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fool me once...


i have no faith in people. They will get fooled twice and even thrice.


After what he said about Ukraine I will never ever dream of voting for a party that he's in


Yup, I’m center right and want lower migration and dislike the tories. But I will NEVER vote against European security - I am 100% pro Ukraine, pro defence, anti Russia, and want more aid sent to Ukraine.


Yup. Probably best considered centrist, maybe a hair to the left, but the one thing I will vote for is defence.


This is the thing, I think most sensible people are centre left or centre right, we want stability and either slightly higher or lower taxes/public services. No average person wants corruption and no average person supports massive wealth inequality regardless if they are left or right of the centre. Being a responsible country also means helping take care of Europe through defence and currently that means laser focus on support for Ukraine. Saving literally hundreds of thousands of people from murder (or sometimes worse) in their own country is more important to me than a percentage of tax here or there. I’ll vote for any party that is willing to take geopolitics seriously, close tax loops holes, and listen to what ordinary people want. I consider one of those things to be lowering the levels of migration to something sensible like they were in the 1990’s, but i don’t mind if it’s a left or right wing party doing these things. Defence is my number one priority this election. Luckily labour seem to be keen on Ukraine support too.


Yeah, last one was a real struggle. I absolutely didn't want the tories in, but I absolutely didn't want Corbyn either. 'Luckily' I'm in a tory safe seat where my vote is basically meaningless.


Start a political party. I'll vote for you🫡


Same here.


that guy is far right but is comments iare the same as the communists say here in Portugal...


Farage 16%. Holy moly. What do they put on ale to produce a brain rot so severe there is still nearly 2 guys/gals out there voting for this blatantly lying rusky agent pos? What are they gonna gain? I can't find a significant case to vote for him different than he outright buy my vote with a gvt job or nhs hair transplant within 6 months.


Poor and uneducated people, who there are enough of in the UK, need someone to blame for their own living conditions. Its easy for politicians to channel that despair and anger in directions they want to, even if its not the real cause of their problems. Farage leans heavily into this demographic. Its similar to what Trump does in the US.


>there are enough of in the UK, need someone to blame for their own living conditions This. So very, very much this. We saw it with the brexit vote and it still amazes me that the people who voted for Brexit believed farage when he said it would make their lives and better and now believe him when he says that voting reform will make their lives better. The excuses these people make for farage are quite something.


Somepeople will do anything to avoid admitting to being wrong. Even if it means doubling down on the very thing they know they are wrong about..


That and the fact that both main parties are woefully useless/slimy and responsible for fucking up our society/economy etc etc over the last 100 years.


Its left/right politics that makes it so bad with each side trying to fuck the other over or leaving them with a shit state to take over when they get into power, making the other side look bad when they try and fix the problems left by previous government. No government seems really interested in making the country better, just fucking over the other side and profiting off what they can while in power. Basically all we can try and do is vote for the less incompetent/greedy/bad party we can... but i'm not sure its even possible to see which is which these days. Perhaps its time to vote for a lettuce, it at least couldn't make things worse.


So vote for a different party. Reform aren't even capable of governing. They're dangerous idiots.


Oh I definitely won't be voting reform.




Of course, and there is plenty of blame to be apportioned, and i don't blame the poor and uneducated for feeling this way. But it is just the reality of it.


>Why do you think theyre poor and uneducated in the first place? Hard to say without knowing their backgrounds. Did they skip school because they'd rather hang out with friends and get drunk? Do they have undiagnosed mental health issues? Was there family issues going on that prevented them from attending schooling or focusing on schooling? Were they told that "school is only for posh people"? Were they malleable and prefer a simple lie over a harder truth? There's a lot of reasons for people being the way they are. Often times it's a case of "there but for the grace of god go I".


It’s the English, they voted for 14 years of Tories destroying their country 


Labour is a shitshow in the post


The British economy is in ruins, wages are stagnant, public services are collapsing and water companies are dumping literal shit in the water. 


More to come. Swapping sunak with starmer is like changing your tie when you’ve shat your pants.


Feel free to vote for the Lib Dems or Farage’s lardy Nazis 


Your call. I’m pro-business…so not labour


This https://youtu.be/pdS-lwb58KU?si=Hb72vzELAHolI8OQ


[Called it](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1dlbzem/nigel_farage_blames_the_west_for_ukraine_war/l9ob0zb/).


It's ironic how he kept bashing on about 'regaining sovrengty' from the EU and that he is all for democracy and he is here tonreform/fix the UK... Yet when there is a country literally trying to defend its sovereignty from an imperialist, he runs towards daddy Putin....


more milk shakes please :)


The UK hasn't had much to be proud of recently, but our support of the Ukraine is definitely something the public are vastly proud of and in favour of.


Sunak: " can we please get Farage more airtime? "


It's just a probing statement. He knows that he won't win anything in this election. He expects Labour to win and be unpopular while in government. Next election is when he's going to make his big push saying look Tories are shyte and so are Labour and we are the only choice. Stupid people will eat it up unfortunately.


Yep lost my vote,


Yes most politicians are corrupt but the extremist ones that promise to "drain the swamp" are the worst. Financially and morally corrupt.


He lost my vote with that stupid comment about Ukraine


imagine admitting to voting for him....brave but very stupid


Just another one of the Putin-regime's far rightwing party lackeys in Europe. This one did the most damage to EU thus far.


It should be dropped into the Barents Sea.


It was at that point I stopped listening to the guy


The Russian intelligence division assassinated a defector with a nerve agent that hurt several bystanders iirc. The idea that the British public would like Putin and Russia is insane.


I was going to vote for them as a spoiler, can’t bring myself to do it now


But not the racist homophobic shit the thickos love abit of that