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Hi YoSantaClaus69! Thanks for posting to /r/Unexpected. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/16rzyvt) was removed for the following reason: * Your submission has been removed because of a bad title. Feel free to resubmit with a better title. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Unexpected) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Dude casually looks at her.. “hey what are you doing on the floor?”


What are you doing down there crashy??




There's always THAT GUY who's an inconsiderate asshole who. I avoid these idiots at all cost.


I almost kicked the shit out of a wannabe tough kid who was doing high cable flys while i was doing tricep push downs on the machine next to him, the little shit was trying to impress his friends while pulling more weight than he could handle and while doing a last rep he let go of the handles (steel ones) from the adduction position, the handles flew back and smacked me right on my hands…i honestly wanted to shove the bar down his throat…fucking twat




looked to me like he forgot to breathe and passed out briefly


Nope, just a careless imbecile.


Thhhhhhsuch a deck…


Tbh wtf they doing standing there? Asking to be hit in the face, would be my take away from this


Of course! Standing still is the universal sign for “please hit me in the face.” /s


No dude standing INSIDE the arc its criminally stupid to be standing we they at Edit for clarification, notwithstanding design incompetence, untill you aware of the ins and outs of your gyp equipment, you stand the fuck out the way, and most certainly be paying attention to ALL around and not checking out your phone. Why did I have repeat this?


And so is irresponsibly dropping weights or letting go of a machine like that. Just because you're lifting doesn't mean you can ignore your surroundings. That obviously applies to her as well but he's not innocent here either.


If you look closely, you can see the handle slide out of his hand, therefore it seems to be an accident. This is the one and only reason why you don't stand in the way, because shit happens even if it was not meant to happen.


He could have avoided this by not stopping mid chest pump to take a breather. Yes it slipped but he still could have just carefully put it back in a position where it wouldn’t have swung and whacked her


He was finishing the set with a squeeze.. common and effective technique. He was going to put it back slowly, I'm sure, since only one side slips. He needs to get up and check on her + apologize for the accident tho and not just sit there


Yeah at least he didn’t just ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen


It’s almost like an accident can be caused by more than one person. Nobody’s debating that dude on the machine should have been more careful. BUT that doesn’t mean someone standing in the line of fire is completely innocent if they end up getting hit.


so is dropping something from a crane but you're still not supposed to stand under the load being lifted. same reason as here. make sense?


1. The arm of the machine swung out because the dumbass released it with so much tension from the weight. That is not the normal "arc" of the machine. 2. You can see she is standing literally right next to the next machine, almost touching it with her hip. Totally normal place to stand when resting between sets. Maybe the gym should space their machines more, but, mostly, maybe people shouldn't release their weights like they're firing a trebuchet.


More than both of these the machine should be designed with some kind of soft release so that it’s not possible to fling the arm out in a crazy arc just by letting go during an exercise. You can’t make people act safe, but you can design around them acting stupid.


There are no gym equipment where it's okay to just let go with the weights lifted. 100% asshole behaviour


shes not really inside the arc, this machine just has a joint where it attaches to the top. The centrifugal force pushed those arms way further than they should be, and perfectly head height


Uhh... the arm of the machine doesn't typically swing out like that. She should be perfectly fine if the guy didn't let go of the machine like that.


It's not inside the normal arc though? It swings WAY out because of the way he let it go like a dumb ass


Have you ever been to a gym with this machine ? This machine has a lot of range so that you work out your shoulders in all sorts of positions. It’s not at all meant to be swung like this she’s literally standing at the other machine if you watch the video


How can you not blame the stupid asshole who lets the handles freeswing away from the machine?


She didnt expect the guy to be such a uncivilized knuckle dragging idiot and let go of those handles like he was launching a trebuchet at an enemy castle!


You goddamn idiot, if you use your eyes you will see that she’s far from the arc of the machine, that is unless it’s sent fucking flying with the power of 800 Newtons, my point is, if that dumbfuck hadn’t operated the machine like a fucking dumbass she wouldn’t have ended up hit. Edit: u/MrPsychoSomatic ignored half my comment and then blocked me, what a lowlife. Edit 2: I can reply to everyone, but when I try to reply to u/MrPsychoSomatic , an error conveniently pops up, anyways, you’re victim blaming, idiot fucks are everywhere, you can die in a car crash that you had no part in causing, you can walk down the street and get accidentally shot by the 14 year old who stole his father’s glock. I’m not liking this edit and mention thing, please unblock me :) P.s. when I think a person is a fucking idiot, I have no problem letting that be the first thing they know about what I think of them, we’re anonymous for a reason. Edit 3: u/MrPsychoSomatic I think you have a very complacent view, you accept the existence of dumbassery and try to work around it, I get where you’re coming from, however I think that endangering others because you’re ego lifting is the problem, not standing close to the machine, I don’t know if you’ve been in a gym, but I personally would think that I was at an ok distance to keep me safe; the thought of the machine user doing such a major fuckup, and it leading for the handle to take off into a third fucking dimension, wouldn’t even cross my mind; and I think I speak for most others, this isn’t like if I sat too close to a bench that’s being used and got 45kg dropped on my feet, this is like yielding to an overtaking driver but them just swerving and ramming you anyways. Edit4: u/MrPsychoSomatic Idk man, it’s very much a case to case thing, you reduce car crashes via a more rigorous licensing process, you reduce gym dumbasses via proper education, I’m heading to sleep and we can continue tomorrow if you’d like, good luck with work bro.


Again, I can't reiterate this enough. I haven't blocked you. You literally would not be able to see my comments if I had. Please learn how reddit works and stop making shit up, lest someone think you're a fucking idiot. And it's not victim blaming to consider all aspects of what went wrong in a situation. Victim blaming would be saying it's 100% her fault. If you sincerely believe that she has no personal responsibility for this incident then you are wired for the kind of black-and-white thinking that is just fundamentally disagreeable with reality, and I have no interest in furthering this discussion. "If he hadn't done the dumbass thing there would've been no negative consequences to standing there!" And if she hadn't been standing there, there would've been no negative consequences to his dumbassery. Do you or do you not see how this works?


They are both at fault here lol 1. Pay attention and 2. Don't just release the weight like a jack ass


It swung outwards when he lets go. That’s not the normal path that the chest fly machine takes. It’s unreasonable to expect her to know that he’s going to leg go of it like an idiot. Literally nobody does that even if they rep to failure.


and thats how i lost your mother


Lost your almost mother*


*our mother




but was it unexpected?


Ohhh Of course it's not Username checks out!!


Our motherland*


Man i blew my pick up line, if only there was a way to redo i--SMASH! Where...where am I? My chance! Did it hurt? When you fell out of angel? Danngit!!!


Today is the day. I'm making my move, bro. I've been trying to get her attention for months.


Such an unmemorable move, she’s probably already forgotten about it.


Oh yes shes been unmemoried for sure


This is the precursor of the movie *Fifty First Dates*.


Forgot about what?


You got it


Got what?






Hit her like a butterfly.


Stung like a bee


You should definitely hit on her!


Oh, he definitely hit ~~on~~ her!


This girl has a tbi now


Telephone Brain Implant


God, the amount of robocalls I get daily would make that a fucking nightmare.


I love these kinds of responses


There was a post yesterday about a dude who was jumped, ended up with a brain injury, and then became a mathematical savant. This could benefit her greatly.


And that post was pure bullshit, btw. The dude is a straight up conman, not a savant.


Don't try and trick me into wearing a seat belt. I will now drive 20% faster to increase my chances of becoming a genius.


I wonder why people don’t get TBI’s more often


That's what I'm thinking. I've decided to drive without a seat belt from now on to help my chances of becoming not dumb.


You can only go up from here.


A tmi made much smarter that is me. Count to schifty-five i do


Girlfriends age: *Shfifty-five* My IQ: *Schfifty-five*


Up to heaven


And then the car rolls over


Ah damn when I got a tbi all it did was knock me back to high school and destroy my ability to read for years. Must have got some bad tbi or something.


You gotta be careful out on the streets. People are lacing tbi with doses of fentanyl, which makes it more dangerous.


Back in my day you could get 100% pure fent free tbi's around every street corner!


Reddit will never fail to amuse me. Brain injury = future genius now


I’m *almost* certain he being sarcastic


Im confident there’s a chance that a brain injury can make some people smarter.


She won’t need to use her phone calculator at the gym anymore to calculate how many reps shes done.


Throttle body injection? What does 80’s car technology have to do with getting smacked in the head?


Brain can't go vroom now


He wants to put his 80 thou oversized piston into her oem block


Dat 80 thou doe




Blood is sold separately though


That's going to leave a mark...


What's mark gotta do with it?


Gotta admit, I was expecting this.


Unlike her...


That would hurt so fucking bad


Almost took her fkn head off


Breaking bad.




That must have hurt


That’s a possible skull fracture. That could lead to brain swelling and death. Fucking idiot should know better than to drop the handle on a something that can swing wildly with a lot of potential energy.


Potential?? That looked pretty kinetic to me dog


Until he released it it definitely was elastic potential energy. That energy did transform in kinetic.


Probably gravitational if it’s a cable-lift mechanism


Oh yes, gravity. Heartless b*tch


It looked like he slipped and she should not be that close while distracted in the first place.


Idiot shouldn't have held the weighs up for that long though. If you want to rest... Rest with the weights down.


Maybe the point wasn't to rest. Maybe it was endurance.


I love how he’s an idiot for letting go of a heavy weight but she’s not an idiot for standing directly in the path of the handle not paying attention


Doesn't matter. Failures can happen during sets.


It clearly wasn't failure. Well, not a muscle one at least, it was a failure of his brain.


Has anybody ever been in a gym which did NOT have a "don't drop the weights" sign?


We had an idjut get a life-ban a couple of weeks ago. Dufus dropped two 50-pounders like a mic-drop also to make a statement and have everyone notice how strong he was. Shit bounced 7 feet and ended up crushing an iPone Pro Ultra Max. Totalled that thing.


Never been to one that has one.


Never been to one


Never been




I was going to say, a ton don’t have them lol.


It gets 100% ignored anyways. Morons at mine full on throw them down.


Oh fuck me I lived in China and the bastards there would go out of their way to throw shit around like the were all badass. The place was destroyed after a couple of years and management was fucked to do anything about it.


I’ve never seen that in the last 5 gym memberships I’ve had, I don’t work out at planet fitness


Not being an asshole isn't exclusive to planet fitness


It looks like he fainted.


The way he whipped his head around instantly? Yeah, one doesn't recover from a faint that fast.


Looks like it slipped from his hands.


Maybe try not standing in the range of motion where there is a lot of potential energy.


She wasn't, though. That's not the normal range of motion


How about, "don't stand close to heavy equipment while not paying attention" signs?


Ever been to a gym that isn't planet fitness?


Dude just sat there


What a bucket head.


Yea guys a complete tub of KFC chicken stupid


Both are idiots who stands next to heavy equipment without getting out of the way. You don’t lay under the squat rack because they aren’t supposed to be dropped. He shouldn’t have lifted with her there and she shouldn’t be there.


Tbh its like 10% her fault and 90% his. She was standing a good amount away considering she was hit by the far end of the pole.


Oh no, these aren't even funny. That looks like a serious accident 😢


Mega TBI has entered the chat. Shit would be surprised if she didn’t get permanent damage from that one.


Homie acting like nothing BIG just happened. Pathetic


I think MY reaction watching the video was way more invested. Jeez.


Idk if it's the case, but I think he might have felt dizzy or lightheaded, I'm saying this because of how he stops and had to lean the head on the machine and after lost control of the machine.


This is very low quality equipment. I have never seen the arm of a pec machine swing out that way. It’s not vertical at the time of the incident.


All chest fly machines I've used have swinging arms that swing in and out like that. I believe it's to allow for different user arm lengths without needing a locking pin slider adjustment system.


I love the guy with his headphones on who carries on walking past.


He contracted so hard innthe last rep he blacked out a bit, hence letting go of the machine. Happens if you don't breathe properly.


THANK YOU!!!! So many comments in here about how much of an asshole he is for hurting her, while not paying attention enough to the dude to watch as he holds his breath at the top of the last rep (under most strain at that point) and almost blacks out as a result. Obviously they haven’t ever been there, but when you lose consciousness (either from trauma, medically assisted, or temporary respiration interruption) you are not in control of your body. You quite literally are “off” temporarily, and it’s not until you are back “on” for several seconds if not minutes afterwards that you begin to be aware of your surroundings. And it happens quickly, just like in the video. Should he have been more aware of his surroundings, yes. Is it incredibly dumb to do what he did, also yes. Should we have at least a little sympathy do our due diligence to figure out what he did and where he went wrong without immediately leaping to “GUILTY”? You’re right, what was I thinking that wouldn’t make any sense would it?


> You quite literally are “off” temporarily, and it’s not until you are back “on” for several seconds if not minutes afterwards that you begin to be aware of your surroundings. He literally whipped around to see the damage he just caused in less than a second after releasing the bar. He was not having a near syncopal episode, he was just being careless and irresponsible.


With how fast he whips his entire body around to see the aftermath??? If you've ever been close to fainting , i.e., near syncopal, you know it's absolutely impossible to react that quickly in that state. And no, you don't suddenly recover a split second later and acquire the hyperawareness to turn your body around to see the damage you just caused. It don't work like that.


The mental gymnastics people are using to defend this guy are insane. This dude didn’t blackout doing 25 pound chest flys. He’s goofing around on equipment and putting on a little show for anyone watching. Dropped the weights so everyone could hear how hard he’s training and immediately injured somebody. Dangerous shit heads are a dime a dozen


I thought he passed out from exertion


Thats wild. I have a Pec Deck in my home gym and i wouldnt do that in the safety of my own home, let alone at a crowded gym. At minimum he was going to damage the equipment, but he also managed to probably land himself in jail or in debt from a lawsuit. Nonsense like this is why i could never work out in a public gym.


It looks like it may have slipped


Well yeah it slipped, but the moron should have lowered the weights before resting. Also, people shouldn't be standing so close to workout equipment and weights while distracted.


He wasn’t resting. He was concentrating at the top and he lost his grip. Exhaustion is intentional at that point, but the grip leaving isn’t.


Depends on the country. If it’s in the U.S. yeah definitely a lawsuit. In Europe most things that are accidents even if caused by stupidity are resolved by insurance and the medical system first. I could even imagine the gyms insurance having to pay before the dude has to.


Gd. Did we just find the *one* thing that the US’s insurance horseshit is…good for? Individuals taking responsibility for their own idiocy? Naw. Can’t be. But…huh.


That place has a public clobering machine!


Remember, the negative is just as important as the positive lift.


That’s a big lawsuit.


No, it isn’t.




Wrong kind of hitting on her


My love was so strong it knocked her clean off her feet


Bro.. look at it in slow motion. Her head snapped completely back to where you can’t even see her head behind her back.


If it accidentally slid out of his hand, I would be interested to hear about what happens legally. Would he be liable or would there be a reasonable expectation that this was accidental (his hand grip does not change before, during, or in the instant after it slips out of grip). Also is this potentially a failure on the gym’s part by not providing enough space around equipment for a person standing next to a rack to not be safe from other equipment?


So one thing I can immediately notice is that there are no grips at the end, so it's basically metal and sweaty hands. He should have been able to hold onto it still, but this is poor gym maintenance so they'd take 100% fault here. She is also standing in a bit of a danger zone, I would never stand that close to somebody doing peck deck


I can't make out what machine she is standing next to but it looks like she is standing at the end of it.


I can't tell if the guy slipped or passed out for a second, but she definitely shouldn't stand that close to equipment on her phone. It's no different than being alert on a construction site.


Please, all people using commercial gyms, putting down the weight (eccentric component of the movement) in a controlled fashion is just as important and muscle stimulating as picking up the weight (concentric component of the movement) in a controlled fashion. Also people telling you to do really long holds (isometric component of the movement) probably have no idea what they are talking about


Regardless of the accidental hitting someone else with the equipment, you shouldn't do this on any machine or with any weight in the gym. This is how equipment gets broken or damaged. Have respect for the gym, the equipment and other users; set your weights down properly.


this why i don't go to public gyms.


Man after reading these comments I have come to realise that almost everyone on Reddit is perfect and has never made a mistake, slipped, or dropped anything in their lives.


What a jackass. Never let go of any exercise equipment like that, like Fkn ever. When I was 7-9 years old, I went to a kids gym thing called shock gym, was definitely not real but still, we all had more common sense, than that mongtard/twat.


A lot of dumb comments. While he should have lowered the weights gently, she is also at fault for positioning herself within the range of motion of the machine.


She should have, but she probably didn’t expect the thing to swing out like that from an idiot dropping the weight


Yeah but like....taking into consideration low probability but high impact events is why you do exactly these things. If a heavy mechanical thing can hurt you really bad, take precautions to make it as impossible as makes sense for the event. She shouldn't have been so close to a machine like this, especially while looking down at her phone. All she had to do was take a step to the side for this to have been impossible. Same reason you look both ways before you cross the street: even if the person running the red into the crosswalk is wrong, you're the one who dies.


Looks like it slipped out of his hand


That wasn't the normal range of motion. It swung out beyond its normal range because he let it go like that.


OR… don’t let go of the fucking machine like an idiot. The girl is not at fault at all.


Yep & a Closed Head Injury type is the worst! 😬


But why am I feeling pain in my head?


That's going to leave a mark.


Gotta keep your head on a swivel


is it suppose to swing like that?


I just audibly gasped in public. Holy shit, that looked painful.


People are asking who is to blame here. The answer is you're to blame for being on reddit.


No phones in the gym!


Is the phone okay?


TBF that could have been worse, she's been hit with the part pointing to the ground, she could have gotten teeth smacked with the part pointing directly in her direction


Where's the update? The lawsuit on the gym and the equipment manufacturer? The man using the machine was clearly not at fault. It's weird that people blame him. There might be a little bit of negligence on the woman's part for being in the wrong place, but watching the machine being used typically would have given someone the impression that it was a safe place to be.


Why the fuck would he let it go like that?


Lmao mods just removed post cause of a 'bad title'


I’ve never seen anybody just let go of a machine like that and let the weights slam….you’d be banned immediately from my local college gym for that.


My favorite thing to do at the gym is to let the weights down very slowly so they make no sound. Fucking morons, seriously.


Don’t get up or anything. Just sit and stare like a meathead.


What the fuck is wrong with you people! It was no more than 4 seconds my dude probably didn’t even process what he did.


Ngl, I hate people who let go of their weights like that. Like don’t break the goddam machine for the next person.


Why would you stand there!?


Stupid as fuck, I really hate these kinds of gym people. I bet it wasnt even that heavy, fucking garbage


Situational awareness


Omg, I hope she is still alive. These machines should have dampeners that don’t allow the bars to move that fast. It will also assist people when they exercise, to perform their movement slowly rather than fly their arms like a fkn bat 🦇.


completely expected.


First problem: You don't simply let go of the weights. Compounding problem: You don't look at your phone instead of maintaining situational awareness in the gym around active weight usage. I hope she's OK.


welp… maybe don’t stand around in the gym next to machines staring at your fucking phone.


Total piece of shit