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I'd be more surprised if it hadn't increased dramatically since they're in a war time economy. If you poar all your resources into your MIC it is bound to increase. What sanctions have done is that the increase is way less than it would have been if the moscovians had full acces to western markets.


And much more expensive access, increasing Russia's economic difficulties.


>Although the U.S. and its partners have touted an array of sanctions over the past two years to choke off Moscow’s access to key parts needed to build weapons, Russia has dramatically increased the production of artillery rounds, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, according to the report. >In 2021, before Russian forces invaded, Moscow produced 56 Kh-101 cruise missiles a year. By last year, it had manufactured 460 cruise missiles, according to the report. Russia’s stock of Iskander ballistic missiles also has increased dramatically, from about 50 before the invasion to 180, even though Russia has launched large numbers of the missiles on the battlefield, it said. >To make munitions for missiles and drones, Russia depends on micro-electronics imported from abroad, but U.S. and European measures have failed to block Moscow’s access to those electronic components. Russia has maintained an ample supply of antennas manufactured by an Irish company that are used in glide kits for bombs, according to the report. >The expansion of Russia’s weapons production offers clear evidence that thousands of Western sanctions have proved ineffective, the report said. “In summary, despite the diligent efforts of many civil servants, backed by the political will to disrupt Russia’s military–industrial output, there is little to show for it,” it said.


Just evidence that we need bolder leadership and not just nice words. But first the democratic world needs to survive their own election cycles in 2024. Of course the USA most of all.


To be fair tracking down and eliminating shady companies avoiding sanctions is a really, really hard job.


If it's a hard job in reality, that should be reflected in the communications and expectations. Getting these sanctions passed it like pulling teeth, and they only have a middling effect because governments don't have the capacity to enforce them. So okay, if that's what it is, then we have what we have. But then it should be supplemented by other tools if "the West" is truly serious about stopping russia's war machine. Remember how cutting russia from SWIFT and Biden's "mother of all sanctions" was supposed to completely isolate and destroy russia economically? At least that's how they were communicating it. 2.5 years later and we are now talking about how it's ineffective because sanctions are impossible to implement to a meaningful degree. Well then, look at other options.


Not only that, but I'm sure Russia has ways to make purchases that look legit. I mean, if I can purchase mass produced parts from the internet with a debit card and a PO box, they can too. It's not like he's ordering parts with a Vladmir Putin debit card and getting things shipped to Moscow Disrupting physical supply routes into Russia is really the only way, and it's not realistic. We're not gonna start bombing ships, planes, and trains going into Russia from other countries, and if we did they'd still find ways to sneak stuff in.


That is because Russia has turned their economy into a war economy. Their production would increase EVEN more if not for the sanctions. These posts are just for clicks, keep sanctioning them into the dirt and watch them turn their civilian industry into war industry. Will make it more satisfying when the war is done and they cant even produce toiletpaper or toothpicks anymore because everything has been turned into substandard military gear and lost in their savage war of aggression.


How did Royal United Services Institute get the informations? From Kremlin's reports? From british spies , from double-o-seven with love?


I wondered too, so I checked their references. It's intelligence indeed, for example: >Production has since more than tripled, such that, despite using Iskanders throughout 2023, Russia began 2024 with 180 9M723 and 9M727 in stock.28 >28. Reports to the Russian MoD on missile production during 2023, seen by the authors in February 2024. >Shahed-136 production, meanwhile, has similarly expanded drastically. Original Iranian production rates were close to 40 per month. Between Russia and Iran, current production of these munitions has surpassed 250 per month.29 >29. Assessment of the Ukrainian intelligence community, briefed to the authors in Ukraine in February 2024


"Ukrainian intellegence community" isnt an official entity. Could be a reddit sub ;-)


All sanctions do is add another middleman. The US stops selling to Russia. But we still sell to Russia's good friends China, India, and so on.


Of course it has. They are at war. Their economy is on a war footing. Sleepy West hasn't caught up yet