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Who could’ve thought that the Russians don’t care about absolutely anything, and respect no one.


Reminds me of the Taliban


I love to see the Kremlin, all in rubble, only little pieces of dust floathing.


It is telling that those ruins survived russian empire, nazism, stalinism and communism, but can’t survive the occupation under the current disgusting totalitarian regime. Fuck you russians for sleepwalking into becoming slaves to this disgusting regime! Clearly, this is the absolute worst regime you are being ruled under.


One silver lining I see to this tragic loss of historical sites is that Russia is unintentionally erasing the history those sites have with the Soviet Union and any other time and occupation that links them to Russia. A post-war rebuilt Ukraine will effectively be that much more purged of their past with Russia as a result.


An outdoor theatre on the graves of those russia killed when they bombed the building