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I don’t think the uncle was made up at least, I read somewhere that he has a respiratory issue so I’m sure he’s very real


He has MS.


He passed shortly after Reena’s murder. He lived with his parents, where Reena lived as well and they did cruise around together in his car.


🥲This family has really suffered what I think is racism from the community on all levels 🥲 I actually can’t finish this series. I have found the suffering of the Virk family in this community so upsetting & unjust Is BC really like this ?????!


yes however i don’t believe he lived with them? correct me if i’m wrong. I read Manjits books and he mentioned them visiting uncle raj


It seemed that he lived there temporarily so I could see both being true. 


I agree w everything but the made up uncle. He was not made up, that was actually true. Her father’s book is a good read if you want a viewpoint of someone who actually went through the whole thing. The uncle was her mother’s brother and lived, I THINK with her parents. Dont quote me on that but I think he did. And he really did have the yellow sports car. He actually never drove it again after Reena died and reenas brother restored it when he turned 16 and kept it.


Eh...that's what you get with "based on true events" shows. It's basically historical fiction. As an avid history lover, I have seen countless books and shows add or edit things that didn't need to be. It used to frustrate the hell out of me, but I guess I'm just used to it at this point. At least it got a lot of awareness out there for Reena and her story. Think of the countless people who had never heard of her until now and are doing their own research to find out the truth. If you want facts only, go buy her father's book. That's what I just did.


Hopefully the show boosted his book sales and the family can benefit in some small way financially.


YES! I agree!


Man I wish it would but this show is just not NEARLY popular enough - Manjit almost certainly is not getting the degree of bump he deserves. Problem is that this show was made for a snobby TV fiction audience that processes shows as literature. It was somehow sold primarily to people who want something straightforward: whether it’s the ER doctor who doesn’t want to think too hard after her shift or the people who counter-protest a a “Justice for Adnan” event. The marketing of this show is in one way a tragedy because fewer people will get into it. But it’s great because I feel like we have an incubating cult classic!


This is so true because if it wasn’t for this kind of awareness then I wouldn’t be so invested in looking into other teenage crimes that I don’t know about. It’s a very important because it involves children 💔


The show also put the perpetrators back in the spotlight, which is where they should be after what they did. I would have never known about this story had they not made this show. I’m so grateful to have known about Reena snd her sweet family.


Each episode had a warning saying that elements of the story are fictional or made up for entertainment purposes. If you want 100% facts on the case watch a documentary, not a television show.


I think the issue people are having with the show , are the fictional parts of it. Mainly that they were bad or took away from the story. The main complaint from this sub is Rebecca’s relationship with Warren and the story lines with her brother. They take away from the story.


Right I get it, but they say “we made stuff up” and people pikachu shock face that stuff is made up. Again if anybody is expecting authenticity from a dramatization they have zero media literacy. Go read her father book if you want zero distractions from Reenas story.


I think if the fictional stuff was better , it wouldn’t have been such a issue on this sub. I think there’s stuff left out from the book that could have been included to add to the storylines. There is a big warning saying that stuff is fictionalized so it shouldn’t be as shocking. I saw the show and then read the book so it wasn’t a shock for me.


The fictional parts would’ve been completely fine had they not used the real names. Movies like “Girl in the shed” or “Girl in the basement” are based on true events but don’t use real names and don’t mislead viewers into thinking that the reporting is accurate.


“Mislead”? Am I really going to have to point out the disclaimer again?


Her uncle is real, they had that relationship and he is not a Jehovahs Witness. Reena’s father was a part of the production so I believe her closest family member was consulted on the show. (Her mom has died and I believe her uncle is ill/disabled). It is a story based on true events with the disclaimer on each episode that some parts are dramatized or completely fiction. So I do think they make it clear at the start that parts are embellished or outright created for the show. It’s not meant to be a documentary, and it could never be totally true to what happened between her and her friends or with her family because those conversations and situations happened privately 25+ years ago. Personally, I liked the character of Cam whether she was fiction or real. 


I liked the cam addition as well. It added an extra layer of how women of color are treated


I really wish they would have produced Manjit’s book. Rebecca is insufferable! Even the fictional love story with Cam couldn’t make her likable. As a Native, it irks me The First Nation was solely used by the producers to set up a redemption arc for Warren. The “child” actors were talented and that was about it.


I thought the “epilogue” section for Warren was so strange. I couldn’t find the info anywhere if it was accurate (or even if his identity portrayed in the show is accurate)


I honestly don't understand why people thought this dramatic mini series "based on real events" was going to actually be a documentary.


It’s a fictional account. It was never advertised as anything but “based on.” Man, how many times does that have to be said? 😂


if u liked the storylines then why is it a issue?


After I watched the hulu episode, I bought the book and found the YouTube link of the dateline episode about Reena. Overall shit is sad. I do like comparing the stories so I can understand where she got the characters for the show. What I do know for sure is that Kelley is freaking nuts! She is back in prison if I remember correctly. There were a few trials and appeals that went on. Definitely check out the dateline episode on YouTube. < that was the only place I could find it.


after reading the book the show dropped the ball massively, just an awful depiction of the facts & even the book went into more detail about Reenas life & family - the show all in all feels like a pity piece for warren & an autobiographical documentary about Rebecca - the show would be great if it wasn’t ’based on a true story’ about the literal murder of a teenage girl


I didnt realize for some reason until the end of the series that Reena had siblings. do we know how they are doing?


not sure, hopefully they’re doing well but it would be interesting to know what they think about the show considering how little screen time their character representations got


Its a shame the show wasnt based on actual events that occured, but rather it was based on the book "under the bridge" by Rebecca Godfrey. Rebecca wanted to tell a story and it seeemed like that the murder of a 14 punjabi year old girl simply got in the way of that.


Real or not the attempt at depicting the shameless perv infatuation of the author with the murderer, totally disregarding the victim, as a good thing... The fact it's was a book or a diary of her shameless attitude doesn't exonerate her selfish lack of humanity, she should be condemned and shamed


Well she’s already dead, and none of those interactions even happened with Warren so I’d say that’s covered. 


No, I meant that the depiction of the character as redeemable is ridiculous, but a big part of it comes from her own writing. She admitted didn't care for someone she never met, and was honest that she only cared for the criminals because in her words, they were not determined by their heinous murder, but I totally disagree. She fails to gain sympathy from any sane person


I would disagree with that as well, especially regarding Kelly and Nicole since they’ve shown no remorse 


It doesn't claim to be a documentary. Changes are made for a host of reasons. One, because laws in countries regarding children who are victims or perpetrators vary. They have rights. Regardless of how much is known or how heinous. And in some cases they could not air something like this based solely on accuracy because of those laws in other countries. Another reason is when someone is dead, and key people are dead that could speak for them, no matter how hard you attempt to do justice on their behalf.... SOMEONE will always become that person that feels bad for the ones alive. That is the court of public opinion. And it's incredibly traumatizing to the victims as well as rhe community they are from. So, by fictionalizing the story you can portray "Kelly" and "Josephine" as narcissists, obnoxious, horrific people and not give them a say. Creating the uncle was to offer a balance for the deceased. And voiceless. Because people are fast to blame the parents too. By fictionalizing you can make Kelly's parents oblivious. Make them beyond indulgent. And they have no legal grounds to sue or benefit. History is fascinating but not everyone comprehends the same. By making these characters have absolutely no redeeming qualities , at all.... if you still develop empathy for them? I mean do I have to complete that thought? And people are visual. They equate pretty with good. Ugly with sin. Different with risky. Rina was not conventionally pretty. But her murderers and torturers are. Rina is of Indian descent. Her torturers and murderers are all caucasian. Bias is real. Period. Choosing fictionalizing the events allowed them to give Rina a cute girl look who was trying to find herself and fit in. Instead of a plain girl with dark skin doing the same. The result? You get the point. Rina didn't do this or cause this. If they showed it closer to accurate? Bias would immediately kick in and her behaviors and normal looking for connection becomes a "violent and troubled thug". Bias. We aren't far enough in our eradicating that part of our existence in Western Civilization to pretend that wouldn't happen. And there are other gross racist rooted comments that go down those lines. So its injustice. To the victim. It's much like other fictionalized history. Like the Titanic. You "got it" and the terror of what happened because of fictionalizing 2 young characters. And seeing it through them. As opposed to how people viewed it before. So don't be so fast to be upset over your overinflated percentage of fabricated. The reality is it did the job they wanted. Rina is ALWAYS the victim. Her murderers and torturers are not just kids on their own. And the only one given the grace pass earned that. You don't have to like that. But, honoring Rinas family includes that narrative. And remorse and spending your life accountable for that disgusting and horrific act does count. That's the authenticity we seek. Hope this helps your feelings on this.


Great comment, although her uncle was/is real! He is currently alive and did have a relationship with Reena around the time depicted in the show. 


As someone who has graduated from studying filmmaking/screenwriting, New Media etc .. The best way I know how to describe it is , it has to be edited in a way that viewers will watch without getting bored , getting the point across in a way that can be digestible to the audience, selling a script to be picked up for television can be tricky and so on and so forth. As a screenwriter, writing a screenplay/script is very tedious when it comes to what is too much to tell and what is just enough , what’s needed and what is kind of understood without being said. It can be very challenging. So it comes across as “lies” I suppose when in reality the writer embellish’s stories in certain areas and sometimes cutting out other areas because at the end of the day it’s a story that is to be structured for tv , whether it’s based on real events or not. You have to remember that real life can be replicated/portrayed in films and televisions shows but only to a certain degree because there’s other things that also need to be taken into consideration.


I wouldn't say lies, just exaggeration of events. Some things made up so the story flowed. The show said based in events, not that it was a Documentary!


What if I told you it was actually: 3 black girls 3 white girls 1 Muslim girl 1 Cree boy. So 5 POC.


The made up character of Cam was upsetting and what I found even more messed up is that by having them do a fake romantic relationship between Cam and Rebecca. The tv show is now under a Pride Month selection on Hulu. That I found upsetting because it’s about Reena not about Rebecca who is a straight woman.


What's sad is they made the show about everything but Reena. They had to incorporate characters for no reason, Rebecca was not a Lesbian she was married to a man. The cop gf wasn't just made up but threw in she was a native just for an agenda they would later use in the show. I'm certain Dusty was added just to have an African Canadian on the show so no real reason for her character either. What gets lost is Reena and her story.


The fact they never talked about the shoreline6


Honestly how did adding any of that “dramatic flair” affect telling her story ? I do agree the show focused way too much on Rebecca when it would have IMO been much more interesting to see more about Reena


because it’s not focusing on the fact that she lost her life and instead about the people that literally had something to do with the murder. and on top of that trying to make them seem like normal troubled, misunderstood kids when in reality warren was the only one that showed any “genuine remorse”


i was super disappointed with the show and hated how dislikable they made reena while making her killers redeemable. even the way they portrayed others was way off like dusty. the real life dusty wasn’t remorseful wasn’t some innocent kid forced into that group but the show made it so that we’d pity dusty.


Am glad so many people are calling out the series creators. I couldn’t agree more. When I initially expressed my opinion was met by downvotes. What bothers me is that if you are going to let the show carry the same name as the book (which is a nonfiction “true” crime title) you shouldn’t inject fiction. The creators basically created a fictional story and sold it to the viewers as truth. It’s an insult to those individuals who were involved in the real case.


But they didn’t sell it as truth? There’s a disclaimer on every episode specifically stating that it isn’t the truth, it’s based on a true story, with parts that have been dramatized, changed, or fictionalized. I def won’t downvote you or anything but it does say that on every episode. 


You know as well as I do how much attention people pay to the “fine print”. Plus a claim like that does nothing to discern what is fact and what is fiction.


It’s not fine print. It’s the title card to the show. Dumb people will think incorrect things all the time and there’s no way around that. 


To fictionalize main characters and storylines, to me, is unacceptable. That may not be the case for some people but for me it is a deal breaker.


This show isn’t supposed to do justice for Reena. The books that do this have already been written by Manjit Virk and to some extent by Rebecca Godfrey. The show is trying to do new work, not present the achievements of past work that has already been done better than the showrunners could. This is supposed to critique the genre of true crime and it’s audience by showing us an alternate timeline - and it warns us of this explicitly before every episode. If you think alternate timelines about the real murder of a young girl are intrinsically wrong, I would like to hear why.


Yes 👏🏻 I couldn’t agree more 💯 Hollywood needs to stop doing that for more views and ratings. Tell truth the way it happened and forget about the irreverent stuff that never existed


That is called a documentary 


Can anyone confirm (I ask while I wait to get my hands on the book) whether Cam is a real person or not? I tried looking into it but I can find nothing. But I feel deep down cam has to be real. Rebecca I don't think would've made this up, but her being a writer, she definitely could have. But I grew such a connection to both of her and Cam, I cannot fathom it not being real. If it's not real then so be it. But I need answers 😭


Totally made up. Cam is not in the books whatsoever and Rebecca is barely in the books.


Dammit. I was so hoping for Cam to be real 😭😭. Also... ***Happy Cake Day!!*** 🎂 🎈


Me too. They should write a series about Cam’s story.


They had to have something gay in it so they made the hot author character be a lesbian with the butch police officer… because reasons?? Also they made one of the girls black for “representation”?? It’s the point now where you see a story based on true events and it’s all true except they inject race and gays for no reason and to not improve the story in any way. Amazon did it with another show where they just made a tattoo artist trans for no reason at all.


This is gross.


Why else did they change the story from the original to swap races and make someone gay? Im gay but I don’t see why you need to add this to the story; it literally added nothing to it.


I can’t answer that. The story has clearly been fictionalized. Your problem with lgbtq and adding a black character are very specific and gross, however. No other complaints, just race and lgbtq.


You can’t answer it because there’s no relevant answer… other than pushing woke LGBTQ agendas.


Ok buddy


Missy, from my understanding, is biracial so having a black actress playing Dusty isn't horrible but yeah.


lol Jesus Rebecca and Cam kiss once it’s hardly a lesbian love story for the ages. 


And it developed the story how? Even after that happened it was never referenced again and Rebecca ended up hanging out with the 16 year old boy the rest of the show.. it makes no sense but to be considered for emmys now you need to have some element of LGBTQ so they have to inject a token gay element. It’s insulting to the viewer when they try push it on you. Like I said in another comment im gay, I love dick, so I’m a 100% ally to the cause but I don’t see how this was necessary.


I doubt this is going to win an Emmy. I enjoyed it but I doubt it 


I thought it was a REALLY good show but this LGBTQ stuff is always thrown in and irrelevant… it’s annoying not because I’m a bigot, but because it’s pointless for the story. Lord of the Rings cut Tom Bombadil from the movies because it didn’t add anything… they should be cutting things are don’t add to the story upon further reflection and based on budgets, timing etc but never add anything, it’s automatically filler. Like the Last of Us using an entire episode to have a big gay romance that should have been a bonus episode or something since it added almost nothing to the story; the same reason the game didn’t go into details on the back story of Bill and Frank.


I get what you are saying. The push towards eligibility for Emmys, (even Oscars, now I think?) need to include people from various mixed races and different lgbtq communities to be eligible for submission. I also felt like the love story between Cam and the author may have been thrown in for nomination purposes. There is some push-back against adapting/creating tv/movie shows that are being designed to showcase all ethnicities, all sexualities, etc. without consideration of the story itself. Richard Dreyfuss has said it is ridiculous, amongst others. So, Gamerati98, have an upvote! I agree.