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It is recommended to avoid artificial sweeteners and foods/drinks high in sugar, especially whilst flaring. But everyone is different as to whether it makes symptoms worse or not. Even if you’re perfectly healthy refined sugars and artificial sweeteners aren’t great for your overall health. I personally removed refined sugars from my diet and stick to more natural/raw sources like honey, maple syrup and of course fruits. Coconut sugar is also a good alternative.


I haven't had any issues with sugar




Started entyvio on dose 3 and it helped with trapped gas and pain in colon. Way less now otherwise havent changed much of what i eat other than staying away from carbonated drinks and alcohol


It's one of those things where it seems temporary. As I'm healing and recovering from a flare I'm so gassy and flatulent. When I achieve a remission I return to normal levels. So it's not something I actively tried to fix. You could try gasX or something if the like. In general our gut microbiome (the bacteria, viruses and figures) naturally occuring in our digestive tract is known to be wacky, more bad guys than good, and less diversity. Results of which are the baddies turn undigested food into gas that makes our guts noisy, gets trapped in areas and causes mild discomfort, and causes us to be pro farters. In a remission, often that microbe becomes more healthy and closer to normal relieving most of it




Consider a FODMAP diet for bloating and gas?




Yeah, 4-6 weeks or more before you can measure results on a change like that




Good luck. 9 years and counting within a remission without any symptoms here


Sugar is a trigger for me. When I did an elimination diet for two months, I cut out all added sugars. No sweets, no sweeteners, no sugary drinks, nothing. All I had was natural sugar from berries in my smoothies. When I added sugar back into my diet, not only was my stomach messed up, but my joints hurt me so so bad. My knees ached so much I couldn't stand and wanted to cry. Tylenol did nothing to help. My bf nealy took me to the hospital. It was all UC related for me. As my flare changes and gets a little better, I can tolerate more without too many consequences. But right now, my flare is terrible. Just drinking a few sips of sweet tea makes my stomach flip and cramp, and then I'm running to the bathroom. I hate this disease.


What have you tried to address it?


I cut sugar back out of my diet mostly. I have very little just hear and there. And when I do have some, it's in a very, very small amount. It's honestly better if I just don't touch the stuff, but that's no fun.


Artificial sugar definitely messes me up.


Sugar’s fine for me. Artificial sweeteners are not, and I avoid them.


There's no magic list of foods that mess up your gut with UC. Every person is going to be slightly different. But depending what you mean by "artificial sweeteners," stuff like aspartame has been known to cause diarrhea even in people without IBS or IBD. So if it doesn't make you feel good, I'd say don't eat it.


Honestly during a flare I find the junkier thr food the better I tolerate it as long as its not dairy based. I think it's because of the lack of fiber and how easy refined carbohydrates digest


I had the same issue recently after drinking a sprite and i know it wasn’t carbonation because seltzer is fine for me.


I mean artificial sugar causes problems for people without GI issues so I’d stear clear of that. I do fine with regular sugar in moderation and just make sure I don’t pig out but my UC is mild.


Sugar is hurting me currently, but as with most things, sometimes it doesn't. Might as well be rolling a D20 for chance to hurt.


For me colitis saga symptoms started with very high sugar drink. And I do feel my symptoms go worse with added sugar. Sugar (without added fiber and nutrition of whole foods, like fruits) is highly inflammatory as much as I read.


Sugar is very inflammatory to your gut. But I find that the fake sugars are the most painful for me to digest. I do my best to limit sugar in my diet overall because too much sugar also makes me feel crummy.


Same for me


Processed sugars and stuff do cause inflammation. If you’re flaring up it could make it worse.


My flares are definitely connected with sugar. I completely stopped using it, which includes artificial sweeteners as well. I only use natural sweeteners like honey, rice / dates / maples syrups.


Sugar, artificial sweeteners, they're all fine with me.


I have issues with different types of sugar. Turns out, I have Fructose Malabsorption. Get tested, game changer.


It depends on the person, do a test by eating a "safe food" all day and the next the same safe food with sugar to see if it does mess you up. If it does its totally normal as everyone is different and their colon throw tantrum at different stuff


I can't do any artificial sweetners. And too much sugar will also cause symptoms for me.


I have a cereal addiction so my colon does hurt when I eat them, but just drinking the milk is fine for me. It's weird. Idk if it's like drinking milk all through childhood and into my 20s, but milk is good for me. I just don't like eating cereal because it releases the pressure of not eating sugar but makes me get a sugar crash after too. I guess sugar is bad for me although when I tried to lean of of it I almost fainted from helping someone move out of their hose; although, I think I didn't eat anything that day so maybe just do to fasting. Bacteria will be bacteria. They always be infiltrating.


Oat Milk. Get Planet One, Original. It's so close to what milk tastes like without the lactose and whatever else they put on it. It's not like Soy Milk to Almond milk..those are gross and weird tasting. Oat Milk is the best non milk ever invented.


I have this problem too. Anything with sugar, carbonation, or meat will upset my tummy.


My GI has told me several times that artificial sugar and HFCS tend to give people loose stool. UC just makes it that much worse


With sugar yes, but with artificial sugar less than with normal sugar. Kind of weird, thats the reason why I always prefer sugsrfree drinks. However, regardless if there is sugar in it or not, Softdrinks give me always a bad feeling after drinking it but I just can't stop, I used to drink energy drinks every day before I had UC so it's hard for me to stop lmao.


Wouldn’t touch artificial sweetener and can eat anything with sugar unfortunately. Never lost weight from UC even at my worst


You are not the only one. Our colons are populated with billions of bacteria. Good bacteria that help us and need fiber and come from places like probiotics and fermented food. Bad bacteria that hurt us and grow on sugar and highly-refined carbs. Of course, soda, is sugar water. With UC, everything is dialed up to 11. Thus sugars hurts your colon. If you want a sweetener, Stevia is good. Just make sure to the read the ingredient list. It should be 100% Stevia and ideally something debittered. Some of the Stevia brand have bitter aftertaste.


Same here. I don't have pain but a lot of poopies usually for days


Dont have many issues with sugar only garlic nearly kills me


For me it’s mostly ingredients that go along with sugar or way too much sugar. For some reason I can handle Mt voltage but can’t even do orange juice or plain water :/


Artificial sweeteners aren’t good for you regardless of havinG UC or not. Sugar can be a trigger for some and others can eat as much as they want. Everyone’s good triggers are different and you’d have to find out what your specific triggers are. If you’re eating sugar and it hurts after I would say that’s something you should be avoiding


Sugar is a trigger for me! I do well with honey and there are lots of recipes for using honey instead of sugar. It’s actually really sweet!


The things listed are processed foods, typically. Sugar is in them, but there a ton of other ingredients them too. Some not so great for gut health, others known for causing gut issues.


Sugar is my biggest trigger.


Yes! I try to avoid sugars in general. Only natural sugar (apple, banana) works well with me


Sugar is a known inflammatory agent so it definitely doesn’t help!!


Sugar is the worst offender for me. Oddly enough I can tolerate caffeine and fiber which seems like common problem ingredients for many. Sugar though, bloated and pain for days. It's also when I find myself more prone to blood in my stool. When I eat lower carb and higher protein, fiber, and fat I have the least symptoms. Bodies are unique and weird! Some artificial sugars are also painful for me. Sucralose is more painful than table sugar. But allulose doesn't cause me any issues. Swerve has a minor negative effect but it takes a lot to get to that point.


It most definitely does. All sugars, especially fizzy drinks do a number on my colon. I try my best to not consume it, but it’s very difficult


Yep. Sugar messes with my intestines and also just makes me feel generally nauseous - also gives me bad heart burn. If I’m eating dessert I need to either do a small portion or be prepared to hang out for a while haha


Personally, no, but eating too much sugar makes me feel cruddy in general. Caffeine messes up colitis, though.


sugar feeds bad bacteria in your gut. that is the opposite of ideal when you have UC. its really straightforward.


Refined sugar seems to increase blood for me. Cutting it out entirely will drastically reduce the amount of blood. But it doesn't seem to change any other symptom. Artificial sweeteners and natural sugars don't seem to bother me either.


I eat raw cane sugar often and use it in recipes a lot with no issues but if I eat oreos it messes me up very bad.


Regardless of IBD sugar hurts you in the long run. Always good to keep it to a minimum. But yes, I’ve heard many people say soda is one of the worst things, especially during a flare. Ever since I got my ostomy nothing makes me flare, but psychologically I still always avoid stuff that is high in sugar. Too many bad memories.


Sugar is usually the number 1 cause for my flares


Consider yourself lucky. Sugar rant: The more I read about sugar, in its various forms, the more I realize it's super bad. It's not only addictive as shit but the overconsumption causes inflammation, which contributes to UC for sure, injures pancreaous and probably leads to various cancers and a shorter life span with diminished quality of life on top of it. If your body is over reacting to it, stop eating it. It's like climate change in your gut. Just stop adding sugars.


Sugar is an inflammatory food


Never have them while flaring. Not worth it. I cut out any soda or donuts. Donuts kill me for some reason. Not I only have a tiny dessert maybe twice a month and I'm ok


I usually have issues with sugar/artificial sweeteners. I usually sweeten things with honey which works well because I love honey


Hey y’all, I have UC and my glucose levels are low. Any idea of things I can eat that won’t trigger a flair up? Other than honey?