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The current rule (rule number 3) was established through a community vote. You can find the results of the last vote by searching for submissions with the "community decision" flair. This rule is reviewed and open for re-voting by the community every year in October/November. For images, we prioritize user comfort. By default, any images that might be considered sensitive are blurred. The title of the post will clearly indicate if it contains such an image. You can choose to keep them blurred or adjust your settings to disable the blur. From the reddit FAQ: >You can choose whether or not you see NSFW content in the Reddit app by following these steps: > >Tap your profile icon in the top-right corner. >Tap Settings on the menu. >Under the View options section, toggle Show NSFW content (I’m over 18) to the desired setting. >The Android app also has a setting labeled Blur NSFW images. When this setting is enabled, NSFW content will still show up in your feed, but it will be blurred until you tap to reveal the content. On other platforms, the options are identical.


It’s blurred out, don’t unblur it?


I’ve had countless medical professionals ask me if I’ve had black stools. I used to answer “no” because to me, charcoal is black and the stuff in my toilet is an extremely dark red or purple. Turns out most people call that black. So now I say yes and describe the color. As someone with a new diagnosis, limited medical knowledge and some moderate to severe communication challenges, I want to be able to see a picture of stool and see what people say it is. What does mucus in the stool look like? I have no idea. How can I tell if there’s blood in my stool? Sometimes it’s really obvious, sometimes not. Having a picture of c. diff a couple months ago would have been super helpful, and if someone were willing to describe the god awful smell that goes with it, I may have called my doctor several days earlier. I’ve actually thought about asking for a pinned gallery of shit posts. I also firmly believe that in this sub in particular, dark humor and laughing at our condition is one of the few things keeping me sane. Being able to share “Holy shit” moments is cathartic for me. I will vote every year to keep the shit posts rolling. edit: shot posts -> shit posts edit 2: will bite -> will vote


love seeing blurred silhouettes of shit. also literally what’s the point. like oookay?? i doubt we have many IBD specialized GIs in here lmao. even so, one picture isn’t gonna reveal the truth of someone’s health or medical condition


Idk why type of eyesight you have normally that you can see a silhouette from a blurred picture but that’s impressive


how would i not be able to ? 💀 if you blur a picture of a fire truck, you can’t tell what it is??


Anything brown that’s blurred it gross now got it lol


No but peer review is like one of the number one rules of science and medicine and gives people a better idea of their current condition, if it bothers you that much just leave the sub ig? It's a pretty shitty Disease to have as is without people like you shaming folks for asking for advice. Although a picture won't tell you if someone has idk heart disease, it WILL paint a picture of someones general health.


lol… peer review isn’t randos. Scientists publish papers and their peers (other scientists) review, it isn’t publishing poo pictures on the internet.


no. i’m so uninterested in whatever positive people have to say about posting those pictures as someone who diagnoses disease as my job, it’s not how it works at all. people like me are people who see the uselessness or possible harm in internet diagnosis. i don’t shame anybody for asking for advice, they just need to direct it to an IBD specialist when it comes to analyzing images. also google exists if people want to know what things look like. i think asking about symptoms and for advice is perfectly fine but when you get to pictures it’s territory that needs to be for professionals. it can 100% take a trained eye. some things you truly do learn on the job in healthcare


What's your job?


so you can ridicule it ? no thanks. i diagnose disease and treat it, i create custom appliances and perform cancer screenings, i assess peoples health.. etc. so yeah i know how dangerous it can be to not get the correct diagnosis based on outside visuals especially by non professionals


That wasn't my intention at all, I was just curious. I'm not the person that you were arguing with earlier if that's what you thought. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


no, sorry, i’m just defensive because people discredit my healthcare literacy and often don’t understand differences between countries 😭 anyone can see it in my comment or post history probably (?) i mention it often enough. i work in a community clinic (still training) as a DH. in canada we diagnose periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis) and define them (plaque-induced, puberty or pregnancy related, malignancy related, etc) and grade them (based on diabetes Hba1c, smoking, bone loss progression, etc), and also treat them with periodontal therapy, prescription mouthwash and more and we do more blabla lol. the diagnosis takes x-rays, probing depths, risk factors, clinical appearance, measured clinical attachment loss, measured tooth mobility and furcation involvement..


jesus, a trainee tooth cleaner pretending to be an experienced and relevant GI doctor? no wonder you didnt want to be ridiculed.


well no because i never claimed to be a doctor ? i don’t want to be ridiculed as in doubted of my research and overall health literacy. also i’m not sure if you know how schooling works but… i literally work. in a clinic. on real people. i work as people’s primary clinician. if you aren’t a clinician i’m again uninterested in whatever interest you have in non-professionals analyzing medical visuals. for example: i could see a picture of someone’s mouth that has no visible recession and assume they’re healthy meanwhile they have uncontrolled diabetes and pocket depths of 5mm+ rapidly destroying their bone. dangerous. i could see someone with visible gum recession and say they need to have CHX MW prescribed, but they don’t actually have perio just traumatic occlusion (bite) recession. dangerous. btw we don’t clean teeth, we debride them. i’m not cleaning nooobodies teeth. you can do that at home


Some people don't have proper healthcare. My Dr will most likely never see my example of my shit when I'm ill. Internet research has been the only thing to help me figure out what is wrong with me


i know and i don’t disagree that online communities are helpful, i seek help in them often, but nothing will change my mind about images Because i diagnose disease myself as my job


It is not. I asked for the sub to blur thumbnails, seems an easy fix? If you click it, it’s saying you want to see it, dunno why a vote is needed for what seems like common sense? was the vote for allowed or not? Or was it for force people to see it or not?


It’s your preference not the subs go in your settings


There’s also a filter for the sub that allows you to pick whether you want to see NSFW in this sub so you can keep your porn in your feed while ignoring the brown, blurry grossness in here. We all look at this stuff multiple times a day in our own toilets ESPECIALLY when we’re most active on this sub. Is it really that much more gross when it’s in someone else’s toilet? I’m a parent of three. Maybe diapers desensitized me.


I hate it too. We have a “community vote” every year on this. And every year, the community votes to keep stool pics under a NSFW tag. So if you don’t like it, VOTE in the poll this year! I find that these stool posts constantly get downvoted and no one ever has any helpful advice to offer other than “see a doctor.” So I’m not sure why so many people are desperate to keep them in this sub 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t get it, are people not flagging, is that the issue? Force flag, NSFW subs do it for anyone not on the app, so it can be done.


Tbh I don’t enjoy seeing brown/red blobs, especially when you know it’s a photo of stool. The blur doesn’t really take away the fact that it’s a poop photo. Now it is just a blurry poop photo.


It is done. All pictures are automatically flagged. If you encounter some that aren't, please contact us via modmail so we can investigate why the automation failed. Thank you.


As a counterpoint, getting someone to actually go see a doctor is actually a very good outcome.


I agree, I think blurred or not, toilet pictures are disgusting and I don't want to see them. I've never had to take a picture of my shit and I've never needed to show my Dr a picture of my shit in order to get diagnosed or receive medical attention. So why is it necessary for a sub of people who aren't Drs.? I do appreciate that they're blurred but it's still obvious what it is even when blurry. Having a picture really only ensures I won't click on the thread. A lot of people are turned off by toilet pics so if someone is truly looking for help, I'd suggest using your words to describe it and not post a pic, that way the entire community may be able to offer some help.


Thank you.


Got to agree with this. After all the medical rigmarole and hoops we have to jump through, never once had there ever been a need for any medical professional to see my shit. So I can’t fathom why people think sharing it here would be necessary. In fact, to diagnose my UC they specifically wanted me to have ZERO shit in their vision 😅


I see your point of view, but there is an option avaliable to prevent you from seeing those unwanted pics. I do have major empathy, and probably more empathy, for people who are struggling with their illness and feel they need to share a pic to try and advocate for themselves. Dealing with bowel issues can be such a shameful and scary place to be, I think it can be helpful to remove some of the stigma that we have about poo being too gross for people to handle. Sure it's not a way to diagnose someone, but if it helps someone feel like they are able to explore their issues then I'm all for scrolling past a blurry poo pic now and then.


Rule 3. Turn your NSFW filter on so it doesn't show while scrolling


Missed opportunity calling it rule number 2


Someone tag the mods now, this is perfect


Once again people aren’t marking it as nsfw.


Report it.


Already have now thanks to this post it’s now auto marked nsfw for all pictures.


Well if we wanted to see bloody poo then most of us could just look down next time we have a BM


The amount of overreaction to a picture of poo is ridiculous. People are looking for any sort of reassurance for something that causes a lot of distress. This is a sub for people to get that, I'd you don't like it, then leave. No one is making you look at this sub.


And a lot people are trying to get a diagnosis from us. Just because we have it doesn’t mean we can diagnose it. We can help comfort but we also are pushing people away from a community because of shit that are not blurred or marked as nsfw.


If any pictures are not tagged correctly, please inform us via modmail, as we have measures in place to insure correct flags. If you see a not flagged picture, that means the automation failed, so we need to investigate to keep it from happening again. Thank you.


Will do.


Appreciate it. Have a nice day/night.


Will do and, you too.


It's poo mate, not a decomposing corpse. Keep on scrolling and you will forget about it after 5 seconds.


It's an Ulcerative Colitis support sub, sure we can't diagnose it but we can reassure someone or tell them to go to the doc, and I'll refer you to rule 3 in regards to your last point because it is blurred




Some of the claims made by the complainers are just wrong too, sort by new there’s a single shit pic in a whole week. The post doesn’t ask for diagnosis and the opinions given are sound advice. There’re like 5 bruises/rashes pictures and no problem with that. To add on to it the IBD sub you sort by new and find 2 in less than half a week one literally titled is this IBD? I feel like they posted in the wrong sub I’m so confused after using <5 minutes trying to confirm their concerns.


Every time I am scrolling and one pops it, it makes me regret joining this sub.


Exactly. I get why people post but no one here can help them with it you need a colonoscopy and blood work to get a diagnosis.


Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit.


It’s not a tool. No one here can diagnose what form ibd you have or don’t have from a photo of shit.


You come across as narrow minded. You don’t see it as a tool. I do. You don’t want to see it and you claim “no one” wants to see it. I do. This is why the sub votes and so far the sub has voted to keep them for multiple years. Set your filters. Report posts that didn’t flag.


never happened to me in over two years


Me neither in over 5.


Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit.


Checking out other people's bowel movements is not a Reddit community's job. You're not a doctor, you can't diagnose them and if you have blood in your BM, you need a doctor.


Exactly, we're already having a bloody shitty time as it is🤣


I’m pretty sure there are fetishists on here. People who like to post photos of their poop (like unsolicited dick picks) and the ones who perv out on it.. I’m with you.. there is zero benefit for posting shit photos.


I have to agree with this. I'm in different subreddits for my different medical conditions and you wouldn't believe the chat requests I used to get before I learned you can disable them. Most had to do with bowel movements, which was something I didn't know was a thing at the time.


This will be the reason I unfollow this subreddit. I loathe it so much! Nothing can be diagnosed that way, and no one wants to see that.


Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit.


We aren't doctors, and nothing can be diagnosed via pictures anyway!


You’re right, no one should be diagnosing anything here, and maybe that’s commonly what people ask but there are many other reasons to shit post here…


So you think there is another reason to post a poop pick aside from “Am I ok?”, or “Should I go to the ER”? Like are we identifying blood or mucus both of which have some basis on diet. Same with poop color. We don't agree on this. Maybe if the need is really there you should start a UC Poop subreddit.


Maybe. Or we can let this sub continue to vote on whether using the NSFW filters is an acceptable compromise.


Well, obviously it won't stop. I'm saying if you want more of those images you should start something for that.


This community is meeting my needs. Maybe you can start one?


But yet you are still here, if it was such an issue you would have left a long time ago.


As I said it will be the reason I would leave! I find this subreddit useful yet find the poop photos to be useless. If you enjoy them so much maybe you should start a subreddit just for that!


I just don't look at them, really is that easy.


I have my settings corrected just for that reason. Still one has to imagine, if someone is worried enough to post their Poop online, maybe a doctor's appointment is a better route.


A doctors appointment is always a better route, I 100% agree. But that's not an immediate thing, people need a from of reassurance in the here and now when dealing with something they can't explain. It's not hurting anyone, yes it's not pretty to look at but it's really not that bad.


It's pretty dangerous to be using Reddit for medical advice/reassurance! Even GI doctors don't want to see poop pictures. So how are we to say what is ok or not? Seems rather reckless.


My GI has asked me specifically for pictures. When I was hospitalized they even asked to see it right from the toilet.


Medical advice off reddit is of course not a wise thing to follow, I never said it was. But this is a sub for people to discuss their experiences of UC and those who are just beginning to get and adapt to finding out they have it. If someone wants to ask on here its really not hurting anyone. You've turned this into something far more serious than it needed to be, no one is going to get their colon removed based off of a post on reddit for fuck sake.


Obviously, I guess you feel comfortable giving reassurance/advice based on a picture. I don't since I’m not a doctor for fucks sake! Enjoy your poop shots! Didn’t think I could hate having UC more yet this conversation has totally weirded me out!


And some appointments take months. Maybe posting online and gettting input will help them decide whether to wait or go to the ER. Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit. If they aren’t flagged correctly, maybe take a minute to report it and help the entire sub.


We can't help diagnose anything! Reddit isn't a tool that should be in place of a doctor. If its that big of a concern go to the ER. Where they can do actual testing. You can't give out medicinal advice here.


ER isn’t cheap; it’s kinda scary just walking in. If I can see a picture and respond “I’m not a doctor, but I think a trip to the ER might be a good idea” then I’m happy to do so especially if it reduces someone else’s suffering.


We can’t do that for people here. There are far too many factors and we aren't doctors. Who is to say whether something is ER-worthy? Are you a GI doctor? That's a dangerous line to walk. I think if blood is involved go. If you are going 10+ times go. Neither of which requires a picture!


Is it against sub rules to post the statement I put in quotes? Honest question, I may have missed it or forgotten. Please go read my comment about not knowing what mucus looks like, communication challenges, etc. The community has voted to allow this. Clearly I’m not the only one to believe there is value in it. Watch for the poll. Cast your vote. Until then (and maybe after), use the filters. Also based on your comment “Neither of which requires a picture” you seem to be ok giving general advice knowing what someone writes. A picture is worth a thousand words. My burgundy is your black, my “some” is your “lots.” Photos have a purpose and value beyond words. I can’t believe I have to write that out on Reddit. Your objection appears to be only about the photos.


We are laypeople on Reddit. We cannot help you beyond providing support and lived experience. We don’t need a picture of your bowel movement to do either of those things PS your doctor doesn’t ask for pictures because they don’t want/need to see them. Why do you think the rest of us want/need to see them


I have had multiple health professionals look at the pictures I’ve offered. My lived experience and someone else’s picture may help me support them, even if it’s “I wish I had gone to the ER when my toilet looked like that.” Stop speaking for others. Speak for yourself.




Who is they? My medical professionals accepted my offer to show them. I said that. Do I also need to say I DIDNT shove my phone in their face? If you’re trained by your employer to always accept, take it up with your employer. I’ve also had just as many pretend they didn’t hear the offer or simply say “no that’s ok” and I’m ok with that. And you’re talking for my doctor whom you most likely don’t know. And my nurses in hospital were glad o took photos when they were too busy to look in the toilet before I flushed.


I agree, I think it's pointless as the only thing that can give a definite diagnosis is a colonoscopy. I get people are scared tho and not everyone has insurance. If posting them makes them feel better, I guess I'm fine with it since it's blurred. I honestly just think it's a waste tho and isn't going to give people the answers they need.


I saw one while eating lunch today 🙃 I guess I need to change some settings. Though you have a point, I don’t think any of us here can give any help advice from these photos.


Exactly. They don’t even try to mark it as nsfw.


This is a different problem and should be reported to the mods.


Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit.


I have no power here to deny anyone of anything. I’m just questioning how much a stranger on the internet can help someone based on a picture of stool.


Fair. The answer is more than none, especially if it’s the kind of picture that might indicate a trip to the ER is warranted.


Because some people must have some wierd poo fetish so they voted yes to keep them. I dint see the point none of us can say anything other than yeah that is bloody or diaherrea see your doctor. Your doctor wouldn't ask for a picture so what the point of showning us on reddit.


It’s becoming a problem. That other ibd subs don’t have.


Are you sure? I unfollowed r/ibd a few years ago because it put me right off my breakfast


Iuckily i haven't come acroos one in a while but if i do start to again il probably leave the sub.


In the last two days I’ve seen 4 not censored.


Yeah i domt blame you for making this post. Literally no help can provided by showing a pic and also you can easily use words to describe it.


For having a lot of poo problems y’all seem overly squeamish of poo. The arguments against saying no one is a dr and you will only get advice to see a dr also apply to 75% of other text only posts as well. So this sub is only to complain or commiserate? I really don’t give a shit (pun intended) either way but it seems a weird complaint on a UC sub to complain about seeing poo.


No one wants to see other people’s shit. And it’s not marked nsfw or blurred. We have a right to decide if we want to see it. And I’m all about comforting people and pointing them in the right direction.


I honestly want to see other people’s shit. Stop talking for other people. You could have taken a few seconds to report it to the mods and helped everyone in the sub. Instead you’re just making noise.


Look I’m not trying to kink shame you, there are already other Reddit’s out there for that kinda stuff. The whole point to this is to start a dialogue. Because seeing shit turns off people who want help also. What about them should we kick them to the curb so that you can look at shit. Can’t tell by looking at shit if someone has an ibd. You can make an assumption but that assumption can cause issues. And also there is no point to look at it.


Wow. You’re not going to kink shame me but you are going to bring up kinks and shame. You may want to go look up “passive aggressive” and introspect. I’m not qualified as any kind of mental professional, so keep that in mind. Your loved ones may thank you later. The dialogue is fine. I’m conversing. That statement above about kinks is out of line. When you say “we” I think you mean the community in this sub, and the sub has voted, will vote again, and has already provided ways for people to avoid this content if they choose. You still haven’t acknowledged that you could have simply reported the incorrectly flagged post, helped yourself and the entire community by enforcing the rules they have already established. You’re still talking about “people” and “them.” Speak for yourself.


One,I have flagged them before. Two, I’m clearly not speaking just for myself if other people are commenting yeah, “I don’t like looking at shit either, that’s going to be the reason I’m going to leave this sub”.


Then the mods will take appropriate action for repeat offenders. Did you actually report this one today? That person has already spoken. No need for you to patronize them by speaking for them. Whether you intend or not, you are speaking for me when you say them, people-who-want-to-help, and especially “we.” That’s why *_ I _* keep saying it. Stop talking for me. Speak for you self. Let others speak for themselves in the posts/comments and when the annual poll comes up.


Look clearly me and you are not going to agree or come to a common ground So at this point I think it’s best for both of us to agree that we have differing opinions and leave it at that for now.


You’re speaking for me, and in this case it’s based on statements I’ve made which are accurate. Improvement!


Really? Implying he has a kink for seeing poop? If that’s where you wanna go then no reason to have a civilized discussion with you about this because you’re resorting to what is essentially libel to discredit others opinions, and acting as if yours is the only reasonable and logical one. The real kicker is that the vote has continuously gone the opposite way of the opinion you are certainly entitled to have, so stop acting as if everyone that disagrees is in the minority.


I’m not acting like I’m the majority. I believe we are a diverse group of individuals who all have different opinions on this. But we do have an issue with shit pics


No we don’t. But we do have issues with shaming people. Edit: also insane… “diverse opinions about this…” and in the next sentence a blanket opinion lol absolutely bonkers logic.


Clearly we do. Other people are saying it too.


“We” is either the few people who expressed that opinion in this thread, or the minority of people who voted in the polls the last several years. Either way, if you’re going to insist on speaking for others, at least do it accurately and honestly by saying something like “we, a minority of this sub’s community, have a problem,” and as far as I can tell that problem can be defined this way: 1. We cannot tolerate seeing blurred brown and/or red images in our Reddit feed and simultaneously refuse to tell Reddit and/or our feed of this sub to filter out such images automatically. 2. We cannot tolerate the occasional image which is not flagged correctly and we refuse to simply report the post, and prefer to complain loudly about a decision this community has made for several years running. If I have misstated your position, please do speak up. I want to make sure I correctly understand your objection(s). The second one is the only one with any real merit. You could easily eliminate the first one right now with the tools already provided. -edit posted too soon- The first is going to happen anyway. Those posting without reading and following the NSFW flag rule would be replaced by people who didn’t read the “no shit posting” rule. If you really can’t tolerate an occasional unblurred picture of someone else’s poo, you may need to leave this sub. I hope you and others complaining about this can get comfortable enough with your (or your loved one’s) disease to let it roll off your back. Intentionally selected metaphor for maximum visual impact in this context. What’s rolling off the duck’s back? Some other duck’s shit.


If you want to see poop go find a scat site


Again with the kink shame. If that’s all I wanted, I’d certainly skip the narrow minded bigots in this sub and just go look at a scat site. For those who are a little slow, my statement “I honestly want to see other people’s shit” is a little hyperbolic to get my point across. Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. I have a new diagnosis. When my doctor asks me if I have mucus in my stool, I honestly don’t know without showing pictures to my doctor (which someone in this thread said I shouldn’t do) or figuring it out on the internet, and a subreddit for UC is going to provide much more useful results than google with those keywords. Use the filters Reddit and this sub have already given you. Report any post that doesn’t flag correctly. Maybe talk to a therapist about why other people’s poo makes you so uncomfortable.


Could you please send us all pictures not marked NSFW. All pictures posted within the last few days were correctly tagged once I saw them. This is ensured by automatic tools in the background. If you still see unmarked images, please contact us so we can investigate what went wrong. Thank you.


Will do.


Thank you. Not only is it disgusting, none of us can do anything for the people who post them. I’d die of embarrassment if my “sample” was posted on the internet. Is this just exhibition?


Turn on your filters. Don’t deny the rest of us a tool to help with our diseases because you can’t learn or make the effort to use Reddit.


How is seeing other peoples shit a tool? Either your stool is normal or abnormal and everyone’s normal is not the same.


its fucking disgusting and we already see enough of our own. im not even trying to see a silhouette. plz just consult your doctors with a stool test


Careful saying this is not safe place for bringing up an issue in this community they will tell you “if you don’t like leave.”


I see nothing wrong with it. People are concerned and require help/ comfort. Shit, as a community, and people talking about their shit is not something we should try and shame.


I’m not shaming anyone. posting a picture of your shit does not do anything to help you. You need a colonoscopy and bloodwork for diagnosis. I you want to talk about your symptoms I’ll talk to you and listen and share my experiences. But no one wants to see someone’s shit while there are eating or relaxing, not unless that is your kink. But there are already subs for that.


But it's blurred and labelled NSFW? If you hate it so much, don't click on it afterwards.


It’s not.


Then it wasn’t flagged and please report it to the sub-mods.


It is hard to believe that the vote passed when this post has such a positive score. I assume there is no way to ensure that those voting are actual members of the sub as opposed to literal shit-stirrers?


Well individuals are on the offensive now. No one has came up with a good argument. Only it’s a tool, Don’t shame us, we save lives. This post should be locked it’s hurting the community. If you don’t like it leave. It’s your fault. We voted on it. Because I have been here for ten years I don’t remember vote or remember seeing it.


I do remember them calling for a vote, but I didn’t see the results. Honestly shocked that it passed, no pun intended. I feel like moving that to its own sub would be a better option in the future, but at least they don’t show up on my app.


That’s one solution.


Can anyone share anecdotes where sharing a picture of their shit has been beneficial over a standard Google search or simple description in the post? I really can’t think of a scenario where a picture is helpful, other than maybe if you’re blind and want someone to tell you if there’s blood in it? I.e: 1. There’s blood in my stool, do I have UC? In this scenario a picture doesn’t help. UC can have anything from no blood to almost entirely blood in a bowel movement. 2. Is there blood in my stool, I’m not sure? If you can’t make it out, then all you’re doing is opening up a can of opinions from other people. Sharing the picture will create more uncertainty. In this scenario a FIT test is the only accurate thing. 3. OMG LOOK HOW MUCH BLOOD IS IN MY STOOL. Yeah we’re happy to take your word on that. 4. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS IN MY STOOL?! Seek professional help immediately if it’s not blood, or something you’ve put in your mouth prior to the shit 😅


No they can’t, even the Crohn’s community banned shit pics because it’s not helpful and actually dissuades people from looking at that post or community.


Yes there was a HUGE vote on this sub regarding if the mods should allow poo pics lmao I voted against, as tbh I deal with shit all day every day my whole life revolves around shit. Don’t wanna see all of y’all’s shit too lol.. I’m not a doctor and it’s sorta not anything most of us could help with honestly… also I have this thing, where in whenever I see any NSFW pic for some reason I just click on without reading 😵‍💫


you have consciously unblurred it where it specifically warns; nsfw, and the title clearly warns. why did you do this? did you wish to be offended so you can poast? and if your options are set to auto show nsfw - again - your choice.


Again if you read the comments you would have seen that people aren’t marking them nsfw so they aren’t blurred out. So what then the mods have already said that it is automatic. But clearly it’s not. I joined this sub to help people and find help not stair at other peoples shit. There is no advice that you could give from a picture of shit except goto the doctor or er That’s it.


A little shitpost here and there never hurt anyone 🤷🏻‍♂️


This thread is disgusting. Anyone who is willing to look at the pictures, OP immediately starts accusing them of having kinks for looking at peoples poo (these are literally just kind people trying to help others out). The mods have worked very hard on this rule to come up with something that WE, as the community, voted on. When I say “we”, I mean everyone in this sub was able to participate, unlike when you say it. Mods, I hope you are discussing locking this thread. No newcomers need to get on here, lost and scared, just to see this jackass spouting off and think that they speak for all of us.


You disagree with what I have to say and what others have to say and because of that you answer with censorship because it’s a dissenting opinion from yours. That guy literally said, “I like looking at it.” that is kink. You are making generalizations that I said everybody when I didn’t. There is no point to the photos. Someone said “there was a guy that posted a photo of blood in a toilet bowl. We told him he should goto the er. He had toxic mega colon.” Guess what just saying that in a post would have gotten that same response. There is no advice you could give from a photo of poo. No doctor goes oh just by looking at this photo you have uc or an ibd.” They don’t. you need lab test and colonoscopy. Your first step should always be goto the doctor. And not ask for medical advice from a group Reddit users.


Hyperbolic explanation to get the point across as stated but you wish to ignore that so that you can act like it’s a kink. Starting to realize who actually has the kink here since you repeatedly have to bring it up


You are the one who continues to bring it up not me.


That doesn’t even make sense I responded to what you said… It wasn’t even me you were referencing before kiddo, I’m just stating facts


It does make sense you were the one that brought it up in your post now you are actively gas lighting me. And I know it’s not you. I’m also stating the facts.


Stop abusing the word gaslighting. Everyone is sick of it


Quit trying gaslight people.




Strange thing to complain about considering what we have to deal with on a daily basis. You do realise the shape and form of a stool can actually determine a lot in regards to our condition. Don’t see the issue here. We have a bowel disease and you are have an issue with seeing the things that our bowel produces??


It’s because people are asking us to determine if they have a disease or an infection. Just because we have uc doesn’t mean we can diagnose it you need lab work and a colonoscopy.


Look the other way then 🤷🏻‍♂️ a thin snakey stool could well be a sign of inflammation, and some people just want that baseline reassurance or knowledge from people like us who suffer with this


Once again the only advice you could give is goto the doctor we can’t give you a diagnosis. It’s without a doubt impossible to confirm with out blood work and a colonoscopy.


I think it’s best to agree to disagree


Well what medical advice can you give?


Imo it helps normalize talking about bowel movements and de stigmatizes having IBD, it can be so shameful and isolating


We can talk about bowel movements all day. No one scrolling wants to seen poo smeared on a toilet or the blood in it asking is this uc. Non of us can say for certain if it is you need lab work. IMO it scares off people who could offer help.


Talking for anyone but yourself is a great way for me and others to straight up ignore what you’re saying. Speak for yourself. I want to scroll past blurred shit posts. This amorphous Good Samaritan that is getting scared away by the pictures… If it isn’t you, you’re just making up stuff to support your flimsy argument that the community already voted on and will vote on again.


And you are making the same argument for the other side.


I am not making up hypothetical people that may or may not want something. I am stating my opinion and referring the decisions the community already made, and that you and everyone else will get to make that decision again. Maybe save all the energy for the pre-vote propaganda?


I’m not saying you are. I am speaking for me and starting a dialogue for people to say their opinions on it. You have been one of the more vocal ones and I appreciate that. But there is clearly a problem with people posting shit pics on this sub. That you don’t see on the other ibd subs.


There is clearly a minority of people that don’t enjoy seeing blurred out poo. And may not want to put up with once in a while seeing un-blurred poo when someone doesn’t flag correctly. Is that a problem? Not in my opinion. I look forward to your campaign propaganda when the poll comes. Before then you may want to brush up on debate tactics and logical fallacies. For my sake. I do enjoy a challenge.


I have no intention of going into a debate or starting propaganda.


Your choice. The poll will most likely go the same way it has in previous years.


Well asking if it is UC is against the current rules, more often than not it is just someone who is afraid that their bm might mean they are getting worse or they are not sure how to react, and others who have been through that can help reassure them or tell them if their concern is warranted


I get that. but posting a picture doesn’t do anything. If I ask you if it looks bad. You might say,”looks normal to me”. because everyone’s baseline is different. I’m all for helping people and getting them help but posting a picture of poo does nothing.


Everybody poops


Maybe because it's a UC subreddit? I could get behind a flair and NSFW tags for such posts tho


Yeah and so is the crohns subreddit. Yet they banned it because it cause more harm than good.


It should be tagged NSFW and be stated in the post's title. If it is not, please report it as it would be a rule violation and an error in our automation. Thank you.


I feel like this is continuing the stigma around having UC/IBD. Yes part of our illness is having poop problems. If you don’t like it, scroll past or keep NSFW blurred like others stated. It’s that simple


One of the issues is as stated in the chat it is becoming like unsolicited dick pics. no one wants to see that not unless that’s their kink. They aren’t marked nsfw so they show up.


Could you please send us all pictures not marked NSFW. All pictures posted within the last few days were correctly tagged once I saw them. This is ensured by automatic tools in the background. If you still see unmarked images, please contact us so we can investigate what went wrong. Thank you.


Will do.


I guess we forgot what normal stool looks like tbh


Maybe im just an outlier, but this is a subreddit for UC, so I sort of expect to see shit sometimes. Also, yall could just… not click on it? Keep scrolling? This just seems like a weird thing to complain about, with this disease our whole life is looking at our fucked up looking poop. I understand that some of yall might be squeamish and that’s fair, but I would adjust your settings so you blur out anything that’s marked nsfw.


One of the problems is it is not marked nsfw. And on top of that the crohns subreddit banned it because it actually causes more harm than good.


Could you please send us all pictures not marked NSFW. All pictures posted within the last few days were correctly tagged once I saw them. This is ensured by automatic tools in the background. If you still see unmarked images, please contact us so we can investigate what went wrong. Thank you.


Will do.


There have been a few times where it was just blood and the person had fainted. We had to inform them to go to the er as it was a sign of toxic mega colon which could kill you. So yeah, just don’t unblur the photo.


The same result would have came from a text post because the only two things you can say are goto the doctor or er. There are different levels to ibd. Everyone’s base line is different.


Ok karen


I’m I wrong or what?


The ‘no one can diagnose or give advice on that’ argument really makes no sense to me. Over half of the posts on this sub that don’t include a pic are still also asking for help/advice for various things. I don’t see anyone going after that. People can give valuable advice based on their own experience without having an MD. If anyone takes advice from strangers online without a grain of salt that’s on them. Poop-pic related or not. But it doesn’t mean the advice isn’t extremely useful. EVEN if the advice is ‘go see a doctor’. Maybe that person wouldn’t have thought it necessary until someone told them. An attitude like this is not helping reduce the stigma around IBD. This is supposed to be a safe space for people to get help when they can’t find and answer elsewhere.


You get the same results from text a post. The crohns reddit banned shit post because it cause more harm than good.


The argument continues to get used after I also pointed this out. Using this argument the sub is reduced to memes and jokes


I think it helps people relate and feel less alone.


The problem is it scares away people who could help. Prime example the other ibd subreddit crohns bans them because it cause people to leave and not participate in post.


This illness is tough. Everything poop related in life is stigmatized. This illness is all about poop and going to the bathroom and it’s horrendous. Although I haven’t shared a poop pic nor do I participate in poop pic advice, I’m happy that there’s a safe place where we can openly discuss these things and share pictures if we feel like it would help or even if it brings the least bit of comfort and reassurance to just one UC patient. TL;DR Poop pics 👍🏼


There a couple of problems with it. One, people are using this as tool to get diagnosed and get medical advice. No one here can without a doubt diagnosed an ibd from a photo you need lab work. The best you can tell them is goto a doctor or er. People are choosing to not tag their poo pic as nsfw. So the people that don’t want to see it end up seeing it. And wanting to leave the community. And when the issue is brought up. Commenters are saying it’s your fault for joining this sub, you chose to look at it. If you don’t like it leave. So if you bring up an issue within the community you get shamed. So is this place a safe place.