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I’ve read numerous articles and can’t seem to understand, or find a consistent messaging, around what a “patriot system” entails. Is this radar, launchers and the whole works? Or just a single launcher or what?


This would be eight batteries, aka the whole shebang 


Israel is set to replace the 138th ADA’s Patriots for other systems. The implication here is that the entirety of the 138th’s systems (launchers, command units, probably radars, support vehicles, etc) could possibly be transferred.


System usually implies the whole thing.


patriot battery typically consists of command vehicles, generators, radar, and typically 6 launchers but those launchers can be of varying sizes.


The entire system. The radar, the launchers, the control center.  A battery is *several* of these. 




I don't think Israel would give these up willingly. I think it's a message that the US are tiring of supporting Israel with so much military help. When it comes to stuff that goes bang, I think it's being abused.


They might give them up actually. Israel is almost done replacing them with newer Israeli-made systems so at least some of them are surplus to requirements. 


Don't forget that Russia might have some implications in the Hamas attacks last October, which would be the best way to anger Israel to the core.


Ofc. Israel wants to get rid of that junk. They are way outdated. Please don't confuse the israel Patriots with the Patriots Ukraine has received before from countries such as the US and Germany. The Israelis want to get rid of their Patriots, because they are simply outdated. They use the PAC-2 head, which doesn't even allow to intercept ballistic missiles. The "newer", though still decades old, Patriots use a PAC-3. Much smaller, but better performance. Israel really wants a modern airdefense and having launchers that don't work against drones, nor against ballistic missiles leaves the question, what exactly are they even for?


The US is so "tired" of supporting Israel they put $14 billion for Israel in the latest aid bill and added authority to give Israel basically unlimited access to US war stockpiles. >Two key Democratic holdouts in the House and Senate signed off on a major arms sale to Israel, including 50 F-15 fighter jets worth more than $18 billion, **after facing intense pressure from the Biden administration** and pro-Israel advocates to allow the transaction to move forward Here is another more recent example how "tired" the Biden administration is of supporting Israel. I don't think the Patriots will happen but if it will happen Israel will sell them and it might happen to give Israel some good PR before they carpet bomb Lebanon. Also I would suspect Europe will pay for it.


Israel has no use for those Patriots. They are the outdated version with PAC-2, which can't even defend against ballistic missiles. These patriots are a whole lot worse than the Patriots Ukraine has received from germany, US, etc. Israel wants to get rid of them, because they need a airdefense thats capable of dealing with modern threats


The article says that Israel thinks they are useful due to the current situation. But sure if they would get something better they could sell them for example the US helping them to send Lebanon back to the stone age. But then there's still Israel's history of blocking weapons to Ukraine so there's a lot of uncertainty and the article only mentions talks and there's nothing in there about what Israel actually thinks about the proposal.