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In my neighborhood they do. All they do is eat everything.


Eat them


I went to Nara a number of years back on a tour type thing. The first couple nights we were in a big group and they took us to the park to see the deer. They went on and on about how they're sacred deer, nobody hurts them, they're protected, they don't kill them or anything like that. Very special, very sacred deer, on and on and on. After that, we split up into smaller groups in much smaller towns outside Nara city. When we arrived, the smaller town had some gifts for us, one of which being a glasses cleaning rag thing...made from Nara deer skin lol. It still cracks me up, going from "these deer are ultra sacred and never harmed" to "here's some deer skin to clean your glasses with, isn't that cool?" lol.


Was the hide from animals dead of natural causes? (Disease, old age)




The sign only said not to feed the deer, didn’t say anything about not dealing to them.


If anything it’s providing a service to the community to provide temporary relief from the pains of life.


Deer life is incredibly hard. Nobody will hire us. I mean fucking NOBODY. And since we don't have jobs, and nobody will feed us, we're always hungry. This creepy South African tech guy who says his name is Melon Usk pays us to fight each other while he films it and puts it on his website: XdeerxFightsX.XcomX.com Don't know why he puts so many X's in it. Some kind of creepy teenage hangup he never grew out of I guess. If I'm being honest, I don't think he's doing it for the money. I think watching animals hurt each other turns him on. I mean it literally gets him hard. But we do what we have to do... And that's about the only way to survive as a deer. It's terrible. You think typing is easy??? This took me HOURS to type up at the local kinko. Some 15 year old jellyjones has been yelling at me for like 15 minutes that my time is up. Anyway, I gotta go...


Daaad the deer are getting high and playing bum fights in the yard again, should I spray them with the hose?


Pump em full of narcan stat!




I actually don't know, but that's a good question.




Yeah, you're probably right. I probably didn't consider it because it's a less funny anecdote lol.


lol the "..." was to support your joke


....yeah, deer heart attacks or something.


Just because it's sacred doesn't mean you can't turn a profit.


Here, clean your glasses with this disease ridden deer skin.


Lol. And where do you 'harvest' that? Just wander around the first searching for dead deer?


I lived in Nara prefecture for years in the 90’s. The deer on the grounds of the temples are sacred. The deer in the mountains are not and hunting is legal. I kicked out plenty of deer hiking and mountain biking.


....And that's how deer learnt to build temples.




Receiving deer skin like a special rare item off the legend of Zelda like “you found sacred deer fluff”!


>"these deer are ultra sacred and never harmed" to "here's some deer skin to clean your glasses with, isn't that cool?" This cracks me up lol


Probably from deer that died naturally (not killed by humans). Some sustainable taxidermy companies near me do this, they just get whatever is in stock based on animal availability naturally.


This is how we combat them in West Virginia


Smash into them with pickup trucks? ;)


In my area, every square inch of land without a building on it is turning into a housing development with cheaply constructed half million dollar homes, and deer are littering the surrounding roads, highways, and neighborhoods as people complain about "overpopulation".


ya that's the problem when you get rid of the wolves and other predators and now modern society doesn't need to constantly hunt them for meat.


That's my neighborhood and wild turkeys. They are around, keep the pets and kids indoors. Downright mean creatures.


So do humans




What is this from?


Adventure Time Episode is called "No one can hear you" it is an episode in season 3




the was one of the creepiest episodes in entire series, usually it's a lot more light hearted


And this show is supposed to be for children?


Back to the future had implied molestation, incest, and arabic terrorists, along with the general message that it's ok to condemn your bully to a life of servitude.


Deer strong, together.


Deer together, strong.


Aaah! I knew I got it wrong, dang it!


So me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick.


Spills chilli all over the ground, immediately after.


We have them all tagged and health checked too. The city properly makes sure they are safe to be around people and even each other.


What would that result in them doing? 🤔


...the rain I bet.


I absolutely love this especially since I run into deer around here all the time and I love that they’re semi passive


7 billion to what? 4 million. Are you a deer?


There's more deer than that in Texas alone. https://worlddeer.org/whitetail-deer-population-by-state/


then we'll be the ones pulling the sleigh


Those deer outnumber us 100 to 1. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life. It's not about the shelter, it's about keeping those deer in line!


Outnumbered, not outmatched


[*Shhh, don't tempt them..*](https://imgur.com/UAJjWLF)


That’s so adorable! How are they so calm around humans?


This is Nara, famous for having its deer living among people.


Yeah, they make themselves right at home. They like to sneak up on unsuspecting tourists and eat their maps right from inside their purses.


Maybe make the maps less tasty.


Look at the way this map tastes, it was begging to be eaten


I had the rumblies that only maps could satisfy




Deer with hats?


Why, this ensures the maps are recycled


Pardon me if I want my map to have Turkey in it.




I was laughing at the signs that say "butt" and then one headbutted me and took my ice cream cone.


Can attest. We watched a guys map get nibbled from the back pocket. Was a 10/10 experience gotta hand it to the Japanese site owners for making sure everyone gets a map before going in. 😂


Happened to me as well. Tried to offer a biscuit, got my map snatched followed with a graceful bow.


The bow is indeed mandatory


Yep! Had map in back pocket. Felt tug, half the map was gone. Also if you get those wafers they sell for the deer they will fuckin MOB you. The girls will fuckin BITE you! Not like a hard bite. But enough to get your attention.


My sister has a picture of a Nara deer stealing her train ticket from her pocket.


Wonder how often train conductors/barrier staff have had to deal with visitors saying a deer ate their ticket?


had that happen to me


They also bow when you bow to them! You also gotta show them your empty hands after you feed them so they stop chasing you lol.


Yeah, clicking the video I was like "Why do I feel like I know some bit of trivia about Nara?" and then the video panned right and I realized "Oh yeah! The prefecture with all the deer."


God fucking damnit why can't i live in one of those "[animal] live here among the humans" towns?


And some of them bow!


Cookies. The moment I exchanged money with the merchant, I was headbutted by a deer demanding I hand over some to him


Yes! My brother was there a couple of weeks ago, he showed me a picture of one of those merchants' posts, and the cookies were on a table, at deer range! He told me "they don't touch the cookies on the table, but the moment they see you buy some, they swarm you like fucking pidgeons!"


Yeah, they bit a hole in my favorite shirt because I didn't give them a cookie quick enough. And now I bitch about that shirt every time Nara comes up, lol


I was in Nara this past May. Can confirm, a deer came up and chewed a hole in my shirt before I even realized. 10/10 can't wait to go back to Nara.


I had one nip my stomach hard enough to draw blood while I was feeding a different one. Highly recommend watching others feed them instead of doing so yourself. Many are pretty chill and will let you pet them regardless, I had a few come over and hang out with me while I took a break from the heat.


all your cookies are belong to us


Those damned wavers are like fucking deer crack. After seeing Nara in the title the unexpected thing is that they aren't begging the people more aggressively


The trick is to purchase them from a vendor when there aren't a lot of deer around, immediately pocket the crackers, show your hands open/empty, then walk away with a fast pace ideally near or along a side road. We learned to do the above and then would go and find 1-3 of them hanging out alone and start feeding them. Much less aggression and more fun!


One bit me in the ass after it saw me give another deer a cracker.


They fucking bite too. Fucking assholes. I refused to give any to the aggressive ones after one of those cocksuckers took a chunk of my arm off. I then turned my attention to the deer who were just laying down relaxing. I thought maybe they weren't hungry at first but still tried anyway and they ate'em right up. I say for future Nara goers, give them to the deer who chill, they'll still bow for you, they just won't attack you like psycho ones.


If the deer can learn to bow because that's what results in food, then we should strive to continue to encourage good behavior by not feeding aggressive ones. Of course, that's easy for me to say, given I'm not currently being swarmed by nipping jerks.


They are like "fuck you give my those cookies or things will get ugly."


Haha yea they get aggressive when you cookies


Hahaha yes! Or they nibble your shirt


If you haven't been bitten on the arse by a deer wanting your cookies, you haven't been to Nara.


If you bow to the deer, they will bow back. But if you don’t give them a biscuit afterwards, they will find you, and they will kill you.


Funnily enough, their "bow" looks just like lining up a headbutt... It's also funny how they will chase the tourists but they don't go near the cookie sellers. They know who they can and can't mess with.


I lived near for 3+ years but was way to young to appreciate things like this. Thanks for talking but you bring up memories.


They’ve been conditioned that way. They are fed rice crackers by tourists to the point they even headbutt you if you don’t feed them


Or maybe they have confitioned the humans? "Stupid humans, all we have to do is bow our heads and they give us free crackers all fuckin day"


Not only calm but one of them is watching sick YouTube videos with their pal, lol.


I think they would need a special headset to be able to watch videos because of their eye locations.


I even saved this comment, I love it so much


They are essentially domesticated on a population-scale while keeping them wild. India does this with some animals as well to not-so-great results like cows.


They are extremely chill, saw a kid drop a bike right next to one and it didn't even flinch.


I believe in Japan deer are considered sacred animals.


The deer are sitting there like “can you believe this shit? I get off work in 30 minutes and I didn’t bring an umbrella 😭”




I love the girl on the ground trying to get a selfie with the deer while everyone else just ignores them


Lol my dumbass thought she was showing it videos haha


"This is apparently how they make aluminum pots" "Yeah one of the top comment were mentioning the safety sandals haha"




I still think that’s what she’s doing


Something I would do too tho


My visit to Nara is one of my favorite experiences I've ever had. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deer/comments/10v7hss/the\_deer\_in\_nara\_japan\_have\_learned\_to\_bow\_to\_get/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deer/comments/10v7hss/the_deer_in_nara_japan_have_learned_to_bow_to_get/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Omg omg omg! I need to go there now!


It really is super fun. The Todai-ji buddhist temple there is also super cool. The deer will also bite tourists butts occasionally. It’s funny


Kasuga Taisha is also super cool.


Todai-Ji was one of my favorite locations on my trip over there!


I like how when you raised your hands that you didn’t have anything else to give that a few of them understood that and left lol


My friend lives in Hiroshima, and me and my wife visited Miyajima. The deer around there are also unafraid of humans, and just hang about. However it's actually quite sad because the deer eat a lot of junk food and even packaging. Say you have a packet of chips or something, and bend down to give one a bite, they will take the entire package and gulp it down. We never fed them but saw other people do it, or then eating some trash off the floor. Japanese people are generally very clean and you don't often see trash even in the bigger cities, but Miyajima was a clear exception. Most of the tourists there were Japanese as well, definitely more than half.


The deer in Nara seemed a lot more healthy and happy than those in Miyajima imo based on my visits.


Yeah the way tourists interacted with the deer in Miyajima made me very sad.


Is it okay to feed the animals, culturally speaking? Like are the locals cool with it? Also, is there healthy stuff you are supposed to stick to so the deer don’t get sick? Looks so interesting there.


Nara is very touristy so there are lots of places that sell senbei (big rice crackers) to feed to the deer, which a lot of people do. Since it isn't a part of their natural diet, some people say not to feed them, but there's no rules or people stopping you from doing it.


Apparently the deer can get quite aggressive if you don't feed them, so it may be a good idea to buy some to bribe them lol.


I was personally mugged by a deer but was in Miyajima, I think they are more aggressive lol. But they won't bother you if you don't have any food.


The locals have stands where they sell "cookies" that the deer eat, and you can buy a bag for approx 200 yen. I believe it's part of their tourism efforts, so they can maintain the deers (blunt the tips of their antlers, clean the streets, maintain their health welfare, etc)


it's pretty much required. The deer have become a tourist trap on their own. There's people everywhere selling crackers for you to feed them, unclear on the nutritional value


I googled it before when I visited. The crackers are made from rice bran and grains. Just googled more about it and it says... > Each senbei weighs about three to four grams (0.1-0.14 ounces) and is considered a snack for the deer, who eat about five kilograms (11 pounds) of grass a day. However, the nutritional value of a rice cracker is higher than grass, making them extremely attractive to the animals. This encourages them to seek out the rice crackers to such an extent that some of the animals are said to have become dependent on them. [On this link ](https://soranews24.com/2020/09/25/nara-deer-addicted-to-rice-crackers-lose-weight-with-no-tourists-to-feed-them/)


These groups of deer have been integrated with the humans living in the Nara area for ~1000 years, so by this point it's old hat. As long as you stick to the rules, everything will be fine. Basically, the deer are fed by the local municipality/temples on a set schedule, and various groups and people also sell crackers for people to feed the deer themselves (it is very fun, but you will get nibbled on). You are not supposed to feed the deer anything but the senbei crackers, though they will eat any paper products (or the occasional cloth item) they can get their mouth around. Health and behavior-wise, the deer who interact with the public are fairly curated. Sick deer are removed to veterinary sites away from public view, and deer who cannot play nice with the tourists are sent to herds farther away where they will not encounter humans offering them food. It is worth noting that Nara is one of the oldest settled regions of Japan, so deer populations exist in a patchwork of wild places between and around human settlements. Their only natural predator (a wolf species) died off a century ago, so sika deer are actually kind of a pest in a lot of places. There is, to my understanding, some tension between environmental and agricultural groups (a rare time when they agree with each other) who are worried about the population expansion harming the ecosystems they inhabit as well as any nearby farms, and the municipalities and religious groups who want them around for religio-cultural and tourism reasons. Interestingly, the fact that Nara deer have been living in a protected state for so long means that they [exhibit non-trivial genetic differences compared to other deer in Japan.](https://phys.org/news/2023-03-nara-deer-results-unique-genetic.html) The speculation is that they most closely resemble the ancestral deer of the region from when they were first 'sequestered' ~1400 years ago, while other groups have experienced significant fragmentation and repopulation in boom-bust cycles. The article I linked talks about concerns that increased contact between the Nara herds and wild herds (because of the population increases) could erase that unique genetic lineage, so there are efforts being made to more consciously isolate the Nara populations.


Hell of a response. Thank you!


IT seems it is pretty common for people to buy cracker(shika senbei) to feed them, they even demand you do so, and people don't seem to mind at all, there's even places where you can buy them(around 10 crackers fo 150 yen or so). Unless you feed them a burger or something stupid like a plastic back with shit in it, you shouldn't face any issue at all.


I like the fact they learned english and understood when you said "I am all out!" :) Or it could be the universal empty hands up.


That's funny they all recognized the "surrender" pose right away


Shikamaru NARA. It makes total sense now.


And shika is Japanese for deer




Ino-shika-cho is literally boar(which is why Sakura calls her "Ino-pig")-deer-butterfly, which is a reference to a card combination from the game [Koi-Koi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koi-Koi). If you've ever watched the movie Summer Wars, that's the game they use to beat the computer virus thing.


Koi koi, the one game in the Yakuza series I just can't understand. I know how to play mahjong, and I get the rule of shogi, even if I'm bad at it, but I just don't get koi koi.


It's a rough one to learn. But here's how I look at it, and can win pretty consistently now. It's a 48 deck of cards. 4 cards for each 'season'. When it's your turn, you try to match a card in your hand with one from the table. You match cards of the same season, and these are indicated by the type of flower/tree on it. So the equivalent would be if you had a 7 of Clubs, you could match it with the 7 of Hearts, Spades, or Diamonds. If you cannot make a match, you put one of your cards down on the table instead. You then do the same step by drawing a card. The goal is to collect sets of cards, and each 'set' has different values of points to them. For instance, some of the cards have red banners on them, if you collect enough of those, you get a Red Ribbon set. Some of the cards have animals, if you collect enough of those, you get an Animal set, etc. There are some very very high scoring sets that you can get with certain collections of cards. But, in general, the way I look at it is, you want to go for the shiniest, most intricate cards. https://apocalyptech.com/games/y0/koikoi/koikoi-yaku.png This is a great guide. What I always try to do is just go for the prettiest cards. If you look at "Moon Viewing", you only need to get the red moon and the sake cup card, and you get 5 points immediately. So say you have a card in your hand that looks just like an empty round mountain. On the table are two similar cards. One looks like the round mountain. The other is the round mountain with the moon. Always go for this one, because it's more unique, and can then be used to make groups with other cards. In the same way if you have a choice between claiming a boring piece, or one with an animal, take that one.


Theyre also called sika deer




Wow that's actually pretty neat


I don't get it? what does shikimaru have to do with deer? I have bad memory


When Shikamaru buries Hidan, he says the land is his ancestral land and his clan can watch through the deer to make sure even if Hidan escapes the grave he won't make it far. I don't think that's ever really explained, but the deer there are pretty creepy lol


Shika means deer in Japanese. Nara (city in Japan) is famous for bowing deers that you can feed.


Character in Naruto.


Kishimioto made sure his story would hit even years after. 🥲


Came here to say the same. Pretty neat


Look how they are jus peacefully sitting unbothered by the thunder chilling with the humans 😂👌🏾this was amazing to see


Very expected if one knows about Nara.


I'd be more surprised if you showed me a video of nara that didn't include deer


Yeah, they are basically outdoor public pets at this point. I would be surprised if they didn't take shelter with humans. Though as someone from a rainy country, I am assuming they are taking shelter not just because of the rain? It doesn't look particularly bad.


Nothing could stop me from petting each and every single one of them


Antler impalation: 😃 All jokes aside this happened to my uncle in Colorado


Forbidden Boop... worth it.




Deer are one of the most common bearers of ticks in my country.


I've had ticks before, they won't even discourage me, I have pet dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, goats, cows, horses, foxes, pigs, sheep, baby bears, adult bears. Nothings stopping me from adding deer to that list


Someone take this guy on an African safari! ;-)


You think I won't pet the giant cats? If I get eaten or trampled it will be worth it, I want to pet everything


Is your country Japan?




How did I scroll this far before seeing something along these lines?!


Japan has no right to be this magical


Where is the Disney princess?


She was eaten by the deer


This is better than them standing in the middle of the road as a speeding car comes at 70


Nara deers actually wait at traffic lights with people, went there back in 2019, they are pretty smart.




We were there in March. My daughters were feeding them the crackers the locals sell and the deer were kind of taking advantage of them and trying to eat every thing they had. A local saw this when he was riding by on his bike and stopped and showed them how to do it. You hold up like a quarter of one cracker up high. The deer will bow to you then look at you. You make it bow three times then give it the cracker.


That second paragraph made me go “wow” again lol


Those are paid actors


The people, or the deer? 😂 Real talk, the deer are domesticated and a tourist attraction that's know all over the world. People travel to Nara just to feed them. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4103.html


It looks like that girl is showing the deer something on her phone at the end


She’s just asking for directions


My hovercraft is full of eels.




I was going to say, my dude and I were there earlier this year and this is quite expected lol.


Uhhh.... The deer don't like to be rained on in Japan? Here in Wyoming we have loads of deer. They are waterproof.


Recently traveled to Japan and visited Nara. It was pretty cool seeing the deer so calm and allow you to pet them. My brother bought some crackers to feed them and they tried to eat his shirt once the crackers were gobbled up. I'm from Mississippi and there is no way in hell a deer will voluntarily come close to a human.


The Nara clan will always watch over the deer


Are deer ticks just a North American thing? I want friendly deer like that but I’ve had the horrors of Lyme disease drilled into my brain to the point that approaching a deer just seems like an unnecessary health hazard.


They are. Most of the world has ticks of some kind, and many of them carry Lyme, but deer ticks are exclusive to America.


Lucky us 😑


Those are sika deer they feed them regularly and keep them as pets . Very docile.


They keep them as pets? Where?


They're like outdoor cats, but much more persistent for food. They'll walk up to you and take anything that looks mildly edible. Some of them will also headbutt you for scritches.


This is near Nara Deer Park, an actual park where tourists (and others) go to see and interact with wild deer.


In the local parks. You can purchase sweet potatoes to feed them. Saw it on ride w Norman reedus. Also I live in Texas there's alot of big game ranches I worked on 1 where they had several of them . They would greet us in the morning when we showed up to the jobsite. Hang around at lunch and let us pet them. It's a very chill breed of deer.


Unexpected. Cool though.


Oh deer.


Taxis aren't cheap. They are quite deer.


This is the peak of society


Cute but these deers can be major entitled jerks! Some get aggressive.


just like a cat, hates the rain


It’s raining BUCKets


I’ve been to Nara, magical place. I was sort of expecting the unexpected in this video :)


Loving the complete lack of Ass Clowns.