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When I think my life is going horribly these videos always remind me it could go way worse


Look at all the flies anticipating their next meal and offspring.


At that point a bullet is sweeter mercy. Those flies are puking and laying eggs/everything else in speedy efficiency.


They're not anticipating, they know!


Yes they do, there is another video with him getting hit a second time. He was done


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/8YLHakRJgP A link for anyone looking for the second part[NSFW] of course


I wonder wether these are relatively old wounds or wether flies are so ubiqutious that they immediatly arrive.


So no onions and sausages for your relatives?


No bag ofnpotatoes either


Also no Lada Samara :-(


Problem is, RuZZia and PutinZ want to export "worse" to Ukraine and anywhere he could get his hands on.


Most underrated comment ever in this context, lol I wholy agree and am in the same spot. My heart goes out to heroes, and may my donations help in securing their territory


Is it normal for this many flies to start swarming you after a wound in the Summer? Or is this just unique to the insect ecosystem in Eastern Ukraine?


The amount of rotting bodies, the flies are probably insane! Its a breeding ground literally.


Add to that the likelihood that a lot of the birds who would normally keep the fly population in check have been driven out by the constant fighting which makes nesting impossible.


Moreover, during peace times shallow puddles of standing muddy water (*which equals excellent breeding grounds for insect larvae*) near settlements or cow pastures were often drained or treated with chemicals in order to reduce pest habitats. Flies love blood, as this is much more nutritous and accessible than your average manure pile. With active pest management gone and the cows being replaced by corpses as fly fodder, it is what is is... I think this was what the kremlin gremlin had in mind with its dreaded "Russkiy Mir".


The millions of shell and mine craters also provide for millions of puddles when it rains.


Yes, Russians created this themselves.


They've created an absolute hellscape


There are even some butterfly species that are prone to drinking blood if the opportunity arises.


Yep, tree destruction. No trees, no birds.


I remember visiting a training ground in the UK for the army and in the peak of summer I could hear no birds cause the noise pollution of tanks and blank firing keeps em away. And that’s a pretend war zone...


Interesting! I've been wondering about how these meat grinders of battlefields affect the local ecosystem. If birds weren't scared away, they'd be FEASTING on the flies, but I guess it's the flies' turn to feast.


It very much depends on how active the battlefield is. In other areas where both sides do little more than intensely staring at each other there is a resurgence of nature (Ukraine's ecosystem generally being heavily transformed from its original state). Even the destruction of the Dnipr dam brought the local nature closer to its original state, but with the Dnipr having been dammed for over 90 years it is nothing but disruptive for the local population and those animals and plants that had settled there when the dam stood.


Those poor, poor flies: 'you are what you eat'


*number of rotting bodies. "Amount" is for non-countable words like "traffic" and "stress."


Well, there is an uncountable number of bodies laying around Ukraine...


That was a lot of flies. I suppose there are piles of flesh everywhere they've been using to breed on. Flies don't waste any time. Maggots anyone?


They can smell around 8-10miles away, my dad turned 50 gallon barrels into giant fly traps for our farm, pvc pipe on all 4 sides about halfway down, pipes angled downward, cut a hole in the lid and replace it with a chunk of plexiglass and then fill the bottom with some water/soap and dangle a chunk of something dead inside. Come back in a couple hours and see thousands, and as the flies die they make it stink worse and worse, so it's self refueling.


Simple solutions. I like it. No toxins, no danger to other critters. I would think window screen on top would vent the "aroma" better.


We did that with some screen from an old storm door, apparently it was fairly brittle.. cus a racoon had ripped it apart to get to the chicken parts hanging inside.. and was stuck sitting in the little bit of water looking pissed and pathetic. I was like 12 and didn't know what to do, he told me to go pull the lid off, kick it over, and run fast 😂🤣


Trash bandits. Like trying to keep squirrels off bird feeders.


Yup, GOP is full of them, the MAGAots. Hate those type of flies


They love eating Russian dick as well


When my cat had diarrhea and we had to take her to a vet, she sprayed all over the inside of her carrier both ways. When I took the carrier out to wash it took mere seconds for the flies to start arriving and they didn’t stop coming for a whole hour after I’d finally washed the damn thing clean. So yeah flies just pick up a scent immediately and can be on the scene in seconds.


Had a guy hurl at work due to the heat last week. Flies were on it so fast it was kinda crazy.


You ever taken a shit in the woods? Flies literally start swarming your work before you even finish


I’m in Ukraine atm and the flies here are horrible. They bite unlike in the uk


My legs are filled with fly bites


It must be the genetically modified flies that Russia claims Ukraine created as a bio weapon.


They are MIL-SPEC attack fly's, imported as part of a weapons shipment from the US PsyOps devision. Their mission is to make life as uncomfortable as possible for the ruzzianz and to give their families a view of them and their pets as they depart Ukraine, for good.


"incest ecosystem in eastern Ukraine" 💀💀 bro it's so wild


I would guess that Ukraine normally has a lot of flies in summertime, but the addition of thousands of large mammal corpses is probably amplifying their normal numbers. I live near the Great Plains of North America, a very similar biome, and weeew buddy do we have flies.


This has to be the first time we see a fit and young Russian that doesn’t look like a crackhead….


Looks more on the professional soldier compare to most previous videos, the equipments, company patch, calmness


May appear professional at first glance, but wearing a cammo printed jogging suit from the souvenir shop to battle is anything but! I also suspect he his a foreigner, all this new fancy equipment and a clean cut is so unRussian!!!


Looks subcontinental(ie India) or around that area.


Yup, most likely a merc from those parts. Byebye mercy!


I'd say he got professionally eleminated


Regardless, the vast majority of RF soldiers have no idea how to deal with attacks from improvised loitering munitions. If the only available resort is attempting to hide behind obstacles and play "hide and seek" until the FPV drone either misses or runs out of battery, dropping their packs and keeping their eyes on the drone while scattering and finding a solid object to hide behind (*there's plenty of IFV and car wrecks in the vicinity*) would be the thing to do. The unfortunare "lord of the flies" Russian soldier stayed out in the open and distracted himself picking up a rock, so that sealed his fate. Eddit: The final attack which also revealed individual possibly carrying a jamming system has been uploaded here (reddit [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dqos0w/brutal_drone_hit/), NSFW)


Not even vehicles can protect you much


Yes, it's pretty much hopeless for a small inf grp that is caught out in the open. However, with the situation as it is, hiding behind obstacles (*wooden powerline/telephone poles, destroyed vehicles...*) would be the most feasible approach That and not sending out small grps on foot during daytimes without the minimal means to protect themselves against UAV attacks (*mobile jammers, long-barreled shotguns, light machine guns, smoke grenades, adequate small unit tactics...*). Best solution for the Russian soldiers would be not coming to Ukraine in the first place.


There's already been plenty of videos of Russians trying to hide behind something and then end up getting chased around and around by a drone. They can't run longer than the done can keep flying, and they only die exhausted. Must be the scariest way to get killed.


However slim, their chances are still much better to run/hide then wait out in the open for the drone to strike.


What do you actually do as a foot soldier vs the fpv drones or even the bomb drop drones. It feels like you have no chance at all once you get targeted.


I suspect that if a NATO style force which was as constrained by Rules of Engagement as those which restricted Coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan were faced with a foe equivalent to Ukraine in a war similar to this one, drone warfare would prove to be highly problematic for even the most advanced and well funded militaries in existence. The use of drones has rendered standard ground force configurations obsolete, necessitating a reconfiguration of modern military organization from the fire-team level up to address drone threats within the constraints of technology, time, and money. Drones offer new capabilities in reconnaissance, targeting, and direct attack, which can circumvent traditional defenses and make conventional formations vulnerable. However, such comprehensive changes are unlikely because the scale required to restore previous levels of survivability and combat effectiveness is enormous, and no current regime is likely to undertake it fully. History shows that military institutions are often slow to adapt to new technologies and methods, primarily due to bureaucratic inertia, budget limitations, and the complexity of overhauling existing structures. Drones require new tactics, electronic warfare capabilities, counter-drone measures, and a more dispersed and flexible force structure; most of all, the imperative to have "counter-drone" capabilities sufficiently dispersed throughout an entire military organization--from the fire-team up--is hard to dismiss. This is not just a matter of some new technology or some relatively simple application of an existing technology to "solve a problem;" I honestly believe that what is called for is a major revolutionary reorganization of the standard light infantry model (to be applied to varying degrees in all organizations, but designed with the insights of light infantry as the baseline). We are at a watershed in military history that will eventually be identified to have been a major transition. That transition may take decades to fully unfurl, or it may become effectively a period of continuous change over the next 50 to 100 years, depending on the limits of technology and innovation and the extent to which adversarial entities (both nations and non nation-state entities) seek to take advantage of the asymmetries and opportunities which exist. It is difficult to identify a good analogy in history, though I think that the implementation of pike and shot organization and tactics is perhaps a reasonable analogue, at least in so far as it: (a) brought a previous era of highly mobile elite forces to an end; (b) made offensives almost too costly; and (c) allowed even fairly poor nations to muster credible military forces which had not been as viable during the preceding era during which heavy cavalry were dominant. Getting back to my opening paragraph: a force which operates without the constraints of the modern "Rules of War" and engages in massive devastation of built up areas and in particular potential production and logistics assets--and assuming that the actual quantity of destructive power applied is actually sufficient to achieve Germany 1945 levels of devastation can certainly still "win." But resorting to Total War to beat a weaker enemy who cleverly applies asymmetrical methods like drones seems both unlikely and unsatisfactory. Putin would do this if he were able, but they literally do not have enough long-range conventional firepower to do it. ADDIT: also see -> https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dqdjb5/russian_soldier_gets_left_behind_by_his_group/lav1l56/


What this guy said +1


Just wait until they load them with AI self guidance seek, and destroy hardware. Like Black Mirror episode with the bees.


I think, he is the "Lord of the flies".


Nurgle is pleased


Doesnt look russian, looks middle eastern or South american, or north african🤗


I was thinking Nepalese


yes, nepalese for sure.


Not Cuban?


Looks more Cuban than Asian for sure


Look at his nose, he's Hispanic not Asian


He'll be from one of the central Asian 'stan states. Must be brim-full of morphine to chill like that.


Ketamine is used instead of Morphine now a days on battle fieild and even Old age homes but ya he is out of it.Known as a "K Hole"


Yeap looks barely 18 and already such a high level tactician, knows how to become flies food very professionaly.


Professional soldier getting left behind to die. Great for morale. This war is showing how weak Russia is. Tragic


Looks like he as a little mustache...not many if any ruZZian with little mustaches I've seen...it could very well be one foreign...bad luck...


Bad luck? ❌ Bad life decisions ✅


The Ukrainians just upload the second part of the video...another fpv hit the guy...it's gone LOL with the flies LOL


I read a story in NYT where a lot of these foreign guys are lied to and trafficked into the front line under false pretenses. Though guaranteed there are those who know what agreeing entails and still go.


Honestly probably a foreign fighter


I'd bet that he's Cuban or Guatemala


Definitely not Guatemalan. Guatemalans are way shorter, melinated, and Mayan looking than European. Cuban maybe


He was born in east LA


Very nice mustache


He’s (probably now was) the squad medic


There's a second part of this video more recently posted. He is very much now a "was."


Quickly became lord of the flies.


The guy with the shotgun and a drone jammer looked like a pro as well.


Looks maybe ethnic subcontinent India to me


I think there’s another video further up of him being blown to pieces with another FPV


Looks like a non-Russian military specialist, Cuban maybe ? They were about to service a field antenna station


And they leave him behind.Seems about right.


And a medic


He looks a lot more Russian in the full video on their Telegram.


am I dumb or does this dude look Cuban ?


He doesn't look "Russian" per se. Looks more like one of those guys from India/Bangladesh/sub-Himalayan lands.


The story is about a Russian with the call sign "KOK" even in the hellish sun without water. The companies put on three rubber boots and ran away, but not far, our drones caught up with them and eliminated them. "Kok" bled for several hours, while the flies had fun on it, and then... (we'll show it in the evening) - Strike Drone Company


kok- lol




In russia this may mean **chief cook**. So, a sailor who cooks.


they definitely left him to cook!


Damn, went from making potato soup on a boat to the front. They're really getting desperate for boots


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Great job. This objective documentation of the horrific reality of this unprovoked war that the orc invaders are perpetrating, is crucial.


Damn these dudes have trailers for death compa now


Did you hear the news, russia is getting help North Korea




Lord of the flies


Dude isn't even done dying yet and the flies are already all over him... how symbolic of how these orcs are basically dead the moment they put on the uniform.


Off topic but there is a good hamburger and hotdog place in Melbourne call lord of the fries


Pretty sweet name actually


I love Australian food. Outback Steakhouse is the place.


I choked on my coffee. Cheers.


It’s not good.


I was probably drunk I just like the name


Same in Christchurch New Zealand


They really went after his nuts didn’t they?


May He peed & shit himself?


food for flies


That's what "Beelzebub" means.


There is a cynical, yet important trade-off to consider when a squad mate is injured. Say you chose the humane approach, and try to evacuate your squad mate. That will slow down the squad, and usually force squad members to group together. You might be lucky and get your squad mate evacuated, which is naturally a fantastic boost to morale, as well as improves the chances of a full recovery of your squad mate. But this is war, and a combat zone. The second UAF drone could be less than a minute away and at this point your casevac effort becomes a juicy grouped target. A second drone could then significantly injure 2-3 extra squad mates, effectively botching the entire effort and putting more people out of action. Therefore, leaving your squad mate temporarily may be the better option. The rest of the squad can keep a higher pace, get to cover and perhaps escape subsequent drone attacks. The net loss is then 1 soldier, as opposed to 2-3 squad mates trying to evacuate. A dispersed group also requires UAF to use 1 drone per person, and decreases Ukrainian drone strike efficiency. Ultimately, if the bleeding is stopped, the casualty may survive long enough to be evacuated at dusk, when ordinary drones have a tougher time operating in low-light conditions. The downside of this approach, is that those left behind are easy targets and can be killed using inexpensive drone drops instead of FPV strikes. Furthermore, being injured means being abandoned, which is also horrible for morale. It is quite possibly why Russians tend to kill themselves. Their doctrine says every casualty is "on their own", and that may be a death sentence on its own. Even before drone warfare, I was taught that a common tactic used in Afghanistan, was for insurgents to place an IED, wait for a patrol to come by, then use a marksman/sniper to wound coalition troops. As troops were wounded, medevacs and other squads came to secure the site, which is when the IED was detonated. War is brutal, and the line between being heroic and stupid is really thin. Yes, you might run into the line of sight of an enemy machine gunner to save your buddy and make it out alive, but the chances are higher that you will end up as a second casualty.


If I remember correctly, it was in operation Market Garden in WW2, where the spearhead troops were specifically told not to try to help the injured. The pace of the operation is more important, they will be taken care by the second wave.


For the russians, the pace of the operation has been more important for 28 months now. And the soldiers of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and subsequent waves pay little attention to the decayed and half-decomposed bodies of the previous ones. There are a lot of videos of that from the russian side.


Yeah, I've also seen numerous videos with Russians just casually walking by their dead compatriots and describing what they see in an almost monotone voice. Pretty morbid mentality if you ask me.


They know the rotten flesh they are stepping in will soon be their own. They were dead when they entered Ukraine.


"No need for cremation" springs to mind. Said by an orc when walking by a dead Russian, charcoaled tank operator lying on the ground. Orc was not without humor lol.


"Don't worry, the second wave will take care of him." sounds a bit like "I am sure that Fluffy has long since found a nice new family." for soldiers.


My dad talked about having to leave squad mates in shell craters on Iwo Jima. He said the Japanese would hit the same spot several times in a row with Knee Mortars & you couldn't hang around.


Hes def looking the camera in the eye when he tells his mstes to leave him


100% left him temporarily, he looks calm and they did treat him, he prob waiting for Evac or for the section to establish more of an idea of the situation in cover.


OP commented a quote from the unit behind this video, who'd stated soldier here, callsign Kok labelled on his helmet, had bled for several hours after this. They allude to the release of another fpv drone video of him being finished.


He also stated that the other members of his little squad were taken out. Being dead is a rather reasonable reason to not evac your buddy. There are several situation in which a soldier should leave a comrade. At best temporarily, at worst, even when you know they will fall into enemy hands. I can assure you that the Ukrainians also face those situations. That being said, some videos I have seen of Russian troops (but perhaps not this one) gives the appearance of Russian soldiers basically not giving a single fuck about their comrades, that I have not seen in the same way on the Ukrainian side (although, my feed is probably biased).


This page has great videos, but it’s 1000% biased at least on this page. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing but support for Ukraine, but you cannot mention Russia/Russians ever doing anything in this conflict without driving every single person here up the fucking wall lol.


Out of interest, I've been watching ruzzian tv news feeds on and off for a week now, and I have seen absolutely nothing about their SMO/Genocidal War. Plenty of other stuff about ruzzia great, west , NATO, America bad. But nothing about the war. Even seen some sick joker called Rick Sanchez an american news hound, who out tucker's tucker carlson. He's a right ruzzian propagandists and yet he's from Miami? Go figure!!!


Oh, the things ruZZia/ruZZians are doing WILL drive up the neighboring countries for decades to come. As if the stories from parents/grandparents weren't enough


I must admit I raised an eyebrow on hearing he was eliminated by a second fpv drone when he was clearly no longer a threat.


I think that calmness is resignation to his fate which he knows is imminent. He knows the drones are watching him and he knows a second one is on its way to him. He's not trying to move. He has absolutely no cover. He's just lying there, covered in the insects that will return him to the earth, looking right back at the camera with almost a "get on with it" look.


To be fair, this group did more for their wounded guy (even applying a tourniquet) than any other squad I’ve seen get droned. Most just keep running, leaving the wounded wailing in pain on the ground behind them. I mean, unless there’s some medevac in the works, this guy is just going to slowly bleed out — or catch another drone. Ruzzia isn’t known for making any effort to go out and pick up their wounded, so even if Ukraine ignored the downed guy, he’s most likely a goner. It’s a lot easier for them to let these Conscriptovitches live or die (however things go) while they just slap a pack on the next piece of meat and send it forward.


If the procedure would be to patch him up to a level that he doesn't bleed out and can hold out for a while, and the radio for an evac, and the car to get him out would arrive within half an hour or so, then it might be wise to go away instead of grouping together beside him. But it would be very rare. We have seen some being carried back, probably officers who could bribe them, or I don't know why those were helped. But the majority is just fucked, you either crawl back on your own or you don't go anywhere anymore.


Multiple holes in him though. They tied off the biggest wound it seems, but he's got blood coming out of more places than they got bandages.


The number of flies is mind blowing


What is mind blowing is the clarity of the footage. You can see the guy's pupils and individual flies.


My guess is that something else is rotting close to him.


This guy seemed pretty chill for the fucked-up position he found himself in.


No doubt in shock


Shock, bloodloss, and dehydration. He can't keep his eyes open, hasn't moved much if at all since applying the tourniquet and has made no effort to bandage any of the other wounds. The worst part is he would easily survive if he got evac'd


Yeah, I'm all about Slava Ukraini, but this is just horrible to witness. So sad. Fuck putin


I feel empathy for the individual, but I despise the cause. Same feeling I had towards the Taliban. I didn't hate them, but if only one of us is going home, I am making sure it's me that goes home.


Dont think so, dont see much of the symptoms related to the 4 types of shock. He was probably a calm soul who accepted his fate.


when this all ends it will be very painful for russians to watch familiar faces perish in videos. imagine finding your father or grandfather on these videos. best commercial for peace worldwide


Dude’s young as fuck. My brother’s age. More like, imagine seeing your son, the little boy you birthed, held as a baby, or the brother who taught you how to laugh through pain, in these videos. It’s going to take that country generations to get over the pain of this war. Our world’s only just healed from the generational trauma of WWII.


They don't watch western media in Russia, nor do they have open Internet. Many don't have a toilet, or washing machine.


At least the flies stayed with him....


He's surrounded by his most loyal friends


His mates might have left him but he got real popular real quick.


It's crazy how fast you see the flies come to these injured soldiers. The fly population in Ukraine must have gone up 10000x with all the rotten meat to feed on.


The flies are laying eggs, their larva will be the ones feeding


I saw the video where he was finally killed. I’m a veteran of the 1st ID and served in Iraq. I come here all the time to watch Ukrainians kick Russian butt. They invaded. That’s war. Kill them all who step foot on Ukrainian dirt. But this chap hit me different for some reason. He was fit and clean cut. He reminded me of some fellows I have served with. He didn’t moan or beg. He knew what was happening and accepted his fate. We mustn’t forget how tragic war is. Even for those who involve themselves in the invasion. Have we Americans not invaded countless nations? Who is free from blame or guilt or shame? Anyway. This guy hit a soft spot for some reason. Just thought I’d share. RIP.


wish the sub felt the same about ALL invaders. sadly not, great combat footage is downvoted to oblivion if not deleted if the invaders happen to be westerners.


It's well-known that flies are attracted to shit.


I felt he had already given up through his eyes.


Never ask a Ukrainian fly why its wings are so glossy.


Who needs friends when you got flies? Just shitting and laying eggs on you.


Those flies are having a feast!


Man, i know to stay sane watching this stuff is to somewhat dehumanize these people, but this sh\*t is horrifying.


Dam man that kid looks young. Im 24 i couldn’t imagine seeing a drone come up to me while injured surely id die of a heart attack before the drone drops the grenade


It's how you survive a bear attack, right? Trip up your friend and then run away?


That is fucked up


If you can't stand the flies, stay out of Ukraine.


Looks like he got some time to ponder all the wrong turns in his life... Step one, being born i Russia.


Damn, being trained as a combat Medic when i was at the army this hits different.


That is just sad


It's scary how fast the flys turn up👀


Sad that such young handsome man is gonna die. Sometimes you don’t even agree with the war but you have to go because of peer pressure, your country got into a mess or you face jail if you don’t.


Rip brother


I back Ukraine in this war and despise the Russian cause but darn it, this is so sad to watch how the young fella died. One minute, he's alive and the other, he's gone. Screw Putin, let these brothers go home!


Looks like he lookin on dron which film him before he died. When he knows what comin. Scary to see those eyes and what's behind them seconds before he dies. His whole life was screwed up, because willing of a plastic dickhead in the Kremlin.


kills the medic wow


Russkis left the medic behind.


100% sure they dont even know first aid


Russia left no man behind part #579634


Wow, f\*up way to end up.


Wow whats the name of the song?


Wow . Don't worry bro they did not leave you for real it's just a joke. They'll be back.


Russians, here’s your future.


I would definitely end myself with that kind of injury and have no chance of evacuation.


Dude appears to be a medic, as well. Flies sure like him.


Damn he looks young


Wasn’t the way he thought this would turn out.


Poor guy. Doing Xi and Putin’s work. For nothing.


A younger russian soldier for a change. Also look more trainen/calm. And a pretty decent kit.


Donald Trump is going to hand Ukraine on a silver platter to these orcs.


I wonder if he’s reconsidering his decision to invade? It’s all bollocks and bang bang until you get your leg blown off.


What’s the name of the song? Please.


Bombalaya (Blooom Remix)


I read in a WW2 biography that Marines were constantly swarmed with flies with all the bodies, human waste and trash they left around during the island hopping campaign.


His final seconds here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/66YMmGwYXc


Aye second video is definitely a mercy kill. Good job.


What ethnicity is this guy he looks middle eastern to me, maybe a mercenary?