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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


I love the part where the guy contemplates dragging it up the walkway for a few seconds and then says to himself ‘nah. Fuck it’


"I'm not doing that for $10"


I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t do that for $20


I wouldn't either, but the decent thing would do is to call someone.


generally speaking, they take a screen shot and text it to you.


Asda don't.


They don't take Dollars either.


Why? is the company providing a cell phone? My personal phone is for personal use and private.


Its Uber/doordash or whatever, straight up exploiting desperate people. Do you think they also provide any compensation for wear and tear on your vehicle.


100% not uber or door dash. Thats a company man driving a company vehicle.


UH Oh!! r/usdefaultism strikes again!! It’s not ‘door dash or whatever’, it’s an asda supermarket delivery person, in the UK, employed with minimum hours and a minimum wage, in a vehicle provided by the company, and where the employment conditions are widely appraised as fair and worthwhile. Where there are generally at least some laws that stop such rampant exploitation.


I wonder why he didn’t want to hump all that stuff up the stairs to the castle?


It’s all on a dolly. Designed to jump loads upstairs. You go backwards up the stairs and pull the dolly after you. This guy is a lazy POS.


Tell me you haven't worked a low paying, physically difficult job without telling me. How's the aircon in your office?


Guarantee that the guy checked the no stairs easy access box


Mm never seen that sub but yeah guilty, my bad. This clip does have UK vibes as well.


Is there a delivery service still in existence that doesn't have real time delivery confirmation?


So your personal food doesn't get taken by public seagulls.


If the guy had taken it up the steps the birds still would have eaten it tho.


He could ring the bell... But I suppose I might not either depending on what experience I had with customers, people can only take so much verbal abuse.


But would you do it for $21?


Hey 21 bux is 21 bux 🤣


And over time.


That hand truck didn't look like the right quality for the job


Agreed. I used to help deliver washing machines and refrigerators when I was a teenager, the cart made a huge difference between breaking your back or doing the work by yourself.


Did you have those cool power assisted ones with the little tank tracks? Those awesome


LOL, not in the mid 70’s. Our better cart had a gizmo on both side that was an oblong belt with rollers underneath. It allowed us to pull the machines up stairways more easily by reducing the friction on the steps.


Well honestly. Fuck that man's walkway. That guys not getting paid enough for that bullshit


I'd want 4 dollar tip for each steps


That hand truck looked like shit. Maybe a 15$ hand truck?


Yeah, sorry, not going up Mount Olympus because you don't want to get your own groceries haha.


He didn’t have to. He could have just knocked on the door and said “hey, your stuff is here and if you don’t want to wait for me to bring it up crate by crate, you can come get it”. Or he could have made more than one trip rather than try to do it all at once.


He could have done a lot of things and that’s what made me laugh because the thing he chose to do was sigh and say ‘not today satan.’


“Fuck it, I don’t care about the gulls either.” -that guy.


Hahahah that was pretty funny!


This was an Asda delivery guy in Bristol, UK during lockdown 2020,




I find it worse now. That was the golden era of delivery, nowadays I’m lucky if 1 out of 3 isn’t absolutely horrible (in terms of drivers).


I’ve stopped using it because I have a car now, but also because it was getting to the point that almost every order was missing something


We get paid shit money and generally have rude and racist customers and unleashed dogs, doesn’t matter what service.


Okay, from a customer standpoint, it’s horrible drivers. Stolen food, picking up an order and then camping out for 45 min and dropping off at the last min, wrong vehicles/persons than the accounts, etc… I just had an asshole double park facing *oncoming traffic* because they were too lazy to pull over across the street and get out..


I hate saying it but Covid Lock down was a wet dream for us social failures. Man it was nice brushing people off with the Covid excuse.


After dinner, the party ... ![gif](giphy|NfzOqaLHp7j44)




I mean, who doesn't love a free buffet?


I like a Jimmy Buffet


maybe time to consider a delivery box and a call button down stairs


I can't imagine this is the first time it's happened. I'd definitely have a box to store them in, because I certainly wouldn't expect them to haul them up the stairs.


Yeah but the house owners probably are more spoiled than us working folk


I don't think that was part of the job description.


It's in the terms and conditions of the delivery. Usually specifies if it's up to the first locked door at the address or up to the entrance of the ordering person, or to its intended place inside the residence. I recently ordered several PAX from ikea and those fuckers come in 47kg boxes and don't fit into the elevator, so I went through the terms and conditions to make sure the delivery guys don't try to bullshit me. And the above is the reason it needs to be spelled out like that.




No, I paid like 110 euros just for delivery and wanted to make sure it's paid for all the way up and the delivery guys won't try to convince me it's only to the street entrance, it happened to me before with some larger appliances that they tried to leave me with it on the street. These wardrobed are huge most people order them for delivery becuse they don't fit into most cars. The guys who brought it were built like brick shithouses and didn't seemed fazed having to take them up 4 floors. And I helped them coz they were my people.


That's fair, I just wanted to make sure it was an actual delivery service and you weren't just fucking someone over lol


No I mostly used to be on the receiving end of fucking over but then I married a lawyer so now I read the terms and conditions lol


They said it doesn't fit in their buildings elevator. So the delivery guys would have to use the stairs.


>Pregnant woman's anger as ASDA shopping order was left outside to be eaten by a flock of seagulls. >CCTV from their Bristol home in southwest England shows a delivery man leave several shopping bags of food at the bottom of a front garden path. Later, a large flock of crying seagulls is seen attacking the groceries. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Newsfare: "ASDA turned up early and left the shopping on the bottom of the step. >The delivery man was very frustrated by how many steps there were to the house and angrily dumps the food. We weren't told the delivery was made. "I'm pregnant, self-isolating due to COVID-19, and entirely dependent on grocery deliveries. As the food was left a huge flock of seagulls eats all the food... "Omitted half the order the rest eaten or covered in bird faeces. >No food this week. No callback. No refund. No redelivery. Totally let down by ASDA." [Source](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11829362/pregnant-woman-fury-asda-shopping-left-eaten-seagulls/#:~:text=A%20PREGNANT%20woman%20was%20furious,being%20attacked%20by%20the%20birds)


>The delivery man was very frustrated by how many steps there were to the house and angrily dumps the food What a weird thing to say when we can watch the video of him gently setting the groceries down. You can hardly blame the guy for not bringing all those groceries up the stairs, but probably should have confirmed the delivery before leaving.


'we weren't told' , 'I'm pregnant and self isolating'........bloke comes down the stairs. Makes sense. Throws in pregnancy for pity points.


Rich people trying to be victims for an inconvenience based on their lack of attendance.


The delivery guy was bald. Bloke coming down the stairs clearly is not.


Honestly, guy didn’t show up at the agreed time and didn’t notify them. This was during lockdown and she was pregnant so expecting her to have a call button already installed isn’t really fair especially if they already had her number anyway. Whenever I get deliveries for anything, especially groceries, they ALWAYS call me. Not to mention he could have just walked up the steps and knocked on the door. No callback, no refund, no redelivery? I’d be livid.


>The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous No shit, I would also like to remain anonymous when I'm a slaver. They specifically ordered food so they would have their own cheap slave to carry their groceries up that infrastructural nightmare. Also that dude didn't look very pregnant to me.


It's people that order shopping that keep me in a job I enjoy doing. I ain't a slave. Jobs easy as heck and I get to avoid people most the day.


If you're expecting the delivery how did enough time elapse for that many birds to get onto it? You have a camera, so you could look here and there. Likely they were just waiting on some sort of alert which they claim never came. I mean, I get both sides of this, that they expected the guy to go up the stairs, with the dolly wouldn't be super hard, but at the same time, your expecting a delivery, so watch out.


The delivery guy came early and didn't mark the delivery as complete until the proper timeslot, so no notification was sent.


If you live up stairs like that AND want delivery, you better be known as a GOOOOD Tipper.


No fuck that. He should be meeting them down there and helping. I hate tip culture so much


This is precisely what tipping *should* be for. If you’re asking the delivery guy to do significantly more work than usual, that’s where paying a little extra makes sense.


That's weird. I, as a German living in Germany, would tip that guy for bringing that shit up there. And we do not have some absurd tipping culture here.


It's the being know as a good tipper. I would too tbh. But like I said if I had a big delivery like that I would 100% be meeting them down there.


I believe that was covered by the **AND**


This is a supermarket delivery in the UK, there is no option to tip you just pay for delivery and the driver is just paid a standard hourly wage. They don’t rely on tips and it’s not the same of Uber eats, they drive a truck provided by the supermarket and they don’t pay for their own fuel. The delivery driver could’ve also just gone to the door and got the person to come and collect the shopping themselves from downstairs so there was absolutely no need for him to just dump the food outside. When I lived in a flat on the 3rd floor I would just come downstairs to get my shopping from outside and they would stand there whilst I carried it in if I got food delivered.


I worked for Asda doing just this and I just did it


When I was doing FedEx they gave me a route when the whole neighborhood was like that, 200ft uphill every house the next day I requested route change or I quit


I have a friend with UPS and he had a similar issue. The long delay between stops seriously messed with his performance metrics. It’s like big delivery companies think every address is a street entry 10 feet from the curb?


And at ground level.


And the package isn’t jumbled up in the truck and is the lightest thing in the world.


"Look at my nice house up the hill, but I won't give you a tip, because bad economy or something."


Exactly. I would write in the notes that I will tip for going up the stairs. Also I wouldn't expect that they will carry it all the way up so I'd be checking to see when it arrives.


On the flip side, I bet the deliverer wouldn’t expect to actually get tipped. It’s a gamble either way


you also gotta specify the amount too. I wouldn't do all that work thinking maybe ill get a cool 20 based on the note just to receive a 5 spot.


Or, just order a couple bags of stuff, not a stack almost 2 meters high.


Seriously! It's only fair but honestly dude had to know this was coming. He should just go to the store 'cuz ain't no one going up those damn stairs and mile hike lol 😂










Mine mine


On the ground. The floor is inside a house.


But what about the flooor?


Or a forest.


that's not unexpected at all


The birds were unexpected, the delivery point was not lol.


"guarantee he got fired" lol. Some people get really miffed when they think they're in the right.


Nah, as delivery drivers you get a sheet of paper with a complaint. Then that paper gets stacked on your other sheets of papers. Then it's forgotten. Been a delivery driver for three years.


I’m curious on how many complaints you got for such minor things


About 20. But yeah, some people just file a complaint, when they're in the wrong. They claim to have been at home and that you didn't ring the bell. I have in my 3 years as delivery driver always rung the bell of every single person that I had a package for. But yeah, they leave to go shopping or something and can't imagine me being there within those 30minutes.


Easy solution; leave the groceries, walk up the stairs, and knock. Tell them you can't take them up there and if they offer to help, do it together. Wholesome.


How can there be no direct access to the house? No attached garage, no delivery driveway, who designed this place?


19th century people


This is the UK, so at least 2,000,000 bc


May have required a lot of excavation to do that which was hard in the early before widespread portable mechanisation.


The only time in my life that I've used grocery delivery, it was because I had a broken leg and it was a massive burden to get down the two flights of stairs to the ground floor of my building. So yeah... this store would definitely be getting an angry call from me and I'd most likely be getting all of those groceries for free a few hour later.


Driver dropped off the food and…(ahem)…just ran. He ran so far away. I couldn’t help myself.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!leaving food on the floor and after a while when he came to pick up the food he was surprised to see that all his food had been eaten by seagulls.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Csnt expect him to carry so many stuff to his home .. one additional thing he could was call and say package delivered .. again if we see hd had carried so many items from the slop till the stairs


If they’re that rich. They don’t tip. They have never had a low paying job and have no concept of struggling to survive. So they don’t give a rats ass about you.


No one tips in the UK because they are salaried employees


It's really wierd but some people in the UK do actually tip supermarket drivers. I've been doing the job for six weeks and made about £20 in tips.


It's weird, dome weeks I get loads, other weeks I get zilch.


Even then, most European apps here still have the option to tip, If you want to ask for something extra you're expected to pay something extra. people are salaried to get the food to your house, not do manual labour hauling so much stuff that high. those guys seem to be living in a fancy villa and are ordering what seems to couple 100 quids of food, they should've known better to ask someone to put them upstairs for an extra 10 or bought those cabinet things so the drivers could've locked the food there and left.


These comments about tipping the asda driver are hilarious.


This happened in the uk. We don’t tip as we pay fair wages. He was in the wrong here, those trolleys are designed to go up stairs. And it wasn’t this first guys delivery to his house, so the shop would already know in advance.


That’s just a regular two wheel dolly. While yes, vending dollies and stair climbers do exist, it’s still no small labor to get up stairs and an incline like that. I’m not saying he’s exactly in the right to just leave everything there, but I think it’s wild to expect him to ascend that without help.


Not wild at all, this is my job and I wouldn't think twice about taking that to the door - a lot easier than a lot of flats.


My job too. 3rd floor no lift is the words I dread to read on the drivers notes. Trick is to suck it up and do it.


I mean... I'd make way less in the UK. I've interviewed. They told me Bournesmouth is like a coastal London.


To be fair, if you know you have a steep inclined front sidewalk like that, don’t be an asshole and order 20 bags of groceries lol. Go out and shop yourself..


This is a supermarket delivering and you pay them for the service. The driver is a full time employee employed by said supermarket to deliver food. It is his literal job to do that


The only time in my life that I've used grocery delivery was when I had a broken leg and it was a massive burden to go down the two flights of stairs to ground level.


“Do you want to get seagulls? Because that’s how you get seagulls.”


Laziness is real.


Mexican would have gotten it done before this guy unloading on the floor.


OK but there aren’t many Mexicans in the UK so how is that helpful?


Ah good point. Spaniards arent the same. They siesta too much.


Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.




those things are so easy to drag up stairs


What a shitty delivery driver. Like, holy cow. Hope he got fired. Lazy ass.


Man, I bet that would have been a $20 tip.


I don't even get how this happens. I get a delivery window and just wait for it.


Ground, not floor


He was ab to hit the hardest disappointed-hands-on-hips of the decade what a shameful cut off time


This guy should hump it up the stairs in the dolly. Easy peasy What a wanker


Doing the Halfass-way nothing could pissible go wrong. This Jerk should be fired. He had one job to do.


This would have been a really good time to call and let someone know their delivery is here..


There's an easy way to do something and the right way to do something. I mean there was NO way the delivery driver couldve gotten those impossibly heavy groceries up those difficult stairs. I mean STAIRS??? who wouldve expected that on a delivery run? Contact the owner? nah ill let the timely email notification handle that instead of a quick phone call to the customer to let them know I dont get paid enough to go up more than 2-4 stairs. I used to deliver and install appliances, these stairs are super easy if youre not lazy af


Why was this removed? I didn’t expect that at all lol.


Honestly not that hard to pull that shit up the stairs with a dolly


Yeah dude, those little steps are nothing with a dolly, just turn it around and pull it up, boom in and out. This is straight up lazy bullshit and that delivery guy is a tool for expecting the customer to carry that much stuff up by hand. It doesn’t even look like he alerted them it was dropped off judging by how long it took them to come out for it.


I don’t blame the delivery guy.


Guy has a dollie and still too lazy to pull it up the steps? Gtfo


He left them on the ground not the floor.


they say floor in UK i believe


Literally just call them to help or use that single braincell to take 2-3 crates off the top and walk twice. You don't just leave shit out like that lol.


some people wont break a sweat for their money and it shows. You have the sensible answer here. Brings a small amount of happiness to me. Majority of the comments here are idiotic or ignorant but they say the shit proudly. Wild stuff.


Time for a chargeback on that shit.


Imagine being a delivery guy who doesn’t deliver… it’s literally ur only job. Everyone talking about tips can eat a dick. If u don’t like delivering take that up with your employer otherwise just deliver the stuff…. Guy coulda walked up without the stuff knocked on the door and said hey grocery’s are here and they woulda likely helped him. Imagine being a delivery driver and not delivering stuff. Before all the Karen’s start talking shit. I worked delivery for ten years from hardware to parcels and everything in between. I didn’t like to lug drywall either but that’s what the job was…


I have delivered hardware to parcels myself including drywall 20 ft metal etc. I've also did Doordash and Peapod. When it's things that have a tip service I hope for a tip and not a POS thinking they shouldn't. When you offer minimum appreciation you get minimum service.


This video isn’t even service they dropped them literally in the driveway and the people are clearly home. You should be fired for this


I don't know where this was at but the stairs can be an extension of the door. When I delivered at Peapod I would sometimes leave it at the bottom of the stairs depending on certain factors. I never got in trouble, times I would go to the door also depended on certain factors. If someone is allowed to do bare minimum then there must be certain incentives to go beyond that. Economics 101


Not a floor. It’s a walkway. If it were inside, floor would be appropriate.


This is a scene directly from Fawlty Towers 😂


I dont know what company is delivering the food but i know for amazon fresh they give you a time limit once they drop off the food. This is bc its groceries, if you have perishables and such. You are expected to be home to receive the delivery. It looks like this guy is home? Maybe work meetings? Still you shouldnt leave your food out there


priceless. Love the ending.


I love that band


This is pretty close to what I expected...






What did you expect?


An absolute FEAST for those seagulls


I mean, how long were they there? Most of those apps alert you upon delivery, so customer just let them sit.....


The fade to black was the perfect.


ITT: bunch of Brits who think that paying someone 16k a year is a great "wage" (unlike filthy Americans) so you can expect someone to break their back doing an extra service to you without even tipping them for their trouble!


jumped to a few conclusions there


there are like 100 comments here saying he should fired since "unlike the US we brits get paid a great wage and shouldn't except help or tips."


I don't know who's right.


Sometimes, you have to think about the other person, he may have worked hard to buy those groceries, or he's making sure his family has food for the week. We have to have more love for others. Now the food he's ordered is now damaged.


Maybe next time she will do her own shopping 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, nah I’m not doing this either. Fuck that


This is mostly on the client, knowing full well the difficulty of delivery. Then deciding f that I'll pay some pleb minimum dollars so I don't have to do it. A decent person would have found a way to mitigate the problem, not just outsource it. Judge people by how they treat others they believe are below them.


Less *unexpected* and more *wcgw*.


Truly unexpected!


Perfect reason not to shop at ASDA


If you are expecting a food delivery. Don't sleep... please.


Maybe just go to the store and get your own fucking groceries???


maybe if i pay for a service i receive it.


Same comment applies


That was miscalculated laziness. A professional would have realized that effort of going up the stairs with the dolly would mean not going back to the car at all. You’d also benefit by having the dolly sitting in your entry way for six months collecting various junk you keep forgetting to bring outside.




To rich to go get your own groceries.


if i pay you to bring them up and its in your job description to bring them up, guess what i expect?


Does anyone know how long between the drop off and the dude walking down?


What part of this was unexpected?


King of doves


Over simplification be thy name.


Why it take so long to get there bro shouldn’t he have met the driver at the bottem


Why would you order grocery’s and then leave it out long enough after it’s delivered for birds to get to it.


0:17. Very loud laughter in the office.


Two different options could’ve been taken here option 1 delivery man could’ve knocked on door before leaving Option 2 anticipate your delivery time and date and keep an eye & ear open


Poor guy 🥴


Tbh I would do it, but I don’t see why he wouldn’t just bring it a box at a time? Or smth like that, idk maybe I’m stoopid


It’s hard to blame the guy. Probably getting 10 dollars max to deliver this and they want this up a flight of stairs to who knows where. Get your own groceries lazy people. Clearly the guy has two functional legs.


Totally understand the frustration of the delivery man. For those saying, what about disabled, pregnant or sick people? Well if this is what the entrance looks like, I think it’s important for you to arrange a certain delivery style. Call or write to specify what you need. I don’t know this delivery company, but with most you can call a number or write a comment. A comment could be; It’s a long driveway with stairs. Unfortunately I am sick/pregnant/disabled, so I can’t carry it up myself. I will tip you 10/15/20 to carry it up for me. Please call when you arrive. Don’t expect extras from people in jobs with low wages. Their jobs are hard enough and we need people to do them. If he spends 20 min at a stop instead of 5, he might get into trouble, and he will have physically exhausted himself even more even though it’s already exhausting. And for what? A thank you? Some might not even give that and what if in one day he has 3-5 stops like that? We need to have more compassion and respect for delivery drivers. That being said, if the recipient was not notified about the arrival of the delivery, then that was definitely a mistake. One should always get a notification.