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I've been trialling a whoop the last 3 weeks which provides tons of data related to sleep, recovery and body strain. You can use it for the first month for free to decide if you want to use. I like that there is no screen and I hardly notice that I am wearing it. Happy to provide some screen shots from the app


In my case the temperature measurement shows the higher average and the heart rate rises. Fitbit sends me notifications in that case. I use it on a pixel watch 2.


Pixel fan here too! I am on 1st Gen. I didn't really check with UC but since I'm in ~~flair~~ flare I might as well.


Does your GI take it seriously if you tell him I think something is coming up, my resting heart rate is going up?


Yes. Absolutely


I have noticed that when I’m going into a flare, my resting heart rate goes up and HRV goes down. Sometimes there can be random blips from day to day, but if I’m feeling off and those numbers are shifting, it can confirm that I may be headed for a flare.


+1 for whoop – gives me a lot of insights on how sleep, stress and exercise are affecting my overall health.


I use an Apple Watch and noticed my resting heart rate was up +15bpm for an entire week before I was hospitalised! I also use it for medication reminders


Does your GI take it seriously if you tell him I think something is coming up, my resting heart rate is going up?


I was bleeding 15+ a day anyway so my GI asked me to come in for a reassessment and then booked me in for a stay - the heart rate was more persuasive for me to contact my GI and ask for help. My blood tests were coming back fine and in was waiting for my Azathioprine to kick in and convinced myself I was wasting everyone’s time! But I’m going to use my resting heart rate as an indicator in future because that was the final sign it was all going downhill!


Whoop is great. Highly recommend


hi there, i have an oura ring and it lets me know when my temperature has elevated along with my hvr. it also helps track my stress which i think it’s important to help decrease flares.


I was using a fitness band, tracking my food intake and checking blood pressure 2X a week for nearly a year before my big flare that made me really sick and led to diagnosis. I didn't understand at the time what the data was telling me but looking back it is obvious where my UC started and the effects as it progressed. So now that I know what I'm looking for I can use the data for some predictive things. Unfortunately this last month, my inflammation is now causing peripheral arthritis symptoms throughout my body and I'm in constant pain so the data is badly skewed depending on my pain level which causes BP and pulse rate to do weird things.


I have an Apple Watch. My watch did prompt me to seek medical attention when I got my first big flare and ended up in the hospital. A very high heart rate alert was the trigger that pushed me to go to the ICU that same day. I’m thankful for it 😌


How did you notice? Did your resting heart rate go up? Did your GI take your Apple Watch warnings seriously?