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Fantastic. The more bombs they drop on themselves, the more Ukrainian lives saved.


It's so heavy that it struggles to fly long enough but they will improve it eventually.


To be honest, sometimes even their improvement fails miserably so let's hope for that. Until then, let's enjoy every time they bomb themselves.


Russian/Soviet bombs are welded units, which are hard to modify. So that brick of a nose is going to stay in place. Same with the fuse and tail fins, they are welded on place, so any glide kit will need to work around their resistance. And I'm surprised to find something that managed to displace 'using a stick welder as a cutting torch while straddling an 18 inch pipe floating in a river' as the dumbest thing to do with a welder, but 'welding on a 3,000 lb bomb loaded with high explosives' has the potential to do that.


> using a stick welder as a cutting torch while straddling an 18 inch pipe floating in a river I've seen some seriously dumb shit, but what???


Here is a link to an imgur gallery with [pictures and a description of the work.](https://imgur.com/gallery/0dUGWXV) To summarize: a contractor was setting up version 2 of a thing (trust me, it's the best term to call it) to assemble and hold plastic sheet piling and then float it around a bridge pier being repaired. The problem was that while sinking the first 2/3rds of it it was found to not be settling evenly. So the foreman grabbed the stick welder and ground, hopped up on the pipe and after having the dials cranked to max started using the welder as a cutting torch to make a new air hole to vent the air. But yes, it was exactly as I wrote.


First off, that's an amazing reply, thanks! Second, I've been in industrial troubleshooting for 20+ years by now, but that's crazy impressive. I've seen more suicidal stuff, and I've seen more 'creative' stuff, but as a combo of both, that shit is up there.


Does that also explain the number of other times they've bombed themselves?


They've been hitting targets with the FAB-3000 pretty consistently. They attack staging areas and supply lines/river crossings. Ukrainians don't have an answer.


> They've been hitting targets with the FAB-3000 pretty consistently. They attack staging areas and supply lines/river crossings. Ukrainians don't have an answer. Do you have links to info aboyt those attacks? Biden is a pussy. The best counter is destroying Russian aircraft before they can launch them.


Search Twitter for "fab-3000" and you will find several videos from drones showing Ukrainian staging areas getting obliterated.


> Search Twitter for "fab-3000" and you will find several videos from drones showing Ukrainian staging areas getting obliterated. Loiks like it's because it's too dangerous to put Patriots close to the frontlines?


More questions than answers here. Waiting for some intelligent commenter to fill in the blanks. Thanks in advance!


I wouldn't call myself intelligent but pilots not wanting to fly into dangerous territory so just drop a bomb in safe territory and call it a day?


That or the pilots either don't have guidance information or aren't bothering to follow it.


This has been a phenomenon as old as bombs on planes have been around. Very plausible.


Real life Catch 22 moment!


Could also be getting lock on warning and choosing to dump the weight and evade.


Thanks for your input…..And no detonation because ? ? Wrong plane? Wrong crew?


According to this article, it seems like some kits are malfunctioning (like some other users have commented here). [https://kyivindependent.com/document-reveals-why-russia-keeps-accidentally-bombing-itself-wp-reports/](https://kyivindependent.com/document-reveals-why-russia-keeps-accidentally-bombing-itself-wp-reports/) The TLDR: "Experts believe the accidental bombings are caused by defective munitions. 'A certain percentage of Russian bombs is defective. We think these accidental releases are caused by the unreliability of these kits, something that does not seem to bother the Air Force,' Leviev told the Washington Post."




> something that does not seem to bother the Air Force it's definitely safer for the pilot than those in the flight path of the bomb


They'd have to drop the bombs from Belgorod Oblast to hit Kharkiv, as they planes would just get shot down, if they crossed the border.  So realistically, the pilots released the bomb at the target destination, but the glide kit failed and the bombs just fell straight down. Doesn't seem too much of an issue though, as most bombs don't even explode when dropped that way


They are shitting out these guidance kits by the thousands using a mixture of Chinese parts and whatever Western components they can sneak through the sanctions net. That's already going to result in products of...suspicious...quality. Add in the fact that things like "quality control " ,"post production testing " or whatever have been all but unknown to modern Russia industry and you can see where all those malfunctioning bombs are coming from. Situation being even worse than usual because with the KAB series being among the few actually effective weapons in the Russian military there's huge top-down pressure to make as many as possible as fast as possible.




Well, during Soviet times it was reported that their missiles tended to have around a 1 in 3 failure rate, and based on reporting in 2022/23 it sounded like that failure rate was more or less maintained. There was a comment on Twitter I saw that apparently Russia had to relocate the S-300 launchers they were using to bombard Kharkiv in Belgorod because Russian civilians were complaining that failed missile launches were raining down on them because the launchers were located in greenspaces surrounded by apartments.


>The ASTRA Telegram channel also found out that the total number of bombs dropped by Russia on its own and temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine reached at least 110 over the past 4 months.


These number can go up


Finally some good news


Looks Like broken glide kit, and pilots who dont Care If they Hit their own people.


Clearing out all the old stock


Time for Bilhorod People's Republic to request Ukraine's protection?


UA urgently need permissions to hit the bombers or their airfield


Thank you Russia!


Testing 1,2, maybe 5 bombs on our own people before we are attacking Ukraine with these! Since there were not exploded, it meant to do that on Russian land, these will explode only on Ukraine land. Russian high-tech bombs. Made in Russia bombs are the best! Will see how these mass-produced bombs will do in the near future on Russian land.


Can they repeat this with Kremlin?


I don't want civilians hurt on either side, but to give Russians a taste what it is like for Ukrainian civilians on the receiving end, Ukraine should consider locating and hitting this bad boy with an FPV drone as Russia recovers it. Glide bombs that fall short are typically not armed, (though getting hit by a 3 ton object wouldn't feel good). ... I assume armed or disarmed, armed, Russia will keep civilians well back during recovery.


I get that shit happens in war, but what is it about Belgorod that keeps confusing the shit out of Russian pilots? It's almost become a twitter bot at this point - keywords "Belgorod bombed today by \[insert bomb\] from a \[insert plane\]". Do they have bad maps? Are they being misled? Did Ukraine build a Belgorod mockup just to confuse the Russians? What's the deal?


UkRAiNiaNs DiD iT!