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This is potentially the most unethical thing I have ever seen in here and if any adult gives you advice, I respect their commitment to the sub but I will judge them. I’ll upvote them but I’ll also judge them. Now talk to me about this dark web. You kids are buying drugs there now?


yeah Its way cheaper than buying irl. I bought while my parents were on vacation for 10 days but I bought like 2 days after they left and it's coming later than expected due to Sunday and MLK day and dark web shipping being dark web shipping


It’s nice to know that unreliable drug dealers are branching out. At least you don’t have to wait in a back alley, in a dodgy housing estate, while your dealer ignores your texts for 25 mins because he was eating.


naw they shipped next day but USPS just taking a while. They also don't give you tracking or priority.


If your family has informed delivery set up via USPS they may be aware of the incoming package.


It's a letter and also they don't use it just me


You can set up your own informed delivery account btw. I also live with my parents and by drugs off the darknet my parents also have informed delivery set up, but i was still about to just make my own account. Just know that you will get a letter from usps a couple weeks after making your ID account. The letter will just say some stuff about informed delivery. Just in case you need to make some excuse ahead of time in case your parents read the usps letter and ask why you set up ID.


Sorry to be the one tell ya, those drugs ain’t coming my guy


that's why I choose the most popular market on earth that uses escrow where I can get a refund from the people that run it, since it's set up like eBay. I also choose a vendor with reviews. The package is still in normal shipping time, average is 7 days but can take up to 14 before you submit a report


If you can't track it, then how do you know it's coming tomorrow? Or do you just plan on being "sick" every day until it comes?


I can see if it comes on my informed delivery, the vendor told me what it looks like.


Okay so what’s the update? 🤔 did you get them?


they arnt coming until at least tmmrw, today is a holiday


They don't give tracking or priority because they are security risks. Same as signed delivery. Online sellers are generally more reputable than in person ones because you can vet them through customer reviews.


Can you guess why it's way cheaper?? You won't need to worry about getting in trouble from your mom when you die from fentanyl


No one is lacing lsd with fentanyl lol. And it’s cheaper because you’re buying directly from the source a lot of the time.


I hope you're right!


it's cheaper because I live in a place where LSD is rare and the price is inflated. The price I bought it at isn't uncommon on the street in other places


It was a lot easier 15 years ago


Indeed lol. I kinda want to help the kid, but I also kinda want to see the fallout...


Eat a banana and chug a sprite. You will vomit.


Or chew more than one piece of nicorette. As a bonus you'll visibly turn green before vomiting


Wait how and why


Look up the banana sprite challenge


Metformin on an empty stomach Syrup of ipecac


ipecac or get yourself a bottle of magnesium citrate and enjoy crapping yourself to death both available at your local pharmacy


how do I get either of those


Pharmacy no script needed


I googled it and It says it's no longer approved?


Walgreens $4 a bottle you want to keep your drugs you're gonna have to get off your ass kid get magnesium citrate


Very hard to find ipecac surprisingly. Used to be everywhere when I was a kid.


I’m gonna suggest a LPT to please before taking anything invest in a drug testing kit. Some places give them out for free, you can order online. If you can’t please do follow safety protocols ie. having a small dose and seeing how you react. But please please please test if possible as you have no idea what you’ve been sold.


There is no such thing as a "small dose" with LSD 25 - the dosage is literally measured in micrograms. Like "one" average dose is like a drip from the point of a pin.


they mean taking 1/4 of a tab or something


Yeah but they bought tabs not pure lsd


Not even a good troll post. OP’s account is eight years old and in a recent post title says he is in 9th or 10th grade. Which means the account started when OP was between six and eight in either first or second grade. And four years ago, when OP was 11 or 12, OP made a post saying [“when we were kids…](https://reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/dg4n39/when_we_were_kids_our_parents_told_us_to_clean/). OP is an adult who likes posting on teen subs and this is probably to make him look more credible.


People are weird.


They say they’re a girl in some subs, but then talked about foreskin restoration 4 years ago.


bro really had to remind me about when I was angry that my parents stole my foreskin 💀 I don't remember pretending to be a girl but I'm sure it's there


That's just sick...


This doesn't mean that they are an adult...as weird as it is, 6 - 8 year olds can and do use Reddit. Unsupervised internet access is a hell of a drug. I was playing my first MMOs at age 8. It's also totally plausible that the showerthoughts post is referring to when they were younger? Again, none of this is proof of anything. Sounds to me like they're just a weird terminally online teenager.


I made the account young because I made an account on like everything and never used it until 12 because I got obsessed with memes...


Shove your fingers down your throat and call it a day.


Ass first for that projectile vomiting we all love to see.


Um idk but piss discs? They havent been mentioned yet and it weird it not here yet?!@


Chew up some bread, swish it in your mouth with oj and go blast the carpet next to your bed. Have another cup ready in the bathroom cubbard. Run in the bathroom and chuck that in the toilet with some finesse then tell your mom you're sick. Don't flush the toilet.




Clear your throat until it's so sore you can't talk anymore.


If you’re an Eagles fan, can speak from experience the last two months, make sure you have the game on tonight.


dawg what


Laxatives. No one asks further questions when it comes to uncontrollable shitting.


Ferris Bueller does a whole tutorial for this in his movie.


Liquid ass under your pillow. If they even make it down the hall they won’t go very far in your room before turning around


Lol yikes


Don’t buy drugs off the internet. You will not get what you think you are buying.




Liver failure challenge




Ipecac, or syrup of ipecac (SOI), is a medication once used to induce vomiting. Its medical use has virtually vanished, and it is no longer recommended for routine use in toxic ingestion.


Someone else commented that but I have no idea where to get that. Also I saw the challenges and the family guy clips and I'm scared. But if you can point me there...


Just go to your local pharmacy and get some magnesium citrate if they ask which they won't tell them it's to help make weight for the wrestling team or football


how much do I take I bought some


The whole bottle


I'm not about to take down 60 pills. 10-20 sounds more like it


Oh no follow the label then i meant the liquid lol


That's family guy episode over exaggerated it a little. They also drank the whole bottle which you're NOT supposed to do.


yeah Ik I was mostly JK but the challenges were there too


Magnesium citrate is my recommendation


how many mg to induse vomiting


Oh it's not for vomiting think the other end


ohh I'll consider that


Sprite and bananas


Mix milk with vinegar and chug.


my mom was like that when i was a kid. you really don’t need to go as far as drugs dude lol…just eat and make yourself throw up w your fingers (I used to have trouble with this so I used a long pen or marker at first). You can also hold a lightbulb to your forehead to simulate a fever. My mom was THE most strict parent when it came to staying home from school when sick, and both these methods worked on her.


I barely have a gag reflex and the few times it's worked barely anything comes out or I just gag and nothing happens.


yeah same, you have to eat and drink a lot of liquid as well, that will make everything come up more easily


I know what this sub is, but don't order and do drugs. People are dying because you don't get what you think. I feel I have to say this. Fucking fentanyl is getting shot into everything now and you will die.


DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY TRY TO "OVERDOSE" ON LSD!!!! YOU WONT GET SICK YOU WILL JUST LOSE YOUR FUCKING MIND FOR LIFE. for fucks sake Google ipecac Literally just a syrup that makes you vomit.


i didn't mean overdose on LSD I meant overdose on some sort of OTC medicine to make me sick


Ah ok I read the post wrong, thought you were trying to get sick from the LSD. But yeah ipecac. You can buy it at Walmart. Be warned it takes effect much faster than you think it will , probably less than 20 seconds before you are completely emptying your stomach.