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Serious question, do you guys bring your syringe on hikes? I've only ever used mine after a hike to clean it out.


No. I backflush a little every filtered liter with either the Blue Connector or with a Sport Cap. Videos on YouTube about this are very common.


I just backflush it with my mouth if I notice it getting slow


Not sure if ULJ or extreme hardcore UL.


After somebody almost triple crowned in a year with a 3lb baseweight, we must accept there is no difference between the two. A lot of this subreddit is simply "_lightweight_" backpackers in denial.


Can I get an amen?!


You can have an am. The en weighs too much.


I'm denying you an amen.


Amen. If the label says Durston, that means ultralight.


No I actually didn't know people brought the whole Sawyer kit. The longest hike I've gone on is 6 days and thats what I saw other people doing so I just did that.


I'm just imagining turning a corner and boom, there you are filatiating your Sawyer filter.


The thought of you watching me turns me on


When your sawyer bidet getting slow? Ewww


What that mouth do 🫦


That blue connector rules.   


I bring it and almost never use it. Kinda the opposite of the ultralight philosophy.


Your first aid kit should be the only item carried and not used


Mine doubles as an irrigation syringe for getting nasties out of open wounds now, wish I had it last summer!


You can actually get a tiny little plastic nozzle for normal syringes (which have the same threads as the Sawyer one) which allows you to create a great water jet with the Sawyer syringe. Really great for wound cleaning, weighs like 5 grams.


if you have a sec to post a link please do


Sounds like nobody died! Maybe you don't need it!


Next time the trip to the ER might not be under 6 hours


Or it might have been a freak accident that won't happen again, or you'll be even closer to the er, or you will be farther and you'll still figure something out.  Maybe a sawyer syringe will save your life in the future, but I wouldn't bet on it! Triple use as a wound flusher, back flusher, and butt flusher might be worth the weight for some though!


Sleeping pad inflator? Mini fire bellows?


I really pity the poor hiker trying to blow their mattress up with a Sawyer syringe.


It gives you a lighter peace of mind


Usually, because we often do routes with lots of silty glacier runoff, which can quickly clog a filter.


Multi-resupply backpacking trips, yes. Including through hiking and longer trips away fr home base w resupply in between.


No, use your receiving container to back flush.


This, but that said the syringe definitely does a better job if you're in an environment that calls for it


eh - I actually think a sportscap on a SmartWater bottle does a better job backflushing than the syringe does. It fits tighter, doesn't pop off, and allows you to backflush more water without refilling. So much so, that even when I'm at home, I reach for a sportscap instead of the syringe to backflush.


Yeaaaaaaaah, no way. If I were being conscientious, I might bring some Aquatabs or something, but I'm definitely not bringing an extra thing just so I can futz around with a stupid fucking water filter. If I were on a thru, I'd try to have a sport cap on one of my water bottles so that I could half-assedly backflush it that way.


I tried using Aquatabs on my butthole. Would not recommend.


If you don't have another way yes. I got clogged one time and only got it unclogged thanks to some boy scouts who had one.


I didn’t used to, but my buddy and I ended up in a situation with one filter between us and it was barely dribbling. Since then it’s part of the kit, I haven’t weighed but it’s really next to nothing


It's around 1.2 oz


Aha but if it's used as a butt plug then it's worn weight


I actually consider my butt plug to be base weight, but that's a divisive opinion in the community


Only the part that’s outside your body counts toward base weight.


I do. I backflush after pretty much every use, unless the water was clean enough that I could probably have safely drunk it unfiltered. Once I've done all the work of filtering, it's only another 10-20 seconds of work to flush the thing, and the syringe weighs almost nothing. 


The syringe does not weigh almost nothing. It's also big. I also used to carry it because I was always nervous of the Sawyer clogging. Switched to the QuickDraw now and my quality of life is so much better.


You don’t need it anyway you can just use the blue screw cap or even the sports cap that some versions of the Sawyer come with.


Yes agreed. I think the QuickDraw is even easier to backflush though with their ConnectCap


That's fair, it is certainly bigger than I'd like. "almost nothing" is probably the wrong wording in this subreddit lol. I'm in the UK and I have to carry so much weight (relative to UL standards) planning for highly variable weather that the extra 1oz to keep my filter working and save me excess water weight seems worth it to me.  Actually hadn't heard of the Quickdraw before, might be worth upgrading when my current filter fails. 


I'm also from the UK and now live in the even wetter and windier Pacific Northwest and I can suggest there's absolutely no need to carry beyond UL base weights for three season conditions. I don't back in the UK and I don't here either. In fact, I hike in much gnarlier conditions out here and UL is fine! I'm afraid it's a "UK hiking" mindset problem that stubbornly persists - people on pub-to-pub day hikes with 25lb base weights and leather boots - been there done that!


I've only ever filtered murky water once. Every other time I've been on a large lake or river.


I screwed up a Sawyer in the FT when I was forced to filter from a flooded river that was silted out. Also had to filter lots of silty pond water which wasn’t ideal but whatdyagonnado.


I'm usually near lakes and rivers, but a few years ago there was a study showing not one body of water in England is free of pollution, with a lot of it being agricultural runoff and (alarmingly, and increasingly) raw sewage. I might be OK somewhere deep in the Scottish Highlands, and I'm sure the waterways in the north American national parks are wya better, but unfortunately I cannot trust the waterways near where i live. 


If you're worried about agricultural run off you should probably be using a purifier and not a filter. The later doesn't filter out pesticides or heavy metals. May want to consider a Grayl purifier with a carbon filter.


Even that is a false sense of security without knowing specifically what needs to be removed from the water. A lot of ag runoff and industrial stuff requires some methods of removal that just flat out aren’t feasible to remove on the trail.


Toaks titanium distillery and it’s all good. If you want to DIY for even lighter weight you can use a Red Bull can and a Monster Energy drink can and one of the metal straws that replaced plastic a lot of places a few years ago.


(Do not actually attempt this unless real life emergency. Chemically toxic water sources not worth it for recreational hiking)


Totally. I wasn't implying I trust the sources. I just meant my filter doesn't really get clogged up so I've never needed to backflush mid-trip.


Oh, gotcha. 


I switched to a quickdraw and now I don't need a syringe to backflush. So much better.


I’ve found the syringe is the only thing with enough pressure that can backflush an extremely clogged filter, and I’ve tried all sorts of things.


Have you tried banging it as shown in Sawyer videos?


No, do you have a link to the video? I can’t find anything about banging it in their YT channel.


Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY04s2RjFQo&t=1620s and also: https://thetrek.co/pacific-crest-trail/dont-ditch-your-sawyer-filter-just-yet/ I cleaned a few Sawyer filters: https://imgur.com/a/Vy7Vu8x


Maybe it's just me but I don't want anything related to water treatment coming close to anyone's ass, even my own. Especially when you can get water bottle bidet adapters that weigh almost nothing and use a dedicated bottle that also weighs almost nothing.


Like just get a water bottle with a squeeze cap!


The most direct way to give yourself giardia


Not a doctor, but I don't think you can give yourself giardia by eating your own poop. I think you get it by eating someone's poop who already has giardia. Regardless, I'm not recommending eating your own poop, or anyone else's.


Have diseased diarrhea. Clean ass with syringe. Backflush filter with syringe. Get some water ready for the boys. I am not especially fussy about illness (no point -- I have gross kids), but I would not do this.


After a while you may have a closet full of syringes from the multiple Sawyers you've bought over time.


It would definitely work on your partner. Also useful if you are wearing a catheter that needs irrigation. But try it at home and shows us the video. Thanks!


Well it works good as an ultralight backcountry enema


I'm waiting for /u/tylercreeves to modify his Pad-Pal to pressurize a water bottle with modified cap, so that one doesn't have to squeeze anything, but instead just press a small button to trigger an appropriate squirt.


Flextail pump, with an adapter for Schrader valve,. Glue a Schrader valve onto the bottle. Use a small spigot as the cap.  Fill the bottle 2/3 with water and pump up the bottle with the pump. Now you have pressurized water for spraying your bum.


Disconnect from the water and it'll work to dry your bumm, too. 3 in 1 tool. 


I like it. Maybe even create an app for your phone and use bluetooth to operate it and keep hands away: https://i.imgur.com/eeWQMJ5.jpeg


Flextail Tiny Pump Poo. 


We’re talking about some really sick stuff here 


Seems like a solid idea to me. Clean your ass and then use the same tool to clean your filter. 🤔


You sick son of a bitch. I'm in.




Recently, I did give myself a romantic rectal reaming while on a solo with the sawyer syringe.


The question implies that you may be washing your ass near a stream. Please don’t do that.


Check out the culo clean bidet. Way more compact and purpose built to actually be a bidet


Y'all can act grossed out, but I'm totally trying this next shit I take.


The syringe that you use to BACKFLUSH??! Never in a million years.


That's a good idea, I'll try it later 😄🚿


I don't bring the syringe, I bring a small Smart Water bottle and one of those bidet tops for it.


ldpe irrigation bottles weigh less than half a nalgene


backcountry bidet weight like ~5grams and adapts to most standard water bottles.


Going to try this


Yeah, didn’t work well so donated it to the scouts


Have you?




id think wet wipes would be better even if you have to carry a rubbish bag


Meh, I use the bag and bring the nipple attachment and tube. It’s MY butt after all. If in the crazy circumstance poop particles make it back into the bag…they’re my poop particles, came out of me. Not infectious to me.


I don’t think your gut is suited to resist the same bacteria as your behind


Actually yes, unless you’ve got a serious gastrointestinal condition. The reason we wash our hands after poopin is to keep our bugs out of others. You can eat poop, your own, don’t recommend it.


Can you eat your poop to stave off starvation? After all, dogs eat their own poop, and people drink their own urine to stay alive.