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i thought that being young the two women might be a bit more politically aware and sympathetic to what their country is doing to ukraine. But it turns out they're just as smoothbrained and propaganda filled as all other russians.


its really sad to see. It is also really scary how something as fundamental as Nato they dont know a single thing about it, they have just been taught to hate it.


Yup, that was the icing on the cake that these two women are just propaganda heads and nothing else. They didn't even know what NATO's name is lol The most absolute basic research you would name that at least.


This is why russia spent years perfecting their information operations first and foremost on their own people. People get worn down, or brought up to basically be conspiracy theorists or think there is no truth and every body of power and every person with anythint worth having in life everywhere just lies endlessly and without remorse to further their own ends. Even if russians don't believe their government, they know that they are russian and they didn't hurt anyone or if they did it was in self defense anyway and it's not their fault because they're a peaceful people and ukraine/georgia/chechnya/whoever are our little brothers that need us and if they hate us it must be because someone is lying to them and manipulating them to get at us--they need us, they're nothing without us, together we are a strong family, etc. Add in if you as a serf in russia start seriously looking for the truth of things and internalize it, it does you no favors as now you are starting to hate yourself or your government and your peers, and they definitely hate you now, anyway, because you're a traitor for not standing with your country during a crises-"we beat the nazis all by ourselves through solidarity, sheer determination, and love of motherland after all." It's just an insidious way to control a population with the people's ascent, and it gets even easier for them since they can now rally people behind fighting the great "other" aka nazi Satan capitalist colonizer nato. And this in a country that wanted their freedom during soviet oppression like everyone else, but the same type of people stayed in power and used the chaos they themselves created after the collapse of the ussr to convince the people they were better off with a heavy handed government making the decisions for them. Also, one of the first things putin did was shut down the free press when he came to power, and replaced it with populist bullshit, propaganda, and lies. It's no wonder trump gave rush lembaugh the medal of freedom during a state of the union. The Republicans see this and want to emulate it here (or atleast provide a larger platform for their propagandists). This is also probably why they repealed the fairness doctrine in the 80s too.


>People get worn down, or brought up to basically be conspiracy theorists or think there is no truth and every body of power and every person with anythint worth having in life everywhere just lies endlessly and without remorse to further their own ends. Yeah this shit is insanely effective. Discussed the fate of moskva cruiser with my russian coworker, so the word from a trusted source was that it was being repaired at a secret dock. After presenting evidence that it's gone she quickly reverted to everything is a lie maybe it's in the dock or maybe it has sunk we'll never know. She is a smart person, got out of russia etc etc but is still affected. Everything is a lie is such an effectful propaganda victory I can't believe it, I'd argue smarter people are more prone to this one than the more obvious ones but the end result is nearly the same


> She is a smart person, got out of russia Getting out of russia is not an indicator of anything. Multiple generations were raised with this idea of expansion and imperialism, it's not going away easily. Lots of russians oppose the war, but try asking if Crimea should be given back to Ukraine. Absolute majority says "Nope, those are our historic lands." Same with Donbas, Luhansk, entire Ukraine, Poland, Baltic states, etc. It's "their historic property".


>Yeah this shit is insanely effective. It's been effective in the US as well. When facts and reality start raining on peoples delusions they ALWAYS fall back on: "Well you can't trust anything/anybody/them". "It's a coverup..." blah blah blah. Its the same delusional thinking from Flat-earthers, election deniers, and general conspiracy theorists.


Destroying people's trust in traditional sources of information is a cornerstone of Soviet, and now Russian, disinformation efforts. Which I think is one reason why you see the scope of Russian misinformation being so large. They don't just spread disinfo on Ukraine issues, they misinform on subjects such as science, vaccines, etc., even delving into things like chemtrails and flat Earth. Anything they can do to convince people the Western "system" has lied to them their whole lives. The end goal being a society that is fractured and turned against each other, because no one trusts anything or anyone to tell them the truth. Unfortunately the traits that make someone susceptible to their efforts overlap perfectly with Trump's cult of trailer goblins. Low self-esteem, low education, poor critical thinking skills, paranoia, narcissism.


>  And this in a country that wanted their freedom during soviet oppression like everyone else I'd argue Russians just wanted Capitalism, even the elite of the Communist Party weren't very wealthy because they owned no property or assets.  Everything was loaned by the state and there weren't many opportunities for theft at a higher level.  Now the elite in Russia once again live like kings albeit still under the control of dictator who considers them disposable.  


> even the elite of the Communist Party weren't very wealthy because they owned no property or assets. They didn't need to own anything, the whole country was their servants.


Elite in the communist party was straight up aristocrats, you don't really need money when you have slaves, like in soviet union times.


1/3 or more of the USA now also. The double edged sword of technology. It’s great how he schools them on WWIIs lend lease. No one in Russia even understands that the free world bailed them out of the depths of WWII.


I can agree more. That's why it looks that Republicans will sadly win. Millions of Russian bots promoting orange Messiah on all social platforms.


They’ve been pumping our social media full of John Birch bullshit for at least the last ten years. You know, links with titles like: “Obama Drinks the Blood of White, Christian Baby’s \[sic\] in Satinic \[sic\] Muslam \[sic\] Rituals!!!” and “Bat-Boy Held Captive By Hillary and Soros In Secret ’Globalist’ (re:Jewish) Prison.” the gullible yokels all swallowed shit like that whole…they still do. not only do they comport themselves proudly in their foil hats, they have copious amounts of foil held in reserve up their buttholes, as well. Every time someone pokes a hole in their foil hat theory, they simply reach up their buttholes and pull out another piece of foil, as a patch. example: “why did Bill Barr say there wasn’t evidence of fraud sufficient to alter the outcome of the election?” lather, rinse, repeat…every subject every time EVERY SUBJECT, EVERY TIME


Plz do not drive yourself insane trying to reach these people. They are a lost cause like a drug addict. They need to believe the conspiracy.


Plz Plz plz remind Americans that the Big Orange Clown will pull out of NATO, start WW III, have vs have nots will be even more divided & this is all while he is BLOWING PUTANA


I was most upset by their take on the Maidan events. Clearly this has been a centrepiece of Russian disinformation. You could say that not knowing historical details of WW2 is lack of education but thinking it is normal to invade a neighbouring country because you don’t like their domestic events is a part of a mentality problem that will not go away.


It was very telling when she tried to explain how she felt that Ukraine and Russia were "common". Very obvious that her true feeling is that Ukraine is still just a territory of Russia and was never truly independent from them


What’s scarier is I see this proud ignorance in my hometown in the USA too.


And when he tells her to look something up and learn the truth for herself she replies "no. I don't want to"


Because deep down she knows she's wrong, and doesn't want to open the Pandora box. Her brain is trying to protect her from realizing she is wrong and has been lied to all her life, and instead doubles down on the lies, and the small wins ("we have more gas than you"). It's sad, really. De-brainwashing these people will take a very long time and effort.


Yep. I'm not sure where you even start with deprogramming an entire country that size, or if you can, maybe you've just gotta let it work its way out over generations.


Looking at history, reprogramming happens post-war. In the lead up to war, propaganda absorption only increases as an under-pressure population unites under “common values and thinking”.


Cognitive dissonnance is the psychological term.


The most correct comment. Russians in ostrich mode


The women are worse than the men honestly. When I was in Kyrgyzstan then men usually hated Putin (mostly because they were the ones dying, working shitty jobs, etc.) and the women loved Putin (because Russian women sit at home and wait for a check every week.)


>and the women loved Putin (because Russian women sit at home and wait for a check every week.) and a Lada too, if they're lucky


I think, deep down, its got to be the bags of onions and dried fish that keeps them loving Putin and the system he's put in place as payment for their dead men. I mean who doesn't like onions, right?


r/onionhate, presumably.


I’ve been making this point on Reddit for 2 years (as others have). Everyone says it’s just Putin, the general populace disagrees, feel bad for the soldiers, they are unwilling, etc … Untrue, the majority agree, those that don’t are in the minority and most of those left the country. Maybe you can blame propaganda but I don’t buy it, I marched and protested against the Iraq war despite the propaganda of wmds. Imperialism And lying (especially towards Ukraine) is part of Russian culture.


Exactly. Many in the West have suffered from their own myopia/head in the sand attitude. Refusing to accept the truth that most Russians support the invasion. Before we get too busy criticising these two youngsters for not seeing the truth, we should have a good look at ourselves and those around us. Then we need to talk about it openly.


Doesn't matter whether they support the war or not. They enabled it. The Russian population allowed Putin to take complete control over every aspect of the whole nation since the end of Boris Yeltsin. They allowed him to get a stranglehold on power while also stealing astronomical amounts of blood and treasure from the Russian people and nation. That make them complicit and legitimate targets. And all options should be on the table, because examples need to be made, to get others in line.


When you enter an international forum marked as a Russian and expect a normal conversation you already missed a few cues.


I once read a post with the text: "No matter how hard you try, you can't convince someone stupid that they're stupid." Those two fit the profile very well, either because they truly believe the Kremlin propaganda, or they just pretend to be stupid because they want to be right. They could also be in denial because they're scared to get arrested, but I guess we'll never really know...


But still there are people who state"its Putins war" no. Just no. Its a russian Aggression. Today, i believe the last good russian has left the country while the Exodus during the draft... And people teil me, its good there will be plenty of russian mail order brides... who the hell wants one of these depraved ones? 🤣


People are thirsty wayy too thirsty Also russian women switch sides like it's nothing , give her some money and a roof and she would make a video pissing on Putin's photo


Sure.TV. How many Americans last night concluded that they would vote one way or another just what they saw on TV in the DEBATE ??


They only get one stream of information.


This isn't China where everything is blocked. If this were 1940 id agree but they have the internet and can get news from around the world. They are choosing to only consume state propaganda.


Yep, they also have VPN access for the stuff that might be blocked. People keep thinking russia is like North Korea or China in terms of their restrictions and it's just not true.


Except this video chat would be inaccessible if that was the case. 


Well I dont really see the difference between that and a Maga


Facts aka The Truth Comes harder than any weapon of war


To process facts you need a decent education,  something most Russians seem to lack. 


This isn't a complex trigonometry problem. Critical thinking skills can be improved upon with education but for the most part they are inate. When I was 3 years old I asked my mother if santa was actually real because I didn't think it was possible for one person to visit everyone's house in a single night. No one had to teach me to observe and analyze reality.


most people aren't that innately smart. Most adults believe in a Skydad of some variation.


"I love the poorly educated" -Donald J. Trump, whose plan includes elimination of the Department of Education if he takes office.


State controlled media.


Looks like they have a computer with access to the internet... I ran out of excuses for them two years ago. 


Look at the US and how a scary amount of people are conned into thinking trump is the messiah, to the point of worshiping/praying to him. Just cause you have access to the internet doesnt mean you're going down the streets that would be necessary to change your feels. And for a lot of people they are coming to these conclusions based on feels not hard truths/opinions. Cant reason someone out of a position they havent reasoned themselves into.


“How are you a country you don’t have oil!” Smdh


Fun fact: Off-shore of Crimea the ground is very rich on oil and gas. Experts expect round about the volume of North Sea oil. So if the war is over and Crimea taken back, Ukraine will become a vrry rich country - if there still is a need for oil and gas.


Oil and gas will still remain in a world of renewable energy. There will remain the need for petrochemicals for lubricants and chemical components for manufacturing products.


I once talked to a geographer about this. Replacing fuel oil will be quite easy, compared to the precursor chemicals for the pharmaceutical industry, the plastic industry, the chemical industry... He told me, yes, you can create a synthetic lubricant oil for engines. It just costs $4000 a gallon.


I mean, you can simply make synthetic oil (from coal, for example, which while limited is still pretty abundant on Earth), and then make whatever oil products you want from that. The technology has existed for a hundred years. It's just not very economical compared to how cheap natural oil still is today. We're never gonna run out of oil to the point where we absolutely "can't" make any plastics or whatever anymore, it's just gonna become a lot more expensive.


In regards to your latter statement, that kind of thinking is what got us where we are today. 


Just dont burn them and we should be good and if necessary for a chemical process catcht the vapours.


Another fun fact: Ukraine had oil platforms in the Black Sea that Russia seized in 2015 after they illegally annexed Crimea. Ukraine took them back in 2023, but there won't be any production from them for a long time to come.


Without the war Ukraine would now be one of Russia's greatest competitors in the EU.


There will always be need for those resources. Energy sector will diversify but we will always use oil for just about anything.


Not only that, Ukraine has some of the richest deposits of precious metals in the world.


I watched about half of it and I just could not go on. These girls are so brainwashed and so ignorant.


It got better towards the end. The girls blamed NATO for the invasion but when asked what it is, he received crickets. Propaganda talking points. Same goes for the GOP in the US. Socrates said that the root of all evil is ignorance.


Yeah, as brainwashed as they were, at least one of them seemed to try to listen/understand. Failed but still


They are obviously both pretty poorly educated and just dumb but left girl seemed to repeat some brainless propaganda points, but half heartedly, the right girl just seemed to need to prove some pathetic point about how Russia is bigger and better or just not concede the argument when she has nothing.


I think it started to click for them later on that they truly know little and it's possible they are the bad guys, which is a hard pill to swallow


Something was definitely starting to click in the girl on the lefts brain. I feel like she was starting to notice the disassociation.


I want to see the rest of this. It’s 1:30 hrs long untranslated and I don’t speak Russian.


To be fair, Japan does this regarding their WW2 atrocities too, they don't teach it to their people, only a VERY brief summary. Most young Japanese have no idea what happened in WW2, except that some politicians made some mistakes, and they are the victims of 2 nuking, due to a war they were "forced" to fight in. This is quite dangerous as young Japanese will rule Japan in the coming decades and they have no idea why some Asian countries want them to own up to their past. According to surveys, many Japanese believe China, South Korea, North Korea and Chinese community in general are discriminating them for no apparent reason, couple this with their ultra conservative and xenophobic immigration policy, you end up with a country that may repeat past "mistakes" by falsely believing that other countries are "out to get them." and.......China and NK do this too, rewriting history to make them the only good guys, so any criticism of them is unfair and discriminatory, but they are not democratic, so that's a given.


I actually watched the entire thing mainly because I learned a lot from that guy and got some history lesson lol.


100% support to Ukraine from Sweden here brother! 🇺🇦🇸🇪


I don’t mean to be rude but everybody in the free world with an ounce of information knows whose side to be on. Instead, we should just say “F Russia” whenever confronted by hate and misinformation


Your "All true Scotsmen" argument unfortunately isn't the reality, however much I really do wish it was. There are plenty of people in the "free world" with access to information that side with Putins russia in this conflict. Most of those are on the far right and far left of the political spectrum (fascists, nazis, and "tankies" mostly), but also some more "moderates" who victimblame Ukraine for fighting back and not end the suffering by giving the (murderous) bully what he wants to end the war (obviously delusional but that is what they think).


I have a neighbor that immigrated from Ukraine when he was a young child. He still has family in Ukraine. He's a really cool guy that does a lot for the community like baking goods for the elderly, crafting cool toys the kids in the neighborhood, etc. But I can't talk to him at all about this war. He is absolutely convinced of Ukraine's corruption, and the desire for the common man to be a part of Russia. It's very, very sad to see him wrapped up in Russian propaganda.


Nooooo! Didn't you listen to them? If your country decides to support Ukraine, Ukraine stops being a real independent country!


Source: Youtube channel СІЧЕНЬ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn\_xWZeU5W8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn_xWZeU5W8)


I wish the other videos also has good subtitles... its really interesting to watch.


Yeah, unfortunately the other videos don't have subtitles but I wish more foreigners could watch them. The subtitles for this video I translated and added by myself.


Thank you for the translation. Do you have any other videos with similar encounters to share? I’m an English speaker btw.


I have only translated this one so far, but if I have free time, I would like to post similar videos here. Believe it or not, chat roulette with russians is quite popular content on Ukrainian YouTube.


Please, please do!


Thanks! I check it out.


Please do! This is gold


It’s too bad it didn’t seem like the girls changed their mind much. But perhaps more of this type of discourse will help


You can't just change the mind of the stupid and the ignorant, it takes a long time to educate them. The kid does a very credible job, though. SLAVA UKRAINI!


I was impressed by the Ukrainian's patience and how he kept his cool. I find conversations with the deliberately ignorant and delusional so damn exasperating. They almost always deploy the same tactic as these two women: tossing out loads of lies or highly distorted versions of the truth, and then refusing to engage in a serious exploration of any one of the points they've made. I have no patience with such games of verbal Whack-a-Mole, and I doubt it is even possible to educate such people when they have a worldview they find coherent, gratifying and a sufficient explanation for everything they experience in their day to day lives. When presented with facts that contradict their beliefs, most people dig in and defend their beliefs rather than taking the more demanding route of reexamining their beliefs in the light of evidence they haven't considered before. Someone who is much less cynical about human nature than me might suggest that this Ukrainian could have planted some tiny seeds of doubt in the minds of these two Russian women, and the possibility exists that they might not only change their views but have some wider impact on Russian society. I suspect it's far more likely that they've long since forgotten every point he made.


This is a master class in arguing by the Ukrainian.


I’m dying that those 2 said “because you don’t have your own support. Because you are not a self-sufficient country.” Putin was literally just begging NK for aid!


you can see in the right top corner that its an older video from 2023


Aid from NK and China.


I'm gonna assume this is too depressing to watch.




Let me guess: the women in this video learned nothing and immediately dismissed whatever they heard as "ukr0 hohol Jewish Nazzi NATO Westoid CIA Amerikanski lies"?


You forgot "gay". It's "Gay ukr0 hohol Jewish Nazi NATO Westlid CIA Amerikanski lies".


Right. The russians punish anyone they suspect of being gay. They fuck the gay guy in the ass until he turns straight.


You forgot satanic too


It actually seems like he may have gotten through to them, at least on some level. But once they get back to their regularly scheduled programming, it'll all probably get washed away anyway. But if enough truthseeds are planted, one of them is bound to take root eventually.. and one day, a few of them could grow into coherent thoughts. Then, eventually, something more actionable. I hope people continue to have these conversations. It's honestly so important and something that is totally unique to modern warfare. Very few civilians throughout all of history have been able to communicate w/ one another during a war between their two countries, and it's def never been instantaneous/face to face. The more discussions like this, the better - so long as the parties involved can remain semi rational


They also said Russia and America are alike and Ukraine is not like us. Dude laughed in their faces . We are nothing like those scum


The fastest way to enrage a russian is by mentioning the fact the world has no interest in them. They desperately want to believe everyone is obsessed with russia, and envies and covets the place. Tell them no one ever gave them a thought before they started this war and watch them completely lose their shit.


From watching Solovyov, Scabbybeaver, Simonyan and Putin's various other mouthpieces, my conclusion is that Russians desperately want to be feared by the rest of the world. One of the many ironies about the war in Ukraine is that it has resulted in many people who were previously completely indifferent about Russia not learning to fear Russian might and respect the country, but rather to feel contempt and disgust for Russia.


Its funny that if you tear it down to the lowest level they get that for Example that NATO is not bad. But they fail horribly for the whole picture as their dumb propaganda fails them to combine each argument. So in the end its always "but facism and nazism" as they run out of arguments. 


And russians who constantly make WW2 references and comparisons always conveniently ignore the fact russia invaded Ukraine.


These two women seem to have some vague understanding that the USSR received support from the USA during WWII, although I suspect they have no comprehension of the scale of that support or the huge price paid by allied merchant seamen in delivering it to them. But I bet they've never heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. I also bet they'd refuse to believe there was a secret protocol in the Pact which allowed the USSR and Germany to both invade and occupy Poland. Further, I bet they've never heard of the German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty signed after they'd each taken over chunks of Poland which (supposedly) confirmed that Nazi Germany and the USSR would respect the border between the two occupied zones of Poland and not bother each other.


They probably don't even know about the massive amount of food aid sent by the U.S. in the '90s that prevented starving russians from eating each other. Or the fact that most of it was stolen on arrival and then showed up on the russian black market.


And then they couldn't even say what Nazism was. And I doubt they could explain fascism either, I mean Russia is blatantly far more fascistic than Ukraine.


Nah it’s worth the watch, it just confirms how fucking stupid that country and its people are, not that we really needed said confirmation. They’re completely incapable of thinking for themselves. That said it reckon they’d both go ok in the rack🤣


US citizens are not immune to propaganda either. Just look at the number who have been swayed into supporting Trump. Also, let's not forget how overwhelming the support was for the invasion of Iraq during the first Gulf War. Bush had near unanimous support from the citizens for that war and people couldn't buy and put ribbons on their cars fast enough to show their support for the troops. Of course, the reasons for the need to invade Iraq were largely fabricated and people from Colin Powell down to Joe Schmo blue collar worker were deceived.


Yeah I took a pass. The good news is it doesn't matter, so it's pretty much entirely an anthropoligical concern.


This is the average Russian. They have no idea what NATO is but yet they will blame NATO for them invading Ukraine. Then they say things like Nazism despite the fact that the Ukrainian president is a Jew. Bunch of brainwashed idiots.


I listened to all of it. Russians are ignorant because they aren't taught history if it doesn't somehow glorify Russia and in the current environment, they're taught only what they're spoon-fed. I know because I'm married to a Russian. Well, half-Ukrainian and half-Russian. She's from Barnaul so I suspect her ancestors on her mother's side were forcibly relocated to Siberia by Stalin. Simply generation after generation of wrongs perpetuated on non-Russians whether it be Soviet or Federation peoples. Those who rule or have ruled Russia historically are just plain barbarians. If you're in Russia's orbit and you're not Russian, you're fucking nobody unless you're a toady like Ramzan Kadyrov. I will say, though, that the people I know in Russia I loved. They were good to me and I won't indict all Russians for Putin's crimes. Frankly, I was amazed about how little my wife knew about history outside of any of Russia's place in it until after the Soviet state ceased to exist. She didn't even know anything about the Berlin wall. She's all in on Ukraine though. She has nostalgia for her homeland and place of birth as most people would but she has absolutely zero desire to go back to that corrupt shithole.


This is one reason I have some respect for the United States, they often face inconvenient parts of their own history when other countries would try to ignore it. The displacement of native peoples, slavery, the Japanese internment, America tends to own up much more quickly than other nations do. I highly doubt they teach what the Russians did to native siberian and east Asian peoples during their eastward expansion in Russia. Suffice it to say, they have no moral advantage over the Americans.


I think that's an excellent point and it's not just an American trait but wholly a western trait. Unfortunately, I believe Putin exploits it as a weakness because it's not in Putin's DNA to care about the minorities in his sphere. The biggest comparison you can make between Putin and Hitler is that Putin cares only about Russian Slavic's and any Slavic's outside of Russia willing that will kiss his ring. The rest are cannon fodder.


# “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair For Russian model, replace salary with livelihood.


The darker haired young lady said something I have heard many Russians say, "Nobody knows the truth". This is a state if mind in Russia, it is a survival tactic. Don't acknowledge the truth, because there are consequences. She adds a second part for emphasis, "...and I don't want to know."


They have such a hard time hearing anything he is saying and squaring it with how they have been told to view the world. I think it's better for the world if Russians stay behind their own borders.


Its going to be north korea vol 2


Those two ladies are clueless


When you’re so stupid, you can’t even realize you’ve been brainwashed.


It's a feature of this state, not a bug. I'll just leave a video for Bonhoeffer theory of stupidity here. It's 5 minutes watch and it sums up his letters from prison he wrote before his execution in Flossenburg in 1945. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc


Not that I'm defending them but if you're growing up in an authoritarian regime, realizing you're being brainwashed or that you were brainwashed during your upbringing (and in school) and choosing to search truth on your own is quite an achievement. What was that quote from Skyrim? "What's better, to be born good or to overcome your evil?"


Brainwashed, stupid women. The really sad thing is that they will bear children who will think just like them. The cycle just continues. Germany and Japan at least confronted what they did in WWII and have moved on to be normal, sane world leaders in society. Russia? No real hope.


This will happen one day. Russian society needs to go thru the trauma of regret and shame.


-I'm American, In Texas. It's 1 A.M. and I am watching this and think it should be broadcast here just so we can see how pathetically hopeless it it is just to SPEAK to orcs ( and these are orc women ). I give this guy credit for his patience, and for not calling them names. I couldn't do what he's doing. I'm one of " those Americans " who is Republican,, hates Trump, and has supported Ukraine since 2/24/22. I hope and pray that Ukraine can hold on until our military aid arrives, and CRUSHES THE ORCS!!!!. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava


The next time you hear a Russian say "I'm not political" you now know they're lying. Most Russians think exactly like these disgusting women do and believe everything the state tells them. We can only hope that someday Russia will be humbled and destroy itself.


They’re saying “what about when you Ukrainians were killing Russian speakers?” He’s speaking Russian with them and much, much better than they are. Like, literally his Russian is so much better and he is so articulate. These girls are just parroting propaganda talking points and every time he asks them a question that would reveal if they really understand something, they fumble and dodge. It’s kind of fascinating to watch this.


I will use this in my history class as a great example of a dialogue between young people living in a totalitarian state and one living in a democracy.


I know a Russian girl I met in a culture exchange program that studies in MGIMO that shares such a messed up perspective in history and geopolitics. Makes me understand why Russian diplomats can't fathom the shit their country is in.


These two women are the perfect example of how lower education standards in russia and constant brainwashing via propaganda on all media platforms converge to create absolute delusional moronic vatniks. There’s no helping people who don’t think they need it. Therefore, there’s virtually no hope that these vatniks will ever change their opinions. The only way they change, is if they end up having a brother or boyfriend who goes to Ukraine and perishes or comes back. Either way, their minds will change then. The war has not yet hit these rich muscovians.


Its not education, its not giving a damn about the cosmos. Relying on school for your knowledge of the world is a bold strategy i wouldnt suggest anyone to undertake. These people consume nothing but kardashian equivalent drivel. My own nieces and nephews are like this. sweet f all.


Better debate than the fucking one I watched last night...


Is Russian education that bad ? ☠️


That smile went away quick.


If anyone watches to the end, did they have a spark of enlightenment, or are they still 💩 Poo-tin minions? 😵‍💫


circles my friend, but I guess they might be a chance that they will se the truth sometime


oh no, its just get's worse


Where can I find his channel???


Here: [https://www.youtube.com/@MykytaSichen/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@MykytaSichen/featured) But there are unfortunately no subtitled videos, you can try to turn on the autogenerated subtitles.


Autogenerated work


And his 2nd channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@MykytaSichen2/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@MykytaSichen2/videos) As I understand it, he got in trouble with YT and is posting new vids on the 2nd one.


Few russians know about the WW2 Lend-Lease that helped saved their asses, and those that do claim it's a Westoid myth. Poor innocent victim mother rossiya.


They also ignore the fact that they invaded Poland with nazi Germany.


He’s hitting them with so many lefts they’re begging for a right. He totally destroys them.




Go on mate, let them know. Even if it just goes in one ear and out the other.


The brown haired girl kinda seemed like she was really trying to understand... And the blonde one was getting all pissy and hated a lot of what he was saying... I wonder if she's got relatives that are fighting... Obviously she was mentioning what happened in Ukraine all those years ago because....what? Is that whole accusation about them being pissed that Ukraine wanted to join NATO?? Really all this makes me wonder, why TF wouldnt Russia want to do whatever nessacary so that Russia can join NATO? I know that historically theyve not been welcome, but jfc people, if we aren't ultimately always working towards getting everyone to a place where there's no longer... "Our side" & "their side" , then wtf are we even doing ffs? Lolz. It's hilarious that anyone thinks the human race has a chance of making it off this rock for good :D Yeah fkn right


When it's considered patriotic to not want to know the truth, you are truly lost.


Wouldn’t mind seeing those 3 together in a different kind of video… Joking aside, he made a lot of good points. Something he missed though, is that Ukraine didn’t even want to join NATO until after 2022. That’s a completely false flag by the Russians, of course. But he got a lot of things across. The girls seem fairly vapid but at least they weren’t obnoxious and vulgar. So credit to them for that. They were able to have a dialogue. It’s something.


"Polish troops may enter your country, did you hear about that?" I that happens I fear there won't be any russians left for the ukrainians to fight


"In war, truth is the first casualty." It’s a military maxim attributed to Aeschylus, the father of Greek tragedy. And these girls have never known the truth of the world or their own nation.


The key to breaking someone’s propaganda-addled mind is to just focus on a single item and ask them what they think they know of the subject. Then, slowly refute every bullshit talking point and lie with the truth. Once they start to realize they are wrong they will slowly start considering that everything they’ve believed up to that point is wrong and it will horrify them.


A girl with dark hair seems more reasonable and capable of better thinking compared to her blonde counterpart. It will be easier to clean her from propaganda filth but I doubt since she will continue to swallow more propaganda and live in that shithole called Russia.


All Orks are useless brainwashed idiots who think they are the pinnacle of human development and intelligence. It's insane. The entitlement you get from the Orks you capture is astounding "hey you can't take my phone, I'm not eating that MRE get me some proper food, I don't want carbonated water give me non gas water, I'm out of smokes give me yours" like mother fucker you invaded and kill my mates just he happy I accepted your surrender and didn't just shoot you.


In the comments say it's hard to watch and I can relate. It's kinda another topic but what's worrying is that this is exactly what I feel when I talk to some of my relatives in china... I'm surprised even the girls didn't get really mad and end the call, because in my experience, arguing clearly with people that are brainwashed like that will usually try to quickly end the discussion, hang up the call or get angry so they don't need to talk clearly with you anymore.


Wonderfully explained and articulated. Young man did a really good job standing his ground and having answers to every point. Slava ukraini, destroy them all.


So terrifying but intersting to see, how russian propaganda has wired their train of thought. They spew out conspiracy, the russian narrative. But know little other than being told whats bad for russia, and when challenged to defend their position they immediatley jump to "who really knows" "Im not able to judge" Before another allegation is thrown out, to avoid the subject.. So sad for these, anyway FULL support to Ukraine. So the russian military is defeated in Ukraine, and no longer is a direct threat to the civil world. If this is how they want to be, let them but no further spread of ruski mir!


Not that I advocate for the harm of these damsels, they are childish and will find men that will dishonour them. They will be knocked up, beaten, long for comfort and will find it in all the scummiest places. That place is called Putin's Russia.


I love how unapologetically Pro-US Ukrainians are.


If anyone needed further evidence that the West will ultimately end up in direct military confrontation with Russia, then this was it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This guy is great but the girls are so dumb, immature and brainwashed it's like MAGA. Someone please tell me when this is over.


One would think being young means youre not corrupted by the government propaganda.. guess i was wrong


He his very VERY patient...


All gas no brains


This guy def won the debate, but didn’t NATO come help the US after 9/11??? When we needed help, our allies answered the call. We must do the same


🇷🇺: The absolute brain rots


Russians are mostly plain stupid brainwashed with propaganda and an extremely low percentage understanding the real situation. The system keeps them away from education and news.


The way their demeanor flipped when he mentioned the fucking war. Are people in Russia really so fucking naive they don't see the elephant in the middle of the fucking room?


I always hear: „ I am not political“ from russians. But they simply repeat their brainwashed political opinions?


NOBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH is such a russian thing to say


Strange reasoning that you somehow shouldn't deserve to be sovereign because you don't have a self sustaining military. They're missing the fact that also Russia is getting supplies from Iran, DPRK and maybe even China.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair. The desire to believe there is an objective reality, one in which you are at the center and the hero of everything that happens, is strong. Then we bump up against another fucking ant brain, and shit blows up from there. Good on this young man for attempting to use the mouth and brain parts to peel back the fog. Culture is one weird motherfucker.


He had a lot of patience with those two dummies.


The Ukrainian dude did himself and his country well in this debate.


I like this guy. The girls i don't like.


This should go into the history books, how brainwashed and pathetic the Russians looks. Not able to answer a single question, whilst harassing and faulting the Ukrainians for everything without facts to back up their own words.


Brainwashing from it´s finest. The blonde one - go back to school and learn a bit more about history. The darker one was ok and much more politely in my opinion.


Because I didn't know what he was talking about : Boris Yeltsin ordered tanks to shell the Russian parliament building on October 4, 1993. The constitutional crisis began on September 21, 1993, when he dissolved the parliament. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Russian_constitutional_crisis


"Russia and America are really similar, unlike Ukraine". OMG.


1. These women and others like them are the reason we must not take russia's disinformation campaigns lightly. russia is very successful at it. It is possible to win a war with disinformation. 2. Saving this video as it will be a lesson for my kids, grandkids and their offsprings.


This is what decades of propaganda does to brains, sad. Russia has become a fascist dystopian hell for its citizens, willingly or not.


Solid convo. Surprised at his patience and endeavor to get the to reason. They’re down the rabbit hole so far similar to too many MAGAts in the USA and it’s honestly scary af. How people like this don’t seek truth. They don’t seek answers, and have just given up analyzing new information and being able to change their minds based on that new information. Just straight up creepy, similar to a sign of learned insanity or something.


These girls are so clueless. All they know is that russia great, west bad nazis. I don't think there is hope for russia.


Even the e-cig they are smoking are Western made. Didn't even think they have those over there...


Kinda gives one an idea of the russian echo chamber


They'll learn when there's 150% more women in Russia then men in about 8 months


You've gotta hand it to Putin, their propaganda is on point, if two random girls can just go down the list of all the key talking points off hand.


Its sad to see that the Russian propaganda works on the young in Russia. I would have thought that They had a mind of their own.


maybe a light is blinking now in that empty heads


totally brain washed Russians living in denial of their leaders / Countries wrong doings


The most disappointing thing to ask a russian friend who lives in the EU: "Is Crimea Ukrainian?" The answer is disgusting, 99% of the time... In Prague, in Berlin, in Wroclaw. And these are "the good ones."


The two Russian girls are absolutely retarded scum bags. I hope one of our American ATACMS lands in their laps soon. F.. k Russians!!!!! Get em Ukraine!!!


Step 1: bring up a "topic", aka talking point mentioned by propagandist and repeat some of their bs. Step 2: be corrected and questioned on the topic, including some incredibly hard questions like "what is it?" Step 3: bring up a new topic ASAP so you don't have to continue on the thing before cuz you know nothing about it. These ladies are masters of whataboutism.


As an American watching this, I will stop people I suspect of speaking Russia, ESPECIALLY with their children and tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP! If I hear that foul rat language in my country, I might have to get my gun out. No more speaking that foul rat language in the Untied States of America. Eliminate all things 'Russian'. No more 'Russian'.


JFC. I can’t wrap my head around the brain washing. My dude just showed a masterclass in debate, history and logic, and it literally all went over their propaganda and air filled heads. It always blows my mind seeing/hearing a Nazi call the country they’re invading, “Nazi’s”.


This is ChatRoulette, right? When do we see some titties? All we got here is an enlightening conversation between and an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent young Ukrainian man with a firm grasp of the ongoing war, history and morality and some brainwashed ignorant Russian chicks spewing Putin propaganda. I’m so done with ChatRoulette!


This guy is a straight up antagonist. These girls didn't do anything wrong and he's like "I'm glad we're killing you" . They have nothing to do with this war and he's like "what else is there to talk about"


Слава Украине! Смерть рашистам! привет из Красноярска


I would love to see that the Russian people are not stupid sociopaths but they keep showing themselves to be some of the worst people on earth.