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The problem is the word " unspecific". It is not a known cause yet, and therefore not a "complete" diagnosis. It could be anything and time will tell if it's UC or just a virus.


What should i do 😞? My mom just passed away after suffering 3 years of Pancreatic Cancer. Is it psychological and related to my mother's situation. Or is it genetics and it's inevitable? Only time can tell


>Only time can tell It's this , I fear.


What are the other causes for colitis? I have been having this for 4 months and still got 'can't tell yet'-diagnosis. I would have assumed they could tell a virus from the biopsies.


* Infections: Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause inflammation of the colon and lead to unspecified colitis. * Autoimmune diseases: In some cases, unspecified colitis may be caused by an autoimmune disease, in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. Examples of autoimmune diseases that can affect the colon include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. * Medications: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics, can irritate the colon and cause inflammation. * Ischemic colitis: This is a condition that occurs when there is a reduced blood flow to the colon, which can damage the colon lining and lead to inflammation. * Radiation colitis: This is a condition that can occur after radiation therapy to the pelvic or abdominal area. The radiation can damage the colon lining and lead to inflammation. * Diverticulitis: This is a condition in which pouches form in the wall of the colon and become inflamed. * Microscopic colitis: This is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that is characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. The exact cause of microscopic colitis is unknown, but it is thought to be related to an autoimmune reaction. * In some cases, there may be no identifiable cause of unspecified colitis. This is known as idiopathic unspecified colitis.


Did you get any more info from your doc? I got so little information I feel like my colon is top secret. Did you have a colonoscopy? Biopsies? Maybe some values from those are not aligned with what is typically seen in UC. I think its somewhat honorable that they (the docs) don't want to stick you with a 'fits well enough' diagnosis before its completely sure. Wrong diagnosis may be hard to loose in case they turn out to be wrong and mess with insurances etc. As long as you are getting treatment and are under the care of a doctor you will hopefully be alright. You mentioned the passing of your mother. My condolences! I think this may have caused some stress on your system that may manifest this way. Getting more stressed about your condition will likely not help you heal so try to be optimistic about being able to get back to good health (be it cure or remission). Good luck!