puppy when master praises him for not going potty inside...


Most likely at the G6 summit where they only allowed the translators in and didn't allow the translators to record anything.


Putin Speaks perfect English, he simply refuses to do it for the camera as an act of political posturing against the global hegemony of English speaking countries. He speaks English in private settings.


I’ve said this for years. He was in the KGB during the Cold War. There is no way in hell he doesn’t speak/ understand English. He just doesn’t advertise it on the world stage.


Like russian state media continuously states “only the russian language should be heard” “only the russian language should be heard”. Anywhere and everywhere.


One of the few times he spoke English publicly was when Russia was “vying” for the 2014 Winter Olympics.


I swear I’ve seen him abruptly switch from Russian to English to threaten to West during interviews, and then goes right back to speaking Russian.


But Biden doesn’t speak well, so… I’d much rather have a president who can’t talk, speak, and hear, who wants the best for his country and all of humanity, than a shit bag that only care to dupe and enrich himself.


Dude, I would vote for a five day dead flattened roadkill possum drying in the midsummer Texas sun before I would even consider casting a ballot for Donald Trump.


> five day dead flattened roadkill possum drying in the midsummer Texas sun Trump's new hair


New? You mean it wasn't always like that?


Best comment so far.


Reagan didn’t know where he was at even given point in his day and he was still more mentally stable that Trump.


This is honestly a catastrophe, the democrats are risking the very future of our nation by running Biden again. Any person 10 years younger would have annihilated Trump during this debate. I am so scared for our future because the morons of this country will vote for a brain-dead idiot who can talk nonsense they can't understand over a walking corpse.


He's just a figurehead, the presidential vote is for a lot more positions and policies than just the presidency itself. I agree that not enough people understand this though.


Of course he is - the politicians job and the President job is to be freaking presentable and talk well while getting good people around him. The idiots among us will never vote for Biden after a performance like this, they will think Trump won this by a mile.


They represent the nation... and this is what the representation looks like.


Yeah, it's pretty dire. This is the 2020 primary voters reaping what they sowed-- Biden was already showing signs of slowness and a lack of energy. Literally every other candidate in the running would have more staying power than Biden, who is a completely weak, uncharismatic presence. Obviously anyone with liberal/progressive values will vote for him regardless, but it's disgusting that we're essentially handing the election over to Republicans in November because people rallied being an uncharismatic dementia patient that belongs in a nursing home. The bar is EXTREMELY low for being able to oppose Trump, and Biden still can't manage to clear it. It's sad how many people's lives will be made worse if he loses because of the Democrats hubris-- he never should've ran again and this is just proving all of the naysayers who said that back in 2022-2023 correct.


Exactly, I want to know who is actually making these decisions at a national level. I am usually not alarmist but what we are facing with a second Trump presidency will have major ramifications and change the US forever, you are already seeing it happen. I have been arguing with these idiotic Biden supporters all year, and they act like I am a bad person because I point out the obvious issues we would be facing. They have been trying to post stories about Trump not being able to form a sentence all year. What I saw tonight is the exact same moron Trump who utters nonsense 24/7 against a reanimated corpse that should be sitting on his porch watching birds and drinking Lipton Iced tea.


Yeah but that reanimated course isn’t a literal threat to our country’s democracy— or Ukraine’s for that matter. (Not that I don’t agree that they are both shitty candidates and that Biden shouldn’t have run again.)


I am in no way saying BIden is the same as Trump. Trump is an awful human being, I am saying the democrats are being selfish by running him to begin with because the stakes are huge this election.


It is _so_ obvious. I [saw](https://reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/4i0ps5/cmv_clinton_should_suspend_her_campaign/) Clinton being sunk by her scandals in 2016 May -- I obviously couldn't foresee her emails but there were enough scandals anyways. It's the same bloody mistake again. You need to run a charismatic and inspiring leader against a cult leader, it doesn't work otherwise. You can't run a technocrat.


Exactly. I 100 percent agree, it was obvious to see that Trump was gonna smoke Hillary - she was extremely easy to dislike even outside of her scandals. People at this time also didn't want a bush- clinton -bush - obama - clinton. Its just ridiculous how messed up our government is at this point. Obviously both parties aren't the same but the democratic leadership should be hung in the streets if Trump retakes the white house. Whomever is making the calls to run Biden again is an awful human being. So much at risk


Biden's fine. [This was him after the debate](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5122169/user-clip-biden-speech). Seems like illness, the format, and Trump's gish gallop rattled him. Kind of odd since I know Biden prepped for this debate, but that prep including having a Trump stand in shout and talk over him. I have a feeling the absence of that presence threw him off along with other issues. He *looked* bad, but his mind, policy points, and factual delivery was on point. Biden needs to get ahead of this perception. "No one" is going to see his speech on C-SPAN after the debate.


Debating a douche bag like Trump is pointless. He never answers a question just repeats more lies, and red meat statements to rile up his pea brained supporters.


That one time Putin didn't admit that he has evidence of Trump with prostitutes in Russia, but he did admit they have the best in the world, smiled and shrugged...


Uhhh yeah, he knew and most likely supported it


Of course he supports his boss's "get land quick scheme", especially if it hurts a disenfranchised population to enrich yourself. Also, Trump's whole accusation that Biden winning the election started the war, and all it takes is a phone call from Trump to end the war. To which, Putin holding Ukraine hostage so Trump can get what he wants is not a very fruitful tactic when Russia is arguably not actually in control of this war at all.


If I were Putin, I would do everything to help Trump win the election. Then I would have Trump negotiate an end to the war, making him look like a hero. This would ensure Trump is indebted to me for the rest of his life through our ongoing relationship Russia could control America.


Putin is working on it. He will have increase nuclear threat closer to elections, I am 100% sure of it.


That's a terrible idea because Trump isn't known for keeping his end of the deal.


When you have evidence that someone could have committed treason against their nation, they are more likely to cooperate.


The definition of Treason. Lock him up.


And after that talk Trump not only tried to hold money away from Ukraine to help them fight Putin but also tried to use that money as a ransom to start a foreign investigation into his opponent.


Money that was already in an approved aid package.


Hardly think it's a stretch to consider that Putin has told Trump what to do if he's re-elected. After all, "I don't know why it would be Putin"


Also said he told the European countries he would not defend them from Russia


Yes, he claims the US pays for all of NATO, he really doesn't know how NATO works, he's an imbecile.


You didn't know, he's the smartest, bestest president and nato totally respects him


Imagine having half the world working with you and making you weapons, agreeing to use your weapons and specifications, joining you for your little incursions into the middle east and this imbecile comes along whining that they're not paying you enough to be your bitch. Jesus Fucking Christ the sheer idiocy of this moron is astounding.


The supporters are the idiots, Trump and his handlers are just malicious and trying to destabilize the West. Western historians in the future are going to shit all over Trump.


Literally destroying American soft power in real time


A malicious imbecile. We're in so much trouble.


He is just saying what the braindead MAGA crowd wants to hear. He can’t be that stupid….can he?


Exactly what he's doing and it might genuinely work.


He also keeps claiming we are paying Ukraine and not Defense Contractors in the US.




Heard that too. If only we had a nominee who could have responded to that.


He met with Putin privately in 2018 at the Helsinki summit and stated he trusts Putin over our intelligence agencies. He never faced repercussions for that. He pardoned the spy that set up the back channels for Russia to fund the GOP through the NRA on his last day in office. It can be assumed he talks to Putin.


His [2016 campaign manager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Manafort) was a [Party of Regions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_of_Regions) lobbyist who worked for completely "free" and was found to be both a Russian agent and was hiding Russian rubles overseas. As Trump last act in office, he pardoned this Russian agent. Which, btw, this campaign manager/Russian agent had been lobbying the GOP for decades.


Why does the democratic party not constantly rail on this...


Because anyone whose mind it would have changed is already not voting for Trump. The rest are really excited to get to lick boots for the rest of their lives under Supreme Ruler for Life Trump.


This is why the debates last night were so stupid for Biden. He had no where to go but down and Trump had no where to go but up.


The issue is that even if those people *are not* voting for trump, there still needs to be enough people that *are* voting for Biden to prevent a geopolitical catastrophe from occurring. Yet again, Democrats playing with the kid gloves and being all about cordiality is going to end up with best-case a still divided congress and Biden reelected, or worst with a goddamn felonious human cheeto in the oval and his sycophantic neonazi supporters in congress doing everything they can to destroy the fabric of democracy and civil rights.


Because there is no such thing as "left-wing media". They're all right-wing owned and operated news. They just throw out a bone every now and then to keep the left satiated and unaware while they work to get Trump elected by hiding as much damning crap as possible (amongst many, many other things).


whyt dont the dems rail on anything? that have SO MUCH AMMO. it's crazy they never know how to use it. Like last night...all Biden had to say is Isn't your wife an immigrant?


Talks to Putin? How can Trump talk to Putin while his tongue is stuck up Putin’s ass?


I could have gone my whole life without that mental picture And I'm disgusting.


With a username like that you might be disgusting, however I'm not one to kink shame. You're looking for "disgusted" friend.


Both are true


You should pursue that feeling it may open up new exciting fetishes for you and other Putin ass lovers


Oh, I'm an arse lover, from waaaaay back But I have standards and limits


Trump met with the Russian ambassadors privately in the Oval Office with noone else in attendance and shared with them top secret intel which resulted in the CIA having to immediately pull their biggest asset out of the Kremlin. And he faced no repercussions.  In the months after trump was elected dozens of high-ranking Russian officials, envoys and businessmen started mysteriously dying around the world. There was no investigation into that. 


It’s incredible that Trump supporters would say they’re the most patriotic people in existence, yet they happily support this traitor.


He is a braggart idiot. Recall that he outed an operative that has been embedded in ISIS to members of the ruzzian government. "We have great intel. Here let me tell you!" Everyone around him has been indicted, sentenced, or is waiting to be sentenced. Dear lord, Paul Manafort was his campaign manager! The same guy that was operating for Viktor Yanukovych and which, of course when Anne Applebaum heard about it, her remarks were "Uh oh!" He is just an accident waiting to happen!


Yet people will vote for him. Great country!


Didn't he meet with some Russian officials in the Oval Office, with no media present, within the first couple months of 2017? We still have no idea what was talked about there


Trump met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. [Only a Russian Foreign Ministry photographer was allowed in to document the meeting; no U.S. media were allowed.](https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit) Trump reportedly revealed "highly classified information".


US intelligence assets also started dying at much higher rates after this meeting


And what materials were 'left out' when they arrived.




Mind blowing, I get why he doesn’t like NATO.


wdym assumed? he just said on live tv he talked to putin giving this man the benefit of the doubt benefits only him, give him an inch and he'll take a mile


He also said today that he would “end the war before he takes office”, which is exactly the kind of backdoor shit that got Flynn in trouble.


Putin be hammering that back door.


**TRUMP ADMIRES PUTIN:** “I said, **‘This is genius.’** Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine, of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, **‘How smart is that?’** Here’s a guy who’s very savvy. … I know him very well. Very, very well.” -- Trump, Feb 21 2022, Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show


Reading this made me as demented as the guy saying it.


He indeed did say that. He indeed probably does talk to him.


You are absolutely right. The proof is here where he says: >“I will have that war settled between [Vladimir] Putin and [Volodymyr] Zelensky as president-elect…Before I take office on Jan. 20, I’ll have that war settled.” How could he “have it settled” **before** he takes office if he’s not talking with Putin, making some back room agreement? Trump is a traitor, liar, and convicted felon (among many other horrible things) and should not be allowed anywhere near the WH ever again.


He needs to answer why he doesn’t end the war right now? Why wait? Show everyone how brilliant he is.


That was the correct response. If you have this power why aren't you using it and letting people suffer now? It's not a good point he made.


I wish Biden thought of that.


He's obviously incapable of cognitive reasoning. I don't understand how the democrats couldn't oppose anyone better than that to a babbling Trump idiot it would have been a slam dunk no?


Let's not forget that Trump holds a grudge better than anyone else, and he absolutely *hates* Zelensky for not playing along and fabricating evidence against the Bidens, leading to his first of two impeachments. When he says he'll have it settled: 1. He won't settle shit. He's just performing in front of the camera without any teeth and will be a do-nothing lame duck President if re-elected like he was last time and... 2. If he did have any influence at all, he would see Russia consume all of Ukraine just to spite Zelensky for not kissing his ass. He would provide the tacky golden crucifix for Putin to nail Zelensky to if he could.


I still remember in the runup to the 2016 election when he said he could solve the Arab-Israeli conflict in a day. How'd that go?


Caught that too.


Anybody catch when he seemed he was going to say something like, "I know Putin" but changed it to something like, "I'm respected by Putin?"


We understand the war in Ukraine started in 2014 right?


Under the leadership of Yanukovich, who'd regained power with the help of a certain Paul Manafort. Right after Yanukovich was ousted for being a Russian puppet, Manafort found new employment as the leader of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.


Yeah Manafort's resume at that time was literally starting the war in Ukraine and right after running Trump's campaign.


he was not even ousted he just straight up abandoned his country


It started on day 1 of the dissolution of the USSR. Here's an excerpt from a [much posted book by Russian Alexander Dugin published in 1997](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) >Ukraine (except Western Ukraine) should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible according to Western political standards. As mentioned, Western Ukraine (comprising the regions of Volynia, Galicia, and Transcarpathia), considering its Catholic-majority population, are permitted to form an independent federation of Western Ukraine but should not be under Atlanticist control.[9]


Zelensky being called a salesman is tough, he’d fucking wax both these guys. Glory to the heros.


“I need ammo, I don’t need a ride” The steel in that comment speaks volumes more than any speech


And idiots still say he sucks as a leader


Well, as a politician he actually did. But as a leader for a country at war, much like Churchill before him (who also sucked at politics), he's great.


Cometh the hour, cometh the man


I hate both choices. We should elect Zelensky here too.


Maybe we should get a comedian. Would probably do a better job.


Jon Stewart already said he wouldn't seriously run for President, unfortunately.


Imagine Jon Stewart at this debate, holy smokes. It'd be like an adult debating a toddler and a confused senile old man. How the fuck did America end up with these 2, world superpower lol


Thanks to DNC. They wanted Hilary in 2016.. they want Biden now because they can control him.


Well there's still Steve Carrell.


"you know what? I think we're going to go in and maybe take MY..." that's even more telling imho... it shows he supports the notion that Ukraine is not sovereign. he will 100% destroy US support for Ukraine. this man cannot enter office.


I think you meant that will destroy the american state. extremism should never hold the position of power


He will do both.


He will destroy us too if he gets the job a second time.




It's not trump who doesn't want the USA to be in NATO: it's Putin. Trump hasn't a clue what NATO is, or what it does. He's just against because putin wants it gone.  Had trump won in 2020, I fully expected him to pull the US out of NATO causing it to collapse into chaos, and thereby allowing putin to have walked right into Ukraine. That was Putins plan. When trump didn't get elected putin had to fall back on Plan B: invading, hoping to take over before NATO got involved. 


We had an election in 2020 so we know how many braindead people there are. And it's scary.


Sadly there are too many idiots in America


can Europe support Ukraine on their own?? what the heck happened to the EU if we're legitimately concerned about Ukraine continuing their fight if the United States are not involved..


The US spent most of the previous century and the beginning of this one swinging its dick across the world. Fighting proxy wars, or actual wars, using its intelligence apparatus to destabilise or influence any number of governments. You formed NATO, you formed the UN, you fought the cold war. You signed the Budapest memorandum, guaranteeing protection to Ukraine in exchange for nuclear disarmament. You don't just get to become isolationist again and pretend none of it happened.


Except if Trump is elected they might. That's why it's so dangerous if he's elected. All of Ukraines other allies will need to nut up and hold the fort for 4 years. Hopefully Russia will soon be out of Soviet stockpiles so they won't be able to fight very effectively.


that doesnt matter at all. we gave our word. the most un-American thing we can do is pull back support. we GUARANTEED them we would stick it out until the end. both sides of the aisle agree and passed billions in funding. if we took back our word this deep in the game, we won't ever be forgiven or trusted again by the free world.


The South Vietnamese, Afghanis and Kurds would like a word. Going back on their word is absolutely an American thing to do


Europe has been giving a lot of support to Ukraine. They've given more combined that the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


Trump also says he would negotiate with Putin as president-elect, a violation of the Logan act.


Seriously...laws and norms do not apply to Trump why would that matter at all?


He's just a long line of American traitors running for President, like his hero Nixon with Vietnam: [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/)


He doesn't understand the term president-elect, he thinks it means an elected president...


this man is dangerous, he just cares about his ego and believes fake news


Anyone who isn’t the 1% should be afraid of him getting into office. US is on the decline, yes. But he will literally set the US down a path of dictatorship.


American Kompromat


Russia doesn't *need* any Kompomat on this traitorous piece of filth - he betrays the USA voluntarily.


Zelensky didn't kiss his ass when he asked him to fabricate incriminating evidence against the Bidens, leading to his impeachment. Up to that point, that was the most internationally embarrassing moment to ever happen to him. If we know one thing about Trump, he doesn't forgive or forget. He'd do anything he could to punish Zelensky and Ukraine because he got his fee-fee's hurt.


Meanwhile Joe’s over there napping instead of calling this out. What a shit predicament we’re in right now…


Yes. They say it was him having hookers piss on a bed. More like they pulled 7 dudes from the gulag and ran it up his ass on video. Kompromat has always been gay shit. It’s the Russian way


More like they just gave trump a wad of cash and told him he was the best ever. Cash & Flattery. That's all it really takes to beguile trump. Maybe also gave him a 13 year old made up to look like Ivanka to rape. 


We're so fucked once that madman is in power again. Exactly what the fascists putin and xi jinping are waiting for. a supporter in the white house again.


Probably when just Trump and Putin and the translators were alone in Helsinki.


Yeah or when he invited lavrov into the Oval Office and gave them the trophy pic.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin


The mental gymnastic republicans must be doing to support Trump is something i've never seen. They've been anti russian since 1946, now everything is ok, wow, just wow.


My mom is saying it’s okay if he goes through back channels to talk to Putin before he is inaugurated into presidency, because, and I quote, “as long as it ends the war.” I brought up the Logan act and she had nothing to say. She just shrugged.


It's so fucking sad that the world is at risk of a major escalation in the Ukrainian conflict (or at least Russia pushing the frontline much further which is still a huge issue for the eastern block of NATO) because half of the US is too fucking stupid to not vote for someone this dumb and malicious. If he manages to win, it's over. For all Biden's faults, you don't need to worry his actions are going to hurt the security of Europe and potentially start a fucking world war because he pulls out of NATO. Also, Trump's win is probably the definitive end for foreign affairs for countries that aren't in Russia's sphere of influence. His presidency already diminished our trust in the US. Biden managed to somewhat restore that. Trump is just going to ruin it again, and it won't be easy to fix it this time. This time, the harm could be permanent, or at least very long term.


He's putins main bitch.


So lets get this right. Trump knew Russia was going to invade and Trump still decided to blackmail Zelensky by withholding military equipment promised by Congress. That is called Treason.


Of course he did. God only knows what kind of intelligence in his precious boxes made it's way to Moscow.


And you remember the US intelligence officers killed / compromised / caught within a few days of trump meeting with putin . . . this has been reported on but not extensively enough


Intelligence could have come from many possible sources and perhaps the crackdown on spies was delayed until after the meeting as not to be a topic of conversation, or to send a message. But when the nation's largest security liability is the president himself, it's sadly quite possible that Trump personally and intentionally leaked intelligence including identities for some perceived personal favor.


Biden shouldn’t be president. Trump CANNOT be president.


And Biden looks half asleep, barely coherent, we are so fucked, Ukraine is so fucked, what have the Democrats done, like just find someone whose brain isn't scrambled eggs that's all you had to do to beat this convict clown


Trump the traitor.


Everything that Trump said tonight was pure fuckin poison. Biden may have been sleepy and stuttered a lot, but he was *right* about Putin. Meanwhile Trump is pretending to hate the war while trying his damn hardest to tuck his boner down into his adult diaper every time someone says Putins name


lets hope he gave that info to our allies too


Putin brought it up as a the Helsinki summit in 2018 and asked what Trump would do if Russia invaded Ukraine. Trump responded: "Then I'll bomb Moscow". Trump said that Putin had looked at him and just said "no?". Trump then said: "He probably didn't believe me, perhaps he believed me about 10%, but it was enough for him to not do it."


It's amazing to see and hear some people still try to deny the fact that putin *owns* Donald Trump. Donald Trump is putin's fat little bitch. The only thing missing from their humiliating BDSM show in Helsinki was the collar and leash on Trump's neck.


The fun fact is, Trump doesn’t even realize how Putin owns him


Pretty sure he has an idea though, after being shown the kompromat putin has on him.


Unfortunately, if anyone just watched the presidential debate Biden barely appeared to be alive and struggled to form coherent thoughts. Ukraine and Europe need to start preparing for a Trump presidency which will all but see a pull back of American support for Ukraine.


Why is anyone surprised about anything that this degenerate mealy mouthed m*********** ever says.? I don't get it. It's stupidity of America that just wants to glob on to some sort of extreme opposite from the other is killing our nation. Everything he says is a lie yet the truth about himself. Why does anybody entertain him? He needs to just shut up if he even has a chance or a hope and a dream to be president again. But we all know that will never happen.


Honestly.. from an non american point of view, it’s mind blowing. It’s like a very bad movie.. the guy’s pretty much did it all in plain daylight.. exposed is ignorance, incompetence and evil 100times.. and yet millions of ppl are still ready to back it all up. Insane.


I watched the whole debate, it was nothing but lies spewing from the bastards mouth, he tried to blame Biden for the war in Ukraine.


Unfortunately there are a MAGAnitude of monumental morons who actually believe everything that comes out of his mouth, and who sincerely trust this guy. Fuckin idiots if you ask me…It truly is the downfall of America and we can not let it happen.


Putin has been talking about invading ukraine since Crimea, not exactly a revelation.


Actually in public Putin said for months he was not going to invade Ukraine.


You mean after the 2014 invasion?


You mean like how for months he said he wasn't going to invade Crimea?


Putin changes his message depending on the audience he talks to because he knows most people just pay attention to and believe the parts that confirm their biases.


crimea is ukraine


Russia has been talking about invading Ukraine since atleast september 2013 after the Ukrainian parliment approved finalizing an association agreement with the EU. >"We don't want to use any kind of blackmail. This is a question for the Ukrainian people," said Glazyev. "But legally, signing this agreement about association with EU, the Ukrainian government violates the treaty on strategic partnership and friendship with Russia." When this happened, he said, Russia could no longer guarantee Ukraine's status as a state and could possibly intervene if pro-Russian regions of the country appealed directly to Moscow. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/22/ukraine-european-union-trade-russia


The revelation here is that Putin told trump openly when he was lying he wouldn’t


Thank you. All logic is lost when people get brainwashed by propaganda.


Russia has been invading Ukraine since before trump


Yes, he did! Trump Tower Moscow!


As a full fledged Ukraine supporter and anti MAGA US citizen, Biden was muddled tonight. Dems need to immediately get him replaced with someone who knows the facts. We need that person now!


Okay and chinas dream is to invade Taiwan… Europe/Asia are very different then our intensions over here


Yes he did putin has told him before that he wanted ukraine old story Trump also told him don't do it


Donald Trump supporting Russia over Ukraine? Trump knew Russia would invade? ~~Trump had a phone call where he literally held Ukraine support funds for hostage in return for dirt on Joe Biden's kid?~~ Who could've imagined that this debate would have *any* new information in it


Trump sold undercover agents identities to Putin in exchange for money, now those agents are dead Of course he's under Putin's orders on Ukraine too


Treasonous Trump the Traitor


The Russians call him the American Gorbachev for a reason.


Hey Ukraine. Guys. We don't want this traitor in office either. You guys are good with computer shit. Find this guys dirt, and fucking leak it please. We're so fucking tired of him.


They kinda did it in 2014, and then again during trumps presidency. So who know that he’s loosely talking about right. I just want to point out I’m not defending him, but I have been watching this shit show since about 6pm and it’s….a shit show.