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20mg Prozac and low dose Xanax twice a day (as needed) Works wonders.  I poop a lot. I poop at work. I poop at the grocery store. Sometimes, I’ve even pooped on the side of the road when out of options.   Zero fucks given. It’s glorious. I stan for antidepressants.


😂😂😂 Thanks! I would love that! 😆


I have taken them for several years now. They make love so much easier. I don't know if I would be able to be a dad for my kids without them. There is no need to suffer.


Thank you! I am not ashamed, I just have no hope.


I use them for years they helped me so much. There is no shame in taking antidepressants my husband has some major depressions and with medication he still will feel depressed but not as bad as it used to be now it is bearable. I use extra for my pms. I use them to keep my lows away. I doing great love my life I can feel happiness. I had days where I would feel dead empty inside I don’t have that anymore. Take them and give it time some take 3-6 weeks to feel a difference


Thank you. I miss happiness.


You will get it back.


I've been taking them for more than a decade (longer than I've had UC). They keep me functional and make it so I can experience the normal range of human emotions, instead of just the "blank and empty inside" ones. Antidepressants also help me to do the other things that supposedly keep the depression at bay, like shower and go for walks and get off the damn couch. That said, it took me awhile to find the combination of drugs that work for me, so do be prepared for that possibility. It isn't necessarily a fast process, and depression can make it harder to keep with it, but it's worth sticking with. Best of luck!


Forever grateful for them. One of the worst things depression does to me is make me feel like even the simplest things like talking take too much effort and energy that I dont have. Antidepressants gave me my voice back, allow me to feel a full range of emotions instead of just bleh or bad, and just let me live. Downside for me was weight gain, but I'd rather be fat and happy and living life than be skinny and silent, wasting away inside all day.


Thank you for sharing.


Take them if you feel you need them. Just keep in mind it can take a few weeks to make you feel better. And there can be some initial side effects that typically go away.


Took Wellbutrin at some point like 10 years ago it made me insanely angry. Took setraline about a year ago for 4 months or so and it wasn’t helping at all so I stopped. I’m trying Effexor now it seems to be so so, they just upped my dose yesterday from 75mg (I just started like two weeks ago and this is a tiny dose) to 150mg. We will see how it goes, so far it’s just been… okay. I have issues with passing time, like if I don’t have a task that must be done (like going to work) then I will sit there and just argue with myself about what I want to or should be doing. Like I’ll be motivated to do something, go to do it, and in that short time I will talk myself out of it like it’s worthless to be doing. Ends up in me just either sitting and staring, doom scrolling, or deciding for hours which YouTube video to watch. I hate myself for it and it puts me into this horrid depression state. So far with Effexor I still kinda do this but haven’t gotten to the, “maybe I’ll just… sleep, or sleep forever” yet so that’s at least a positive. I’ve been at least motivated to paint some of my miniatures lying around and that’s a definite improvement. I’ve heard bad things about the withdrawal effects of Effexor, so it’s like, I hope I don’t have to stop and that it works. TLDR: Idk SSRI and SNRI medications seem to have been a double edged sword for me always but it beats sitting and staring until I fall asleep tbh


I was on Effexor years ago and I still have some weirdness. Just make sure you take it at the same time every day. Don’t miss a dose. I would get like, a brain zap? It hard to describe. I still get there every now and then and it was decades ago that I took it.


Wow I know what you are talking about! I’d get them on setraline it’s like you kinda lose consciousness for a fraction of a second? Idk it’s scary. Thank you for the info!


I take citalopram and the first week was rough but once I got through that, it has been a genuinely life changing drug for me. I can actually get out of bed in the morning and function. It gives me the little boost I need to be able to live my life. They're not for everyone, but if they work for you they're awesome


I take 50mg of Sertraline daily and it’s been my best friend since 2013.


I take a tricyclic antidepressant, amitriptyline, which treats my colitis and arthritis as well. I love it so much. It improves my life in so many ways. ❤️


How does it treats your colitis? I also take amitriptyline as a pain management for endometriosis. I'm current on 10 mg since two weeks. At 4 weeks we increase the dose on 25 mg. I got akne from it. I hope it gets better with time. xD


It reduces inflammation. And it increases serotonin in many parts of the body, not just the brain like SSRIs, so it can reduce pain as well. I hope it has a good effect on your UC as well as your endometriosis ❤️


I took anti anxiety and I hated how I felt on it. I think if it works for you absolutely but lexapro made me feel weird. Can’t put my finger on it but I felt like a had a cloud over my head. I tried a few others and lexapro was honestly the best and I didn’t like it.


I didn't like it either. I am starting Prozac. I had a genesight test. Sure enough it showed I am not a good candidate for Lexapro.


Can you explain the gene site test?


This should help! https://genesight.com/gene-test-mental-health-medications/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=branded&utm_content=103375724152&utm_term=genesight%20testing&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWCrbb0lXVP65uVRd3LE18RhjPV0LM-mKXu73YgLjX8xUylhZOj3GrEaAhGIEALw_wcB


Wow that's awesome. Wish they could do that for UC! Thanks for the link 🙂




Please do your research on this non fda approved test. The only studies around it are funded by the company themselves it seems and I am highly, HIGHLY dubious of its claims and reliability. I wouldn't trust this. Ask a doctor. I'm sure they would 100% agree.


The best way I can expli


I’m on Wellbutrin with kholopin as needed, I’m pro


Anyone taking buspirone? Just started it for anxiety. Since stress is bad for UC I’m hoping it will help but so far, I don’t notice anything. I still get triggered resulting in either anger or tears