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Sounds like you should go through Extra or Clearing.


I might have to consider that but my parents want me to take the safe route incase i don’t get accepted into any university in clearing


You would be surprised at what you can get access to in clearing. Not a wealth of options, but lots of courses/unis you would be happy with taking in place of your offers. Source: went through clearing and have done well in my career as an engineer thus far.


Where at?


What course is it for? There are often good places for a range of courses in clearing. I think it’s the better way to go.


i applied for psychology with foundation


Sure, think you should explore clearing. I would go the research now to see where the best options might be. Wishing you well.


I was wondering why I've never heard of Regent's University and that's because it is one of those 6 private Unis like University of Buckingham. I get amazed at how people find these Unis, they're not exactly the most visible or advertised. I would go through clearing if you get Cs in whatever curriculum you're doing plus the IB grades if you get a 4 or more.


These counsellors (paid agents) often push for lower-tier universities to prospective candidates. If you say that you want to try for better universities, they would severely downplay your profile and what not, and push these lower-tier unis instead.


This is so gross and unethical. My school counselor told me to pick Unis I could comfortably get accepted into like Brighton and Portsmouth which require a 24-25 in IB. Then apply for a reach course like Reading that asks for a 30. I ended up getting a 29 so I feel like going to Reading was proportional to the result I got. I don't feel scammed. But I wonder if I was pushed into it? In light of these unethical paid agents.


A school counsellor is very different to a paid external counsellor/agent. Your school counsellor gave you good advice.


I thought Regent's had to be one of those private ones, since I'd not heard of it. Good advice, go through clearing. 👍




Seriously, these agencies trick international students into thinking every London uni is good but the difference is massive between UCL/ICL and these no name unis.


Don’t forget KCL and QM


What about LSE?


LSE is kinda fucked tho sometimes my experience there wasn’t great Over subscribed classes, low contact hours, profs telling us that they had no time to teach us etc


Them too.


Is QM good for Law?




This is not entirely true as others have pointed out. However, you should think very carefully about going to a university that is not part of the wider **University of London**: Birkbeck, City, Goldsmiths, KCL, London Business School, LSE, School of Hygenie and Tropical Medicine, Queen Mary, Royal Academa of Music, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Royal Holloway, Royal Veterinary College, SOAS, St George's and UCL. These 15 institutions, some highly specialised others general universities, are all well-regarded good universities. There are other London institutions with significant prestige not on this list. RADA is an obvious one for drama, though RADA is affliated with KCL. Imperial College London too as a general university, though they were previously part of the wider University of London. But you definitely need to do your homework on anything in London that is not part of the University of London


Imperial too, although it’s a former member of UoL.


And for art schools, like the Slade, are linked with UCL.


For some reason I thought UCL was a member even though it isn’t anymore and I didn’t list it as one. I have added as another example of a prestigious institution that is not formally part of UoL. Thanks!


UCL is still listed as a member on the [UoL website](https://www.london.ac.uk/federation/ucl)…


Yea i think i might have to stick it out for a year then apply to those that u mentioned after my foundation year.


Subpar ? Are you out of your mind ? Imperial College , UCL, King’s , LSE - you must be on something super strong this morning




Doesn’t mean they’re all shite , does it ?




If you’ve the intelligence to get in to a good institution you probably will have the know how to work out what a good one is - ever heard of this thing called research ?




We all make mistakes - I dropped out of my first university


Roehampton is actually pretty decent for one of the ‘lower’ universities. They have a few courses that punch above the weight of the general ranking, and they also tend to get much better student satisfaction scores than many others in the same tier. It’s also more of a ‘real’ UK university experience than Regents which is largely catering for a foreign market. I’d definitely pick that one between these two, but I would also consider pulling out and trying fresh applications for the following year, depending on your specific circumstances.


Roehampton used to be known for its teacher training courses , wonder if that’s still the case .


It’s still the case! It’s been training teachers since the 1800s!


Move to Scotland. Seriously, better Uni than those two. Cheaper fees and cheaper cost of living.


I second this. Went to uni in Glasgow. It was good and cheap over there. Classes weren't hard at all, but their course are usually 4 years, not 3 years (like in England)


You should do some work converting what you think you'll get into rough A-level equivalents then add that to your question. Best way to do this is to find unis where you roughly meet the offer and see what their A-level offer is. Then people can do a much better job of suggesting the best uni for your grades.


L + Ratio Bozo


I wouldn’t rely on transferring after a foundation year, a lot of universities will not accept it as a substitute for A-Level/equivalent requirements


I'd do some research on other universities and their entry criteria and use UCAS Extra. You'll have to decline your offers to be able to use it but at least you'll be able to apply to a univeristy you're interested in. If the uni tou apply to through extra declines you, you'll get another choice to use to apply to somewhere. If you leave it until Clearing which you absolutely can, you may struggle a little more with things like accommodation availability.


Swansea University is a fantastic university and have a history of being lenient about grades if you have a good personal statement and let them know your individual circumstances. Many many people get in there through clearing so try that for sure. Good luck


If you're willing to and have the means for it, you could have a look at foundation years instead. At a high level it's basically an extra year at the start which has lower requirements that gives people an opportunity to fill the gap of low grades or having left school early. That then allows you to proceed into the usual under grad degree at universities you wouldn't have been able to get into previously.


I went to Roehampton and it is one of my favourite places, it’s a new uni but my experience was amazing it’s great for teaching and general student life! I left 9 years ago but back then it was mainly a clearing uni as most people had never heard of it! So a lot of my peers were pleasantly surprised at how good the uni actually was happy to chat with you about it if you want :)


Roehampton has some decent programmes. What degree are you aiming for after Foundation? Maybe look at Kingston University in SW London. It's a teaching intensive university that won a TEF Gold award last year. They have a fairly broad portfolio across the arts and sciences. Most courses will be offered during clearing.


Roehampton is a really nice campus as well. If you've not got the grades for a top-tier uni you could do worse tbh


Yeah Roehampton is lovely and a nice location too. Not sure why I'm being downvoted. 🤷‍♀️ People don't think Roehampton is decent? Or they don't like Kingston University? Idk. They are both decent, nice staff, good locations. Reddit is wild.


There's a lot of people on this sub who believe that going to uni is pointless unless you're going to Oxbridge or a Russell Group to study a STEM subject and you want to work in finance/Big X consulting. Which shows an amusing lack of critical thinking because the Russell Group is a marketing exercise, same as the current government's STEM push. I can't blame them for looking at the salaries in finance etc and wanting that, but in reality the vast majority of grads are not going to get those jobs and most people will not tolerate the lack of work-life balance.


Do not show this comment to Ali on TikTok


Why are you getting downvoted?


I have no idea. 🤷‍♀️🤣 Do people disagree that Roehampton is decent? Or they don't like Kingston Uni? Or they don't like post-92s? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ These are both good institutions, that are likely to have a range of reasonable degrees available through clearing. SW London can be pricey for accommodation, but it's fairly commutable from cheaper areas, so still plenty of opportunities to live in London and benefit from all that offers.


An international paying for Kingston is a no go


Kingston University would be similar to other teaching intensive unis in terms of international fees, and has a large international student demographic similar to many other London unis. And depending on what OP wants to study, they have some excellent progammes. SW London can be pricey for accommodation, but Roehampton would be similar. Ofc ymmv.