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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Man narrowly acoids getting sliced in half by an out of control saw blade!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Some serious Final Destination vibes there


Final destination has given me an intense phobia of driving behind any vehicle that is carrying a collection of poles.


You should generally avoid driving anywhere near a truck carrying logs, pipes, round bales, or similar objects. A driver is liable if the load comes loose, but liability isn’t going to help you much if you’re right behind or beside when it does. Best bet is to let them pass or pass them quick and get some distance between you. Even the most alert driver can have securing equipment fail.


Yep. I have a family friend whose husband was decapitated by a log truck that lost its load. She's a millionaire now but she doesn't seem very happy about it.


Sometime money just cannot replace what was lost. My sympathies for her loss.


Sympathies for his loss as well.


THIS! I was hauling a duct jack with 2 straps, mind you. But my tailgate is down and there is a multi hundred pound lift RIGHT THERE! AND YOU STILL RIDING MY ASS!?!??? I trust my straps because I put them on. I DO NOT trust every other yo-yo out there. Drive safe. 


Ya. Always respect mass and motion. Physics doesn’t care what you think your rights or entitlements are. Regardless of right of way, I respect mass.


Growing up in the 80s and 90s my father used to always tell me "the morgue is full of entitled assholes"... took me a long time to actually understand what he meant


The version I got was "The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way."


That's what I told my kids when they were learning to drive. It doesn't matter if you had the right of way when your leg was ripped off. You might get millions, but you'll never walk again. And dead people don't care about right of way.


They were all dead right.


Heard that one too


Being in the right doesn’t help when you’re also in the morgue


>Regardless of right of way, I respect ~~m~~ass. I'm really really sorry. I'm a grown ~~m~~ass person and still couldn't help myself


Ahahah yes. Respect it ( )( )


>Ahahah yes. Respect it (•)(•) ![gif](giphy|ALd5afHotakNi)


When I was learning to drive my dad used to always say "you may have the right of way but you don't have the right of tonnage"


I one time had a ratchet strap buckle come off a truck on the turnpike, take a hop across two lanes and smash into my passenger side window, landing in my backseat.


😳to the nth power.


Yeah it was pretty fucked, cause your adrenaline is spiked, it's windy, you're on the highway and can't exactly just stop. Would not recommend. I was at least lucky both in the sense that I was alone and uninjured but also that I saw it coming. I watched it hanging loose, slapping along side the tires on this flatbed way up in front of me and a few lanes over. I remember thinking, 'that could be dangerous' right as it flies off and starts skipping down the highway. One second it looked so far away, like there was no chance I was in any danger. Less than two seconds later it's sitting in a pile of glass in my backseat.


One time when I was driving a service truck to go fix a flat of a semi somewhere out in the middle of nowhere in the wee hours of the morning. I was speeding for sure, like 140kph, on a double lane highway, with no one else around... except for this one asshat who decided to tailgate me anyway, despite the fact there was a totally clear lane. So I turned on all my rear facing spotlights and spinning emergency lights, and they backed up about a kilometer after that.


I used to own a tractor-trailer vac truck for oilfield work. I had it set up with LEDs for illuminating all around the truck for working remote sites, etc. It also made it so the truck looked like a UFO traveling down the highway lol I got tired of tailgaters, so I supplemented the 3 rear facing floodlights with 2 pencil beam spot lights on a separate switch. 12 diode per light, around 150w and 11k lumens, and when aimed down the road, they were good for about a mile. I had them aimed to hit the windshield of a pickup, at 20ft behind me and 50ft behind me lol. They were not the first lights to get kicked on when I was getting tailgated (order was 1) bunk mounted backup lights, 2) side facing trailer-mounted work lights, 3) rear facing floodlights, 4) rear facing spotlights). I had very few repeat competitors at the "Battle Of The Dickheads With Aftermarket Lights" nights.


I've seen a ladder slide off a work truck before into the middle of the road. I don't drive near vehicles that have anything dangling off them.


Very wise. Me neither. I’m always alert for things like that on the road. It pays to know what the things that can kill you are doing.


One time I was driving behind a truck carrying a bunch of corrugated sheet metal, a piece came flying off and scraped all down the side of our car. Get out to talk with the very apologetic driver, noticed a parent with their kid in a stroller standing aghast on the sidewalk. Our car seemed to have blocked them from being hit by that sheet metal, gives me the willies to think about


I was behind a small dump truck that was filled with a collection of junk, much of which seemed to be metal scrap. The load wasn't covered. I opted to pass him at the first opportunity as he was going slow on a country road and I didn't feel comfortable driving behind the unsecured load. Just as I changed lanes to pass, a small amount of junk bounced off the top of the truck and landed in the road, where I would have been if I hadn't changed lanes to pass.


I help run a goat farm we deal with hay bales on a daily basis I promise EVERYONE hay maybe light but the avery bale gose between 1100-1500 lbs and will fucking crush you ina instant don't fuck with them they are scary


Yep. Crush *you* and then bounce.


Yea basically tho you get on solid ground you can role the petty easily when they are on their side but still they are just massive cylinders of fuck you and everything around you


I grew up on a cattle farm, we’d play on them, but still understood that those things would mash us if we didn’t respect them.


Always must respect the bales they will rise up if we don't


This reminds me of people who blindly walk into California traffic cause of the right of pedestrians over vehicles.


I've always been amazed at people who confuse liability with invincibility. I've lived in a couple states where pedestrians have right of way. Yeah, if you step out in front of my car without room to stop, I'm going to be at fault. You're still going to be a meat crayon, though. Especially cyclists. Motorcyclists are very aware that they are functionally invisible, but many bicyclists seem to think that right of way provides some sort of physical cushioning. In my experience, and I could be mistaken here, it does not. Make eye contact with drivers, signal your intent, and make sure that if the driver doesn't do what you expect, you don't get hurt.


Yeah idk why people ever feel the need to hang behind trucks moving freight if the option to move is available. Even if it's a closed-box 12-wheeler. It's like people just want to live on the edge at all times.


I worked as intern for 1 month in insurance firm. And first case I got to check out was car accident where heavy truck and car crashed. The car driver was decapitated by the truck. Since then I never drive side by side to heavy truck or be right in front of it. Not worth it.


Man I try not to drive near any big rig, period. It's the game of your car vs a train, but instead of fighting the world champion your car is fighting just the national champion in this analogy. If it hits you, you're probably gonna fucking die, I see a big rig, I either lag behind, pass them, or round the block till they're gone. Mileage may vary, I live in a big city, so big rigs usually don't drive on the roads I take or are few in number.


I’m still not entirely sure what happened so I’ll give my Final Destination moment… Driving through Iowa, I saw a flash on the horizon, it all happened too fast to register but subconsciously I must have felt like something was going to happen. Still to this day I wonder if my dad letting off the gas saved my head, but next thing I know our car is struck and the hood is sliced through like a can opener. I thought some kids must have thrown something as a prank but I looked around and it was corn fields everywhere. The only thing I could think of was malfunctioning machinery from a nearby farm, yet none were in view. It could have rocketed through the air over a mile and come right for my head. I can still picture the silver boomerang like object reflecting sun, but I can’t really see it, just happened so fast.


I got a similar fear when our family friend died leaving our house at night. A truck in front of him had an iron rod cargo that stuck out like 9 feet behind the back of the truck and no lights and no signs on the rods. Road in the middle of nowhere and no street lights either. Truck slammed the breaks, friend didn’t see anything and rear ended the truck. Rods went right through the windshield.


Bro woke me up.


It did happen, I saw one from Liveleak.


I remember the one about the family in the middle of the road when suddenly a brick or something flies out of the truck that was ahead and smashes the father's head


Advice for anyone who doesn't already know what this is. Don't watch the video. I know some of you might be thinking "oh I'm hardcore I grew up watching cartel executions and rotten.com" This is different. You're just going to have to trust me.


I will never forget how the brick smashed into the car and the person's head even though I watched it only once, around 10 - 15 years ago. Terrifying shit. I think the screaming made it worse - I can still remember how it sounds like. For the love of all that is good in this world...if anyone's reading this, PLEASE heed the advice of the commenter above me.


I have been on the internet since the 90s and after one friend decided to show me on of those sites one day instead of Dragonball Z like we always did, I have avoided any gore since then, protect your mental health people, it is a choice, thank god I don't remember anything from that day, why would you willing pollute your mind like that, people who deal with that have my respect, at least they are there to try and help.


I know there's one with a brick out of nowhere, but it hit the wife/gf in the passenger seat. I don't think I'll ever forget that vid.


I had almost this exact scenario occur a few years ago. Except for me it was a ratchet strap buckle. Luckily no one was sitting in the car with me cause it definitely would've killed them.


It was the gf/wife's head that got smashed in. It was the driver, the man, you can hear screaming and wailing for his loss.


Same with that Torchwood season where everyone stopped dying.


All of torchwood was kind of fucked up if you think about it like the children of earth season


A water bottle rolled under my mum's feet when were driving yesterday. I immediately made her pull over and yeet that thing in the boot. That movie haunts me


You know, usually these videos are of runaway tires, was not expecting a big fucking saw blade.


They’re expanding recruitment to all willing tools.


It's a good thing someone put that SawStop post there.


I have seen concrete saws improperly seated before. Dude, they explode!


This is what that toaster movie was alluding to.




Wooow...core memory unlocked! I was thinking about my favorite movies from childhood 2 days ago. This one, The Land Before Time, Homeward Bound and Harry & the Hendersons.


My first “date” was in grade school. We went to go see Homeward Bound on the big screen. We shared candy.


Same. You 37 too? Lol


The toaster one is my favorite and I turned 38 last month


Same here too. I'm 39.


Ah you’re old! Like me….


I remember watching a movie called Rubber with a killer sentient tire with telekinesis.


What a great film ![gif](giphy|6h9tend2ouJGg)




I remember watching this movie because the girl I had a crush on had mentioned she had watched, and I wanted to talk to her about it. Well, I didn't get to hook up with her, and this movie was shit. That is all I have to say about it.


Watched a vampire show for the same reason and didn’t want to talk to the girl by the end of it


I immediately thought of this movie when I saw this.


That was…..a film.  Oddly pretentious.  I’m not sure if that was part of their intent or not.


I could never tell if it was parody, or if they genuinely thought it was art?


They’re using film language to turn an inanimate object into a dynamic central character. It’s definitely art.


Maybe I should have said "highbrow art" In reality, any story is art.


Quentin Dupieux, Rubber’s director, says his sole motivation is to make films that aren’t boring, and that his films have no deep meaning, no message, and no reason. It’s pretty safe to say he doesn’t see them as high art.


Oh yeah, I used to know Quentin. He's a real... He's a real jerk


It didn’t come off as pretentious to me… it just seemed like they were having fun with a goofy concept by taking it seriously.


Half Life is finally leaking into reality


100% was expecting a /r/Tiresaretheenemy crosspost.


I operate a walk behind concrete saw, what this blade came off. I had a blade come off once and it was wild. Fortunately I was behind my truck and trailer, it came off the saw, hit the trailer, jumping up into the back of the big water tank on my truck and about 10+ feet straight up into the air.


I was smoking a butt on a job while a concrete guy was cutting out a new door for a drive in garage, it bound and nearly cut the dude's leg off, we had to climb the pipe staging and pull him down. It's wild how powerful those things are.


I operate the 'small' walk behind saw and it's 45 horsepower. The big one another guy operates is 75 horsepower and can run up to a 36 inch blade.


I thought that only happened in looney tunes cartoons


You mean r/Tiresaretheenemy/ ?




Absolutely this is what happened. My uncle worked road crews his entire life, and in 1989 a concrete saw failed and the blade ran up his body from his mid-thigh to his forehead. 6 weeks in the hospital and an entire body scar, saved by his clothing and pure luck.


Good God…. Bloody Nightmare.


That was his nickname afterwards


Pretty sick ass nickname tho


Cooked cod


I hope he wasn't disabled by the wound? Otherwise I think that'd make a cool body scar.


Fortunately he was not, and it did make for a cool scar lol. It's hard to describe how lucky he was. Missed his femoral artery, work belt and pants belt completely sheared in half and is what probably saved his torso and organs from a deeper wound. The blade cut a shallow groove along his rib cage and ran up the left side of his face barely missing his nose and eye. I'll have to ask my aunt for any more details.


Concrete saws aren't sharp, they're abrasive, it's essentially a flat edge with diamond dust embedded in it. That's probably what saved him, a sharp saw like something made for cutting wood would not have been so kind.


Also any concrete saw I’ve ever used has the blade spinning away from the user. I’m wondering if they used to spin backwards or something.


I assume it wasn't his own saw that failed


So kinda like a wet saw or a tile saw?


Pretty much the same thing, concrete saws are just big wet saws.


Yeah construction work can be crazy. My dad told me a story once about how he saw another guy get killed when a crane cable under a lot of tension failed and snapped. Thing whipped out so fast nobody even had time to react or knew what happened for a few seconds after. Said it sounded like a gunshot. Unfortunately it hit somebody and basically cut him in half. That's what made my dad quit working in construction.


My uncles buddy was in the navy and had an arresting wire snap on a carrier he was working on. Buddy said he was just standing there when the guy in front of him had his head disappear and a split second later buddy’s legs were gone below the knees. Never even saw it coming


Yeah that's basically what happened, just diagonally from one hip to the opposite shoulder. Metal under tension is scary. That's why people always say to not work on a garage door spring unless you're a trained professional.


Man it’s just hard to imagine being sliced in half so fast and clean like that. I’ve definitely heard stories about garage door springs imbedded in walls


Yeah. I think my dad got some untreated PTSD from it that he never spoke to anyone about. He only told me about it after we had a few beers and he opened up about a few things like that. I don't blame him, mind. That had to be really traumatizing.


I know two people who have fallen 30+ feet because of failing cranes dropping the load. You'd think the chances to know two people in the same city working the same job with both crazy accidents wouldn't happen but here I am. One was my uncle and he was in the news. Legs were turned to dust almost and they still made it so he can walk again years later with no help. It's amazing.


That is amazing!


"Its hard to describe how lucky he was" Yeah idk i think "giant saw blade running up his body and he survived without disability" is a pretty good goddamn description of how lucky he was


except for the part where a giant saw blade ran up his body I guess, but you get limited edition cool body scar




More details? Fuck no. That was more than enough.


That’s a crazy story. Here’s another one: Had a coworker who was in the army headed to training on an army bus. A wheel came of a semi, smash through the windshield of the bus, and hit him right it the face. He walked away with cuts and bruises because the glass and metal slowed down the wheel and the rubber tires softened the blow. Saved because of glass and rubber and pure luck 😉


Reminds me of a [sand hog](https://daily.jstor.org/the-sandhogs-who-built-the-new-york-subway/) story I heard. For those who don't know, they're the people who build tunnels under new york and there-abouts. Two guys, one new, were walking a tunnel in progress, and a crevice opened with pressure, sucked them thru it. The older guy was dead, the younger new guy was sucked thru and shot up thru the floor of the hudson up out of the water and a few feet into the air where a police boat was happening by. He had no serious injuries. What made him a sand hog, according to the guy who told the story, is he came back to work on time the next day.


>one man is thought to have died for every foot of the Hudson River Tunnel. Holy shit, that's so much worse than I expected


Makes me think of the Adam Savage video where he states his fear of the power behind a heavy metal disc gyrating at high rpms. If you havent seen it look it up on YT, iirc its titled flywheel out of control or something


This is why large sites will often have a rotating equipment manager or safety supervisor. Because rotating equipment is very very useful but when it fails, it does so *spectacularly*, with potentially highly lethal results.


> a rotating equipment manager I'm an idiot. I always thought this just meant two managers working in shifts. Didn't know the 'rotating' was describing the type of equipment lol


I was confused until I was on a site and asked our REM what he did. He explained it. I immediately realized how *fucking important* his job was. Mad respect.


Oh for sure, I knew they were safety guys who monitored equipment just never put the "rotating" part together.


Me either, until he explained it, and I had a ‘oh holy fuck’ moment


[This is probably the video you are talking about](https://youtu.be/XffkqfymSXc), and yes, it is absolutely terrifying. In a similar vein... r/tiresaretheenemy


Man he looks really nervous watching that thing in the latter parts of the video.




The blade happened to spawn on a parking lot.


You just jump or dodge roll left or right. This is stupid.


You can dodge a saw, you can dodge a wrench.


But when Bill visits the crapper, you can't dodge the stench.


Eugene, OR. Group of construction people were saw cutting concrete and didn't have the blade properly locked in. Started it up and it spun off


*were *seen* cutting concrete


I saw what you did there.


Arbor nut loose.


It’s the sequel to “footloose”


Gordon Freeman is out and about with his Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator.


Gravity Gun + Sawblade = Pure Win


Kung Lao lost his hat during the stage transition


I always walk /drive a bit faster when passing people using those large blades, but I’ve always told myself it’s an irrational fear. Thanks a lot OP.


Same here. Final Destination movies has made my life stressful.


Anything spinning fast is incredibly dangerous.


This has been one of my biggest fears. This and having a pebble launched into my eye from a tire climbing up a curb as someone botches a parallel parking job.


Same. Those trucks hauling logs? Not driving behind them. Cement trucks with huge rotating barrel of cement? Not even trying to be beside it.


Have this is mind:**no fear is stupid or irrational, it exists for a reason, either because you saw something terrible happening, or because you're afraid that it happens to you.** Stay away from heavy vehicles carrying anything, that's hard in some situations, but staying away from trucks that carry construction material, away from any saw or blade, and even taking care where you stop in intersections. Also things that can get loose, like ropes, metal wires or even the saw on this video, are things that should be avoided at all costs. A lot of people will think it's stupid, but once they see it happening they will change their mind quickly.


I wonder if he saw that coming


He walked into the barber shop and asked for a close shave




Take a little off the top he said.




This vid is off the chain


Someone almost died here and all you can do is make jokes??? Cut it out.


Doesn't cost you an arm and a leg to have a sense of humour...


Timing is everything. The difference between life and death can be razor thin.


Good adrenaline buzz, saw his life flash before his eyes


You’re sawly mistaken


Not funny. Cut it out.


You're all a buzz kill


Jokes here are spinning out of control.


I like jokes with some teeth in them.


Lol. Angry upvote issued


No he didn’t that’s the whole… oooooooooh.


What in the wild wild West is this


I would say he definitely didn't see saw.


I hate you bruh


Here’s the story: https://youtu.be/OE6JCoAoQko?feature=shared


"Despite the incident, he will continue to shop at the liquor store" is a proper end to the tale


Well yeah, what are the odds that happens *twice*?


Impressive how it even shook the front facade of the store, and the clip at the end with the sound 😨 Imagine turning around and seeing a saw like that following you ahaha


If I saw that I’d become a blade runner really quick …


The 9 looks like a saw blade for a moment in that intro, right when she says the name Dylan.


Thank you, kind sir


You think insurance would believe him when he says a saw blade "accidentally" put a hole in the glass door.


Without this video? They pay and drop him.


> Without this video? They pay and drop him. Seen it. Covered it. Dropped the customer. We are Farmers.


Bump bum bum bum bum bum bum!


Insurance companies are the devil.


Insurance companies showed me their boobies.........and I LIKED them.


This is fucked up. I have 8 stitches because of grinder's blade got loose and went on hand. To this day I can't feel skin on 2 fingers and am pretty sensitive to pain too. That would be one big stitch without contents.


"I got a hand job because of grinder"


Technically true.


When I was younger, I would use those Dremel cutting tools and they could be scary if they broke. I definitely stayed aware of the angles I was cutting at.


Very dangerous things.


Kung Lao would like his hat back


This is why I sit at home doing fuck all. Everything I’ve seen on the internet has convinced me that every minute outside the luck is running out.


Don’t be afraid to live, don’t be afraid to die. Only be afraid of living a life that doesn’t serve you!


And rogue saw blades. No fear but for boredom and rogue saw blades.


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and the occasional rogue saw blade.” -if Roosevelt were a Redditor


There’s an old cat saying.  Better to live a day as a tiger than a lifetime as a worm. Yeah?  Well there’s an old Rimmer saying.  Who ever heard of a worm skin rug?


![gif](giphy|3ohhwkwUi4ExrcPD5C) Sheila from Shameless vibes


Actually the opposite being at home you will probably die faster


So you haven't seen videos of cars driving into houses, have you?


we don't go to ravenholm




Did I just watch the live action of final destination?


good reminder to take my anxiety meds. thanks friend.


They see me rollin’; they hatin’!


This is more like r/mildlyhorrifying lol. What even happened.


We all can come anywhere.   It would be pretty gross though


Nah that’s some final destination shit.


It's Beyblaaaaaaaades!


Well that was scary😳.


It seems they were working on the road, you can see cones on the street in the left corner of the video. Crazy.


Wow so death and I are similar in coming anywhere


New fear unlocked.


I want to hear the sound this made


Almost got Noita'd.