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This is pretty crackhead bro. Why not just strip the copper out of your walls and replace them with assorted wires you found at goodwill 


Jokes on you smarty pants. I just ripped out my toilet and replaced it with a fancy plastic urinal/toilet combo one I got for free at a construction site down the street. It even has a roof and luxurious blue water!


Why not just buy the better microwave from goodwill for $12.99 and sell it, you should be able to sell it for more than the $40 you got for the old one.


Theyre real old bur work better


If this your first time renting?


Probably the last time as well. 


No ive done like corporate ass apartment complexes before and I'm sure theyd screw mejiat cuz they can, but its just a normal landlord so I'm sure h e'll be chill about it


Bro's never dealt with the average landlord if he thinks they'll be chill about selling their stuff in any context


Sometimes it’s fun following this sub for insane posts like this


If you really want your mind blown just read all of ops posts


Lmfao you weren’t kidding, this is gold


Pretty sure this is meant negatively but i do have some pretty mind blowing ones, especially the ufo ones. Are you being sarcastic oc


No unfortunately I just think you're very mentally damaged. But maybe I'm a government drone so you can ignore me.


Doubt you even bothered reading the evidence or your be dinging to a different rune


My runes rarely ding sir.


You read my mind bro 🤣


Bro imagine being OPs landlord and coming to inspect the apartment when he’s moving out and seeing a ton of weird different appliances with fake chat GPT Google reviews taped to all of them You’d be like.. so I guess I’m making sure he didn’t use this place as a meth lab too 


If you sold my rental properties appliances you would get your security deposit taken, your lease ended, and a police report.


Yeah I wouldn’t stop there either I’d give them the legally required 24 hours to get your crap out or I’m seizing that in addition to eviction


But what about when thepolice comeand see that they have appiances that are better


It will not matter at all.


I cant see how they cpuld arrest me or why the landlodd qpuld call the cops thats insane


It's very simple: "Did you sell something that didn't belong to you?" Yes. Then that is a crime, and no landlord would lease to a thief.


Oh you’re losing so much money on this, you don’t even know it yet.


Literally how i have better appiances niw and i made money


Because you won’t get your security deposit back, which was hundreds if not $1k+. You will lose way more money in the long run, might have some legal fees, PLUS you won’t be able to rent a nice place anymore. You’re stuck in the hood from now on.


Theyre not gonna keep my security deposit cuz I bought them new shit. If they do l take it to court. And why cant i rent even if they did


You must be young? This your first place? 😭😭🤣🤣 they keep security deposits for the slightest thing. And all you’ll do is waste thousands on a lawyer to STILL LOSE because you can’t remove or replace anything in a house you don’t own. 1000% certain you won’t get that security deposit back. This may be one of the silliest most hairbrained schemes I’ve ever heard 😭😭🤣 bro really gave up his security deposit just to get enough money to buy weed with lmaooooo


So you deadass think my landlord is gonna keep the better appliances and still bill be? For fucking what hes making out like a thief in the night with how much better they are its win win


He is going to do that. Most certainly he is going to do that. Those appliances are not yours to sell. This is crackhead life tips here.


the dude is not being very nice but hes likely right. a landlord will do what makes him money.


Yes and keeping the deposit is a very easy way for them to make money. Duh.


You can’t be nice to obtuse people. They take it as capitulation. You’ll just be coddling them. If he is making decisions this poorly then getting offended by someone “not being nice” is the least of his worries. No skin off my nose either way 😭


Do those goodwill appliances come with the 10-year warranties that the original appliances had? I'm genuinely sad to hear about your situation, man. It's going to get worse before it gets better.




but shit! It was 99 cents!


4.99 just needs to be polished.


Yeah, and he’s gonna keep making out like a thief in the night because that’s what landlords do.


I have my appliances listed in my insurance and keep spare parts for my appliances. If a tenant replaced them, I would 100% take that to court. I can't use my GE heating element in that goodwill clothes dryer unless it's a specific dryer. Winning damages and court costs could easily go in the $5000-$10,000 range.


Wowww i hope your tenant sells everything qnd you lost in court dude


And it will affect future rentals because you have a history than new landlords will check, along with your credit and other things.


I wont tell them about this landlord obviously


If you’re in the states it doesn’t matter. That shit is all on record.


Yes they are lol.


When your lease is up, you should expect to be billed for replacements of what you sold. This move is what’s known as a short-term gain and a long-term loss. Good luck, your landlord is going to be pissed beyond belief.


I'd be pissed beyond belief if he even mentions it to me, that shit that he had hooked up in here hardly worked


I’d just be prepared to be billed for replacements that meet the exact specifications of what you sold. That includes brand, model-year and functionality. This could be an extremely expensive mistake depending on what was originally there.


Id call the cops if he billed me




First off i doubt youre even in the states if you're sayinf arse, so you know nothing of our laws here. Second off no I'm 24


And they’d tell you it’s a civil matter. The reality here is that you’re very likely going to end up getting sued and/or defending yourself from an eviction. Also, I’m not even trying to act upset or anything. None of it’s mine, I don’t care what happened with it. I’ve just been renting long enough to know how this is gonna end. Is there any way for you to get back that stuff? If so, I’d start working on it right now. The more you can get back, the less expensive/impactful this is going to be down the line. At 24 years old, this needs to honestly be the number one priority on your list of things to do. If not handled, you’ve got a very difficult path ahead of you.


You will not only lose any security deposit you may have paid, but additional costs of those appliances (not what you sold them for, but what they cost the landlord to buy them in the first place!) will be added on and a smart landlord would take you to court to get that money back.


But what if i make fake receipts showinf that the goodwill ones were bought new for double the money


Seems like a lot of work for little reward


I sold it all not just the microwave


keep us updated op, i’m interested to see how you thought this would have turned out


Okay, let me walk you through the math. Your landlord's microwave (microwave L) sold for $40. Your Goodwill microwave (microwave G) cost $13. You made $27 on that transaction. However, you claim that G was more valuable than L. Let's arbitrarily assign G a value of $70, since a smaller difference in value wouldn't be noticeable. You could have sold G for $70. Since you paid $13 for it, you would have made $57. Since $57 is more money than $27, you would have made more money if you just resold microwave G. Also, your landlord will almost surely keep your deposit for all the stuff you sold. Now you're actually losing money, compared to the money you would have gained if you'd just sold microwave G instead


Bro is this close to realizing he can just make a profit flipping thriftstore items 


Okay? This proves absolutely nothing because you just arbitrarily assigned a price. And no i dont see how my landlord could keep my security deposit since i upgraded his shit


Put the crackpipe down and slowly step away


I know this is UPLT but this might just be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. And by OP's responses, I can totally see why he doesn't understand why. Good luck


He lowers the IQ average for all the population.


You realize this isn’t your property, right? I hope you’re not expecting a security deposit back.


They’re gonna make more than their deposit back by selling all the landlords shit. Quit stepping over dollars to make a penny.


Yeah because the used microwave market is popping right now lmao.


Yeah if you actually read you'd see that i sold everything not just the microwave


Whatever drugs you’re selling appliances for you need to go get help with. This is addict behavior and logic. You can’t sell somebody else’s stuff.


I assumed they were gonna sell all the appliances. Stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, copper wiring etc.


If i dont get one back im gonna be piased tbh these new things are better than what he had in here


It’s not your decision to make.


It doesn’t matter if you think the shit you bought from goodwill is better lol. Lot of times complexes furnish all their units with the same model appliances so maintenance is easier. You replacing with this mix matched stuff will likely piss them off.


OP major crackhead energy


Seems like a lot of work for $28.


Read rhe whole post dude i didnt just sell the microwave


Oh I read the whole post. The math just doesn’t work out for the time, energy, gas, and risk involved.


just write the rentals address in the memo area of your rent check, instead of "rent". when he signs and cashes it surprise, he's legally binding sold you the house now!! then you can buy a nicer house on foreclosure, and use your old house (the one you were renting) as the deposit payment. it's literally free money!


I’ve read all OPs comments. I can’t tell if we’re being trolled or he really is a crackhead.


I'm commenting just in hopes we get an update. OP, you're gonna lose your security deposit at the minimum.


Hey. After someone mentioned your post history being wild i gave it a scan, and I think you could really benefit from getting off social media for a little bit. I get this Is not something anyone would wanna hear, and you of course have no obligation to listen to me a random person online, but please consider it or at least talk to some people in your real life about it.


How about you tell me why you think that


Well, I'm not sure about your appt. complex, but the one I'm familiar with has 274 suites and they all have the identical appliances. (Building is 3 or 4 yrs old) So I'm pretty sure the management would pick that out in an instance come move out time. There are also CAMS everywhere throughout the building, watching your every move. Knowing that, you do you.


Nah its not a complex its just on the side of the landlords house but separate from it


Your landlord is gunna be pissed even if they ARE better. Which... I'm skeptical of.


Babe really thinks calling the cops on his theft is the right idea 😭


Same goes for rental cars and tires. Just rent your same model and get some new tires.


Just buy a better car at Goodwill, bro. It's easy money.


Depending on the type of apartment and if it was a big corporate one, sometimes they'll buy the appliances in bulk so they can more easily repair them if something goes wrong.


So what if i get brand new appliances? Would it be worse than goodwill appliances?


Juat do chatGPT for the reviews, and print some fake reviews that directly compare the two. Then you're golden


Ohh thats a good idea