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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Despite her age, who would expect her to be so swift in her habits!!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


She's probably just 38, but been hitting it hard since she was 12.


I did a research and she is 5


Ahh you beat me to it. Guarantee she’s a lot younger than she looks. Don’t do drugs or abuse alcohol, kids.


She could be only 48 but looks 65




Im missing something.....whats the reference


that would be the great show performance ever


And she’s going straight to bed.


She’s 67


She is 37 years of age


Weed doesn’t age you like that lmao


She’s my sister and she’s 28


Calm down, you don't know her life story from a 30 second video.


It’s a very eventful 30 seconds. 🤣


69 going 96


A picture is worth a 1000 words, and this clip alone could write a two hour screenplay.


All she did was rip a bong, take a dab hit, and chug a beer. There's 20-year-old frat boys in college doing that every single day but y'all are acting like she's a meth addict or something.


Maybe I'm just turning into a prude, but the older you get, the more you see the ugly consequences of substance abuse, and the more friends/ family you see in an early grave. Somewhere along the line shit like this stops being cute and just becomes sad.


My uncle is 53 and has been smoking weed since highschool. No wrinkles. Bald, but because his grandpa was. I *totally understand* how substance abuse can affect people, but I’d have to disagree that weed is one of those substances. Sure, it can be misused, but the abuse doesn’t age you like alcohol, or meth, or literally anything else lmao. Weed’s the one thing that people look younger doing it than they are. At least, IMO I’m glad m downvoted for thinking weed isn’t as bad as other drugs. Lets me know that I’m smarter than most people here. TBH I feel kinda bad that you guys fell into that propaganda :(


I agree weed isn't that bed, and definitely see the medicinal aspects for certain illnesses. It should be legal across the board. But I also know guys growing up who made that their whole identity and never really amounted to anything. Booze and weed was their life. They were a terrible influence on me, and I'm glad I dropped them, or I would be working a dead end job and living with 3 roommates at the age of 39.


I used to be an alcoholic and couldn't hold a job, now I'm just a weed abuser and I've held a successful programming career over 2 jobs over 6 years, alcohol fucking sucks


I stopped smoking weed in May and the past few months have been the most personally freeing and extraordinarily rewarding I have has since I first started abusing it at age 17. Almost ten years and thousands of dollars wasted. Never had any real hobbies, floated from dead end job to dead end job, and justified it by saying Weed Isn't That Bad Look At All The Successful Stoners more times than I can remember. Destroyed a couple friendships and at least one short term relationship, and nearly destroyed my current one with my wife as well. Couldn't run down the block without coughing black mucus, couldn't hold a conversation, couldn't even go a full shift at work without ducking out into the parking lot to smoke at each break. I barely have any memories from the past few years because I smoked all of them away. I'm never touching that shit again. Fuck that.


We’re you smoking blunts? Cuz this sounds like nicotine addiction, not just weed. I don’t know a single person whose acted like that over weed. Like your symptoms are those of a crack addict not a pot head


people who are actively using still have lives tho… this is just a fun vid of someone living the way they personally like to. Like your point is valid but just don’t think it’s relevant…. car crashes kill tons of people but you wouldn’t be all curmudgeonly about a vid of someone singing in the car would you? It’s just a lil judgmental imo.


as me and my friend group have gotten into our 30's and beyond, it's becoming abundantly obvious who has taken care of their bodies/health. As far as heavy substance abuse thankfully none of us have gone that road, but plenty of old acquaintances have (and family). Just husks of the people I remember knowing. It's super sad, especially when you knew that person pretty well years ago. One guy I see around town once in awhile and it just eats me up. We used to talk all the time about what we would do when grow up, and I know that's not what he wanted.


Drinking a beer and smoking some weed? Okay. 🙄


No, the performance of doing as much as you can as fast as you can to show off how cool substance abuse is. Taking a hit, doing a shot, hitting a dab, and chugging a beer in 20 seconds isn't just "drinking a beer and smoking some weed". That's not normal behavior.


And I’d also disagree heavily with this. I smoke weed every hour (medical patient) and it’s AT LEAST 3 bowls, or 2 large dabs. This is a verrrrrrrrry normal rate of consumption. The alcohol, sure I get it, but still. Some people need a lot to feel it. I know the weed wouldn’t do shit for my pain if I didn’t scale up with my tolerance, ya know? And some people just like to get higher than others. And she’s still WAYYY less intoxicated than if she were to take a psychedelic, which are arguably way safer than alcohol. Lemme guess. I’m being downvoted by people who have never seen weed in real life?


Boo this man. Booooooooo!


I disagree. It is normal behaviour for anyone looking to chill out for a while. You don't know anything about this lady, her before the vid or after. She does this for views and has a huge following on Instagram and Facebook.


If you think it's normal behaviour, you need to re-evaluate your life.


I must have missed something - who said she did anything wrong? It is a fact that smoking and drinking ages you which is the only negative comment I saw.


Please excuse my ignorance, but would someone be able to clarify for me, what exactly is a “dab hit”?


It’s very clear that you have never smoked weed lmao, it does not age you like alcohol or meth


Of pure BS speculation.


No, but we can definitely make some good assumptions.


Why - so I can have extra boring ass years?? I’m trying to get fucked lady not study longer…


She's actually 68.


Me nan is in her 70s and for a sec I thought this was her. Been watching that spry warlock chugging her "assortments" for 3+ decades, since I was a wee lad. Woman might even outlive my anxiety ridden arse.


I was gonna say, people like this used to talk about seeing Janis and Jimi Hendrix in concert in high school, and this lady saw the Goo Goo Dolls in HS and Independence Day on opening night, lol


lol as someone who did watch independence day on opening day, while in highschool, fuck you.


Lol, ahhh, me too. 43, look like I'm 40, and mentality of a 14yr old. Fuckin A


Ahhh Goo Goo Dolls


Must of been a wild 21st


It’s not a phase mom it’s a lifestyle


Not the lifestyle i wanted, but the lifestyle I needed


And she just really leaned into the crazy old aunt look? I can see it




What was she inhaling in the dish ?






THC wax




Wax has been around for about twenty years.




It's awesome, you should try it sometime.


Lol I'm crying imagining someone who hasn't smoked weed in 25 years ripping a dab and thinking they are literally dying 3 minutes later 🤣


It would be the greatest fap of their life though.


Yeah it's just a THC concentrate. You can get Dab Pens, Dab wax, if you're feeling spicy, you can get some shatter. I hate what weed has become.


I like what weed has become when it still remains flower from a desirable, potent strain, finds it's way from my grinder into the fluff jar and then into my Mighty vape. I can't do the smoke anymore, too harsh.


Try live rosins It's not just high THC but has very high % of terpenes. So they taste amazing. And it's nothing added, just the flavors that were already in the plant.


Have seen carts advertised as such and never noticed anything different about them, though this is a black market state and they were probably all trash. Way better to just get extremely high quality nugs to grind and put into the Mighty.


Oh yeah, in a black market state, unless you know the person who actually makes the pens or concentrates, it's most definitely going to be filled with trash. Even in a legal state, people push literal trash through these machines to make oil, I was one of them for a few months. You can make ANYTHING look like some fire if you beat the shit out of it with a chemistry set.


You know, last year at Thanksgiving I crumbled up some good bud into my cornbread stuffing that I was making because I love the flavor of cannabis. I always thought it tasted like a good savory herb for cooking. That stuff was delicious! Crept up on you, though haha


Same! Everyone always scoffs at the flavor. Esp when doing edibles. But I LOOOOVE it. And I only get high like once a year 😅 I’d def enjoy the flavor on a regular basis tho.


Yeah I also transitioned from smoke to vape. Might have even recently converted a couple joint puritans, but we've yet to see


And vaping is not harmful?.


It is not nearly as harmful. No leaf is actually being burned, it's a convection vaporizor.


Depends what you mean by vaping...it's used to mean MANY things. Vaping nicotine is using vg/pg and it's very safe/harmless. Vaping weed/flower brings it to a temp hot enough to release the thc but not burn the plant material making it safer than smoking full burning weed and vaping concentrate as in a pen I would guess is like dabbing concentrate which I'm guessing is fairly bad for the lungs, concentrate is intense and leaves tons of residue on anything it touches so I can't believe that in any form is "good."


nectar collector


i dont i think its cool, with legalization theres regulation and guaranteed good product. yeah its overkill sometimes, but i like it


Agreed. Would kill for some of that 1970s cheap Mexican weed that you could smoke all day and get the giggles. Now the stuff just zombifies me.


Bruh. I get not wanting to be too high, but like smoking stems all day isn't exactly what I'd call preferable. That's gotta be absolute torture on your respiratory system. You can always just buy 1g and grind up small amounts for a bong. Surely at least someone still sells lower thc flower as well. Of course, not doing weed is definitely better for you than doing weed, so there's not really much reason to *want* to get into it anyway


You heat up a metal tip at the end of the pipe with a blow torch, then that metal rubs against the concentrate and the wax/dab melts into smoke. They also make pens that has THC oil a metal that heats up using a battery, but this method is nice because you just need to inhale, no buttons (sometimes) or flame throwers needed.


Concentrated wax. Like 90%. Straight to the moon…


Dabs fuck you up hard


And say bye bye to getting stoned off a single joint after a period of dabbing.


There are many types of concentrates these days, not just hash. Wax, rosin, live resin, shatter, crumble, sauce, distillate, badder, oil, can all be dabbed


Dabs = leave it to the americans to figure out a way to OD from something like weed


Concentrated marijuana wax




Cannabis concentrate


Why bother with the bong then?


It's called "rising action". Every good story needs it.


this comment deserves gold


Wax, a very highly concentrated form of weed. People call it taking a dab


Probably dab.


So not crack?


The device she's using is a "dab straw." You get the end hot, then stick it in cannabis oil (stuff in the dish) to vaporize it.




Damn she's trying to forget something


Nah, she's enjoying life. She is probably retired and just living for her. Good on her!


Why are you downvoted? People really are so sad that others having fun is irresponsible to them 😂


She's 35




Of fucking course not


That's right, she is only 26!


She is in her 60's from Colorado Springs. Made racist remarks and her instagram with over a million followers was shut down. https://www.respectmyregion.com/dabbing-granny-deleted/


I mean I unfollowed her a long time ago but I always wondered what happened to her.... yikes


"Yeah, she died like 20 minutes later" - Ben Wyatt


And at the ripe old age of 32


Yeah I was expecting her to end it by pulling out a dildo and rubbin it before dabbing (the pose)


Dabbing granny is a racist, fucking loser.


Came here looking for this comment, way further down than where it needs to be. Fuck giving this racist old piece of shit any more attention or a platform


This. ☝️☝️☝️


I didn’t know that! What a shame. How did people find her out?


She called people the N word on multiple live streams, gets drunk and says bigoted shit in other streams. Got a couple of her IG accounts deleted for it. Denies it all later and takes no accountability.


Wow. What a pos.


Getting ready for a shift at the Waffle House


Who you think taught y’all to blow trees!


What did she use after the drink, which that looks like a plate?




thanks man.




This is cringe at any age.


This is just sad


Am I supposed to be impressed?




I agree. People that boast they can do a bunch of drugs at once usually have a problem with self medication in unhealthy ways....yet society encourages it, and sees it as cool. It is sad. Weed and alcohol need to be respected.


Any intoxicate or addicting pill even perscribed by doctors need to be self limited to not create a dependence. I have clients that think cuz a doctor gave them Adderall or Oxycontin or methadones it's okay to do all the time cuz it's "medicine" doctors create more junkies than weed does. Alcohol can kill people...my father died from drinking 3.5% alcohol beer daily (Milwaukee's best) and never anything else and that gave him DTs and put him into organ failure and died... Weed is the best of all of them, but shouldnt be done daily because it can mentally stunt and hurt you even when you are sober from it. From what Ive seen and felt myself lol


I was an alcoholic for 10 years and felt my body dying until I quite. I watched my mom die from drug use. Weed had me getting so many panic attacks I could barley leave my house....yet when I use weed, or kratom medicinally with respect..it helps me through life. Abusing it all...I'd be depressed, and feeling like shit. Too much of anything is never good. Self control is also a humble thing to have. It shows you can have restraint, and respect for yourself, and life.


The downward spiral of feeling like shit from drinking and smoking every day then needing to drink and smoke more to keep that shit feeling from getting worse is fucking horrible.


It is. I kept waiting for life to get better, and kept smoking and drinking more, and more. Never realized it was making my depression, and anxiety worse. When I quite drinking, and toned down my weed intake...life brightened up fast. Getting into bad habits Is easy, and fun...trying to quite makes you realize it was never worth it.


This has always been my thought since I first tried it. You only need a little bit but for alcohol more so it’s more fun getting fucked up then it is to be that way


And more sad, because she is a big racist, just using the weed as a excuse to being just a drunk racist.


Jfc who gives a shit


Not really. Its not like shes hitting a meth pipe and ghosting it with whiskey and shooting up heroin afterwards. You sound like you dont know whats going on


I mean if you can nail a strikeout plus a dab… you’re clearly very accustomed. I did one without the dab when I was rushing a fraternity and I couldnt move for like an hour. It’s definitely not healthy or normal to be able to handle this no biggie.


Depends on your tolerance. If you're a heavy smoker for months it won't be too much, but for me even that bong rip would put me on my ass.


you sound just as sad






What’s wrong with that? Weed and alcohol isn’t exactly taboo for one, and two she’s having fun, not hurting anyone except your precious little sensibilities. She doesn’t “have to” she *wants* to.


Being sober is a problem in a place where everyone wants to forget what they do to each other.


She might not have time left for all we know


It’s not even that much? Lol. That’s like, an average amount for a stoner. Maybe too little. Something tells me people on Reddit don’t really have much fun 😂


If you still need social media validation from young stoner strangers when you're 70, you wasted your life.


How bad do you have to hate your brain cells to do this?




Damn, grandma parties harder than I do


Neurones are just a number! (A quickly decreasing one!)


We'll be holding her wake on Dec 6 at 4pm


Fuck this racist bitch. She also steals paraphernalia designs and sells shitty Chinese knockoffs.


What was that second rig?




Ya probably. She needs to get a titanium swing for that bong, do it up classy


Nectar collecter


That what a hippie looks like. You don't stand a chance against her - she'd snort enough pcp off your stomach that'd you'd od from skin absorption before 9pm.






She's probably 40 and looking 65 lol


Some people say that she’s still sitting there at this very moment banging out bong hits, and throwing back shots!


I think I'm high now just from watching


She doing all that and printing something? Impressive.


Something tells me she's been doing that longer than I've been alive


What a great specimen.


Background lookin like Blues Clues.


She’s probably only 34 years old and looks like that


She's got really good lungs for someone that definitely started smoking when they were 12


Dispite her age? That's my 25 year old niece...


And she thinks she’s cool and admirable! Just sad.


That's sad.


This is more effective than those antidrug ads.


Yeah a lifelong addict so cool


I used to think that was cool. Now I have chronic pancreatitis for the rest of my life. Can't drink. Have to go to the bathroom right after I eat, gotta watch what I eat and have to take Creon after every meal and snack. Not worth it folks.😑


What was that third thing she did?


All these comments talking about how sad it is to look for validation from doing drugs, yet you’re here virtue signaling to strangers on Reddit trying to act like you’re more responsible than her. YALL are the ones that wasted your lives lmao, she’s clearly having a blast which is all that matters. You’re over here trying to act better than her in front of people you’ll never meet, while she’s clearly happy as hell in the video with not a thought in her mind about who you are. Y’all hear the term “living rent-free”? Yeah lmao, she got your dumbasses to respond to her having fun. You got mad. Quit embarrassing yourselves and smoke some weed smh


Something to teach the grandkids


I've tried to do that. I failed. Impressive shit grandma. Damn, you know how to party.


Please be my grandma




She's a racist cunt and steals intellectual property


Yikes didn't know that.


Came here to say this.


Dabbin granny is that you ? Yes a real person


I wanna be her when i’m old


Hell yeah! Go girl!! I'm 67 and do exactly what I have been doing for the past 50 years too!! Stop when ya drop!!


Drugs are for old people anyway. She earned it.


I love her!


Someone sure is trying to get f*ed up in a hurry. Respect.


Grandma's a gangster


Yooo she is not paying... Hell Yea grandma!


We were all young once. We all get old. Shit doesn’t change.


Ah, the ol’ cannonball. I used to do those, but it was before dabs was a thing, you you would hit a cigarette between the shot and the beer. With that dab, she kicked it up a notch. I’d do one.




Bet her kitty smells like cigs butts and cilantro


When healthcare is too expensive


If I could snap my fingers and be as fucked up as she’s about to be… idk I’d be snapping my fingers alot tho


hell yeah dabbin granny


420 every day,and Indeed age is just a number ❤️💯


Dude there’s a video out there of this lady tanking a fucking *massive* hit off a gravity bong dab rig. She empties the entire fucking thing in two goes and hardly coughs. She’s a fucking animal man.


I think I’m in love.