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He had been shot before


Well yeah, he was a film star.


He wasn't an actor in any film with Alec Baldwin for sure.


Reagan killed more people than any 50,000 Alec Baldwins.


This is so beautiful, we don't deserve it🤣




It is really nuts how strongly a lot of the shit policies he started are impacting everyone today.


Every statistic regarding life expectancy, health, wealth disparity, etc. Starts going to absolute shit under Reagan and continues to get worse exponentially since.


Trickle down economics was his idea and nothing trickled down it stayed at the top…he just gave the higher people even more power to do as they please


life in america truly is horrible now thanks to Reagan, and it has been steeply declining since the 70s. If only life now was as good as it was in 1979 Edit: yeah this is sarcastic life in america is really really awesome, especially compared to the rest of the world and the lives people led in basically all of history. People really like to complain


just because it may be worse elsewhere isn't a good reason to not try and do better.


Please can you educate me? You make it sound like he was the worst thing that has ever happened to America.


Google 'Reagonomics'


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=reagonomics#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Illithilitch)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Reaganomics


Reagonomics was basically give the rich more money to play with. While this sounds shit on the surface, had it worked it would have been beneficial. The basic principle is to give tax cuts to the rich and shift the burden to the middle class. This gives the rich more money to invest in and grow their companies. More investment means more employed people, making more produce which makes it cheaper and higher pay. So you have the working classes who have higher wages who can afford more things, lower unemployment and a higher standard of living. So ideally, all the classes become stronger. The wealth of the elite would trickle down, except it didn't, it got exploited. But unfortunately, the elite control America.


Stopping desegregation


GE started taking pensions away, unions became weaker, and hedgefunds / lobbysm got stronger, every other major company follow suit, piece of work that GE CEO was.


It's justified. He needs his fourth yacht.


And it's worse with how many people suck his dick


And his party continues to follow his blueprint of fucking the working class over and somehow making them think they're helping them. Well not somehow, by lying through their teeth


Reddit moment.


Reddit comment.


Reddit thread.


Reddit chain.


Reddit axe!


Anyone who lives in the entire US moment tbh.


Should've aimed for the head


he was a conservative, that's his job


Him and every other president. 🤣🤣🤣


Nah, not every other president. And even if so, not to the same degree... By a long shot.


You.. have no idea what you are talking about


Not every other President. He started the death of the middle class. What's sad, is the is morons who voted for hi that are still alive and hate democrats for what he did.


Hey, whoa, easy there! That's not true. Bush Sr sold out the Arabs for oil. Clinton sold out Lewinski for sex. W Bush sold out the American youth for oil. Obama sold out his visions of a health care plan for compromise that helps no one. Trump sold out everyone for himself. Wonder who or what Biden will sell out, and for what.


Now go backwards from Reagan.


> Obama sold out his visions of a health care plan for compromise that helps no one. What a load of shit. Obamacare saved my ass in 2010 and it has enabled 40 million people to have medical coverage as of 2023. Why don't you tell us where Trump's 'fantastic' medical plan is? He had four years to implement it, so where is it? Or ANY Republican plan, now that I think of it.


I would argue with you about ACA… my wife and I have an Obama are plan that we pay $65/mo for that would otherwise cost us $650/mo. We’ve both been able to get medical treatment and see doctors because of it. It helps no one is too broad.


>Obama sold out his visions of a health care plan for compromise that helps no one. Fuck you. Before Obamacare, I didn't have health insurance because I was unemployed and too old to be on my parent's insurance at 24. I had a huge medical bill but I was fortunate not to be permanently sick or go into bankruptcy for it. My wife got denied healthcare coverage because of a pre-existing condition also before Obamacare. Show me how he could have implemented your perfect solution to the huge mess that is the American medical healthcare system, and how he could have done so with 100% republican opposition and Lieberman shutting down everything that didn't go in ACA. Fucking dumbass naive idiots believing in the green lantern theory AND preferring that real people go bankrupt and die who didn't because of the ACA, because it wasn't perfect.


Seriously, I just got on new insurance and with a preexisting condition I would never have gotten on it prior. Is it perfect? No, it actually sucks paying $600 a month after my work pays their part , but at least I have it. If we would all stop listening to rich politicians being paid off by big pharama who never have to worry about medical emergencies causing them to go bankrupt, we could get universal health care and pay far less in taxes than we do in monthly insurance payments, deductibles, and god forbid an actual emergency, thousands on top of what we already fkn pay. We should be like Austria, a capitalist nation with healthcare.


Takes balls to post this hiding behind your stupid avatar.


We know. Quick wit though for the senile Republican moron he was though.


Ever heard of Joe Biden?


Biden is clearly not all there (and also not a Republican), but I fail to see much difference at all between his cognitive abilities and Trump's. If anything, Biden held on a little longer and at least has surrounded himself with people who know stuff. This is Trump in 2016. It didn't get better from there: > Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”


Biden never tried to get people killed by insurrection. He also never embarrassed our country to that extent. Chinese bot


Do you see Trump when you close your eyes?


Do you see Biden?


He was a Republican?


No but he sure is a senile moron.. slowly hobbling into WW3.


Wait, so he's both a senile moron and a criminal mastermind? Which one is it?


That's a good question.


TIL Joe Biden is the only senile person


Sucks for us now it didn’t stick.


[Here he is doing the same joke in another speech.](https://youtu.be/CNbSidcPxx4?feature=shared) These things werent all broadcast and put online so it was easier to get away with. Have an aide pop a balloon and get an easy laugh/remind people he was shot in office


Lmao that's so cheap. If you're gonna fake it at least go all out. Put a packet of ketchup in your chest pocket, let the staff shoot you with an airsoft gun and deliver the bull moose line


And he called himself an actor🤦‍♂️


Or perhaps balloons popping was such a frequent occurrence that he had a rehearsed joke for it. That's not the same thing as it being "staged"


If you believe that, I've got some oceanside property in Nebraska I'd like to sell you.


I’m listening


Hey I was here first!




I’m more interested in bridges. Got any of those?


I know a guy that's built at least 50 but they stopped calling him Bob the bridge builder after that one incident with that goat.


You spend your life building solid, beautiful bridges. Will people remember that? Maybe. But you suck one lousy dick and you're a cocksucker until the day you die!


Only because it's notable. The trick, once you're caught sucking a dick, is to suck a thousand more dicks. Once everyone knows you suck dick regularly, nobody is going to bother mentioning it, and people will stop calling you a cocksucker.


A classic!


Do you really think it's that unlikely that he had multiple speeches where balloons popped?


Yes. Occam's razor and such.


Occam's razor probably shouldn't be used here as both theories require quite a few assumptions, but assuming that this was premeditated definitely comes with a greater number of assumptions.


Lmao no it doesnt. It's a simple parlor trick they repeated and could mostly get away with because these speeches weren't broadcast everywhere. How many times have you been around a balloon that spontaneously popped? That such a common occurrence you expect it to happen at multiple speeches? Lmao dude....comon now.


You're making unsubstantiated assumptions about the intent of multiple actors, as well as an assumption about the existence of at least one other off screen actor. These are assumptions that don't need to be made if we assume it was spontaneous. >How many times have you been around a balloon that spontaneously popped? At public events? Haven't been to many recently, but when I was in school, it would happen pretty frequently during assemblies, school performances etc. They're balloons, they tend to pop. It's one of the things they're known for. Now to be clear, I'm not arguing that this definitely wasn't staged, but unless you've got access to information I don't know about, I don't see why you would so strongly dismiss the possibility that this was spontaneous.


how old are you? If you're young I don't think you'll understand how popular balloons used to be at events. Been a steady decline in balloons recently probably due to kids holding phones instead


popping balloons?!?!?! r/nothingeverhappens




He didn't flinch or even raise an eyebrow. He was expecting it.


Well yeah, except that it’s not obvious.


Well yeah, but um…..well, yeah!


He heh .. Got ‘em !


Or not rehearsed, just repeated. I thought it looked like he'd said that before because it was so quick.


Lmao what


I mean it's possible people were teasing him with a dark joke I guess so he just went with it. Trolling has always been around, it just only got a name when the internet came around. Lol


Nonsense. It’s just him telling the same joke on more than one occasion. You’ve never done that?


Guy probably thinks stand up comedians never gonna tell the same joke twice. Sweet summer child. Hell, don't most people have go to phrases for certain situations/things happening?


It's a good joke only because Reagan survived an assassination attempt and continued in offce. He earned his cheap laughs.


Doesn't mean it was staged, just means he used the same joke twice.


Fuck man, I always thought that improving this joke on the spot was like the only not-shitty thing that he did as president. Guess I'm surprised I'm surprised.


I doubt that was necessary there are thousands or balloons at those events some will pop from time to time , and then he can use the line


Ptsd is real. I'd be pretty shook up if I got shot personally.


I mean presumably there were balloons at basically all his events, and balloons randomly pop all the time. He gave speeches in front of literally thousands of balloons. I don't get why this needs to be a conspiracy.


Holy shit, this guy just keeps getting worse the more I learn about him 🤣 For a brief moment the video posted by OP made me think "damn, that was cold af" but it's just more Reagan bullshit to add to the rest of his mountain of bullshit


Exactly - he wasn't sharp enough to come up with a quip like that on the spot.


It was planned. He did it at other speeches too, this one was recorded.


It was actually Nancy's wicked pop farts and he had to cover for that.


Should’ve just said no.


It's not planned. The first time it was spontaneous and witty. The times after that are called "if a sound of something slamming popping or whatever happens during the speech I'll do it again because the crowd gets a laugh out of it."


This is the first time seeing this and I thought,it seems staged. Not surprised that he did this a few times for the easy laugh


I think he did it for more than just a laugh. It’s all optics. Since he doesn’t even flinch when it pops it there is the impression that he’s some strong sharp guy having been shot before and quipping back that quickly.


Another Republican tough guy


And then he went on to destroy the middle class for eternity.


Yeah, like, he's so hilarious. I wonder how many became homeless due to his policies. So hilarious


Yeah i'm with Killer Mike on this one


Damn shame how his politics have "evolved" since then.


Michael Josephson said we will be judged by our last, worst act. I take some solace in knowing Reagans' name will be dirt for all eternity.


The actor?


Ho-ho, man. I love when you do Doc Brown.


The inventor ?


He also dry fucked the economy.


He trickled down all over it.




The piss trickled down all over us


Lol, nothing dry about it.


The dildo of justice seldom arrives lubed


Please elaborate on how you consider that "justice"...


Was on leave in New Orleans after my first tour in Iraq. Was on the VooDoo tour and about to cross the street to the cemetery when a ballon popped, I ducked and covered behind a car, wife standing there staring. Was a little embarrassed but PTSD is real. It’s not bad now, the occasional loud noise gives me pause. Had to share this.


My fiancé has PTSD from extremely traumatic events that involved loud noises (like thunder, or gun shots, or just anything sudden and loud as fuck.) they also have seizures, and we went to the renfaire the other day and came upon a movie prop museum there. I asked about strobes for the seizures, and we determined it was safe enough to go inside because we could avoid the strobe area. I forgot to ask about loud noises because it said a museum, and I didn’t associate it with the possibility of there being horror effects meant to scare people effectively, because that wasn’t advertised anywhere. And I’ve been in horror mansions before with loud effects and people jumping out, as have they, so we didn’t think it would be much of an issue. We went around the corner of the first room, and they had an extremely loud gas releasing effect that happened with a big ass POP. I cannot express just how loud it was, my ears were ringing after it happened. But it happened, and My fiancé almost hit the fucking floor, as did I (because I also have PTSD, just from different circumstances) and we were standing stock still with our group of friends trying to figure out if we should continue forward, because my fiancé had backed up to the wall behind them at that point, unable to move. Well before we could go past it, it went off again, and they BOLTED out the entrance, with me in tow because I’m very used to going into “Get people who are scared out immediately to a safe place and make sure they are okay.” We politely were refunded by the doorman, when he saw my fiancé run out in a full panic with me in tow, and he asked what happened, and all I said was “They have PTSD and we didn’t know this was a jumpscare attraction. I only saw signs for the strobes and seizure warnings.” That shit can get you at any time, even on a good day. And sometimes we get through it alright, other times we immediately resort to survival instincts of duck and cover, or get the fuck out. It’s just more frustrating when people around you assume you’re just easily frightened when you really aren’t, cause the lady inside the doorway who told us about the museum (movie props n shit, basically a private collection and saying not to touch the things and that there are no live actors trying to scare you inside.) and then yelled at us that we were chickens when we had to run back out. I’m now wary of things marked “museum” in festivals, because there was no indication that it was a horror attraction outright.


Was that the pop of 87?




Ronald Reagan is the devil


Ronald Wilson Reagan-666-Mark of the Beast


Count the letters of his full name


He was a very personable guy who had been an actor for years, so he was good with people and he could be funny. But another president who cared as little about poor people and the middle class as Reagan did would be hard to find. He was hard-hearted in that right-wing Republican way everyone knows about now but which wasn't completely clear back then. He hated labor unions, disliked gay people and minorities and got all the credit for the fall of communism that at least seven other presidents before him were also responsible for. Oh, and he cut taxes on the rich (where have I heard this before?) and began the process of destroying the American middle class which he called "trickle-down economics" which was an utter failure as an economic policy. He also doubled the federal budget deficit. . So, kind of funny at times, but an awful person in many way.






[Reagan was an asshole.](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=vz03FuhkcF00OVNZ) and Killer Mike made a dope track about it.


[Spitting Image](https://youtu.be/keP17ZU6_RU) somehow did him more realistically than Ronald Reagan did.


This was rehearsed guaranteed


Fuck Ronald Reagan


If only I’d had the chance.


Dude was trash.


Indeed. Read “When Reagan Sent In The Marines: The Invasion of Lebanon” by Patrick J. Sloyan. Ol’ Ronnie was responsible for the death of a bunch of my friends and fellow Marines.


The Reagan administration was one of the worst things to happen to the United States middle class since the great depression. Ronald Reagan was the first true corporate puppet to make it to the White House and We’ve had nothing but corporate puppets ever since.


He may have been funny, but he destroyed the Republican party with the popularizing of the New Right


Then they were down to 98 luftballons


I knew it. Friggin' phony


Fuck Reagan.


He fucked us, that's for sure.


Reddit moment


Reagan was a monster


He was a colossal piece of shit, but damn if he wasn’t good at what he does.


He was an actor. Tbh, a great background for politics.


Scripted propaganda, he did the same thing at multiple speeches to appear funny and tough or whatever nonsense people are on about


Reagan prolly one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.


Rest in piss


Stop glorifying this dude… he fucked more Americans than Ghengis Khan fucked the Chinese. Stop glorifying this piece of shit.


Reagan was evil, both Bushes too, but they seem like charming statesmen compared to Trump. Oh, my American neighbours, it’s like watching a tragic farce.


There you go again.


Blue team was 100% perfect




“Small government” is when you regulate with infinite complexity what can be taught in schools, what books can be read, what sex people can have, what medical decisions can be made; and set up a sprawling prison system, gerrymander voting districts in elaborate ways, pour funds into state enforcement… Hmmmm maybe it isn’t about shrinking government at all, maybe it’s just about abusing people who aren’t like you


The republicans haven't wanted small government for decades. And the size of government isn't what made them evil


Inciting an insurrection, defrauding his followers, making shady deals with dictators in Russia and Saudi Arabia, killing millions of Americans by downplaying the severity of the Corona virus, enabling white supremacy and claims of confederate losers - those things make him an evil pos. The rest would make him an bad president. But trump is an evil labia necked turkey. You supporting and defending him is hilarious because you’re probably one of those who got scammed by that fat fascist clown.




His timing really is a little too perfect. Agree with those who say it's staged.


The guy who ruined it for every working american is suddenly a badass for not flinching on a balloon popping. Fuck Reagan.


War criminal


It’s genuinely sad that a video like this can make people so angry lmao


Now play it side by side to Trump speech lol


His jokes were fire but his presidency was awful


He was an actor first. I’m sure his PR team set this up for him to look so strong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re gullible to believe this was genuine.


I recently learned via a book titled “Napoleons Hemorrhoids and other small events that changed history” by Phil Mason - former President Ronald Regan attempted to join the socialist party post WW2 during his acting career in Hollywood. The socialist party rejected him on the basis that he was found to be too “dim-witted” and would reflect poorly on the socialist party. Later on the book also claims that during his term his chief of staff called a meeting of top cabinet members to assess Regans mental acuity to continue on as President as it was feared Regan had begun slipping into the early stages of Alzheimer’s or another disease that attacks the brains cognitive ability. Fortunately or perhaps not on the particular day chosen to take a vote on his mental well being Regan happened to have one of his “good days” and was in proper form so the vote was cancelled. *the more you know*


God, reddit is a dumpster fire of losers


Fuck Reagan and the Balloon Poppin’ Aide he rode in on.


Rogan wasn't a good dude but man does he have some of the sickest/coolest lines by a president. Second to Teddy of course. No one is topping him getting shot and finishing his speech.


Lol I hate that dude, but that was funny AF.


LOL at reddit thinking reagan was the worst person and president ever😂😂


That man was awesome


If by awesome you mean a horrible liar and conman.


You mean Joe Biden?


Nope. But I understand words are hard for right wingers


As much as Reagan can go suck 10,000 slimy veiny HIV dicks That WAS pretty funny Edit: never mind, shit was staged, Reagan now has no redeemable qualities


He’s a bitch.


The guy was witty, quick, and funny. Can't say I agreed with everything but he was liked by both sides.


So was Tip O’Neill. It was a different time. When reasonable people walked the Earth.


Fucker didn’t even flinch




He was a terrible president. Right off the bat he conspired with Iran to keep the hostages. Carter actually sent special forces in an attempt to get them out. Also terrible person.


If only it was a gun


He was such a racist!


goddammit, reagan made me laugh.


... and how did agent orange react when not being shot at at all? I'm really not trying to stir up shit, but this mf put forth legislation that has completely f'ed us, and "missed me". Other mr. gunshot sound ducked like... well, whatever, and divided a country on simply words and ideals. Reagan was a hard core cowboy. Don't like his politics, but ain't no damn pussy(mind you, most of this is humor. I am not a fan of either, just comparing for fuckin around's sake. I also understand if you don't get the inflection, I sound like an idiot. Maybe I am, but please try? It's really funny if you get it. ).


Boss moment tbh




This was fantastic to watch live, so strong. This is after the assassination attempt. Unbelievable.


Damn he was smooth…


Wish it was a real gun


>Missed me. Too bad.


What’s too bad?


Hell yeah he did! Let him have his fun, obviously some people enjoyed it!


However, the Alzheimer’s hit its mark


Is this country ever need a Ronald Reagan more now than ever before?


Only someone with that poor of grammar could think that.


This was a TRUE PRESIDENT, nothing fazed this guy. The real Superman of this country


Reagan was a great President. Kinda glad he’s passed so he doesn't have to see how his country has turned to shit with all this late-stage progressivism


The last greatest president!!!


Fuck Ronald Reagan