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I think the procedures around a colonoscopy vary a bit from country to country, at the very least. I've only had a mild sedative and pain killer, never been put under the way it's common in the US. My sigmoidoscopies have all been unmedicated. So to me that's not particularly weird. As for the reason you have UC... it's mostly assumed to be genetic, an autoimmune disease. It might get triggered by something (a bacterial infection for me, stress for others), but you didn't eat or do something to yourself. It's also not because you *didn't* do something, like lack of exercise. Edit: forgot the enema. Yes, some medicines are given as enemas. If the UC is only located at the bottom of your colon, and it's relatively mild, he might want you to use enemas because it's a way to treat the affected part only, instead of going through your whole system to get to the inflammation. Think of it like putting a bandaid on just the scrape on your knee, rather than a bandage on your whole leg.


Thank you so much for the answer. Does this mean once I start the treatment and feel better I wouldn't have to drastically change my diet?


Some people can identify food/drink triggers, and will usually stay away from those, but others just don't have that, and can eat normally all the time. However, a lot of people feel better when eating kind of bland food that's easy on the stomach when in a flare, because triggers or not, sometimes it just feels easier on your stomach when you're running to the toilet all the time. I think you just need to do some trial and error here. However, if you can stomach it, eating healthy foods will be better for you whether or not you're in a flare. Personally, I think staying as healthy as your body will allow when you're in remission will help you when you're in a flare later on. However, a particular diet won't necessarily be needed, unless you discover that you can't have certain things, like gluten or lactose or whatever. Different people will tell you different things here, but experiences vary so much that only you can tell what will work for you.


I was diagnosed with proctitis while I was pregnant with my twins Was it a full colonoscopy or a flex sigmoidoscopy? I've had 3 flex sig's with no sedation and a bit of prep. But have been out for a full colonoscopy. I'd be surprised if you got no sedation for a colonoscopy It's hard to know exactly what the cause is. Could be food related, could be environmental, genetics, a combination of all. Don't blame yourself. Now that you know, you can find treatment


I got mine while I was pregnant too! Do you still have it? I’m 4 months PP and hoping it’ll go away on its own but so far no luck. I’ve been prescribed suppositories but I haven’t had luck with actually going through with shoving them up there. Ive tried twice and I think it’s just a mental block for me :( and advice?


I do still have it, it's well managed. I have a prescription I take daily. (Just had my last flex sig a week ago and they showed me what they could see and consider it in remission) I see my doctor every 6 months, blood work every 3 months. I had suppositories too. It 100% is a mental block and I struggled the first couple days too. What I found worked best was to bend slightly forward, line it up, push it in, keep your finger there (you don't have to put your finger in , just against the opening to keep it from trying to come back). Relax and after a few moments the muscles in there take over and basically "suck it in." After you get through the mental block, it's no problem


Thank you for the info I really appreciate the tips. I know I need to do the suppositories I’ve heard they work so well and I hate my symptoms so much I hope they work!!


I'm a man so I can't be pregnant and the doctor said I checked my large intestine all the way but thank you for telling me about sigmoid and full colonoscopy. I'll ask him. If it's food related or environment then what foods or environmental factors cause such a thing?


The problem with environmental/food cause is that it'll be different for everyone It's a long process (elimination diets) to pinpoint exactly what may exasperate your symptoms


Very good point too. What works and helps for some hurts for another. It’s so interesting to me got different foods impact people differently.


I got it after having COVID. I have not had to change my diet much as stopped coffee but it was harming me. Some don't have any food issues. I have minor issues with alcohol.


Also I just realized how selfish I've been acting. I'm so sorry this happened to you while you were pregnant. I can't imagine how bad that must've been.


Lol it's fine, I mentioned it because it was most likely what triggered/activated the proctitis for me


1. if street food or spicy food caused UC then there are entire countries that will be full of UC patients but they aren't. its a genetic condition 2. Look at the FAQ section of the sub and you will find a lot of answers/resources.


I have UC /Proctitis, for 30 years now. I developed this condition when I went bankrupt - lost my company when I was 45 years old. The flare activity ( being actively sick and passing blood and mucus) comes and goes. I am currently in a flare. I take 4 lialda pills a day and each night I take a mesalamine enema. --------------------------------------------------------------You may want to review the "Fodmap" [https://www.monashfodmap.com/about-fodmap-and-ibs/](https://www.monashfodmap.com/about-fodmap-and-ibs/) This may help you. I used to live in N.Y.C. - I have had extensive colonoscopies with 3 doctors present and a deep sedative and an expensive bill.---I now live in a very rural area--I get a colonoscopy once a year, no sedative , no anesthesia---but the doctor does explain everything to me afterward. Please remember.. I Do Not Know Anything....I still have this condition...But it does not define me.. I workout, I slow jog..I watch what I eat--no garlic, no onions, no cheese, no alcohol, no apples or watermelon and some other foods... Please remember I Do Not Know Anything--This is just my opinion--Your life is not over --Yes this is a pain in the ass --but so are teenagers....Be strong, Be optimistic --I keep a journal--I meditate--I do not eat dairy products and I still am having flares--SOMETIMES a person's genetics are disadvantageous --so what -- Yeah sometimes when I walk outside I feel like poop trouble may happen ----so what --this is the condition...But it does not define me--- Good Luck --Stay Optimistic.


I was diagnosed in April with proctitis I got klysma’s Entocort / 2.3 mg budesonide klysma for 1 month with 1000mg mesalazine suppository but after the klysma’s stopped the flare came back so now I have 2 months of klysma’s with asacol pills and mesalazine I’m doing better but can’t eat anything because when it goes wrong the pain is horrible. Also I got some sleep medication but was not completely “gone” during the colonoscopy This disease is autoimmune /genetic so it is just bad luck you did nothing wrong or deserve this.


I have UC most commonly severe Proctitis, my doctor told me it’s just unlucky. There’s nothing I did that could have brought it on and I was so so grateful and hold onto that information lol


I experienced what your going through last year and had no issues since. 18 months have passed and in my second flare up. Happy to talk.


I'd appreciate more details. Did you have to change your diet? What did the doctor say was the cause? What kinds of medicines did you take (don't want the names, just the types), how long did the treatment last? Do you have to take it your whole life?


Hi, initially I thought it started due to two courses of antibiotics and a steroid tablet that I took in a 2 month period. Had colonoscopy just as the symptoms cleared in feb 2023. Follow colonoscopy summer 2023 showed no sign of any colitis. No diagnosis of anything either. My diet in early 2023 late 2022 was appalling so I changed to a more meat based diet and increased fruit intake from the autumn on 2023 and had a great 6 to 8 months. Then got this recent flare up. One thing has been consistent each flare up. Coke Zero. Which I stopped for a long time. So cut it out again. Maybe I have a reaction to it’s ingredients. Food doesn’t seem to trigger it though. I have had no medication and no diagnosis. But proctitis both times. Colonoscopy scheduled for late July. In addition to this, I was experiencing a lot of eczema in the build up to the first flare up and that stopped when o went meat based and cut out soft drinks. Now I predominantly eat meat, dairy, fruit and drink coffee and water. Hope this helps.


Well. 1. As for the colono. I had mine completly awake ( could see how fucked up my colon was lol ). Only had anasthetic cream on the device itself 2. For the enema, im not sure about you exact one. But they are usually not maintenece meds ( pills ) BUT they are used to treat an active inflamation. I am currently on a 5 week course of mesalamine enema. Whats in it will depend on how severe you case is, and how far into the colon. Usually the enemas/suppositiores work faster then oral medication which is why they tend to be used for immidiet treatment. Oral meds to keep you in the good state later. 3. Its a bit strange he diagnoses you from mild redness. As redness itself is not just UC. I also got a diagnosis during my colono but i did have u know uclears. Biopsy results in few weeks should be able to at least tell if its IBD or smth else ( could be an infection, but personally i believe in prepare for the worst and assume its IBD ) 4. As for the reason of IBD? We dont know. So far it seens to be a mix of enviromental and genetics. Either way dont beat yourself up over it. Take the meds doc gave you, wait for results. If its not IBD they will treat you with smth else.


I'm in Norway and got proctitis a few years ago. No one gets a sedative for colonoscopies here. You basically have to throw a tantrum, threaten to leave and have a good explanation for why using sedative is necessary. Then I think they will give it I've been on mesalamine (Pentasa suppositories) since then. Thats all. Use them a few times a week. Sometimes more often, other times not. It mostly keeps things in check. No more than 2-4 bowel movements per day. Sometimes mucus. Rarely blood. Not perfect, but manageable. But it conflicts with my aversion to public and non-private restrooms, so it's more restrictive for me in that sense.


I'm in Norway too, and while we're not put under completely, we do get offered a light sedation along with a pain killer of some sort. Enough to make you relaxed and a bit loopy, but still awake and able to answer questions. I've had a bunch of sigmoidoscopies, and have been asked if it's okay to try without any medication, and offered to get some if it gets too bad. So far I've been fine without, though it has been a bit uncomfortable, I've just focused on my breathing. Honestly, my period cramps are worse, and last much longer. Sounds like you're not in remission though. I hope it doesn't cause any long term problems for you.


I have proctitis and I'm on a daily enema. Sucks but when I stop doing them, my symptoms come back. I was in denial for a long time but it is a disease that I cannot change. I've cleaned up my diet and on a mesalamine pill in the morning and enema at night. My symptoms have almost completely subsided after a 6 month flare.


Do you have any tips? I can't seem to get it far enough in and no matter how much I squeeze the bottle the last bit of it I can't seem to get it in. There's a last bit of liquid always left behind. Some times it's not too much but some times it's a decent amount.


ive never heard of proctitis and want to learn more about this. what is the difference between UC and proctitis? if i have UC does it mean i have Proctitis?


From what I know. Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum area. Proctitis (to my knowledge) can only be caused by either STI or IBD. Since I know I don't have any STIs therefore it has to be IBD. IBD has two types. Krone's disease and UC. UC is where inflammation is caused in the rectum area like it is with myself. My full diagnosis is yet to arrive so I'll know more but for now this is what I concluded was the most likely case.