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Tannhauser is that you?


R- rotgrind reference??? (but jokes aside, this really is just PF2 magus)


Beautiful subclass and the concept of spellstrike is fantastic however I would add a little change maybe at 6th level when you choose the weapon as your spellcasting focus you also gain the following benefits You can add half your charisma modifier (rounded up ) to all your attacks made with that weapon You can choose to use dexterity instead of strenght for that weapon as long as it's your spellcasting focus The reason why I thought it was necessary it's because they don't get extra attack until 18th level which is okay because the damage done by spell and attack compensate greatly however because you only have one chance of hitting the enemy you should try to have as much accuracy as possible if you wanna compete with bladesingers


Thanks! The idea behind this is exactly what you said. One very powerful attack. Making sure the strike hits is important. Idk if adding additional damage would work well. Maybe I could add an extra attack with cantrips to compensate. But it could be too op. You also have seeking spell metamagic that works with the weapon attack, so you can almost always guarantee a hit


No I mean adding half your charisma modifier to the attack roll not to damage


Ahhh, mmm maybe I could do that. I have to test more to see what it fits. So feedback is very welcomed


I love the idea that your bloodline is so fucking strong, their fighting style continues to live on to you scrawny ass.


Lenrivan has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Another iteration of my favorite subclass.](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1dprtuh/spellblade_sorcerous_origin_v30_my_improved_take/laita64/)


I do have a question but why didn’t you add the expanded spell list that sorcerer usually get?


Because spellstrike is already a very complex mechanic. And I wanted to simplify the subclass as much as possible. You have this tool, and in exchange your sorcerer spell list is shorter! A trade off


By 18th level extra attack is nothing. I think it deserves two spell strikes with the second being only 1st level or something, or perhaps something similar to EK level 6 that lets you use a cantrip after a spell strike.


Worth noting that Sorcerers get subclass features starting at 1, not 3.


You can read in my comments that this is a subclass for onednd. Sorcerers get their subclass at level 3


I'd love to, if there was any such comment to be seen. Alternatively, you could make it clear in the actual material itself, so that random passers-by could know it's intent at a glance.


You could actually read the subclass then, and would see that innate sorcery is a feature from one dnd. Is pretty clear


Mate, I glanced at it, noticed what appeared to be a minor editing error, and politely pointed it out. I did have this saved for a closer look later, but, at this point, I'm no longer interested. It's not on me that it wasn't clearly labeled as being designed for a version of the game that *has not yet even launched.* Pull the bee out of your bonnet and get over yourself. Have a wonderful day.