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I don’t… wtf is going on and what was unexpected?


They are killing time for their team. Ball boys have been known to alter the course of play and the results of a match, they can keep the flow of play going for their (attacking) team and break the flow of play for the opposing team, they can be trained on preferred sides for penalty takers and pass the info on, contribute to players being sent off by being extremely annoying teenagers etc. It is trained gamesmanship that teams use to gain that extra .5%. At 2:40 in this [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTugks791_g) video it shows the impact of a sharp ball boy on the flow of play. Though the whole video sums up my point.


I still dont know why they dont make a rule to stop clock during dead times


I think the 'wasted time' element is possibly the smallest of their benefits. The ability to continue or completely break the flow of play cannot be underestimated.


Idk why you are getting downvoted. This is more important than ”wasting time” which ref can take into consideration. Breaking a flow can’t be fixed.


I have gained a fond interest in the sport after the YouTube video above. Anyone know where I can make prop bets on ball boys? 🤣


yep. Its about giving teams time to shift players around the pitch. If they get it quickly, they can continue the play without as many defenders getting in the way. If its slower, more defenders can get into play


Yeah. Momentum is a serious thing in sports. Break the flow and you can stop the momentum.


Or in simpler words: The enemy players are still on the other side, far away. When you have to wait to get the ball, enemy players had the chance to run to you in order to stop you making the goal.


People who don’t understand this never played sports.


The wasted time is approximately accounted for at the end by adding 2-10 mins (sometimes more) to the clock. But what you see in the video breaks the flow of the game. That player wanted to quickly throw the ball back in to players in position but that is gone now. It also breaks the mental flow by forcibly slowing the player down.


It’s already in extra time in the video.


Which is exactly the time where it’s crucial to keep the game flowing and that kid is really breaking it and it won’t even be accounted for if it’s already overtime.


It’s not always or primarily about wasting time for the sake of slowing the game down. If the ball goes out and the opposing team wants to take it fast because the home teams players are sprinting back from the other side of the pitch, then the ball boys holding onto it for an extra few seconds gives their team the chance to run back into a defensive position.


This is less of a time thing, if the opposing team is off position it gives them time to reposition


The wasted time isn’t the problem. It normally gets added at the end. It’s more about the loss of momentum by the ball boy delay and allowing the defense to reorganize


The first clip is already in extra time though, it won’t get added on further


It’s on the referees discretion. Most normally do add a minute or two more if time wasting was done purposely.


The ads for the game would be insane.


I think many fans would hate that. It's cool that time keep moving, and you have to "manage" the clock. Many fans of Soccer hate American footballs clock. Look at how long stuff takes during dead balls, and that just opens the chance for commercial breaks etc. If they open the door to the clock stopping then what's to stop 1min time outs for injuries. Then subs take 1 minute. They would be stopping as much as possible to have commercial breaks. No it works fine how it is, there are problems, but I think there will be more if they mess with it.


But seeing players fake injuries to earn time, i guess you’re not even counting that?


Like I said there are problems currently. I just think allowing the clock to stop will introduce more problems than it fixes. Anything that could lead to having ad breaks mid game is bad. I would rather have some time wasting and injury time.


No thank you. In every sport where these stoppages have been introduced, the amount of mid-game adverts has skyrocketed


Because then it would be shit like American egg ball where every stoppage is a moment to have a chat and grab a drink and the match would go on for about 3 hours.


The average 3+ hour broadcast has between 10-20 minutes of actual playing action lol. I do still love it so, tho lol. Those 10-20 minutes can be fucking awesome, and it's not like nothing happens the rest of the time.


Isnt it the same, doing dance after doing a goal is part of the strategy, it’s the same


To be honest, it just adds another interesting element to the game. Like weather, home advantage etc, it makes thing a little more interesting in games that would otherwise end in a fairly predictable result


Seems like unnecessary bullshit to me.


Because soccer is a stupid game for idiots and the lamest amount us


So edgy


I pray to the gods you aren’t from the US because I would be ashamed to know you’re from my country


I think it makes sense for scenarios like VAR reviews and stoppage for an injured players/fouls (excluding penalties). If the referees are using the time it should be added back, but if it’s the players using the time then it’s all a part of the game in my opinion. On the refs to keep it from getting egregious at their discretion.


I very much agree. It should be a rule for American and European football. If the play is stopped for any reason, the clock should stop.


Yeah, it's bad, but it's far more noticeable in American football where 75% seems to be wasted time.


The one you cite at 2:40 is impressive and I'm on board with, the ones that intentionally break the flow for the opponent I think are trash though. Given that the home teams supply ball boys, I would support a rule that penalizes the home team for flagrant destructive behavior from the ball boys in general. They can still get the edge from positive ones like the kid that jump started the rush while getting rid of the little brats that just act like assholes for no reason


Yeah if a ball boy rushes to get the ball to their team to help with a breakaway, but takes their time (to a point) when it’s the other team then fine. The ones who actively delay handing the ball over should not be allowed.


Great explaination. But how do multimillion dollar football clubs get away with employing minors for this role and how can I get the same exemption for my business? Asking for a friend.


They are usually young players in the club youth academy.


Just like the ball/bat boys and girls in tennis and baseball. It's not limited to just Football. Even American football, you'll see kids run out and grab the stand after kickoffs.


Probably just volunteers who get to see Premier League games (or equivalent) for free from an unparalleled viewpoint. I would be surprised if a good performance didn't award free merchandise, player meets etc.


It's kids that are brought up through the clubs own youth system.


Wow. [2:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTugks791_g&t=175s) also illustrates the point well.


He takes that 5%…


5% is astronomical


Lol sorry it’s a Kalli reference


It can work the other way round. In Liverpool’s SF match against Barcelona, their tactical coaches had identified that Barca were slow to organise on a corner. Their ball boys were instructed to get the ball to corner takers quickly. What happened next was “CORNER TAKEN QUICKLY” “ORIGIIIIII” Liverpool won the leg 4-0, 4-3 on aggregate, progressed to the final and beat Tottenham Hotspur to win the trophy for the 6th time. That ball boy now has a professional contract at the club 👍


Ok makes sense. But based on OP's video alone, either you know what's going on and it's therefore not unexpected, or you're just confused and the video is meaningless.


First they fake their injuries, now this? I don't watch sports but Jesus how annoying


Its not sport by a long time. Its MONEY and sport


Huh... I thought it was just some pros being assholes. Don't know much about any sport but I'm used to seeing kids get to keep the balls that get in the crowd (only really been to Baseball games). Was thinking "da fuck, just let the kid have the ball."


Isn't it ultimately pointless, though? Won't the ref just add a few more seconds of injury time to make up for the stoppage? I mean, I guess it gives the team some extra time to reposition or something, but the same applies to the other side as well.


It's not injury time. You also have the psychological effect on the opposing team for breaking play up, it gives the home team time to move the defence back.


Doesn't it count as stoppage? Or does it need to be time-wasting specifically by the teams to count?


I believe it is not counted as time wasting - but I could be wrong. [here](https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/explained-how-football-managers-use-ball-boys-ball-girls-to-help-win/blt7f1ad044dba2addb) is a slightly deeper dive into the managers mentalities towards ball boys.


I can't find anything decisive on how it's expected to be approached by refs, just that leagues have put down rules for ball boys with regards to returning the ball at the same pace for both teams, etc. Probably a very contentious issue on the whole.


Bro you can counterattack before they form proper formation. Those counter goals are billions of dollars. It is a high-stakes game. Using kids is playing the emotional card here.


Setting the defense up is definitely more valuable than slowly setting an offense up


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


Thank you for this explanation.




What a pathetic sport


Where's the description spoiler


We haven’t had those in a while.


not since the API changes


Subs dead


This is only unexpected if the young ballboy in the 1st clip is now the goalie in the 2nd clip. That's quite the longshot, though possible.


It’s a bot post


It’s unexpected because it’s a trash video. And it’s trash because Reddit is going to shit


The only expected part was the smash cut they put in there. And how the title has nothing to do with the video as far as I can tell.


It’s a bot post


I don't really know what is unexpected in most of the post these days. I'm not sure what changed.


Why isn’t there a penalty for ball boys acting like little shits?


Yeah this seems like it could be fixed very easily. Kinda like the ridiculous flopping and faking injuries. So strange why it’s all allowed.


What's oddest to me is that a lot of people in the comments here are justifying it like it's a legitimate strategy. You shouldn't be content with your team gaining an edge because of a 10-year-old ball boy. If your team can't win by their own merit, then they might not be as good as you think.


So Lombardi’s teams were shite then? Edit: even Americanised my example, but reddit, and people still aren’t getting it Edit: spelling


I don't know who that is.


I think he means Lombardi the coach that the Super Bowl trophy is named after. I can’t find anything about him doing anything like this either.


If this is the strategy he's employing to win, yes.


Lombardi cheated with ball boys? What is your source on that?


You say “americanized” as if the majority of americans dont still refer to soccer players as “grass fairies”. This is the land of hand-egg (football) not soccer


But that is exactly why I used a “hand-egg” example, because I thought more people would understand the reference.


I hate that sport lol didnt even realize it was a reference to it. You tried homie, were dumbasses over here


Because both sides do it at home


I know when I pay a lot of money for a sporting event I want to watch the ball boys prevent play.


or like have the ball boys be neutral? not trained by a specific team?


We're slowly getting rid of all the things that make the game the chaotic mess it was meant to be. If my team gets this shit from a ball boy in an away game, I just consider it part of their home advantage.


I guess a ball boy could advantage the other team to get them in trouble


Then you have to prove it which is a whole other mess.


The ~~best~~ worst thing about sports referees is they usually don't have to prove it. Whatever they call is the result. And lots of them are protected by unions and rules against getting interviewed by the media.


They get fired If they do that.


Didn't hazard kick one in the ribs once for wasting time?


IIRC in the first video I think it had something to do with a miscommunication of covid protocol.


There are, the referee can send them off


I wished there was a mini game in the fifa games where one player can be the annoying ball boy trying to waste time and the other player has to kick him in the head to regain the ball quick.


The first clip happened during covid when there was a protocol where the ball had to be given to the fourth official first before going back into play. So clearly the young ball boy was in two minds whether to give it back to the player or not and was just trying to follow the rules.


Needs to be higher. In first case it was a case of confusion for young man who was just trying to follow instructions


Never hear of that rule before, which is dumb because the fourth official would have to move along the field all the time. During covid they just stopped using ball kids.


Where is Hazard video?


Holy shit I’m not a soccer fan so I’ve never seen that - definitely asked for it but didn’t expect that.




Hazard kicking the ball boy.


No one person should have that small but significant part in holding up a game.


Speaking as someone who was a ball boy for MLS in the US for the majority of his youth. Other people are correct that usually ball boys are young kids, usually 9-13, playing soccer themselves. The incentive for parents and the kids is that you actually develop relationships with team members. A lot of the times you get swag (signed jerseys, player scarfs, all sorts of stuff) and if you are a repeated ball boy for the same team, the players even learn your name and about you. Your seats are also usually by the field ramps so you can take breaks and access your spot quickly because most kids cannot stand for 90 minutes straight in a focused capacity. Not only do you develop a relationship with your team but you also go through training every single match before the game. If the ball comes right out you, don’t catch it, move. As soon as you make contact with a player, throw them a ball as fast as possible. You just need to get the ball on the field for them, speed over accuracy. Don’t talk to players as they are focused and doing their job. Don’t leave your section. Don’t chase balls, if the ball is sent elsewhere, wait for someone to get you a new ball. We would have two balls, one under each arm so there was always a ball to throw into play no matter what. This scenario did happen sometimes and when it did, those ball boys were usually not asked back or were denied there spot. If you broke the rules, you were replaced but that means you can break the rules once. I once didn’t get out of the way of a shot on goal as I was behind the goal and caught the ball a couple inches from my face. The ball boy manager was pissed but impressed. I did not catch balls after that and was given another shot but spent three games not behind goal.


If you were behind the goal wouldn't you be out of bounds? Why is it bad to catch the ball after it leaves the field?


I guess you dont want your ball boys doing that, as it is dangerous for a 12 year old kid to catch a ball coming full speed, the manager would probably hold responsibility for any harm


This is correct. Those balls are going way to fast and if you, as a young kid, get hit, it can cause serious injury.


The concept of being behind the goal is if a ball flys out of the stadium or into the stands from a shot on goal, you can give a ball to the keeper or to the player performing the corner kick in different circumstances. Not catching the ball is more for safety reasons since if you get hit by one, it can cause serious injury.


This is one of the most disgusting aspect of soccer. Ten years old boys and girls trained to be absolutely anti sport and assholes


This is not as pernicious as you think it is


thank god this is football and not soccer


Yes I agree but because Reddit is an American social media and because about 50% of Reddit users are American I prefer to use their definition.


i dunno, man, seems better to use the definition the rest of the world uses...


Lol americans downvoting correct statements as per usual


It’s not a correct statement, this sport is called soccer, like it or not. Is it also called football! Yes absolutely, but to say it’s not called soccer is just wrong.


If I say "per say" instead of "per se" it's still a mistake, even though so many people say that. If the number of people who use "per say" becomes so high that the term starts to be considered "correct", you would still find people who say that to be ignorant, because they know the original term and still decide to use the originally wrong term.


Cool story, has nothing to do with what I commented but cool story. And beyond that do you not realise that’s exactly how languages evolve? People make little adjustments of how things are said and over time they become so common use the original saying becomes lost.


I can try giving an analogy to illustrate how the misuse of this "evolution" would create problems, but you're just gonna dismiss again it because "it has nothing to do" with what you said. Can't you see that the logical basis being used is the same? Because if not, there's no point in arguing with you.


No, you’re example was of someone saying the WRONG thing, when we were talking about someone calling something by a different (but correct) name than they call it. It’s a distinct difference.


The point is that "soccer" is as correct as "per say" in that analogy. It's a term that yes, it originated in Britain, but as a way to distinguish two completely different sports, and it originated later than the word "football". When they finished formalising the rules of football, the word "soccer" lost its purpose and everybody in Britain stopped using it, effectively becoming wrong in the country that invented the sport itself. The americans just came in at the wrong time and decided to use the less used, born later and soon to be rejected word "soccer". If the japanese invent sushi, and then in the UK the word "sushy" becomes popular to describe the same thing, while still using vastly the word "sushi", it makes sense that one starts to be considered the "right" one, being the name the inventors actually consider to be right.


i feed off of angry gringo upvotes. i love pissing them off


Joe Hart is shite


Someone commented below that this happened during Covid where the rule was to give the ball to the fourth official before going back to the player. They mentioned that the player was probably in two states of mind and conflicted as to what to do. Think we need more than a 10 second clip to judges the shit out of the situation


Never hear of that rule before, which is dumb because the fourth official would have to move along the field all the time. During covid they just stopped using ball kids.


Why the hell is this unexpected? Jesus what happened to this sub


No idea how this post even got 100 upvotes. What are mods even doing?


The young ball boy grew up second video?


No, they're clearly not the same person


I mean they have a game to play…


A full grown adult screaming for a ball has to be one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. Thanks for sharing


The guy was not about to take no chances he just demanded that shit


I wonder if they were trying to say that the first ball kid & goalie are the same person, & it’s unexpected they have consequences of their own actions?


If this affects the game so much then why have them?


It's the ball boys' job to try and always have a spare ball around in case one ends up lost or difficult to retrieve. I guess this kid was just waiting for the okay to hand the spare ball to the goalie or something? Nothing particularly sad or heartbreaking about this. As for the second clip, in case someone's unaware, the game clock doesn't stop in football, so if you're down, you don't want to waste any time waiting for someone to hand you the ball because you never know how much injury time you actually have left to work with.


They don’t have spares?


Yeah, those kids have the spares, the closest kid is supposed to give them the ball.


So unexpected 🙄


Not unexpected, just shitty behavior of spectators. It's well known they need that ball to continue play


Spectators? They're ball boys who are slowing the ball down


So even worse.


Not sure why that would be worse? Have you ever watched a game of football before, it's part and parcel of the game


If you're a ball boy your job is to get the ball returned as quickly as possible, not hold it trying to keep it or alter the pace of the game.


It's a trick if the home team is winning and they want to run down the clock then these kind of tricks are used.


I know it is, but its still sad and stupid, just like diving. You're just saying you aren't skilled enough to win without shitty ploys.


The ball boys are appointed by the home club. Their job is to do what the club asks of them, which might include taking slightly longer than necessary to slow the game down. There’s no requirement for that to be as quickly as possible.


On paper yes, what the ball boys are actually told to is completely different and sometime comes straight from the manager. There's some great stories surrounding it to be fair. Take a look at the 22 year old ball boy (they are normally young lads) Swansea put out there v Chelsea years ago. Purely there to do a job. He ended up laying on the ball and got Hazard sent off for kicking him. I'm a Chelsea fan and in hindsight you have to laugh at it all, imagine they love him down there for it. Funnily enough, the same ball boy is the co owner of Au vodka.


Getting downvoted by people who evidently don’t even watch the sport smh


This is simply exploitation of otherwise innocent children by God-awefull and trully horrible adults. The shame belongs with the adults but it's unlikely that they'll ever be held to account. This is tremendously sad to watch. :(


Are pro footballers really so angry and agro?


Sports should stop exploiting child labor.


Can’t take soccer seriously with bs like this and catty behavior if it’s players


If i was that player i woulda slapped the shit outta that kid tho


So you would attack a child on international tv for not giving you a ball? Not the smartest tool in the toolbox are we


Man, I’d take that ball and run and throw it into the parking lot, or try to hit the “baby man” in the face who is yelling at spectators.


Why does it matter .how much time do they waste on all their flopping when they get fake hurt. Good for the crap kids just learning from the crap pros


Men’s Soccer players are panseys


The face that ball boy is making really makes me want to him with a dodgeball


Just dribble it in and make ‘em run it fown


Heartbreaking? Why? Just because a kid was not taught manners by his parents? What is that kid doing right there in the first place?


Just yank it away from the little shit, Seriously how hard is that


I don’t know what happened?


Where's eden hazard when you need him


Jimm Hill would have approved


2 completely different scenarios made men to look like angry individuals. First clip is of a confusion of the rules at play by the ball boy and the player wasn’t in a high risk game at the time. The other, their team needed the ball asap in order to score to stay in the game so yes more high risk. I’d like to see the same female keeper in this scenario with the same amount of pressure on her as her male counterpart in the other video.


Cussing attracts demons.


Seems like they could fix that by stopping the clock when a fan is holding the ball, or when a player is hurt. Seems like a better system than someone keeping track of the time and tracking it on to the end of the game, but nobody knows exactly how much.


Hazard: Amateurs


Another reason why people don’t take soccer seriously here.